Does Jose4J handle an HTTP Status 307 (temporarily redirect) - jose4j

I was wondering whether Jose4J handles the redirect http status codes (e.g. 307) when retrieving the JWKS from the OpenID Connect Endpoint.
I myself now do the retrieval and pass on the JWKS to Jose4J so called out of band. Now when i switched network i got a lot of 307's and wonder if it's wise to let Jose4J do the JWKS retrieval when it supports 307 and the other redirect statusses

Yes, it will follow redirects when making requests to a JWKS endpoint. org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver uses org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks that by default uses org.jose4j.http.Get which in turn uses java's HttpsURLConnection that will follow redirects unless the behaviour has been changed at the class level:


Could automatically redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS inadvertently encourage a man-in-the-middle attack vector?

If your web server implements HTTPs, it's common practice to 301 redirect all http://* URLs to their https:// equivalents.
However, it occurs to me that this means that the client's original HTTP request (and any data contained in it) remains fully unencrypted, and only the response is encrypted. Does automatically "upgrading" all insecure requests on the server end effectively encourage clients to continue sending data to insecure HTTP endpoints, more or less downgrade attacking myself?
I realize I can't stop a client from insecurely sending any data to any endpoint, but does the practice of automatically redirecting HTTP to HTTPS "condone" the client doing so? Would it be better practice to instead outright reject all HTTP traffic that could contain sensitive data and make it the browser's responsibility to attempt or recommend the upgrade to HTTPS?
This is indeed a known issue, and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)—released in 2012—aims to solve it. It is an HTTP header field which takes the form:
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=<seconds> [; includeSubDomains]
HSTS informs the browser via that all connections to a given domain must be "upgraded" to https, even if they were specified as non-secure http`:
The UA MUST replace the URI scheme with "https"
This applies to all future connections to the domain (including following links), for the duration of the max-age specified in the header.
However this does leave open a potential vulnerability on the user's first visit to a domain with HSTS (if the header were stripped by an attacker). Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge attempt to limit this problem by including a "pre-loaded" list of HSTS sites.
So this preloaded list has all popular websites, All you may see in this chromium link, this list is humongous(10M), thereby solving aforementioned problem to a certain extent.

Why does RFC 6797 forbid sending of the Strict-Transport-Security header over plain HTTP responses?

When reading the spec for HSTS (Strict-Transport-Security), I see an injunction in section 7.2 against sending the header when accessed over http instead of https:
An HSTS Host MUST NOT include the STS header field in HTTP responses
conveyed over non-secure transport.
Why is this? What are the risks if this is violated?
The danger is to the availability of the website itself. If the website is able to respond (either now or in the future) over HTTP but not over HTTPS, it will semi-permanently prevent browsers from accessing the site:
Browser: "I want"
ExampleCom: "You should go to the https:// URL now and for the next 3 months!"
Browser: "I want"
ExampleCom: [nothing]
By only serving the STS header over HTTPS connections, the site guarantees that at least right now it is not pointing browsers to an inaccessible site. Of course, if the max-age is set to 3 months and the HTTPS site breaks tomorrow, the effect is the same. This is merely an incremental protection.
If your server cannot positively tell from request characteristics whether it is being accessed over HTTP vs. HTTPS, but you believe you have set up your website to only be accessible over HTTPS anyhow (e.g. due to SSL/TLS termination in an nginx proxy), it should be safe to serve the header all the time. But if you want to serve both, e.g. if you wish to serve HTTP->HTTPS redirects from your server, find out how your proxy tells you about the connection and start gating the STS header response on that.
(Thanks to Deirdre Connolly for this explanation!)
Not sure if you have a specific issue you are trying to solve, or are only asking for curiosity sake but this might be better asked on
Like you I can't see the threat from the server sending this over HTTP. It doesn't really make sense, but I'm not sure if there is a risk to be honest. Except to say if you can't set up the header properly then perhaps you're not ready to implement HSTS as it can be dangerous if misconfigured!
The far bigger danger is if a browser was to process a HSTS header received over HTTP, which section 8.1 explicitly states it MUST ignore:
If an HTTP response is received over insecure transport, the UA MUST
ignore any present STS header field(s).
The risk here is that a malicious attacker (or an accidentally misconfigured header) could take a HTTP-only website offline (or the HTTP-only parts of a mixed site) if a browser incorrectly processed it. This would effectively cause a DoS for that user(s) until either the header expiries or the site implements HTTPS.
Additionally if a browser did accept this header over HTTP rather than HTTPS, it could be possible for a MITM attacker to expire the header by setting it to a max-age of 0. For example if you have a long HSTS header set on but attacker was able to publish a max-age=0 header with includeSubDomain over, and the browser incorrectly processed that, then it could effectively remove the protection HTTPS gives to your www site.
For these reasons it's very important that clients (i.e. webbrowsers) implement this correctly and ignore the HSTS header if served over HTTP and only process it over HTTPS. This could be another reason the RFC states servers must not send this over HTTP - just in case a browser implements this wrong but, to be honest, if that happens then that browser is putting all HTTP only websites at risk as a MITM attacker could add it as per above.

