I am currently trying to iterate through an array of JSON elements, parse and add the data I need into a specially formatted string, and once conditions are met, initiate the uploading of this data.
The problem that I am running into, however, is my variable 'deviceOutString' is being returned as undefined, leaving me with a string of 'undefined' written as many time as there are JSON elements in the array. I know that the return from the 'checkDuplicates' function is correct because before returning the value, the logs show that the value is correct.
I have attached my code below, please let me know if you have any ideas.
Old Code (updated below)
var i=0;
var parsedJson = JSON.parse(storedData) ;
var storedDataSize = parsedJson.length;
console.log('Stored Data Size: '+storedDataSize);
var async = require('async');
async.each(parsedJson, function( subElemJson, callback1) {
console.log('dstring: ' + deviceOutString);
console.log('i : ' + i);
var subElemJsonPretty = JSON.stringify(subElemJson,null,0) ;
var date = subElemJson['date'];
deviceOutString += checkDuplicates(subElemJson, deviceOutString);
console.log('theLoop*DString: ' + deviceOutString);
callback(null, 'one');
if((i == storedDataSize - 1 || count == 225) && storedDataSize > 0) {
count = 0;
callback(null, 'two');
setTimeout(function () { callback1(); }, 500);
}); }
Updated New Code
function theLoop(storedData) {
var deviceOutString = '<list>';
var temp;
try {
var i=0;
var parsedJson = JSON.parse(storedData) ;
var storedDataSize = parsedJson.length;
console.log('Stored Data Size: '+storedDataSize);
var async = require('async');
var delayed = require('delayed');
async.each(parsedJson, function( subElemJson, callback1) {
var subElemJsonPretty = JSON.stringify(subElemJson,null,0) ;
var date = subElemJson.date;
console.log('THIS IS THE DATE: '+date);
temp = checkDuplicates(subElemJson, deviceOutString);
console.log('This is the temp: ' + temp);
callback(null, temp);
], function(results){
console.log('*****Results are In*****: ' + results);
deviceOutString =+ temp;
if((i == storedDataSize - 1 || count == 225) && storedDataSize > 0) {
count = 0;
deviceOutString = '<list>';
if( err ) {
console.log('A file failed to process');
} else {
console.log('All files have been processed successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.info('Exception parsing ' + '\n\n' + error);
So a few things
1: var date = subElemJson['date']; accessing object properties via array syntax is a bad practice. Nit picky but hey :P try var data = subElemJson.date; instead.
2: deviceOutString isn't defined anywhere in the code you provided.
3: Both async.series and async.each are going to want a callback function for when each is finished. that's the whole point of calling callback(null, 'one'); -- that you pass a value to the "results" array in the final async.series callback. You are calling setTimeout(function() { callback1(); }, 500); in the wrong place (also arbitrarily putting it behind a timeout?).
The proper async.series formatting is thus:
function(callback) {
// do stuff
callback(null, someValue);
function(callback) {
// do other stuff
callback(null, someOtherValue);
], function(results) {
// all the stuffs are done
console.log(results); <-- results is an array containing "someValue" and "someOtherValue" from the iterations above
Also, async.each is in the same boat -- it expects you to pass a "every thing I'm looping through has completed now!" function at the end.
Async docs on .each() (scroll down for docs on .series()): https://github.com/caolan/async#each
The documentation for fs.rmdir is very short and doesn't explain the behavior of rmdir when the directory is not empty.
Q: What happens if I try to use this API to delete a non empty directory ?
Although using a third-party library for such a thing I could not come up with a more elegant solution. So I ended up using the npm-module rimraf.
Install it
npm install rimraf
Or install it and save to 'package.json'
(other save options can be found in the npm-install docs)
npm install --save rimraf
Then you can do the following:
rmdir = require('rimraf');
rmdir('some/directory/with/files', function(error){});
Or in Coffeescript:
rmdir = require 'rimraf'
rmdir 'some/directory/with/files', (error)->
I wrote about this problem exactly.
