Is there any provision of doing "INSERT IF NOT EXISTS ELSE UPDATE" in Spark SQL.
I have Spark SQL table "ABC" that has some records.
And then i have another batch of records that i want to Insert/update in this table based on whether they exist in this table or not.
is there a SQL command that i can use in SQL query to make this happen?

In regular Spark this could be achieved with a join followed by a map like this:
import spark.implicits._
val df1 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("id1", "orginal"), ("id2", "original"))).toDF("df1_id", "df1_status")
val df2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("id1", "new"), ("id3","new"))).toDF("df2_id", "df2_status")
val df3 = df1
.join(df2, 'df1_id === 'df2_id, "outer")
.map(row => {
if (row.isNullAt(2))
(row.getString(0), row.getString(1))
(row.getString(2), row.getString(3))
This yields:
| _1| _2|
|id3| new|
|id1| new|
You could also use select with udfs instead of map, but in this particular case with null-values, I personally prefer the map variant.

you can use spark sql like this :
select * from (select c.*, row_number() over (partition by tac order by tag desc) as
TAG_NUM from (
,0 as tag
from tableA a
union all
,1 as tag
from tableB b) c ) d where TAG_NUM=1
tac is column you want to insert/update by.

I know it's a bit late to share my code, but to add or update my database, i did a fuction that looks like this :
import pandas as pd
#Returns a spark dataframe with added and updated datas
#key parameter is the primary key of the dataframes
#The two parameters dfToUpdate and dfToAddAndUpdate are spark dataframes
def AddOrUpdateDf(dfToUpdate,dfToAddAndUpdate,key):
#Cast the spark dataframe dfToUpdate to pandas dataframe
dfToUpdatePandas = dfToUpdate.toPandas()
#Cast the spark dataframe dfToAddAndUpdate to pandas dataframe
dfToAddAndUpdatePandas = dfToAddAndUpdate.toPandas()
#Update the table records with the latest records, and adding new records if there are new records.
AddOrUpdatePandasDf = pd.concat([dfToUpdatePandas,dfToAddAndUpdatePandas]).drop_duplicates([key], keep = 'last').sort_values(key)
#Cast back to get a spark dataframe
AddOrUpdateDf = spark.createDataFrame(AddOrUpdatePandasDf)
return AddOrUpdateDf
As you can see, we need to cast the spark dataframes to pandas dataframe to be able to do the pd.concat and especially the drop_duplicates with the "keep = 'last'", then we cast back to spark dataframe and return it.
I don't think this is the best way to handle the AddOrUpdate, but at least, it works.


PySpark Partition Dataframe created from HiveContext

I'm fetching data from HiveContext and creating DataFrame. To achieve performance benefits I want to partition DF before applying join operation. How to parition data on 'ID' column and then apply Join on 'ID'
spark = SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
hiveCtx = HiveContext(spark)
df1 = hiveCtx.sql("select id,name,address from db.table1")
df2 = hiveCtx.sql("select id,name,marks from db.table2")
Need to perform following operarions on data
Dataframe partitionBy 'ID'
Join by 'ID'
You can use repartition.
Refer spark docs:
Based on your data size, choose the no.of.partition.
df1= df1.repartition(7, "id")

how to insert dataframe having map column in hive table

I have a dataframe with multiple columns out of which one column is map(string,string) type. I'm able to print this dataframe having column as map which gives data as Map("PUN" -> "Pune"). I want to write this dataframe to hive table (stored as avro) which has same column with type map.
Df.withcolumn("cname", lit("Pune"))
withcolumn("city_code_name", map(lit("PUN"), col("cname"))
//table - created external hive table..stored as avro..with avro schema
After removing this map type column I'm able to save the dataframe to hive avro table.
Save way to hive table: - saving avro file
spark.sql - creating partition on hive table with avro file location
see this test case as an example from spark tests
test("Insert MapType.valueContainsNull == false") {
val schema = StructType(Seq(
StructField("m", MapType(StringType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false))))
val rowRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
(1 to 100).map(i => Row(Map(s"key$i" -> s"value$i"))))
val df = spark.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema)
sql("CREATE TABLE hiveTableWithMapValue(m Map <STRING, STRING>)")
sql("INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE hiveTableWithMapValue SELECT m FROM tableWithMapValue")
sql("SELECT * FROM hiveTableWithMapValue"),
sql("DROP TABLE hiveTableWithMapValue")
also if you want save option then you can try with saveAsTable as showed here
Seq(9 -> "x").toDF("i", "j")
.write.format("hive").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).option("fileFormat", "avro").saveAsTable("t")
yourdataframewithmapcolumn.write.partitionBy is the way to create partitions.
You can achieve that with saveAsTable
Change the mode option to whatever suits you

How to convert a table into a Spark Dataframe

In Spark SQL, a dataframe can be queried as a table using this:
sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "mytable")
Assuming what I have is mytable, how can I get or access this as a DataFrame?
The cleanest way:
df = sqlContext.table("mytable")
Well you can query it and save the result into a variable. Check that SQLContext's method sql returns a DataFrame.
df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM mytable")

