NetSuite Suite script - all columns for object - netsuite

Is there a function in Suitescript using which we would get all the fields or columns belonging to the object (i.e. location, account, transaction etc.)

You can use the function getAllFields() of the record to retrieve all the fields for that record.
var fields = nlapiGetNewRecord().getAllFields()
// loop through the returned fields
var field = record.getField(fieldName);
var fieldlabel = field.getLabel();
//do something here
you can also get the list of available fields for a record here


Get SharePoint item from document library based on custom metadata

I am storing metadata with my documents and folders in SharePoint. This metadata includes an itemid which is a unique identifier from the system it came from. Is there a way to retrieve the item from SharePoint using Graph API by specifying the itemid in the metadata?
This query works for properties that Microsoft provides like name:{siteid}/drive/root/children?$filter=name eq 'Z'
But if I try it with the custom property then I simply get an empty result:{siteid}/drive/root/children?$filter=itemid eq 'Z'
Is there a way to query documents and folders with custom properties like this?
Here is the code used to update the field on the document in SharePoint using Graph API:
public FieldValueSet UpdateListItem(string siteId, string driveId, string fileItemId, Dictionary<string, object> additionalData)
var updateFileTagsRequest = graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives[driveId].Items[fileItemId].ListItem.Fields.Request();
var fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet { AdditionalData = additionalData };
var result = updateFileTagsRequest.UpdateAsync(fieldValueSet).Result;
return result;
The dictionary values being passed to the UpdateListItem method are strings and look like this: "ItemId", "A unique value"

Netsuite email template - how to get child values from custentity field?

I'm writing an email template for the invoices. On the invoice form I have a "Project" (internalId: Job) field -> on the "Project" form I have a "custom entity" field with employee-type. I can get an employee's name with ${transaction.job.custentity5}. But I can't get access to related fields such as email, phone number and etc. The code ${} gives me nothing. The code ${transaction.job.custentity5.mobilephone} gives me a strange error like "field job.mobilephone not found" (netsuite hides custentity5 in this objects chain), but I see this field in employee's profile.
How do i get child values from custentity field?
Unfortunately, you can't go into such a deep level with the standard data provided.
You can however fetch the data with a search.lookupFields during a beforeLoad and set it as default value on a custom field of the form.
* #NApiVersion 2.x
* #NScriptType UserEventScript
define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/search'], function(serverWidget, search) {
function beforeLoad(context) {
var invoice = context.newRecord;
var form = context.form;
var type = context.type;
var UserEventType = context.UserEventType;
// only execute during printing...
if (type != UserEventType.PRINT) return
var jobID = invoice.getValue({fieldId: 'job'});
// return when no job/project is set on the invoice...
if (!jobID) return
var job = search.lookupFields({
type: search.Type.JOB,
id: jobID,
columns: ["custentity5"]
// return when no employee is set on the project...
if (!(job.custentity5 && job.custentity5[0] && job.custentity5[0].value)) return
var employee = search.lookupFields({
type: search.Type.JOB,
id: job.custentity5[0].value,
columns: ["email", "phone"]
var field = form.addField({
id : 'custpage_custom_data_employee',
label: 'Employee',
type : serverWidget.FieldType.LONGTEXT
field.defaultValue = JSON.stringify(employee);
return {
beforeLoad: beforeLoad
You can access the data within the template through:
<#if record.custpage_custom_data_employee?has_content>
<#assign employee = record.custpage_custom_data_employee?eval />
Netsuite doesn't drill down that far for you. Generally you get one step away from the primary record so you see a name using ${transaction.job.custentity5} because you'd see a name if you opened the associated job record.
How you can show the details from custentity5 depends on a bunch of factors like who is sending this email? Is is special enough to have its own button? Is the email being sent batch etc.
A before load user event script can check whether the record is being printed or emailed the standard way. That script can load and populate custom fields on the main record so you may be able to reference ${transaction.custpage_ent5.mobilephone} where you'd added the job's custom entity to the transaction
fully script your email using n/Render. You'll likely need to script everything but you can look up and add arbitrary records and datastructures to your renderer. This would be triggered by a custom button or batched script.