My previous solution below, while simple, is not preferred. The following function, is a Synchronous solution; while async might be preferred.
deleteFolderRecursive = function(path) {
var files = [];
if( fs.existsSync(path) ) {
files = fs.readdirSync(path);
var curPath = path + "/" + file;
if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse
} else { // delete file
[Edit] Added lstat instead of stat to prevent errors on symlinks
[Previous Solution]
My solution to this is quite easy to implement.
var exec = require('child_process').exec,child;
child = exec('rm -rf test',function(err,out) {
console.log(out); err && console.log(err);
This is slimmed down for this page, but the basic idea is simple; execute 'rm -r' on the command line. If your app needs to run across different types of OS, put this in a function and have an if/else/switch to handle it.
You will want to handle all the responses; but the idea is simple enough.
Short answer: node.js fs.rmdir() calls the POSIX rmdir(); this will remove an empty directory, or return an error. In the given case, the call will invoke the callback function and pass the error as an exception.
The problem here is that the node.js documentation refers to POSIX:
The Node.js API Docs File System API started out as
simple wrappers around standard POSIX functions.
This almost changes the question into a duplicate of:
Is there a listing of the POSIX API / functions?
The description for fs.rmdir is terse, but sufficient.
Asynchronous rmdir(2).
The rmdir(2) here is an implicit reference to the documentation for the rmdir() system call. The number (2) here is an old unix man page convention to indicate Section 2 of the Manual pages, containing the kernel interfaces.
Node.js v12.10.0 introduced recursive option into fs.rmdir.
As fs.mkdir supports the same option since v10.12.0, both making and removing directory can be executed recursively.
$ node --experimental-repl-await
# without recursive option -> error
> await fs.promises.mkdir('foo/bar')
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir 'foo/bar'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'mkdir',
path: 'foo/bar'
# with recursive option -> success
> await fs.promises.mkdir('foo/bar', { recursive: true })
# without recursive option -> error
> await fs.promises.rmdir('foo')
[Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir 'foo'] {
errno: -66,
code: 'ENOTEMPTY',
syscall: 'rmdir',
path: 'foo'
# with recursive option -> success
> await fs.promises.rmdir('foo', { recursive: true })
This worked for me
fs.rmdirSync(folderpath, {recursive: true});
Edit 2021:
Now it seems to have been replaced in v14 with:
fs.rmSync('./output', {recursive: true, force: true});
Just a small dot among this bunch of answers, but I think it's good to point it out.
Personally (and generally) I would prefer to use an already existing library, if there's one available, for doing the task. Taking an already existing thing means, for me and especially in the open source world, using and improving an already existing thing, which could end up in a better result than doing it on my own (I'm improving something that some one other has done).
In this case, with a small search I found out the module fs-extra, which aims to be a replacement also for rimraf and answers to the need to remove recursively directories (apparently with async and sync versions). Furthermore, it has got a good number of stars on github and seems currently mantained: these two conditions, in addition to the fact that answers to the need, make it the way to go (almosto for a bit) for me.
fs.rmdir is not recursive.
You could instead use a recursive fs.readdir module like readdirp in order to find all files and directories .
Then remove all files, followed by all directories.
For an even simpler solution have a look at rimraf.
As of node v16, recursive fs.rmdir is now deprecated. The replacement is fs.rm.
Usage with promises:
const fs = require("fs/promises")
(async () => {
await fs.rm("directory", { recursive: true })
const fs = require("fs")
fs.rm("directory", { recursive: true }, (err) => {
// Callback
The force option is also relevant to mention here as it will prevent the method from throwing errors if the folder is missing, which is useful if this is for cleaning up temporary files.
nodejs documentation
Use child_process.execFile it is faster.
NodeJS docs:
child_process.execFile is similar to child_process.exec() except it*
does not execute a subshell but rather the specified file directly.
This works. Mimicking rm -rf DIR...
var child = require('child_process');
var rmdir = function(directories, callback) {
if(typeof directories === 'string') {
directories = [directories];
var args = directories;
child.execFile('rm', args, {env:process.env}, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
callback.apply(this, arguments);
rmdir(['dir1', 'dir2']);
Edit: I have to admit this is not cross-platform, will not work on Windows
Here is an asynchronous recursive version that works with promises. I use the 'Q' library but anyone will do with a few changes (eg the 'fail' function).
