Issue with h:form - Returning 404 when submitting through h:commandbutton - jsf

I am working on a JSF (2.2) application. I am seeing some weird behavior working with h:form and h:commandbutton.
Issue - I have following code in say searchRecord.xhtml -
<!-- Input fields -->
<h:commandbutton type="submit" value="Search" title="Search" action="#{}"/>
The issue I am facing is when I click on submit button, it shows 404-page not found with URL pointing to current page. It is not executing the specified bean action.
I tried to debug this. When the form is getting translated into HTML, the form is getting generated with method="post" action="/MyApplication/WEB-INF/searchRecord.xhtml" (which looks to be the correct behaviour). Still, on clicking the button, I am getting 404.
Can anyone please help me figuring out what is the issue? I wasted my weekend figuring this out but in vain.
IDE - Eclipse
JSF Version - Mojarra 2.2.8
Directory structure of my project is -
- Java Resource
----src -> contains java files
- WebContent
---- WEB-INF
------facelets -> contains *.xhtml files
------resources -> contains img, css and JS files in respective folders
- index.xhtml
I access my application using a launchHandler servlet which validates the request parameters and forward to searchRecord.xhtml.
I am able to see searchRecord.xhtml. but Now when I click , I am getting 404.
As a standard, we are required to use servlet and then forward accordingly.

I found solution for my problem. The issue here was the wrong directory structure (Somehow I missed the point that resources under /WEB-INF are not reachable by URL. Thanks to #BalusC for pointing this out!!!). Based on the answers on below post -
JSF files inside WEB-INF directory, how do I access them?
Which XHTML files do I need to put in /WEB-INF and which not?
I restructured my projects as follows -
My Application
|- Java Resource
|----src -> contains java files
|- WebContent
|---- META-INF
|---- Resources -> contains img, css and JS files in respective folders
|---- JSF
| |--Contains client .xhtml files
|---- WEB-INF
| |--template -> contains the master templates for my application
| |--web.xml
|---- index.xhtml
Now the navigation is happening as expected and all the pages are displayed.
I am also planning to use JSF 2.2 configuration parameter and put resources under WEB-INF.


OmniFaces CDNResourceHandler could not find resources when not included locally

I'm using OmniFaces CDNResourceHandler to point my resources to a CDN, instead of local files.
I added this line in my XHTML file: <h:outputStylesheet library="twitter-bootstrap" name="bootstrap.min.css" />
And my faces-config.xml have this line:
And I'm getting this error when access the page:
Unable to find resource twitter-bootstrap, bootstrap.min.css
Note: When I access the file at https://somehost/twitter-bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css I can download the file properly.
I'm using Mojarra under Wildfly configured to Development stage.
The resource handler is properly configured at faces-config.xml file.
I did some tests, and I notice that the error doesn't occurs if I create an empty file bootstrap.min.css under WEBAPP_FOLDER/resources/twitter-bootstrap. If I delete the file, the errors occurs again.
Even I use CDN, do I need to keep resources locally?
The CDNResourceHandler is primarily intented to move auto-included JSF resources to a CDN, such as jsf.js file from <f:ajax>, or primefaces.js and jquery.js from PrimeFaces, or to automatically switch to a CDN when installed in production.
You don't need it in your case with a permanent CDN resource. Just use plain <link>.
<link rel="stylesheet" src="https://somehost/twitter-bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" />
This is also explicitly mentioned in the CDNResourceHandler documentation.
For non-JSF resources, you can just keep using plain HTML <script> and <link> elements referring the external URL
Update: as you're not the first one who wondered about this, I've as per issue 122 bypassed this technical restriction for OmniFaces 2.6. In other words, you do not necessarily need a local resource anymore.

does not display the result (Java)

Hello trying to figure out the Jsf (primefaces) and little that goes viz. Compiled war archive in maven try to run through the Glassfish, the server starts but in the beginning writing "Artifact qwe-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war: Server is not connected. Deploy is not available." But in the late writes "Artifact qwe-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war: Artifact is being deployed, please wait... Artifact is deployed successfully." It seems like everything is normal, then opened my page in the browser is empty although in my index.xhtm and my pom.xml and web.xml link pastebin
and should be a button with styles that are connected in primefaces tell me if I'm doing something wrong?
here's a screenshot of the result in the browser. link1
<p:button outcome="productDetail" value="Bookmark" icon="ui-icon-star"> targets you to the productDetail page. If you do not have productDetail.xhtml page at the currect path, the index.xhtml page cannot resolve NavigationCase for outcome. Thus, Create page productDetail.xhtml and put into the same directory of index.xhtml.
In addition, You should use JSF Standard tags(h:head, h:body).

ExternalContext#getResourceAsStream() returns null, where to place the resource file?

I'm trying to obtain a PNG file as InputStream in my managed bean as below:
ExternalContext externalContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
InputStream input = externalContext.getResourceAsStream("/myFile.png");
// input is null.
However, the InputStream is always null. How is this caused and how can I solve it?
Apparently you placed the resource in physically the wrong location.
The ExternalContext#getResourceAsStream(), which delegates in case of servlet containers under the covers to ServletContext#getResoruceAsStream(), has its root in the web content of the WAR (the parent folder of /WEB-INF and /META-INF folders, thus the files therein are also available this way), and the /META-INF/resources folder of all JARs in /WEB-INF/lib. In case of a JSF web application it are usually XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files.
In other words, it returns web resources. It doesn't return a disk file system resource, for that you need new FileInputStream() instead. It also doesn't return a classpath resource, for that you need ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream() instead. The classpath has its root in a.o. /WEB-INF/classes, all JARs in /WEB-INF/lib, and some VM/server-configured folders depending on the runtime environment.
In an usual web content file structure, the resource file has to be placed exactly here in order to obtain it the desired way:
| |-- faces-config.xml
| `-- web.xml
|-- myFile.png <-- Here.
getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream
Accessing properties file in a JSF application programmatically
Where to place and how to read configuration resource files in servlet based application?
How to get the root path of a web project in java EE

Can the index.xhtml be stored in an external JAR file? What would be its URL?

I'd like to have all the facelets and managed bean into one external jar, but if I put de index.xhtml there I don't konw how to reference it.
If the jar structure is:
What is its URL?
Assuming that the JAR is placed in webapp's /WEB-INF/lib folder and that you're using JSF 2.x and that webapp's context path is /contextpath, and the FacesServlet is mapped on an URL pattern of *.xhtml then you can reference it by the following URL:
See also
Structure for multiple JSF projects with shared code

Unable to navigate if i keep the .xhtml files in sub folder(other than the root folder) in JSF 2.0

I am new to JSF 2.0. I was practising the implementation of JSF 2.0. When i keep my A.xhtml file in the root folder and navigate to another B.xhtml file which is in subfolder in root folder, the page is navigating successfully. But when i am navigation from B.xhtml to any other file, it is showing page not found error. If i moved my B.xhtml file to the root folder , in this case i am able to navigate to another page.
Seems like it is with the problem of handling paths, when my .xhtml files are in sub folders other than directly in the root folder.
Please let me know where it is going wrong.
Your solution is greatly appreciated !!
I got the answer. I placed the sub folder in WEB-INF folder. Instead if i moved the subfolders to WebConent folder., it is working.