How can I perform the web service/application only on https in node.js

I have a trivial question about web architecture. When I build a web service/application, I want to make it only work perfectly on https protocol.
Firstly I analyzed the google's methodology by network session of chrome developer tools. In there I found it, when a http request is sended to the google, that the request redirected to https of same origin.
I thought it is a respectable way. But I find it has a potential risk. When an authorized user using the google, he have a session. And after, he want to deep another site (e.g. Yahoo). And he will come back to the google by inserting the address '' directly in browser's address box. In this situation if the user didn't shut off the google session, in the redirect process, the unencrypted session token will be sended to google because the redirect process be proceeded on http protocol. So this user will be exposed MITM(man in the middle) attack.
So I hesitate to use google methodology. Anyone have a idea?
Set the secure flag on the session cookie. Then it won't ever be sent over HTTP.

Which code i should return when request doesn't pass cross site forgery attack validation

I filter HTTP requests by referrer field to prevent cross site forgery attacks. I know it is a bad idea and i already use ASP.NET MVC built-in anti-forgery mechanism but our customer has special security utility which checks cross-site forgery attacks by change referrer field of HTTP request.
My question is what i need to do when i receive domain which is not allow? What http code to return and which page i should show to user?
Should it be custom page like 404 not found or just redirect to main page?
What is common practice?
"403 Forbidden" and provide a HTML body directing users to your home page.
An attacker can't see the status code of a CSRF attack during POST (due to Same Origin Policy) so the HTTP code is of no consequence apart from serving to inform real users.

Is there any reason not to serve https content on a page served over http?

I currently have image content being served on a domain that is only accessible over https. What is the downside of serving an image with an https path on a page accessed over http? Are there any caching considerations? I'm using an HttpRuntime.Cache object to store the absolute image path, which is retrieved from a database.
I assume there is no benefit to using protocol-relative URLs if the image is only accessible over https?
Is there a compelling reason why I should set up a separate virtual directory to also serve the image content over http?
If the content served over HTTPS within the HTTP page isn't particularly sensitive and could equally be served over HTTP, there is no downside (perhaps some performance issues, not necessarily much, and lack of caching, depending on how your server is configured: you can cache some HTTPS content).
If the content server over HTTPS is sufficiently sensitive to motivate the usage of HTTPS, this is really bad practice.
Checking that HTTPS is used and used correctly is solely the responsibility of the client and its user (this is why automatic redirections from HTTP to HTTPS are only partly useful, for example). Although some of it has to do with the technicalities of certificate verification, a lot of the security offered by HTTPS comes from the fact that the user:
expects to be using HTTPS (otherwise they could easily be downgraded),
is able to verify the validity of the certificate: green/blue bar, corresponding to the host name on which they expect to be.
The first point can be addressed by HTTP Strict Transport Security, from a technical point of view.
The second needs used interaction. If you go to your bank's website, it must not only be a site with a valid certificate, but you should also check that it's indeed the domain name of your bank, for example.
Embedding HTTPS content in an HTTP page defeats this, since the user can't check which site is being used, and that HTTPS is used at all in fact. To some extent, embedding HTTPS content from a third party in an HTTPS page also presents this problem (this is one of the problems with 3-D Secure, which may well be served using HTTPS, but using an iframe doesn't make which site is actually used visible.)