To make use of it, we must make a few simple wrappers around some core Node functions, namely fs.stat, fs.readdir, fs.unlink and fs.rmdir to make them promise-friendly.
Here they are:
function getStat(fpath) {
var def = Q.defer();
fs.stat(fpath, function(e, stat) {
if (e) { def.reject(); } else { def.resolve(stat); }
return def.promise;
function readdir(dirpath) {
var def = Q.defer();
fs.readdir(dirpath, function(e, files) {
if (e) { def.reject(e); } else { def.resolve(files); }
return def.promise;
function rmFile(fpath) {
var def = Q.defer();
fs.unlink(fpath, function(e) { if(e) { def.reject(e); } else { def.resolve(fpath); }});
return def.promise;
function rmDir(fpath) {
var def = Q.defer();
fs.rmdir(fpath, function(e) { if(e) { def.reject(e); } else { def.resolve(fpath); }});
return def.promise;
So here is the recursive rm function:
var path = require('path');
function recursiveDelete(fpath) {
var def = Q.defer();
.then(function(stat) {
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return readdir(fpath)
.then(function(files) {
if (!files.length) {
return rmDir(fpath);
} else {
return Q.all(files.map(function(f) { return recursiveDelete(path.join(fpath, f)); }))
.then(function() { return rmDir(fpath); });
} else {
return rmFile(fpath);
.then(function(res) { def.resolve(res); })
.fail(function(e) { def.reject(e); })
return def.promise;
Figured this was a good excuse to take a dive into the source ;)
From what I can tell, fs.rmdir is bound to the rmdir function from unistd.h. From the POSIX man page for rmdir:
The rmdir() function shall remove a directory whose name is given by
path. The directory shall be removed only if it is an empty directory.
If the directory is not an empty directory, rmdir() shall fail and set errno to [EEXIST] or [ENOTEMPTY].
In addition to the correct "no" answers, the rimraf package provides recursive delete functionality. It mimics rm -rf. It's also officially packaged by Ubuntu.
I realize this isn't exactly answering the question at hand, but I think this might be useful to someone searching here in the future (it would have been to me!): I made a little snippet that allows one to recursively delete only empty directories. If a directory (or any of its descendant directories) has content inside it, it is left alone:
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var rmdir = function(dir) {
var empty = true, list = fs.readdirSync(dir);
for(var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var filename = path.join(dir, list[i]);
var stat = fs.statSync(filename);
if(filename.indexOf('.') > -1) {
//There are files in the directory - we can't empty it!
empty = false;
list.splice(i, 1);
//Cycle through the list of sub-directories, cleaning each as we go
for(var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
filename = path.join(dir, list[i]);
if (rmdir(filename)) {
list.splice(i, 1);
//Check if the directory was truly empty
if (!list.length && empty) {
return true;
return false;
most of the examples I see out there are synchronous implementations of recursively deleting a folder structure in node.
I've also seen a few asynchronous ones that dont actually work well.
I wrote and use one thats completely asynchronous: https://gist.github.com/yoavniran/adbbe12ddf7978e070c0
Removing NON-EMPTY directories SYNCHRONOUSLY:-
Following is the file structure -
var fs = require('fs');
I am firstly removing the writeMe.txt file from stuff folder using code fs.unlink('./stuff/writeMe.txt') which makes the stuff folder empty and finally removing it using code fs.rmdirSync('stuff')
This function will recursively delete a directory or file that you specify, synchronously:
var path = require('path');
function deleteRecursiveSync(itemPath) {
if (fs.statSync(itemPath).isDirectory()) {
_.each(fs.readdirSync(itemPath), function(childItemName) {
deleteRecursiveSync(path.join(itemPath, childItemName));
} else {
I have not tested this function's behavior if:
the item does not exist, or
the item cannot be deleted (such as due to a permissions issue).
Recursive remove directory for Node.js
It turned out that Node.js fs module does not have a method to remove the directory and its content recursively. Instead you should go through the directory structure and remove atomic items, i.e. individual files and empty directories. So I found a nice gist by Takuo Kihira at https://gist.github.com/2367067 made in JavaScript and decided to make a CoffeeScript version of it:
tried to make it fail safe as sync removal will cause error if file or dir are in use at that time.
