cannot connect mongodb with ssh when ran as service - node.js

I am running mongodb on AWS.
When I do sudo service mongod start mongo runs at port 27017 and the data communication between the app and the db works flawlessly. However, I cannot connect to it with MongoDB Compass SSH connection. It says Error creating SSH Tunnel: (SSH) Channel open failure: Connection refused.
When I check netstat port 27017 is being listened fine. Also I cannot launch another instance of mongo because the port is already being listened.
Funny thing is that if I stop the serivce by going sudo service mongod stop and if I don't run it as a service but just run it on the terminal by going sudo mongod, I can connect via SSH just fine. Why is this?


SSH tunnle to mongodb using mongodb connection string

Thought it should be straight forward but I have a very hard time figuring out the following:
I got mongodb connection string: mongodb://user:password#
I want to be able to connect to mongo from localhost at port 1234 by doing: mongo localhost:1234
The solution is to create a tunnel, but nothing I do works for me.
I tried the following command:
ssh -L 1234:localhost:27017 user:password# -p 27017
Please help me understand what I am doing wrong.
You need to have a unix user on
ssh -L 1234:localhost:27017 UNIXuser#
Then your local mongodb connection string is : mongodb://user:password#localhost:1234/?authSource=admin
MongoDB and ssh use different protocols, so you can't use ssh to connect directly to a mongod process.
If you want to use an ssh tunnel you will first need to have an account on the destination machine, and use that account's credentials with ssh to connect to port 22 (assuming default port). The mongod username/password will probably not be valid for ssh.
Once the tunnel is established, you would connect to the local port using a driver or mongo shell using the connection string:

HiveMQ systemctl service not listening to port

I am trying to set up HiveMQ on my Amazon EC2 instance (ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20170414) using this guide:
After installing I can succesfully run HiveMQ using:
Change directory to HiveMQ directory cd /opt/hivemq
Execute startup script ./bin/
HiveMQ will start running, and listening to port 1883 and I can connect and subscribe to the broker.
When I run HiveMQ as a systemctl service:
For Debian-based linux like Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian using systemd systemctl enable hivemq
It starts as a service withoutany issues
However, when running netstat -an|grep 1883 it does not show any activity. HiveMQ do not seem to listen to any ports and I can not connect with my MQTT client. What could be the issue?
without any additional information my guess would be an issue with permissions.
chown -R hivemq:hivemq /opt/hivemq (changing the owner of the hivemq folder to the hivemq user)
will resolve this issue

Socket connection into Docker initially succeeds then fails

Running under MacOS I am connecting from a node.js app with net.Socket() into a Docker container running on the same host, which contains a C++ sockets server under Centos. The Docker run command is:
docker run -it --rm -p 14000-14010:14000-14010 -v /Users/me/Development/spdz:/spdz spdz/spdzdev
When the c++ server in docker is not running, I see a successful connection in node followed 3ms later by a socket closed message.
It appears as if a proxy in front of the container is accepting the request, passing it through to Docker where it is rejected. However this leads to erroneous messages in my front end application which thinks the connection was successful, only to find out later it was not.
I would like to see a simple connection declined. Any suggestions as to how this may be remedied or better understood would be helpful.
I am confident that the behaviour is introduced by Docker, as running the components outside Docker gives the expected immediate failure on connection. Also I have tried mapping the exported ports to an external network interface rather than localhost but see the same behaviour.
I suggest that you check that if the error is not coming from your server application.
You can use netcat command line to open a socket on your Docker container
nc -l 14000
This will create a TCP server socket listening on port 14000.
Then, from your host computer (MacOs), open a terminal and try to connect with telnet
telnet -e q localhost 14000

Error remote access MongoDB on Ubuntu server

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 Linux server with MongoDB 3.2.4 running at Digital Ocean as a droplet (one-click Apps).
Pinging the server works (droplet is distroyed after posting this):
I created database test and user:
db.createUser({"user": "test", "pwd": "test", "roles": ["dbOwner"]})
In mongod.conf I changed bindIp: and restarted mongoDB
I disabled the firewall and reboot the server. Just for test, just to prove iptables is not the issue (don't do this on a regular server):
sudo ufw disable
The problem is I can't get remote access to the mongo Database
mongo -u "test" -p "test"
Error message (connection refused):
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to:
2016-05-11T22:05:35.876+0200 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, reason: errno:61 Connection refused
2016-05-11T22:05:35.879+0200 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed :
exception: connect failed
First run netstat on the mongo machine to verify that the port 27021 is open. netstat -anp should do it.
Then do "telnet 27021" to make sure it is open.
Once you are sure the port is open, then use telnet 27021 to verify you can connect to the mongo machine on port 27021. If you can, then it has something to do with your app. If not then something is blocking the connection. Some firewall or something. Are you on aws?
As per netstat, can you try mongo -u "test" -p "test"

postgres connection refused in ubuntu

getting an error while connecting remotely and the error says something like
could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x0000274C/10060) Is the server running on host x and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
please help me out
Open your terminal and write
service postgresql status
If it says it is not running than write
service postgresql start
If the service is already running then check the listening port of your postgresql service via
netstat -an | grep postgresql
and the result will show the port it is listening.And then you can connect your database with the command
psql -h localhost -p port_you_found -U postgres
