I'm testing LiClipse as a replacement for Eclipse and I have problems getting mylyn to work correctly. It used to pre-fill a new branch name and a commit message from an active task. I cannot get it to work with either LiClipse 3.6 or 4.0. Is this a limitation of JGit?
I do have mylyn preferences set to Automatically create and manage with task context
When I updated android studio, when going into the ide, my local history wasn't appearing, I have backed it up so when I went to move it to its new directory, in the new version, it kept being automatically wiped every time I tried starting android studio, is there a way of using the local history from an older android studio version on a new one or would I have to downgrade android studio back to its original version?
Edit: Here's a possible workaround from this comment - you have to copy/backup the whole Android Studio folder of the old version and then merge it with the new one - because the files in Local History internally use content from outside that folder
At this time it's not possible to use Local History created from a different version of the IDE. Your backed up copy of the history won't work with the new version it's considered corrupt and gets reset.
First let's identify what is Local History
Local History helps you constantly track all changes made to a project independently of version control.
Since Android Studio is InteliJ based you can also find information about it in the InteliJ documentation:
Note that Local History is not a replacement for a proper version control for long-term versioning. Local History is cleared when you install a new version of IntelliJ IDEA.
This includes app updates
You can monitor the following ticket for more details and updates:
Provide a way for the local history to "survive" VFS crash and Invalidate Caches and reinstallations
It seem you rely on Local History to such extent that you even consider a downgrade to an older version, but as the authors of the IDE state:
Local History is not a replacement for a proper version control for long-term versioning.
You would benefit much more to just use a regular versioning system to save significant checkpoints during development.
As of this question, I was able to specify gradle distribution for offline "existing" project builds by downloading latest version from https://gradle.org/releases/ and specifyinng them inside the Setting->Build,Execution,Deployment->Build Tools->Gradle
But for opening settings for new projects I've no option to configure
them. I got this screen when I open the Gradle settings for new projects.
There is no option to configure "Use gradle from":
Downloading gradle for every new project of around 150 MB is not very feasible.
So how do i specify the offline gradle distribution for new projects?
Currently it's not possible. Please follow the related request on YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-215792
The Android Studio 3.2 Canary version 12/14/15/16 doesn't have github integration, so I can't clone it from it, and when I try to pull/push on an already cloned repository, it keeps me asking for credentials everytime, and after 3 times trying to logging in, it gives me an unauthorized error. Already tried with ssh, and my credentials are correct when I check them at Settings > Version Control > Github
I use github integration heavily on daily basis, which makes me stuck with canary 8 version.
This shows the start screen of both versions:
My VSTS Repository contains 50+ Visual Studio projects of Azure Web Apps and I was requested to get an automated build and release process in place for one of them. I went thru and selected a Visual Studio template and on the build solution I selected only the one project I wanted to do a build and release on but when I queue the build to run it starts doing a get latest on every project in the repository. This is unacceptable because it would take hours to get latest on all the projects just to compile and publish one website. This makes no sense to me. Is there a way to limit what the build does a get latest on?
Depends on the repository type you're using. In case you're using TFVC, you can go to the Repositories tab and configure your workspace mappings to match exactly what you need for your project.
If you're using Git, then you're out of luck, the way git repositories are synced, the whole repository is always fetched when a build is initiated.
If you're using your own build agent, you can configure it to retain the sources directory, in which case only the differences are synced when a build runs.
I just created a brand new local subversion repository (c:\svnrepo) with the following steps:
mkdir c:\svnrepo
Opened c: in Explorer, right-clicked \svnrepo, and selected TortiseSVN->Create Repository Here
Had TortiseSVN create the default directories.
Now... I have two existing projects that I want to move into the repository. Let's call them "mylib" and "myapp". If it makes things easier, I can create a separate repo for each project instead of dumping both of them into different subdirectories of one big repo.
mylib is an IntelliJ project. It's a Java library, and currently inhabits c:\src\mylib
myapp is an Android Studio project. It's an Android app, and currently inhabits c:\src\myapp
Now is the point where I'm struggling. I used to know how to do this with my eyes closed, but it's been a few years since the last time I've had to create my own local Subversion repo from scratch, and I've basically forgotten how to do it. Plus, the last time I did it, I was using Netbeans (Java), Eclipse (Android), and SyncroSVN.
I vaguely remember that the procedure goes something like this:
Import the project (say, c:\src\mylib) into the local Subversion repo, add all the files, and commit them... but first, configure subversion to exclude all the files and directories that shouldn't be under VCS. I'm pretty sure there's a convenient way to do this in both IntelliJ 14 and Android Studio... but I don't know what it is (the last time I did anything like this, I was using Eclipse and SyncroSVN). At this point, I'm not even sure which directories and extensions SHOULD be excluded, because every online tutorial I find seems to have a different opinion (compounded by the radical changes Android Studio has made to its project directory structure with seemingly every single major new release).
Move c:\src\mylib and c:\src\myapp to c:\backup for safekeeping, then from c:\src, check out mylib and myapp from the Subversion repo. Once again, I'm pretty sure IntelliJ 14 and Android Studio both have a workflow to do this all in a single step, but I don't know what it is.
In theory, after I've done steps 1 and 2, I should be able to reopen the projects using IntelliJ or Android Studio, and the only difference is that they should both now be aware that the projects are under version control & somehow visually indicate files that differ from the repository copies.
What's the current proper way to do the steps above to get my two projects under Subversion control?
I have the following installed:
svn commandline client
IntelliJ 14.1.5 (yeah, it's about a year and a half behind the current release... my subscription lapsed, so I'm stuck with the version I had last May).
Android Studio 2.1.2
Just to be clear, I remember that there are two ways to organize a Subversion repo... either as a single monolithic project where the actual Java/Android projects are subdirectories of trunk, tags, and branches... or as separate repositories with one project apiece (each of which has its own trunk, tags, and branches). Either structure is fine with me. I just feel like I'm going in circles right now & desperately need a few nudges in the right direction.
First of all, install Subversion server on your machine. You could use http(s) URLs instead of awkward file:// access schema.
In any case, here are the steps that should work in Android Studio and IDEA both:
Open your project.
Select VCS | Enable version control integration.
Select VCS | Import into Version Control | Share Project (Subversion).
For Repository Location enter file:///C:/svnrepo/ or https://svn.example.com/svnrepo/ and select the project structure you need.
Select Share.