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs')
var dumpDirs = function (dir, name, cb) {
fs.readdir(dir, function (err, files) {
var dirs = [],
filePath, i = 0, l = files.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
filePath = path.join(dir, files[i]);
var stats = fs.lstatSync(filePath);
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
if (files[i].indexOf(name) != -1) {
startOn: new Date(stats.ctime),
instance: files[i],
name: name
var removeDir = function (dir, callback) {
fs.readdir(dir, function (err, files) {
c = files.length;
(function remfile(i, cb) {
if (i >= c)
return cb();
var p = path.join(dir, files[i])
fs.unlink(p, function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err);
remfile(i + 1, cb)
})(0, function () {
fs.rmdir(dir, function (err) {
//for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) {
// fs.unlinkSync(path.join(dir, files[i]));
dumpDirs(maindir, function (dirs) {
if (dirs && dirs.length > 0) {
(function rem(i, cb) {
if (i >= dirs.length) {
return cb();
var folder = path.join(dump, dirs[i].instance);
removeDir(folder, function () {
rem(i + 1, cb);
})(0, function () {
else {
Here is the coffee script prototype function I created for fluentnode that deletes a folder recursively
String::folder_Delete_Recursive = ->
path = #.toString()
if path.exists()
for file in path.files()
curPath = path.path_Combine(file)
if curPath.is_Folder()
return path.not_Exists()
here is the test:
it 'folder_Create and folder_Delete' , ->
tmpDir = "./".temp_Name_In_Folder()
it 'folder_Delete_Recursive' , ->
tmpDir = "./" .temp_Name_In_Folder().folder_Create()
tmpFile = tmpDir.temp_Name_In_Folder().file_Create()
A neat synchronous version of rmdirSync.
* use with try ... catch ...
* If you have permission to remove all file/dir
* and no race condition and no IO exception...
* then this should work
* uncomment the line
* if(!fs.exists(p)) return
* if you care the inital value of dir,
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
function rmdirSync(dir,file){
var p = file? path.join(dir,file):dir;
// if(!fs.exists(p)) return
else fs.unlinkSync(p)
And a parallel IO, asynchronous version of rmdir. (faster)
* If there are no error, callback will only be called once.
* If there are multiple errors, callback will be called
* exactly as many time as errors occur.
* Sometimes, this behavior maybe useful, but users
* should be aware of this and handle errors in callback.
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
function rmfile(dir, file, callback){
var p = path.join(dir, file)
fs.lstat(p, function(err, stat){
if(err) callback.call(null,err)
else if(stat.isDirectory()) rmdir(p, callback)
else fs.unlink(p, callback)
function rmdir(dir, callback){
fs.readdir(dir, function(err,files){
if(err) callback.call(null,err)
else if( files.length ){
var i,j
for(i=j=files.length; i--; ){
rmfile(dir,files[i], function(err){
if(err) callback.call(null, err)
else if(--j === 0 ) fs.rmdir(dir,callback)
else fs.rmdir(dir, callback)
Anyway, if you want a sequential IO, and callback be called exactly once (either success or with first error encountered). Replace this rmdir with the above. (slower)
function rmdir(dir, callback){
fs.readdir(dir, function(err,files){
if(err) callback.call(null,err)
else if( files.length ) rmfile(dir, files[0], function(err){
if(err) callback.call(null,err)
else rmdir(dir, callback)
else fs.rmdir(dir, callback)
All of them depend ONLY on node.js and should be portable.
