Excel : Weeknumber within month with criteria - excel

I'm trying to make a formule to calculate the weeknumber within a week but with certain criteria. The week always starts on a monday. But if the thursday of that week is in the next month, then that weeknumber is part of the next month.
[enter image description here][2]
Right now I have the following formula:
=INTEGER((6+DAY(A4+1-WEEKDAY(A4-1)))/7) where A4 is the date.
This already calculates the weeknumber within the month, but not with the criteria of thursday. An extra added criteria is that the weeknumber should start from 6am on monday instead of at midnight. But that I can solve with an extra column to check for that.
Thanks in advance!

Consider working out the week number from the previous week number:
If it is Monday then
If following Thursday goes into the next month, reset to 1
Else increase by 1
Else use same value
So starting with a 1 in E4
entered in E5 and copied down.
Above works for 2017 but would need slight change to work for 2018 and onwards because month decreases from 12 to 1 across year boundary:

I cant upload a workbook but here is a solution:
Row 2 is headers
Row 3 is empty
B4 going down is the date(01/01/2017 up to 31/12/2017)
D4 =VLOOKUP($C4,$L$3:$M$9,2,0)
F4 to J4 are empty
F5 =IF(C5=1,F4+1,F4)
G5 =IF(C5=4,11,0)
H5 =IF(MAX(E5:E11)-MIN(E5:E11)<>0,22,0)
I5 =IF(AND(C5=4,SUM(G5:G11)+SUM(H5:H11)>22),I4+1,0)
J5 =IF(H6-H5<0,1,IF(H6=22,J5,IF(OR(C6=1,I6<>0),J5+1,J5)))
L3 to M9 are vlookups
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
Does that work ok for you?

In my experience most of those week number questions can be answered with some variation of your original formula - in this case this version should cater for Monday week start with the Thursday determining the month
That works for a date in A4 but assuming you have a date/time in A4 and the week doesn't start until 06:00 on Monday then you can tweak that as follows:


Formula based on first monday or tuesday etc of the week

Is there a way to put a year into a cell (say A1), then the day of the week you want (say Monday in cell A2) and enter into the 12 cells below it the first monday of each month (or first tuesday, etc, based on whats in cell A2)?
I have been able to figure out how to do it with 1 day but I would like it to be interactive.
With Office 365:
You where pretty close with your formula
A1 = year string
A2 = day of the week as number (1 = Saturday, 2 = Sunday, etc.)

Summing hours between range of dates, looking up to separate table in excel

In cells A1:B6 I have the following info.
Weekday Hours
Monday 5
Tuesday 5
Wednesday 0
Thursday 5
Friday 0
In cells A8:B9 I have a date range, e.g.
From: To:
09/01/19 11/01/19
In cell C9 I want a formula which tells me how many hours are between the from and to dates. Not the total number of hours, but the sum of hours as they appear in the weekday table.
There is a helpful article on exceljet which got me some of the way here., but I got tangled in the array formulas and could not fix it.
The result of the formula should be: 5. ie. there are 5 hours between Wednesday 09/01/2019 and Friday 11/01/2019. (dd/mm/yy)
Any help is gratefully received.

How to calculate the number of weeks between 2 date range in excel

I have a question here, I have 3 columns in excel, A1 is being the calendar date; column B1 has the fiscal_quarter_start_date ; and fiscal_quarter_end_date in column C1.
I am trying to find the number of week falling in between the A2 and A3. The issue here is I should consider the first sunday as the first week of the quarter. My fiscal year starts on Feb of every month.
The reason I am doing this calculation is to populate the count of weeks numbers of a quarter, where my first week starts from the first sunday of the quarter.
above is the formula i've got all the way. However rounding up with 13 is not a viable solution as its not necessary that it should have always have 13 weeks all the time.
For example: 5/1/16 should be week 1 As it is a begging of a q2 and 5/1/16 is the starting on Sunday. In this case using above formula result for the week is 13
Please help me..
You can use WEEKNUM to get the week number.
However you mentioned that your week wont end at the Saturday, but at the Sunday, so you have to do =WEEKNUM(<insert here where the date is>,2)
=WEEKNUM (serial_num, [return_type])
serial_num - A valid Excel date in serial number format.
return_type - [optional] The day the week begins. Default is 1.
Return_type can either be 1 or 2:
1 - Week begins on Sunday
2 - Week begins on Monday
or... read it here for counting weeks between 2 dates.
Enter this formula =(A2-A1)/7 into a blank cell, (A2 indicates the end date and A1 is the start date)
If you just want to get the whole weeks, please apply this INT function: =INT((A2-A1)/7)
Try it here, on sheet "week"
Hope it'll help.
Assuming that the Quarter start and end dates are in A3:A6 respectively then:
This is checking whether the date in the cell above (C1) is between the quarter start and end dates, and checking the difference in weeks from the start date. To cover the anomoly for Q4 extending into the next year, the IF statement at the end adds 53 instead of 1 for the affected dates.
Edit #1
This works for the A1:C1 format you mentioned in your comment. Obviously this relies on B1 and C1 being updated manually.
Edit #2
If you are counting 05/01/2016 as week 1 then add 1 to the result. Take off the highest week number (default is counting from sunday or you can change to (C1,1) if you want to define it exactly) from the lowest week number. Reult is 13 which would match the manual calculation.
You will want to look at the previous edit for an example of the if formula you will need when the quarter ends in another year. to reverse the negative figure it will need to add 52 when the date is in the early part of the next year and 0 when it is not.
You can use the "hidden" function DATEDIF:
For example in A1 we write start date (01/05/2016), in B1 - end date (31/07/2016) and in C1 = DATEDIF(A1,B1,"d")/7 the result will be 13

Excel Formula: Current 12 months

I'm looking for a formula in excel that will give me a current 12 month table. For example this month is April. I want a formula that gives me 12 months back from April in the exact format as show in the table below. For next month it will be May, and 12 months back from may without having to adjust any dates.
Thank you
Try this and copy down 11 rows
If you number the months in column b starting from b2 =0 to b13=11
And row 1 has headers
A2 formula =EOMONTH(today(),b2-1)+1
A3 formula = EOMONTH(today(),b3-1)+1
EOMONTH will give you the last day of any month. So if we start with today() it will give you the last day of the current month, but if we count back 1 month (b2-1). It will give you the last day of last month. So we add 1 day to it and you get the first day of each month.
Hope this helps :)

Using index in excel how to get a 6th value from a array

I am trying to get 6th day from the day itself and should repeat for 3 times but I am not able to get the desired output
Column A Column B(Expected output)
Sunday Sunday
Monday Friday
Tuesday Wednesday
Wednesday Monday
Thursday Saturday
Friday Thursday
Saturday Tuesday
I am using:
and I am getting only Friday and if I do auto fill only Friday is copied to all cells.
Any assistance much appreciated.
If I understand you correctly, you want to show the name of every sixth day from a starting date. There are different approaches to that. The Index() one is a possibility, but not the easiest.
Easier: In the first cell (B1), enter the starting date. Format with custom format "dddd".
In the next cell down use a formula
and format with custom format "dddd". Copy down as far as desired.
OR use
and copy down.
If you want to base this on today's date, you can start in B1 with
and copy down.
EDIT: if the cell contents is not about dates and weekdays, but just any text or value, then you can use the Index() approach. For an array with seven values, you want to extract every 6th value, looping through the seven values. That would mean that the values are accessed in the following order:
Therfore, you need a formula that delivers this number sequence. This formula, if started in row 1 and copied down, does that:
Wrap an Index around it and adjust your column references. In B1 and copied down to B21:
