Confusion understanding YouTube's loop parameter - browser

I have a YouTube video link which I am trying to supply parameters to:
Everything else works perfectly except for the loop parameter. The video doesn't loop. According to Google Developer's page:
This parameter has limited support in the AS3 player and in IFrame embeds, which could load either the AS3 or HTML5 player. Currently, the loop parameter only works in the AS3 player when used in conjunction with the playlist parameter.
So even though my Chrome browser is not using AS3, as I've disabled flash, I added the playlist parameter to the URL just to see what would happen.
Now the video does loop but both start and end parameters are ignored and the video starts at 00:00 instead of 00:20 as specified in the URL.
Why do I need to specify the playlist parameter when I am not using AS3 player?
Why does it ignore the start and end parameters on loop?
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Chrome version: 60.0.3112.90 (64-bit)

Looking at Youtube documentation... You can modify their shown i-frame API example code like below to get a looping effect.
The trick is :
Set Start Time of video at 20 seconds
Listen for playback begin event and handle with onPlayerStateChange() function, which itself starts a timer of a 5 seconds countdown (ie: 5000 millisecs).
When timer reaches zero it triggers function handleVideo() which itself starts a new timer of 5 seconds. Then auto-seeks back to 20 second (start time) in video's timeline. The timer now creates a feedback loop.
Try my example code below in a new html page. Can also test it here.
Code was tested on Windows/Chrome.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- 1. The <iframe> (and video player) will replace this <div> tag. -->
<div id="player"></div>
// 2. This code loads the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// 3. This function creates an <iframe> (and YouTube player)
// after the API code downloads.
var player;
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady()
player = new YT.Player('player',
width: '100%',
height: '800',
videoId: 'wU4DgHHwVCc',
'onReady': onPlayerReady,
'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange
// 4. The API will call this function when the video player is ready.
function onPlayerReady(event)
// 5. The API calls this function when the player's state changes.
// The function indicates that when playing a video (state=1),
// the player should play for six seconds and then stop.
var done = false;
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {
setTimeout(handleVideo, 5000);
done = true;
// Custom function to LOOP
// Moves playhead back to 20 seconds
function handleVideo()
setTimeout(handleVideo, 5000);

It is simple. For single video to loop, you need to have it twice.
Try this out.
Note that "rel" must be set to "0" for any videos that might have them linked as they break the loop.
I made a page for testing HERE if you like to test.


How to debug chrome extension at such part of code?

The code below is the JavaScript file works with popup.html from a small project.
I use it for chrome extension development learning.
The first part of this code piece is getting two variable from chrome storage, let's call it part1.
The second part is a button-click event function,Let's call it part2.
The button is on popup page and called "spend".
In part2, I can set a breakpoint2 on chrome debugger DevTools,when I click the button on popup page, it will stop at breakpoint2.
But when I place a Breakpoint1 at part1,the code will not stop at that line, even I add one more line "debugger;", the program will not stop there.
So my problem is how to make the debugger stop at places like breakpoint1?
The source code for the extension:
//Breakpoint2['total', 'limit'],function(budget){
var newTotal = 0;
if ({
newTotal += parseInt(;
var amount = $('#amount').val();
if (amount){
newTotal += parseInt(amount);
}{'total': newTotal}, function(){
Any assistance is highly appreciated,Thanks in advance.

How to manually stop getDisplayMedia stream to end screen capture?

I'm interested in getting a screenshot from the user and I'm using the getDisplayMedia API to capture the user's screen:
const constraints = { video: true, audio: false };
if (navigator.mediaDevices["getDisplayMedia"]) {
} else {
When executed, the browser prompts the user if they want to share their display. After the user accepts the prompt, the provided callback receives a MediaStream. For visualization, I'm binding it directly to a element:
const startStream = (stream: MediaStream) => { = stream;
This is simple and very effective so far. Nevertheless, I'm only interested in a single frame and I'd therefore like to manually stop the stream as soon as I've processed it.
What I tried is to remove the video element from the DOM, but Chrome keeps displaying a message that the screen is currently captured. So this only affected the video element but not the stream itself:
I've looked at the Screen Capture API article on MDN but couldn't find any hints on how to stop the stream.
How do I end the stream properly so that the prompt stops as well?
Rather than stopping the stream itself, you can stop its tracks.
Iterate over the tracks using the getTracks method and call stop() on each of them:
.forEach(track => track.stop())
As soon as all tracks are stopped, Chrome's capturing prompt disappears as well.
start screen capture sample code:
async function startCapture() {
logElem.innerHTML = "";
try {
videoElem.srcObject = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(displayMediaOptions);
} catch(err) {
console.error("Error: " + err);
stop screen capture sample code:
function stopCapture(evt) {
let tracks = videoElem.srcObject.getTracks();
tracks.forEach(track => track.stop());
videoElem.srcObject = null;
more info: MDN - Stopping display capture

