Counter table in cassandra - cassandra

Whats the point of having no non-key column in cassandra counter table?
I have a table with some key and non key column but I cannot keep a counter column....although I want the rows to be sorted based on some counter(hits).
If I create a separate table for counter, how do I relate two table for sorting?
thanks in advance

Counters are a very different type of cell in cassandra internals. Everything about them is different than most other cassandra types. They require special care and it just isn't worth the complexity to be able to mix them in with other cells.
You can use the same primary key structure in two tables, one with counters and one with other cells/columns. You just can't have the other cells/columns in the counter table.


Cassandra - Same partition key in different tables - when it is right?

I modeled my Cassandra in a way that i have couple of tables with the same partition key - Uuid.
Each table has it's partition key and others column representing data for specific query i would like to ask.
For example - 1 table have Uuid and column regarding it's status (no other clustering keys in this table) and table 2 will contain the same Uuid (Also without clustering keys) but with different columns representing the data for this Uuid.
Is it the right modeling? Is it wrong to duplicate the same partition key around tables in order to group each table to hold relevant column for specific use case? or it preferred to use only 1 table and query them and taking the relevant data for the specific use case in the code?
There's nothing wrong with this modeling. Whether it is better, or worse, than the obvious alternative of having just one table with both pieces of data, depends on your workload:
For example, if you commonly need to read both status and data columns of the same uuid, then these reads will be more efficient if both things are in the same table, which only needs to be looked up once. If you always read just one but not both, then reads will be more efficient from separate tables. Also, if this workload is not read-mostly but rather write-mostly, then writing to just one table instead of two will be more efficient.

Trying to visual how wide and skinny rows are layed out

Can someone give and show me how the data is layed out when you design your tables for wide vs. skinny rows.
I'm not sure I fully grasp how the data is spread out with a "wide" row.
Is there a difference in how you can fetch the data or will it be the same i.e. if it is ordered it doesn't matter if the data is vertical (skinny) or horizontally (wide) organized.
Is a table considered with if the primary key consists of more than one column?
Or table will have wide rows only if the partition key is a composite partition key?
Wide... Skinny... Terms that make your head explode... I prefer to oversimplify the thing as such:
All the tables have wide rows
You simply need to take care of how wide the rows gets
This allows me to think this as follow (mangling a bit the C* terminology):
Number of RECORDS in a partition
1 <--------------------------------------- ... 2Billion
^ ^
Skinny rows wide rows
The lesser records in a partition, the skinner is the "partition", and vice-versa.
When designing for C* I always keep in mind a couple of things:
I want to use "skinny partitions" when my data can be fetched with one query and it is fully contained in one record of one partition. Typical example is something along SELECT * FROM table WHERE username = 'xmas79'; where the table has a primary key in the form of PRIMARY KEY (username)that let me get all the data belonging to a particular username.
I want to use "wide rows" when my data can be fetched with one query and it is fully contained on multiple records of one partition. Typical examples are range queries like SELECT * FROM table WHERE sensor = 'pressure' AND time >= '2016-09-22';, where the table has a primary key in the form of PRIMARY KEY (sensor, time).
So, first approach for one shot queries, second approach for range queries. Beware that this second approach have the (major) drawback that you can keep adding data to the partition, and it will get wider and wider, hurting performances.
In order to control how wide your partitions are, you need to add something to the partition key. In the sensor example above, if your don't violate your requirements of course, you can "group" some measurements by date, eg you split the measures in a day-by-day groups, making the primary key like PRIMARY KEY ((sensor, day), time), where the partition key was transformed to (sensor, day). By this approach, you have full (well, let's say good at least) control on the wideness of your partitions.
You only need to find a good compromise between your query capabilities and the desired performance.
I suggest these three readings for further investigation on the details:
Wide Rows in Cassandra CQL
Does CQL support dynamic columns / wide rows?
CQL3 for Cassandra experts
Beware that in the 1. there's a mistake in the second to last picture: the primary key should be
PRIMARY KEY ((user_id, tweet_id))
with double parenthesis around the columns instead of one.

what's the difference among row key, primary key and index in cassandra?

I'm so confused.
When to use them and how to determine which one to use?
If a column is index/primary key/row key, could it be duplicated?
I want to create a column family to store some many-to-many info, for example, one column is the given name and the other is surname. One given name can related to many surnames, and one surname could have different given names.
I need to query surnames by a given name, and the given names by a specified surname too.
How to create the table?
Cassandra is a NoSQL database, and as such has no such concept of many-to-many relationships. Ideally a table should not have anything other than a primary key. In your case the right way to model it in Cassandra is to create two tables, one with name as the primary key and the other with surname as the primary key
When you need to query by either key, you need to query the table that has that key as the primary key
From the Cassandra docs:
Cassandra's built-in indexes are best on a table having many rows that
contain the indexed value. The more unique values that exist in a
particular column, the more overhead you will have, on average, to
query and maintain the index. For example, suppose you had a races
table with a billion entries for cyclists in hundreds of races and
wanted to look up rank by the cyclist. Many cyclists' ranks will share
the same column value for race year. The race_year column is a good
candidate for an index.
Do not use an index in these situations:
On high-cardinality columns for a query of a huge volume of records for a small number of results.
In tables that use a counter column On a frequently updated or deleted column.
To look for a row in a large partition unless narrowly queried.

"Capped collections" in Cassandra

Cassandra doesn't have capped collections (or row size limits), but one way of simulating it is to use an offline mapreduce job clean up extra entries. Would it be better to have a second table that stores row counts for primary keys in another table? The downside is that you have to scan through the entire row_count table since counters aren't indexable. Or would it be faster to just scan over the backing table with the real data?
Or is there another technique I should look into?
Edit: I found this Columns count vs counter column performance. Row counts go over all the data, so I'm leaning away from that.

Cassandra ColumnFamily Counter Limitation

I'm trying to figure out the best schema for working with both counters and non-counting values. All these values are supposed to be in the same spot and I was going to work with wide columns but because Cassandra doesn't support a mixture of those types, that won't work.
Would I have to create a separate column family, one to hold the counters, and the other to hold other data types?
Yes you are absolutely correct in your understanding.
Always maintain separate column family for maintaining the counter. Also since in counter column familiy's new feature to have some normal column as a part of compound key gives us an added advantage.
Counter data type can't be used as a primary key.
All non-row key fields have to have counter data type.
