In postgresql, how to get diff of two date colmns with timestamp? - postgresql-8.3

I want the difference two date columns and result should be as:
0.62222222222222222 if the two dates are same with timestamp.
In Oracle we can do this just by subtracting but that didn't work in PostgreSQL.
Can anyone please explain me with an example?


Find MIN timestamp with multiple categories

I would like to identify the earliest timestamps per user and date based on the following data table.
I have found a way to get the earliest time stamp for each user or for each date, but not for each user and date. I am looking to find the earliest timestamp for each dates for both 'Bob' and 'Bill'.
What function can I use to incorporate the multiple users and dates?
Use a pivot table
Split like this:

Spotfire: how to get the First and last value in a column based on entity and date?

I have a simple table with two entities and values associated with dates.
I want to extract the FIRST and LAST value based on historical dates. In the underlying data table, the dates are not sorted, hence when using FIRST() and LAST(), Spotfire gives incorrect values. What is the best way to solve this?
I tried
First([Value) OVER (Intersect([Category],[Date]))
Sample of the dataset:
If your using a cross table you can use a nested If statement to return the values when date is Min and Max.

How to handle dates in cx_oracle using python?

I'm trying to access Oracle table using cx_oracle module and convert that as a dataframe, every thing is fine except couple of date columns has date format like "01-JAN-01" Python considering it as datetime.datetime(1,1,1,0,0) and after creating dataframe it's showing as 0001-01-01 00:00:00. I am expecting output as 2001-01-01 00:00:00. Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.
You have a couple of choices. You could
* Retrieve it from the Oracle database with [read_sql]( specifying the date in a format (TO_CHAR) more appropriate for the default date format of pandas
* Retrieve it from the database as a string (as above) and then convert it into a date in the pandas framework.

How do I query for a specific day such as yesterday in Core Data?

In plain SQL (in my case: sqlite), I would be able to query for a specific date in a DATE column as follows:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date(dateColumn) = '2015-01-01'
This works because the date() function cuts off the time part of the DATE value.
Can I do something similar with Predicates in Core Data? Or do I have to use something where I determine the start and end of that day and then look for dates between the two date values?

How to sort by date but based on day (floored day) in mongoose (node.js)

The goal is to sort by date but floored to nearest day as I'm also sorting by user votes. Basically, to sort by day and highest votes so the most votes for the day come up.
Pretty sure you need to store both the precise date and a pre-floored date in your mongodb data and then sort by the pre-floored one. You will see this pattern a lot for doing case-insensitive search on string fields as well. With mongoose, you can use a pre-save hook to automatically set the pre-floored date based on the precise date. Once the data is there, the sorting part just works normally.
