While trying to sort columnwise in a portal application we are getting a exception - portal

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The "value" attribute on a region
component with id "null" was null or not specified thus its
RegionModel is null. Now using an empty RegionModel instead.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The expression
"#{bindings.crcComplianceTF1.regionModel}" (that was specified for the
RegionModel "value" attribute of the region component with id "r1")
evaluated to null. This is typically due to an error in the
configuration of the objects referenced by this expression. If it
helps, the expression "#{bindings.crcComplianceTF1}" evaluates to
"null". If it helps, the expression "#{bindings}" evaluates to
"portal_homePageDef". Now using an empty RegionModel instead.
Attaching the J-Developer log


how to resolve Terraform error Invalid count argument?

I'm trying to add New Relic One Synthetic moniter using common module "monitor" we use in terraform, where i also want to attach new alert condition policy. which is working fine if i create resources one by one but as i want to commit all changes it showing me error as below.
Error: Invalid count argument
on .terraform/modules/monitor/modules/synthetics/syn_alert.tf line 11, in resource "newrelic_alert_policy" "policy":
11: count = var.policy_id != null ? 0 : var.create_alerts == true ? 1 : var.create_multilocation_alerts == true ? 1 : 0
The "count" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined
until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created.
To work around this, use the -target argument to first apply only the
resources that the count depends on.
i expect this should work accurately as i tried stepwise, even i did tryed to look for solutions as resource dependencies so i also did added depends_on with required resources like
depends_on = [newrelic_alert_policy.harvester_ping_failure_alert_policy,newrelic_alert_channel.slack_channel]
but still not working as expected.
This error suggests that one of the input variables you included here has a value that won't be known until the apply step:
You didn't show how exactly how you're defining those variables in the calling module block, but I'm guessing that policy_id is probably the problematic one of these, because you've probably assigned an attribute from a managed resource instance in the parent module and the remote object corresponding to that resource instance hasn't been created yet, and so its ID isn't known yet.
If that's true, you'll need to define this differently so that the choice about whether to declare this object is made as a separate value from the ID itself, and then make sure the choice about whether to declare is not based on the outcome of any managed resource elsewhere in the configuration.
One way to do that would be like this:
variable "project" {
type = object({
id = string
default = null
This means that the decision about whether or not to set this object can be represented by the "nullness" of the entire object, even though the id attribute inside a non-null object might be unknown.
module "monitor" {
# ...
project = {
id = whatever_resource_type.name.id
If the object whose ID you're passing in here is itself a resource instance with an id attribute, as I showed above, then you can also make this more concise by assigning the whole object at once:
module "monitor" {
# ...
project = whatever_resource_type.name
Terraform will check to make sure that whatever_resource_type.name has an id attribute, and if so it will use it to populate the id attribute of the variable inside the module.

module.db is a list of object, known only after apply

module "db" {
**count = var.environment == "dev" || var.environment == "qa" ? 1 : 0**
source = "../rds"
identifier = var.db_name
engine = var.rds_engine
engine_version = var.rds_engine_version
output "rds_instance_endpoint" {
description = "The connection endpoint"
value = module.db.db_instance_endpoint
Error: Unsupported attribute
on outputs.tf line 28, in output "rds_instance_endpoint":
28: value = module.db.db_instance_endpoint
module.db is a list of object, known only after apply
Can't access attributes on a list of objects. Did you mean to access attribute "db_instance_endpoint" for a specific element of the list, or across all elements of the list?
getting the above error while declaring count in the rds.tf module.
if I remove count then its working fine, not sure what is this error.
The error message in this case is the sentence "Can't access attributes on a list of objects", not the sentence "module.db is a list of object, known only after apply"; the latter is just additional context to help you understand the error message that follows.
In other words, Terraform is telling you that module.db is a list of objects and that it's invalid to use .db_instance_endpoint ("accessing an attribute") on that list.
The root problem here is that you have a module object that may or may not exist, and so you need to explain to Terraform how you want to handle the situation where it doesn't exist.
One answer would be to change your output value to return a set of instance endpoints that would be empty in environments other than the dev and QA environments:
output "rds_instance_endpoints" {
description = "The connection endpoints for any database instances in this environment."
value = toset(module.db[*].db_instance_endpoint)
Here I used the "splat" operator to take the db_instance_endpoint attribute value for each instance of the module, which currently means that it will either be a single-element set or an empty set depending on the situation. This approach most directly models the underlying implementation and would give you the freedom to add additional instances of this module in future if you need to, but you might consider the fact that this is a multi-instance module to be an implementation detail which should be encapsulated in the module itself.
The other main option, which does hide that implementation detail of the underlying module being a list, would be to have your output value be null in the situation where there are no instances of the module, or to be a single string when there is one instance. For that, we can slightly adapt the above example to use the one function instead of the toset function:
output "rds_instance_endpoints" {
description = "The connection endpoint for the database instance in this environment, if any."
value = one(module.db[*].db_instance_endpoint)
The one function has three possible outcomes depending on the number of elements in the given collection:
If the collection has no elements, it will return null.
If the collection has one element, it will return just the value of that element.
If the collection has more than one element, it will fail with an error message. But note that this outcome is impossible in your case, because count can only be set to zero or one.
Null values can potentially be annoying to deal with if this data is being returned to a calling module for use elsewhere, but sometimes it's the most reasonable representation of the described infrastructure and so worth that additional complexity. For root module output values in particular, Terraform will treat a null value as if the output value were not set at all, hiding it in the messaging from terraform apply, and so this second strategy is often the best choice in situations where your primary motivation is to return this information in the user interface for a human to use for some subsequent action.

