Not able to pair Raspberry Pi 3 and iBeacon using Bluetooth - bluetooth

In my current project, I am working with iBeacon in the area of IoT. Basically iBeacon works on Bluetooth wireless technology. I am using Raspberry Pi 3 (which is available with in-built wifi and bluetooth). Pi 3 Bluetooth display and detect the iBeacon but not able to do pairing with it and display the following error:
I also tried with bluetoothctl command also but again display the Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
Am I missing something? I am able to pair iBeacon with my mobile and windows based lapotop.

Understand that iBeacon is a transmit only Bluetooth LE device. It is Bluetooth LE manufacturer advertisements to send a unique identifier, something you have seen if you have detected it with the Raspberry Pi 3.
But a basic iBeacon device is not designed to be connectable over Bluetooth LE. Some beacon manufacturers may expose a secondary configuration service that is connectable, but this is not universal and if it exists it is entirely outside the beacon spec.
Bottom line: you are not supposed to be able to connect.
If you have a specific model of beacon that does have a config interface, and you want to connect to that, you may want to put that in your question.


Receiving data from a BLE device to a raspberry Pi3

I never used a raspberry pi before and I have a project part of which includes receiving data from a BLE blood pressure device over Bluetooth to a raspberry pi 3. I can pair the device to my raspberry but I have no idea what to do next. I need to be able to receive the measurements in my raspberry please help and thank you in advance.
PS: the device I'm trying to use is very similar to this one:
Thanks for your answers, I have tried "Gatt" and "Gatttool" but the problem is after pairing the device is meant to send the measurement to its application on an android phone, without it I cannot read the blood measurement characteristic or it just does not exist.
Linux uses BlueZ as a default bluetooth stack. It exposes DBus APIs for implementing software using Bluetooth.
If you don't want to use this API directly, which can sometimes feel a bit low level you have many libraries that wrap it, such as that also comes with examples.
All other solutions requires replacing the Bluetooth stack on Linux and hence your other existing Bluetooth pairings to the system will stop working.

Bluetooth dongle BLED112 on Debian 10 is not working

I just randomly found a Bluegiga BLED112 Bluetooth dongle and I tried to connect it to my Debian 10 laptop as a basic dongle for Bluetooth audio outs.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to solve all the issues I had, starting from the fact that the device is not fully listed once used lsusb and just a mere ID number - namely ID 2458:0001 - pops out and bluetooth or bluez helps weren't successful either.
This given, I tried to follow several of the guides you can find online, also by running available scripts, but again nothing worked.
So if it's possible, what should I do in order to run such a dongle for the basic use I mentioned above - i.e. just for connecting my stereo speakers to my computer?
The BlueGiga BLED112 is not a regular Bluetooth USB dongle. It gives you a virtual com port that can be used to access an API that in turn acts as a BLE device.
It is ment to be used for development of IOT solutions.
Also it does not support Bluetooth Classic, it only supports Bluetooth Low Energy.

Using Bluez/Linux, can I run a daemon broadcasting BLE ibeacons and be connectable using RFCOMM simultaneously?

As stated in the title, can both be ran simultaneously or is a second adapter required? For example, can one adapter run both BLE and BT classic at the same time - the BLE beacon broadcasts the MAC for opportunistic clients to connect to using RFCOMM.
If you are using a common CSR 4.0 Dongle or Ampac AP6212 (which purportedly uses the same Broadcom chip as the RPI3) then this is possible - they are "dual-stack".
Given this, the typical USB CSR chips have a hard limit of two connected RFCOMM clients and the Ampac, 8 or maybe more (tested for sure 8).

How to use APC220 Radio Communication Module in raspberry pi

I am developing a project using Arduino to send a message to Raspberry Pi using an APC220 Radio Communication Module.
The Raspberry Pi can't receive serial message by using USB connect to APC220. I want to know how to use APC220 in Raspberry Pi?
The APC220 has a TTL UART interface which you can connect directly to the RPi TTL UART pins on the GPIO header - you do not need the USB-Serial converter (though that should work too if it is a standard CDC/ACM device - though this suggests that there may be issues).
A note of caution however, the RPi GPIO pins use 3.3Volt logic, the APC220 datasheet is not clear on the TTL level used, but the specified supply range is 3.3 to 5.5 volts so it seems likely that it is 3.3V - best measure it to be certain. You can probably use the RPi GPIO headers's 3.3V supply pin to power the ACM220, then you will be sure to be safe. If the ACM220 level is too high, the quick-and-dirty solution is to use current limiting resistors in-line to protect the RPi (10KOhm should be enough, but don't hold me responsible; you should know what you are doing before proceeding).
The UART device on the Pi is /dev/ttyAMA0.
See here for details of serial I/O on the Pi.
22 Feb 2012 Update
The discussion here suggests that to make the TTL<->USB adapter work on Raspberry Pi, you need to disconnect the EN signal - the discussion links back to the manufacturer documentation, which gives that advice in the troubleshooting section. Since that makes the device appear as a USB serial, and you won't have to reconfigure the on-chip serial or build a connector that may be simpler.

Android Bluetooth LE Chat example

I am trying to read serial data over Bluetooth LE but can't find any code examples for this type of bluetooth and api19. Does any one have an example?
There is no profile defined for serial data communication over Bluetooth Low Energy till now. For this one can use the Bluetooth classic only.
In any case, Android devices can not broadcast for advertising packets. They can only scan the advertising packets. Hence, these devices will be in Central mode only. But can act as either server or client.
For Bluetooth chat related app example one can refer Android SDK as,
The above example is based on Bluetooth classic based on RFCOMM channel for serial communication.
Android 5.0 let mobile to be peripheral. So chat will be possible:
Bluetooth Classic got the SPP profile. This is not how Bluetooth Low Energy works.
In BLE you have 1 or more Services each with 1 or more Characteristics which are basically just bytes in a predefined format which by default can be max 23 bytes.
To send data from one device to another one must be the Master and the other must be Slave.
Android API19 does not support the Slave (Peripheral) role, it seems Google still doesn't understand the importance of Bluetooth Low Energy. It's so much more than just Pulse-readers.
You can send from an Android API19 phone to e.g. an iPhone which can be Slave/Peripheral.
You cannot send from an Android API19 phone to another API19 phone. For this you must use Bluetooth Classic SPP profile.