This post was getting the top answer from google but none of the answers gives a solution that:
doesn't make use of sync functions
doesn't require external libraries
doesn't use bash directly
Here is my async solution which doesn't assume anything else than node installed:
const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path');
function rm(path){
return stat(path).then((_stat) => {
return ls(path)
.then((files) => Promise.all(files.map(file => rm(Path.join(path, file)))))
.then(() => removeEmptyFolder(path));
return removeFileOrLink(path);
} });
function removeEmptyFolder(path){
return new Promise((done, err) => {
fs.rmdir(path, function(error){
if(error){ return err(error); }
return done("ok");
}); }
function removeFileOrLink(path){
return new Promise((done, err) => {
fs.unlink(path, function(error){
if(error){ return err(error); }
return done("ok");
}); }
function ls(path){
return new Promise((done, err) => {
fs.readdir(path, function (error, files) {
if(error) return err(error)
return done(files)
}); }
function stat(path){
return new Promise((done, err) => {
fs.stat(path, function (error, _stat) {
if(error){ return err(error); }
return done(_stat);
}); } }
Following on #geedew's answer.
Here is an asynchronous implementation of rm -r (ie you can pass a path to a file or directory). I'm not an experienced nodejs developer and appreciate any suggestions or constructive criticism.
var fs = require('fs');
function ResultsCollector (numResultsExpected, runWhenDone) {
this.numResultsExpected = numResultsExpected,
this.runWhenDone = runWhenDone;
this.numResults = 0;
this.errors = [];
this.report = function (err) {
if (err) this.errors.push(err);
if (this.numResults == this.numResultsExpected) {
if (this.errors.length > 0) return runWhenDone(this.errors);
else return runWhenDone();
function rmRasync(path, cb) {
fs.lstat(path, function(err, stats) {
if (err && err.code == 'ENOENT') return cb(); // doesn't exist, nothing to do
else if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
fs.readdir(path, function (err, files) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var resultsCollector = new ResultsCollector(files.length, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
fs.rmdir(path, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb();
files.forEach(function (file) {
var filePath = path + '/' + file;
return rmRasync(filePath, function (err) {
return resultsCollector.report(err);
else { // file.
// delete file or link
fs.unlink(path, function (err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb();
Invoke like so:
rmRasync('/path/to/some/file/or/dir', function (err) {
if (err) return console.error('Could not rm', err);
// else success
Surprisingly verbose and bad answers here...
To delete a non-empty directory on most systems:
import * as cp from 'child_process';
const dir = '/the/dir/to/remove';
const k = cp.spawn('bash');
k.stdin.end(`rm -rf "${dir}"`);
k.once('exit', code => {
// check the exit code
// now you are done
this will work on MacOS and Linux, but it might not work on some Windows OS.
How do I get access to the the arguments of fs.read,fs.stat... methods from within a callback?
For instance if I want to process a file based on its size
Following (coffeeScript) code snippet
#assuming test1.txt exists
filename = "./test1.txt"
fs.stat filename, (err, stats) ->
data = filename:filename,size:stats.size
console.log data
#further process filename based on size
filename = "./test2.txt"
{ filename: './test2.txt', size: 5 }
as filename is set to "./test2.txt". If I process/read the file using filename variable within fs.stat callback it would use test2.txt which is not intended.
What I expect to see within callback is
{ filename: './test1.txt', size: 5 }
Don't think there's a way to do this right now. Might be a good thing to add to node at some point. If you're going to do this a lot you can put fs.stat in a friendly wrapper.
var friendlyStat = function(filename, callback){
fs.stat(filename, function(err, stats){
stats.filename = filename
if(err) {
} else {
callback(err, stats);
friendlyStat('test1.txt', function(err, stat){ console.log(stat.filename);});
friendlyStat('test2.txt', function(err, stat){ console.log(stat.filename);});
You can use the synchronous fs.statSync() function if you can afford that, and that would help with your issue.
var filename = 'test1.txt';
var stat = fs.statSync(filename);
//code you were writing in callback comes here like the below:
console.log('Is ' + filename + ' a directory? ' + stat.isDirectory());
//Outputs 'Is test1.txt a directory? false'
The accepted answer works great, but here's a solution I came up with when I wanted to loop through an array of files:
var files = [ 'path/to/file1.txt', 'path/to/file2.txt'],
callback = function( filepath ) {
return function( error, stat ) {
console.log( filepath );
console.log( error );
console.log( stat )
for ( var i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) {
fs.stat( files[ i ], callback( files[ i ] ) );
We're calling the callback function and passing it the filename as an argument. The function then returns the actual callback function which is used by fs.stat.