While joining two dataframe in spark, getting empty result

I am trying to join two dataframes in spark from database Cassandra.
val table1=cc.sql("select * from test123").as("table1")
val table2=cc.sql("select * from test1234").as("table2")
table1.join(table2, table1("") === table2("table2.id1"), "inner")
.select("", "table2.name1")
The result I am getting is empty.
You can try pure sql way, if you are un-sure of the syntax of join here.
val table3 = sqlContext.sql("Select, FROM tbl1 INNER JOIN tbl2 on")
Also, you should see, if table1 and table2, really have same id's to do join on, in first place.
Update :-
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
Ideally, yes, csc should also work.
You should refer to
First union both data frame and after that register as temp table

How to read a nested collection in Spark

I have a parquet table with one of the columns being
, array<struct<col1,col2,..colN>>
Can run queries against this table in Hive using LATERAL VIEW syntax.
How to read this table into an RDD, and more importantly how to filter, map etc this nested collection in Spark?
Could not find any references to this in Spark documentation. Thanks in advance for any information!
ps. I felt might be helpful to give some stats on the table.
Number of columns in main table ~600. Number of rows ~200m.
Number of "columns" in nested collection ~10. Avg number of records in nested collection ~35.
There is no magic in the case of nested collection. Spark will handle the same way a RDD[(String, String)] and a RDD[(String, Seq[String])].
Reading such nested collection from Parquet files can be tricky, though.
Let's take an example from the spark-shell (1.3.1):
scala> import sqlContext.implicits._
import sqlContext.implicits._
scala> case class Inner(a: String, b: String)
defined class Inner
scala> case class Outer(key: String, inners: Seq[Inner])
defined class Outer
Write the parquet file:
scala> val outers = sc.parallelize(List(Outer("k1", List(Inner("a", "b")))))
outers: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Outer] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at <console>:25
scala> outers.toDF.saveAsParquetFile("outers.parquet")
Read the parquet file:
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Row
scala> val dataFrame = sqlContext.parquetFile("outers.parquet")
dataFrame: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, inners: array<struct<a:string,b:string>>]
scala> val outers = { row =>
| val key = row.getString(0)
| val inners = row.getAs[Seq[Row]](1).map(r => Inner(r.getString(0), r.getString(1)))
| Outer(key, inners)
| }
outers: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Outer] = MapPartitionsRDD[8] at map at DataFrame.scala:848
The important part is row.getAs[Seq[Row]](1). The internal representation of a nested sequence of struct is ArrayBuffer[Row], you could use any super-type of it instead of Seq[Row]. The 1 is the column index in the outer row. I used the method getAs here but there are alternatives in the latest versions of Spark. See the source code of the Row trait.
Now that you have a RDD[Outer], you can apply any wanted transformation or action.
// Filter the outers
// Filter the inners => outer.copy(inners = outer.inners.filter(_.a == "a")))
Note that we used the spark-SQL library only to read the parquet file. You could for example select only the wanted columns directly on the DataFrame, before mapping it to a RDD.'col1, 'col2).map { row => ... }
I'll give a Python-based answer since that's what I'm using. I think Scala has something similar.
The explode function was added in Spark 1.4.0 to handle nested arrays in DataFrames, according to the Python API docs.
Create a test dataframe:
from pyspark.sql import Row
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([Row(a=1, intlist=[1,2,3]), Row(a=2, intlist=[4,5,6])])
## +-+--------------------+
## |a| intlist|
## +-+--------------------+
## |1|ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3)|
## |2|ArrayBuffer(4, 5, 6)|
## +-+--------------------+
Use explode to flatten the list column:
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, explode(df.intlist)).show()
## +-+---+
## |a|_c0|
## +-+---+
## |1| 1|
## |1| 2|
## |1| 3|
## |2| 4|
## |2| 5|
## |2| 6|
## +-+---+
Another approach would be using pattern matching like this:
val rdd: RDD[(String, List[(String, String)]] = match {
case List(key: String, inners: Seq[Row]) => key -> match {
case List(a:String, b: String) => (a, b)
You can pattern match directly on Row but it is likely to fail for a few reasons.
Above answers are all great answers and tackle this question from different sides; Spark SQL is also quite useful way to access nested data.
Here's example how to use explode() in SQL directly to query nested collection.
SELECT hholdid, tsp.person_seq_no
FROM ( SELECT hholdid, explode(tsp_ids) as tsp
FROM disc_mrt.unified_fact uf
tsp_ids is a nested of structs, which has many attributes, including person_seq_no which I'm selecting in the outer query above.
Above was tested in Spark 2.0. I did a small test and it doesn't work in Spark 1.6. This question was asked when Spark 2 wasn't around, so this answer adds nicely to the list of available options to deal with nested structures.
Have a look also on following JIRAs for Hive-compatible way to query nested data using LATERAL VIEW OUTER syntax, since Spark 2.2 also supports OUTER explode (e.g. when a nested collection is empty, but you still want to have attributes from a parent record):
SPARK-13721: Add support for LATERAL VIEW OUTER explode()
Noticable not resolved JIRA on explode() for SQL access:
SPARK-7549: Support aggregating over nested fields
