Working on spin and promela - model-checking

Firstly, I always get this problem of depth reached:0. I tried every possibility. Secondly, i want to reach those states mentioned in ltl formula. So is this syntax correct or not?

About the error
Spin clearly explains what is happening:
VECTORSZ too small, recompile pan.c with -DVECTORSZ=N with N>1024;
aborting (at depth 0)
that is why you get
State-vector 1024 byte, depth reached 0, errors: 1
So I would try with
gcc -DVECTORSZ=2048 -o pan pan.c
About the LTL formula
You have a lot of unnecessary brackets; you can write simpler:
<>( (m[7]==2) && (m[11]==1) && (m[20]==1) && (m[54]==1) & (m[57]==1) && (m[81]==1) )
So you have a pretty large array m, which explains why your state vector of 1024 bytes is not sufficient. A better solution than increasing the state vector would be decreasing the size of m if you can still check the property you are interested in with mabstracted in some way.
You write you "want to reach those states mentioned in your ltl formula". The ltl formula is checked for each path, so on each path a state must eventually be reached in which all clauses of your logical conjunction must hold. If you want to find a path that reaches a state in which all clauses of your logical conjunction hold, negate your ltl formula, i.e. []( disjunction of your negated clauses ), and look at the (end of your) counterexample path in case such a state is reachable.


Why has RISC-V output -1 or xFFFFFFFF from dividing by 0?

As i know, the result of dividing by 0 in RISC-V ist -1(signed), 0xFFFFFFFF(hex).
But i dont know the reason why the RISC-V outputs this code.
Also How is this procedure justified?
Thank you!
We considered raising exceptions on integer divide by zero, with these exceptions causing a trap in most execution environments. However, this would be the only arithmetic trap in the standard ISA (floating-point exceptions set flags and write default values, but do not cause traps) and would require language implementors to interact with the execution environment’s trap handlers for this case. Further, where language standards mandate that a divide-by-zero exception must cause an immediate control flow change, only a single branch instruction needs to be added to each divide operation, and this branch instruction can be inserted after the divide and should normally be very predictably not taken, adding little runtime overhead.
The value of all bits set is returned for both unsigned and signed divide by zero to simplify the divider circuitry. The value of all 1s is both the natural value to return for unsigned divide, representing the largest unsigned number, and also the natural result for simple unsigned divider implementations. Signed division is often implemented using an unsigned division circuit and specifying the same overflow result simplifies the hardware.

What is the behavior of the carry flag for CP on a Game Boy?

On the page 87 of the Game Boy CPU Manual it is claimed that the CP n instruction sets the carry flag when there was no borrow and that it means that A < n. This seems to conflict itself, because the carry flag is set when A > n.
An example: If A=0 and B=1, CP B sets the flags like SUB A, B, which is 0 - 1. This becomes 0 + 255 = 255 and the carry flag is not set, even though A < B.
I came across this same issue in other Z80 documents as well, so I don't believe this is a typo.
Am I misunderstanding how borrow and SUB work or is there something else going on? Is SUB not equal to ADD with two's complement in terms of flags?
The GameBoy CPU manual has it backwards. SUB, SBC and CP all set the carry flag when there is borrow. If SUB/SBC/CP A,n is executed then carry is set if n > A otherwise it is clear.
This is consistent with Z-80 (and 8080) operation. As well MAME and MESS implement carry the same way.