Why does cxf throw an unmarshalling error on elements that have no namespace prefix when the namespace should be inherited

I am creating a SOAP client that runs in a Java 11 Spring Boot server and makes requests to a Java 8 server. I'm using cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws:3.4.3 and cxf-rt-transports:3.4.3 in a Gradle 6.9 build with the com.github.bjornvester.wsdl2java Gradle plugin version 1.1.
My client can call a simple echo test SOAP operation with no problem. That service passes a request object containing a single String and gets a response object containing the String. So I know the basic connection is working and the other end is responding.
My problem arises when I call an operation that has no input and returns a list of objects in the response. I get this error:
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"ProposalInfo"). Expected elements are <{http://V2.pub.proposal.server.ws.cayuse.com/}ProposalInfo>
I am told that other systems call these operations with no problem.
I have stepped through the cxf and JAXB code and notice that the IntelliJ shows this text associated with a BranchingReaderSource. Not sure if this is a true error or just a side-effect of the debugger trying to call toString() on this class (which has no such method).
Method threw 'java.lang.NullPointerException' exception. Cannot evaluate com.ctc.wstx.io.BranchingReaderSource.toString()
I also notice that a class called ValidationEventLocatorImpl gets a NullPointerException on this line because "toURL" is null. I think this is because toURL comes from the empty prefix of in the response.
this.url = toURL(loc.getSystemId());
I have tried using wrapping-style "false" but that does not change anything.
I also tried to use TransformInInterceptor to map elements with no prefix to the desired prefix, but that did not work. It seems the unmarshalling error gets thrown before the interceptor runs.
Here is the WSDL used for this service; the operation that I am calling is getUnpairedProposals. I also attach a copy of the response to this operation -- the operation that is not getting unmarshalled properly. My reading of this response is that the namespace defined on the ns2:getUnPairedProposalsResponse tag should apply to the child elements such as .
Additional info:
I made several attempts to use TransformInterceptor to map the elements:
Added a map entry for "getUnPairedProposalsResponse -> {http://V2.pub.proposal.server.ws.cayuse.com/}getUnPairedProposalsResponse". This did nothing.
Inserted the TransformInterceptor at Phase.PRE_STREAM. Also had no effect.
Changed the mapping from #1 to the same but added a prefix {}, as in {}getUnPairedProposalsResponse -> {http://V2.pub.proposal.server.ws.cayuse.com/}getUnPairedProposalsResponse. This got me a null pointer exception in cxf at TransformUtils line 128 in the convertToQnamesMap method.

Illegal Syntax for Set Operation for Primefaces Boolean CheckBox?

Does the below EL expression for value is a valid one?
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{!bean.isCreateGroup}" id="checkBoxCreateSecurityGrpKey">
I'm getting the error as
javax.el.PropertyNotWritableException:/pages/popup.xhtml #503,170 value="#{!bean.isCreateGroup}": Illegal Syntax for Set Operation
The expression value="#{!bean.isCreateGroup}" is not valid here because the value attribute of SelectBooleanCheckBox must be a javax.el.ValueExpression that can both get and set a value (l-value expression).
From the linked Javadoc of ValueExpression:
Not all r-value expressions can be used as l-value expressions (e.g. "${1+1}" or "${firstName} ${lastName}")
And from the Expression Language Specification 2.1:
The valid syntax for an lvalue is a subset of the valid syntax for an rvalue. In
particular, an lvalue can only consist of either a single variable (e.g. ${name}) or a
property resolution on some object, via the . or [] operator (e.g.
To make it crystal clear, the expression should represent a bean property:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.aBooleanProperty}" ... />
In your case, the simplest solution is to use another Boolean variable in your bean that has the opposite value, e.g. something like Boolean notCreateGroup (by the way, why a component referenced with checkBoxCreateSecurityGrpKey should have a value opposite to a variable named createGroup?).
Se also:
Using conditional operator in h:inputText value and h:commandButton actionListener

