How can I list all npm packages with above X downloads? - node.js

I'm looking for some API that allows you to request "names of all npm packages with above X downloads". A curl command to do this would be great but if someone knows where I can get the data I could write my own script for it.

A similar question has been asked before but nobody seems to have a nice answer for it. Most depended packages is easier if that also fits your need.
You can also use to query for stats for individual packages, though this probably isn't efficient enough.


create scafolding generators like react/open-wc using node

I am trying to create a project structure to my team like how it implemented by open-wc or create-react-app
just say npm init #open-wc and it asks couple of questions and creates the folder with specified configurations.
I didn't find good articles on google except exploring the github projects.
Maintainer of open-wc here :)
So to get an npm init script all you need to do is define a bin in your package.json.
This is what we use for npm init #open-wc:
"name": "#open-wc/create",
"bin": {
"create-open-wc": "./dist/create.js"
So then for the name you have 2 choices:
create-foo will be available via npm init foo
#foo/create will be available via npm init #foo
The generators itself
That's a rather sad story... we looked around but we didn't find anything that really fit our use case well. There is which we used initially but it's huge and it meant we had a bootup time of ~30-40 seconds before the menu appeared. We felt we needed to do something so now we roll our own solution.
It covers what we need now with a fraction of the size (especially by being very careful with dependencies) which reduced our bootup time to about ~5-10 seconds.
We thought about promoting it as a separate standalone project but truth be told we don't have the manpower for it. It's just 4 files you can find here - beware as there is no docu and quite some rough edges.
Still, if you don't find a better solution feel free to join us and with some help, we could make it a separate product.

Is it possible to profile only certain packages using GHC's profiler?

Is it possible to only generate cost-centres for functions defined in certain packages? I'm not sure if this question actually makes sense from a technical viewpoint, in that case please enlighten me. What I'm interested in, essentially, is to get profiler output that only shows cost-centres for bindings in my own packages. Is this possible?
Alternatively I'd like to be able exclude cost-centres from some packages. Is this possible?

npm how to commit package-lock.json if I did not use GitHub

I downloaded NodeJS and installed it on windows 10.
I updated npm using the npm install npm#latest -g command line
I neither used github nor anything else
I get the message "created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file".
What should I do to commit the file?
what happens when I commit it?
what happens if I don't commit it?
Please do not quote the npm documentation, as I read it serveral times and did not undestand it.
Thank you – jdubjdub & – SilverWolf - Reinstate Monica for your cogent remarks. Yours were the comments that led to my eventual comprehension; years after the fact for you, hours after the fact for me.
I know this is an old post and the OP and OC's are likely to never see this answer; I am dealing with this problem for the first time and have typed into the browser a reformulation of this very question many times today. I was near to trying the patience of some of the genuinely gifted people on Stack Overflow, attempting clarification for my own elementary version of the question.
I have finally come to recognise the term "commit" is not as alien as we thought. It is what we thought it might have been. It's the same as on github as when we commit anything that we have changed and want other contributors (or authors) to see.
I have a github account and git installed on my computer. After about an hour of docs and man pages I did not put all the dots together until I read the comments on this page and then it all finally just became so perfectly clear. Commit is the same concept on github as is being referenced in my terminal: npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file. And since I am not actively working on a project I can disregard the warning. Also, some argue the merit of ignoring it even if I were on production. But that's beyond the scope of this post.
Those whom only rarely use git or gitHub, have only the vaguest grasp on how one performs version control. The term "commit", even when mentioned frequently in answer, does not necessarily obviate all but the one meaning or action.
Our friends may not fully appreciate our incomprehension of the term "commit" in this context. We were thinking (in my naivete, at least I was) that there may be more than the one meaning to "commit" we are familiar with i.e. from github.
I guess these are just such a common abstract for anyone doing version control they assume since we've gotten this far we must grasp the nomenclature and are really puzzled by the deeper fundamental aspects of the underlying processes and procedures.
If you would like a more robust definition on exactly how (and why) to commit check this out: github:
I should note there are many free and paid version control tools available. Here is not an exhaustive list containing 15:
And here the github desktop app:

how to auto install npm packages on webpack

I want to automate some tasks that I do all the time and
so I have two questions:
can I have all my npm packages point to a cache location (in package.json)
so I don't have to download if I already have, while I develop (also to save space), but change it
back to component names when I deploy?
I wanted to do something with webpack where if you type 'require' in the
js files, it'll automatically "install" (with #1 method) the packages.
Can these be done? I want to automate lots of stuff that I'm doing and feel like this is a good starting point. Thanks in advance.
So, basically:
As Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans and Louy said, you don't need to care about the 're-downloads' of npm, since it already cares about it behind the scenes.
I stumbled upon the auto-install-webpack-plugin today while looking for something similar and it seems to be what you're describing. I haven't tested it yet, though.
I can edit this answer after testing it, but let me know if you do it first.

Haskell, Hackage, GHC and productivity. How to solve a real example?

I don't know the best way to solve a simple (probably) problems (hackage related).
I asked for help about it ( but I knew not explain well.
Today, I'm with a this kin problem.
The concrete problem isn't relevant, but is it:
`Write a function that, given a string, remove diacritics.`
`simpleWord "Cigüeñal" <-> "Ciguenal"
The correct way (I think) is to use the standard Unicode normalization. In some languages/frameworks (.Net, PHP, Python, ...) exist some related function.
In Haskell, thanks to hackage community exist too:
But, I couldn't install with (eg) ghc-7.4 but compact-string (that depends of) fail.
A fix for compact-string exists (compact-string-fix) then: can't I use cabal to install (directly)?, should I download and patch it?, should I look for another alternative to function about?
I explained a concrete real case (simple or complex, don't care), the question (that I ask help for) is how can, a novice haskeller, know the best way to select correct libraries, ghc correct (balanced) version, without hit a wall.
I'm really lost about it.
Really, thank you very much for any suggestion.
Best regards.
The documentation for compact-string says, "This package is obsolete. Use text instead.".
The documentation for text says, "To use an extended and very rich family of functions for working with Unicode text (including normalization, regular expressions, non-standard encodings, text breaking, and locales), see the text-icu package.".
The documentation for text-icu shows that it successfully builds on GHC 7.4 and has support for Unicode normalization.
Here's the general process I follow when deciding which packages to use. First, I try to identify multiple packages that meet my needs. Then I look more closely at each package to try to determine which ones are the best for me, according to the criteria listed below.
It's usually better to use packages that are currently maintained. To determine if a package is currently maintained, I check the "Upload date" link on the package description page. (Of course, there are some old tried-and-true packages that haven't been modified in ages because they don't need modification.)
It's usually better to use packages that are mature, so I check the version number on the package description page. A package with a version number of 7.3.5 is probably more mature than a version 0.1 package.
It's usually better to use packages that are well documented. Sometimes there's a nice example of how to use the package in the Haddock documentation (yay!). I'll also check the "Home page" link on the package description page, because often there will be more documentation there.
It's usually better to use packages that are popular, because any problems will probably be addressed quickly, and other users can answer questions. I'll usually do a Google search and see whch packages are mentioned most often on Haskell mailing lists and StackOverflow.
It's usually better to use packages that don't require a lot of packages I don't already have, so I check the "Dependencies" section on the package description page.
I tend to follow this procedure when choosing a package for any programming language, not just Haskell.