When will CPSR GE[3:0] bits be modified

I read in ARM docs that:
GE[3:0], bits[19:16]
The instructions described in Parallel addition and subtraction instructions on
page A4-171 update these flags to indicate the results from individual bytes or halfwords
of the operation. These flags can control a later SEL instruction.
So apparently GE[3:0] stands for "eq/lt/gt"?
I came into a couple of strange issues which I yet don't have a clue, but they all have CPSR value xxxf0030, so the GE bits are 0b1111? What does that stands for? Is it normal for these GE bits?
Thanks in advance!
In the ARMv7 ARM (which matches that text), the details of how the GE flags get set are only in the operation pseudocode of the parallel instructions themselves. Sadly, they seem to have removed this nice prose description which was in the ARMv6 ARM:
Instructions that operate on halfwords:
set or clear GE[3:2] together, based on the result of the top halfword calculation
set or clear GE[1:0] together, based on the result of the bottom halfword calculation.
Instructions that operate on bytes:
set or clear GE[3] according to the result of the top byte calculation
set or clear GE[2] according to the result of the second byte calculation
set or clear GE[1] according to the result of the third byte calculation
set or clear GE[0] according to the result of the bottom byte calculation.
Each bit is set (otherwise cleared) if the results of the
corresponding calculation are as follows:
for unsigned byte addition, if the result is greater than or equal to 2^8
for unsigned halfword addition, if the result is greater than or equal to 2^16
for unsigned subtraction, if the result is greater than or equal to zero
for signed arithmetic, if the result is greater than or equal to zero.
As arithmetic flags, they could have any old value (undefined at reset, and can be freely written to via APSR), so until you've specifically used one of the instructions which sets them, they're pretty much meaningless and can be ignored.

Haskell 'count occurrences' function

I implemented a count function in Haskell and I am wondering will this behave badly on large lists :
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count x = length . filter (==x)
I believe the length function runs in linear time, is this correct?
Edit: Refactor suggested by #Higemaru
Length runs in linear time to the size of the list, yes.
Normally, you would be worried that your code had to take two passes through the list: first one to filter and then one to count the length of the resulting list. However, I believe this does not happen here because filter is not strict on the structure of the list. Instead, the length function forces the elements of the filtered list as it goes along, doing the actual count in one pass.
I think you can make it slightly shorter
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count x = length . filter (x==)
(I would have written a (lowly) comment if I could)
That really depends on the list. For a normal, lazily evaluated list of Ints on my computer, I see this function running in about 2 seconds for 10^9 elements, 0.2 seconds for 10^8, and 0.3 seconds for 10^7, so it appears to run in linear time. You can check this yourself by passing the flags +RTS -s -RTS to your executable when running it from the command line.
I also tried running it with more cores, but it doesn't seem to do anything but increase the memory usage a bit.
An added bonus of the lazy computation is that you only make a single pass over the list. filter and length get turned into a single loop by the compiler (with optimizations turned on), so you save memory and efficiency.

No error message in Haskell

Just out of curiosity, I made a simple script to check speed and memory efficiency of constructing a list in Haskell:
wasteMem :: Int -> [Int]
wasteMem 0 = [199]
wasteMem x = (12432483483467856487256348746328761:wasteMem (x-1))
main = do
putStrLn(show (wasteMem 10000000000000000000000000000000000))
The strange thing is, when I tried this, it didn't run out of memory or stack space, it only prints [199], the same as running wasteMem 0. It doesn't even print an error message... why? Entering this large number in ghci just prints the number, so I don't think it's a rounding or reading error.
Your program is using a number greater than maxBound :: Int32. This means it will behave differently on different platforms. For GHC x86_64 Int is 64 bits (32 bits otherwise, but the Haskell report only promises 29 bits). This means your absurdly large value (1x10^34) is represented as 4003012203950112768 for me and zero for you 32-bit folks:
GHCI> 10000000000000000000000000000000000 :: Int
GHCI> 10000000000000000000000000000000000 :: Data.Int.Int32
This could be made platform independent by either using a fixed-size type (ex: from Data.Word or Data.Int) or using Integer.
All that said, this is a poorly conceived test to begin with. Haskell is lazy, so the amount of memory consumed by wastedMem n for any value n is minimal - it's just a thunk. Once you try to show this result it will grab elements off the list one at a time - first generating "[12432483483467856487256348746328761, and leaving the rest of the list as a thunk. The first value can be garbage collected before the second value is even considered (a constant-space program).
Adding to Thomas' answer, if you really want to waste space, you have to perform an operation on the list, which needs the whole list in memory at once. One such operation is sorting:
print . sort . wasteMem $ (2^16)
Also note that it's almost impossible to estimate the run-time memory usage of your list. If you want a more predictable memory benchmark, create an unboxed array instead of a list. This also doesn't require any complicated operation to ensure that everything stays in memory. Indexing a single element in an array already makes sure that the array is in memory at least once.