Type of cfcatch in ColdFusion

I am simply using a cftry/cfcatch block for handling any exception. Take this simple exception:
<cfset abc = 1/0>
<cfdump var="#cfcatch.getClass().getName()#">
<cfdump var="#isStruct(cfcatch)#">
<cfdump var="#isObject(cfcatch)#">
<cfdump var="#structKeyExists(cfcatch, 'type')#">
And the above code's output is like this:
My question is:
Why structKeyExists is not throwing an error as cfcatch is not of type struct?
And on dumping cfcatch it seems like it is a struct.
Any suggestions.
I think what is confusing you is that you need to remember that ColdFusion is a typeless language.
ColdFusion documentation on data types
Data types
ColdFusion is often referred to as typeless because you do not assign types to variables and ColdFusion does not associate a type with the variable name. However, the data that a variable represents does have a type, and the data type affects how ColdFusion evaluates an expression or function argument. ColdFusion can automatically convert many data types into others when it evaluates expressions. For simple data, such as numbers and strings, the data type is unimportant until the variable is used in an expression or as a function argument.
ColdFusion variable data belongs to one of the following type categories:
Simple One value. Can use directly in ColdFusion expressions. Include numbers, strings, Boolean values, and date-time values.
Binary Raw data, such as the contents of a GIF file or an executable program file.
Complex ** A container for data. Generally represent more than one value. ColdFusion built-in complex data types include arrays, structures, queries, and XML document objects. You cannot use a complex variable, such as an array, directly in a ColdFusion expression, but you can use simple data type elements of a complex variable in an expression. For example, with a one-dimensional array of numbers called myArray, you cannot use the expression myArray * 5. However, you could use an expression myArray3 * 5 to multiply the third element in the array by five.
Objects Complex constructs. Often encapsulate both data and functional operations. The following table lists the types of objects that ColdFusion can use, and identifies the chapters that describe how to use them:
So the code within the <cfcatch> block contains an object that can be referred to as a "structure". By default the name of that structure is cfcatch. You can override that name by specifying the name attribute within the <cfcatch> tag.
The easiest way to see everything that is available to you is to <cfdump> the entire structure within the <cfcatch> block.
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
CFCatch documentation on cfcatch
The cfcatch variables provide the following exception information:
cfcatch variable Content
cfcatch.type Type: Exception type, as specified in cfcatch.
cfcatch.message Message: Exceptions diagnostic message, if provided; otherwise, an empty string; in the cfcatch.message variable.
cfcatch.detail Detailed message from the CFML interpreter or specified in a cfthrow tag. When the exception is generated by ColdFusion (and not cfthrow), the message can contain HTML formatting and can help determine which tag threw the exception.
cfcatch.tagcontext An array of tag context structures, each representing one level of the active tag context at the time of the exception.
cfcatch.NativeErrorCode Applies to type = "database". Native error code associated with exception. Database drivers typically provide error codes to diagnose failing database operations. Default value is -1.
cfcatch.SQLState Applies to type = "database". SQLState associated with exception. Database drivers typically provide error codes to help diagnose failing database operations. Default value is 1.
cfcatch.Sql Applies to type = "database". The SQL statement sent to the data source.
cfcatch.queryError Applies to type ="database". The error message as reported by the database driver.
cfcatch.where Applies to type= "database". If the query uses the cfqueryparam tag, query parameter name-value pairs.
cfcatch.ErrNumber Applies to type = "expression". Internal expression error > number.
cfcatch.MissingFileName Applies to type = "missingInclude". Name of file that could not be included.
cfcatch.LockName Applies to type = "lock". Name of affected lock (if the lock is unnamed, the value is "anonymous").
cfcatch.LockOperation Applies to type = "lock". Operation that failed (Timeout, Create Mutex, or Unknown).
cfcatch.ErrorCode Applies to type = "custom". String error code.
cfcatch.ExtendedInfo Applies to type = "application" and "custom". Custom error message; information that the default exception handler does not display.
(Too long for comments..)
Adding to Miguel-F's comments about CF's "typelessness"... according to the documentation, IsStruct uses the following rules (emphasis mine):
Returns True, if variable is a ColdFusion structure or is a Java
object that implements the java.lang.Map interface. The return value
is False if the object in variable is a user-defined function (UDF).
CFCatch does not meet that criteria. Hence why IsStruct returns false.
If you dump the cfcatch object, and examine the class hierarchy, you will see it is actually implemented as a subclass of java.lang.Exception:
... not coldfusion.runtime.struct ie CF structure:
So as Miguel-F said, though it can be used like a structure (as can most complex object), technically it is not a CF structure, which explains why IsStruct returns false.
As an aside, the reason you can access its properties using dot notation, like with CF structures, is probably because the cfcatch class uses the JavaBean pattern:
ColdFusion can automatically invoke get_PropertyName_() and
set_PropertyName_(value) methods if a Java class conforms to the
JavaBeans pattern. As a result, you can set or get the property by
referencing it directly, without having to explicitly invoke a method.
So for example, you can access the "message" property of cfcatch using:
.. instead of invoking its "getter" method for that property:
cfcatch object acts like a struct, but it is not one. This is a special case.
What you can do is make a duplicate of cfcatch object and try isStruct method on it, it will return true.
for example-
<cfset abc = 1/0>
<cfset dup = duplicate(cfcatch)>
<cfdump var="#isStruct(dup)#">
<cfdump var="#isStruct(cfcatch)#">
<cfdump var="#isObject(cfcatch)#">
The output would be like