Alexa - Perform background tasks during audioPlayer.Play

How is it possible to carry out any background tasks while Alexa is playing something with audioPlayer.Play?
The below plays an audio stream, but I need to perform other tasks in the background without intervention while the stream is playing. I know it is possible because other Skills can do it.
var handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function() {
'Play': function() {
Does anyone know or have any suggestions? From what I can see, once it starts playing the stream, I cannot get it to do anything unless I interrupt the stream to command another intent?
Alexa has a few built in requests that she sends to your skill throughout the lifecycle of an Audio stream for just this purpose! They are as follows:
AudioPlayer.PlaybackStarted - Sent when a new audio item begins playing.
AudioPlayer.PlaybackNearlyFinished - Sent when an audio item is almost over (most commonly used by a skill service to handle queuing the next item.)
AudioPlayer.PlaybackFinished - Sent when an audio item ends.
There are a couple of other ones too that you can read about here, but my guess is these will do just fine for what you need.
To use them, just set up handlers in your code for any of these requests and perform any tasks you need to there!
I don't know node.js at all, but my guess is the end result will look relatively close to this:
var handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function() { /* your launch request code from above */ }
'Play': function() { /* your play code from above */ }
'AudioPlayer.PlaybackNearlyFinished': function() {
// Perform any background tasks here

VIDEOJS: playing a pre-roll add before each playlist item

I'm using the videojs-playlist plugin along with Google's videojs-ima plugin. Everything works swimmingly except I am only getting a preload ad before the first video. I want one before each video in the playlist.
Basic setup is boilerplate, but for reference:
this.player = videojs('currentvideo', { autoplay : true, fluid : true });
const skippable_linear = {google's test ad};
const options = {
id: 'currentvideo',
adTagUrl: skippable_linear,
debug : true
I have tried various ways of manually calling ads from inside an 'ended' event handler, such as calling requestAds again:
const _this = this;
this.player.on( 'ended', function(){
/* some other stuff */
This does play an ad where I want it, but
this breaks playlist's 'autoadvance' setting (next video doesn't start playing when the ad is finished), and
this puts the player into "ad display" mode (scrubber is unavailable, etc).
Is there a simple way to just say, "play an ad now" programmatically? I've tried, without joy, to use all of the seemingly applicable methods exposed by both the ima plugin and the contrib-ads plugin it relies on. I'll admit here that this is the first time I've ever had to deal with videos that run ads, so I'm kind of a noob.
I am trying to do the same thing. Just like you I failed when calling player.ima.requestAds() on events. I dug deeper and the best I could come up with is what I share bellow.
According to the videojs-ima API you have to use the setContentWithAdTag method instead of whatever you are using to switch the player content. In our case it is the method.
I combined the code found in the videojs-ima examples with the original to write my own next.
Then quite brutally I overrode the original plugin method.
Here's the code:
player.playlistUi(); //videojs-playlist-ui
id: 'video5',
adTagUrl: 'thy adserver request'
//override = function(){
var nextIndex = 0,
playlist = this.player_.playlist,
list = this.player_.playlist();
//everything below is copied directly from the original `next` (except for the "//load with ad")
// Repeat
if (playlist.repeat_) {
nextIndex = playlist.currentIndex_ + 1;
if (nextIndex > list.length - 1) {
nextIndex = 0;
} else {
// Don't go past the end of the playlist.
nextIndex = Math.min(playlist.currentIndex_ + 1, list.length - 1);
// Make the change
if (nextIndex !== playlist.currentIndex_) {
//load with ad
return list[playlist.currentItem()];
You will probably need to override other methods that change the current playback, like playlist.previous.
I use videojs-playlist-ui so in my case it was neccessary to change the onclick handler called switchPlaylistItem_. I used some good old brute force to do that like this:
videojs.getComponent('PlaylistMenuItem').prototype.switchPlaylistItem_ = function(e){
PlaylistMenuItem's prototype should be changed before initializing the player.
This solution works, but it feels hacky, so if anyone can come up with something cleaner, please share!
I ended up forking videojs-playlist, and adding the option to override the player.src method. Feel free to use it:
Details on how to use it are all in the github readme (including an example with ima.setContentWithAdTag)

My GeoLocation Does not Seem to use Cache

I see alot of people complaining about how GeoLocation uses cache.... But my problem is that mine does not seem to use cache. My Weather API needs coordinates in order to be called, and the function to call the API is triggered once my GeoLocation gets its coordinates. The results appear on an HTML page, and if I open up a bunch quickly its almost instant, but after maybe 10 seconds it stops using the cache. I set maximumAge to 5400000, 1.5 hours, and that does not seem to work. Please let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks so much in advance.
Here is my GeoLocation Code if you are interested:
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successFunction, errorFunction, geo_options);
function successFunction(position) {
lat = position.coords.latitude;
long = position.coords.longitude;
console.log("lat:" + lat + " long:" + long);
callWeather(); // function that contains API call and Jquery to append
//the HTML file
function errorFunction(position) {
console.log('Error with Position!');
var geo_options = {
maximumAge: 54000000, //wait an hour and a half before updating position,
//allows for quicker calls to weather api?
timeout: 10000 // wait 10 seconds before giving up on position
I added this line to find out where the lag really was-
console.log("called position:"+d.getSeconds()+":"+ d.getMilliseconds());
and found out it was my weather api that was holding back the HTML display:
from the log (it is in minutes/seconds/milliseconds):
content.js:232 called position: 48:36:915
content.js:329 called weather: 48:39:150
I'm using DarkSky for my weather API. I wonder how I can speed that up...