Record Id and Type coming as null when I get the result from a saved search in a suitscript

I have a saved search already in my sandbox account.I am not sure on what record the saved search is created. I tried loading the saved search as :
var savedSearch = nlapiLoadSearch("item", searchId);
var resultset = savedSearch.runSearch();
resultset.getResults(0, 1000);//Actually I have looped and got all my search results.
When I run it on the debugger I get to see the results in the columns correctly, but I see the recordId and recordType of the savedsearch result is null. I want to have the recordtype, so that I can load that particular record as required.
Attached is a screenshot of the debugger results in variables section.
If the methods Eric mentions are returning nulls the your search is probably using aggregates like count and sum.
You can get internal id by including internal id as a group field and you can include type as a group field too but you can't use it directly like you can results[i].getRecordType()
nlobjSearchResult Objects have getId() and getRecordType() methods for this purpose.
For example, if you store your results in an Array called searchResults:
function printResult(result) {
var recordId = result.getId();
var recordType = result.getRecordType();
// ...

querying the System Notes in Netsuite

I have been looking for a way to pull the records in the System Notes in NetSuite. The lines below throw an 'INVALID_RCRD_TYPE' error:
var columns = new Array();
columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid').setSort();
var results = nlapiSearchRecord('systemnote', null, null, columns);
I wonder how to reference the System Notes as the first argument of nlapiSearchRecord API. Obviously, it's not called systemnote.
A similar question has been posted here but the System Notes has been incorrectly referenced there.
systemnotes aren't available as record type which is evident from the record browser link
However, you can still get system notes fields using join searches on any record type in NetSuite
x = nlapiSearchRecord('vendor', null, null,
[new nlobjSearchColumn('date', 'systemNotes'),
new nlobjSearchColumn('name', 'systemNotes'), // Set By
new nlobjSearchColumn('context', 'systemNotes'),
new nlobjSearchColumn('newvalue', 'systemNotes'),
new nlobjSearchColumn('oldvalue', 'systemNotes'),
x[0].getValue('name', 'systemNotes'); //gives the set by value
Thanks for your responses guys. I finally managed to query the System Notes using the code below. I thought I should share it in case someone else wants to accomplish the same job. I created a RESTlet in NetSuite using the below code that returns the list of merged customer records merged after a given date.
I created a new search with ID customsearch_mergedrecords and in Criteria tab, added a filter on 'System Notes: NewValue' where the description is 'starts with Merged with duplicates:' and in the Results tab, I added the columns I needed.
Note that you need to create the new search on Customer, not on System Notes. System Notes is hooked up in the search using join (the second argument in nlobjSearchFilter constructor).
function GetMergedRecordsAfter(input) {
var systemNotesSearch = nlapiLoadSearch('customer', 'customsearch_mergedrecords');
var filters = new Array();
filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('date', 'systemNotes', 'notbefore', input.fromdate));
var resultSet = systemNotesSearch.runSearch();
var searchResultJson = [];
resultSet.forEachResult(function (searchResult){
var searchColumns = resultSet.getColumns();
ID: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[0]),
Name: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[1]),
Context: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[2]),
Date: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[3]),
Field: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[4]),
NewValue: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[5]),
OldValue: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[6]),
Record: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[7]),
Setby: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[8]),
Type: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[9]),
InternalId: searchResult.getValue(searchColumns[10])
return true;
return searchResultJson;

NetSuite: Create WorkOrder and Sublist with SuiteScript

NetSuite newbie here.
I have a SuiteScript that loads the results of a sales order query and then creates a work order for each of those results.
Is it possible to also create sublist items in the same stroke or will I have to load each new workorder and then create it that way? If so, any code samples for that? My little script is below.
I have attempted things with insertLineItem and nlapiSelectNewLineItem but no luck so far.
function example1() {
var arrSearchResults = nlapiSearchRecord(null, 'searchID', null,
for ( var i in arrSearchResults) {
var searchResult = arrSearchResults[i];
// create work order records
var recWorkOrder = nlapiCreateRecord('workorder');
recWorkOrder.setFieldValue('quantity', '8');
recWorkOrder.setFieldValue('assemblyitem', itemInternalId);
// recWorkOrder.setFieldValue('options', internalId);
//Create sublist items here?
var kilroy = 'was here';
Your approach is pretty good and there is no way to update everything in one shot analogous to a SQL statement or something.
The only thing I see about your SuiteScript is that two parts would be in a different order. You'd create your sublist records then you have to submit the sublist. After submitting the sublist then you submit the work order.
So like this:
... snipped above no changes
// recWorkOrder.setFieldValue('options', internalId);
//Create sublist items here?
//Submit the sublist records
//Submit the work order last to finalize the transaction
var kilroy = 'was here';
