I was doing a DIFF in VIM, and after trying to change the color scheme, I got this annoying column, it only appears in one file, no matter if I restart VIM, now I don't know how to get rid of it.
I think it doesn't have nothing to do with GitGutter, but now I'm not sure.
I think it's the fold column, which displays indicators for open and closed folds. Its width is controlled by a window-local option called 'foldcolumn' (see :h 'fdc).
By default, its value is 0 (disabled). If it's present in one of your window, some file must have changed its value. To find which one, you could execute:
:verbose setlocal foldcolumn
I am trying that in the editor vi, limit the number of characters per line you can do. Once you reach those x characters, break the line with a carriage return. For example: limit 50 characters.
I have not seen that there is any command (like :set nu to write the numbers of the lines in editor vi) or something similar to activate it.
I know that in order for it to take effect I have to create the file ~/.vimrc but there I don't know how to edit it so that when I later create a file, I restrict it.
Are you really using vi? You are probably using vim. If so, :help will answer most of your _I don't know_s. From there, you can also jump to specific parts of the help following the links (you recognize them as they are likely colored, bolded, or highligthed somehow) by hitting Ctrl+] (and yes, you can also enter :help ctrl-] to see the help on the key combination I've just mentioned).
In order to do what you want, it is enough that you put set textwidth=50 or set tw=50 in your ~/.vimrc file (note that a value of zero for tw means that the option is disabled, or if you prefer, that tw is infinite). If you want to look at the description of this option, enter :help textwidth.
This setting (:set tw=50), however, won't change already existing lines; in order to change all the already existing lines according to the current setting of tw, you can do gggqG, which moves to the first line (gg) and then formats the lines (gq, for info enter :help gq, which will also reveal the reason why this command will have an effect even if tw is 0) till to the last line (G moves to last line of file).
I am running vim 7.3 on several machines. By default MatchParen is enabled on all of my instances. Using gvim on my windows machine, it is doing exactly what I want - when my cursor is on a bracket, paren, etc. it visually highlights the match. It does not affect cursor navigation. However, on my Ubuntu boxes, when I move the cursor onto the character, it actually jumps to the match.
I'm sure that the behavior is caused by MatchParens because if I do a :NoMatchParen, it stops. Unfortunately, I also don't get the highlighting at that point. I can't figure out where my settings differ, though.
I'll like you even more if you can point me towards a plugin that will always highlight the closest enclosing pair of characters around my current position (like a code oriented version of MatchTagsAlways)
When showmatch is set, the cursor is actually jumping, and the following line fixes the problem:
set matchtime=0
More details:
Just like FDinoff said in the accepted answer, this is probably only a problem of colors.
So if the color of the matching "paren" disorients you, tweaking colors of background and foreground is likely the solution.
But HOW do you do this?? ^^
I've had quite a journey through the vimdoc (it was not easy).
I've tested a whole bunch of variables and found that the relevant tweak is the [hi]ghlight command and specifically the MatchParen group.
The solution
Adding this in my .vimrc did the trick:
hi MatchParen ctermfg=208 ctermbg=bg
Note that vim config files are read from top to bottom, and some types of "words" are matched by several options. For example, a boolean could also be a keyword. Thus you have to pay attention to the order of these options.
How does this work?
My problem was that the background had the flashy color while the foreground had the color of the background of my terminal, which made it really confusing. Thus switching colors was the solution for me. But maybe you will have to tweak it differently.
First, you can check the current value for highlight MatchParen by entering the following command (while inside vim, in normal mode):
:hi MatchParen
You'll see hi MatchParen followed by XXX in the current style, followed by a list of argument=value separated by spaces.
The important arguments are ctermfg and ctermbg for the "terminal" vim, guifg and guibg for the "gui" vim. (Where fg means foreground and bg means background)
You can change a value and see the result in real time. Just put your cursor over a match character and enter the following command:
:hi MatchParen SomeArgument=SomeValue
This will not be saved, so don't worry. When you find a proper combination of values, you can add them in your .vimrc as shown above.
Personally, I set ctermfg to 208 (orange color) and ctermbg to bg (a keyword for the current background color, if known by vim).
If you use vim in a gui, take a look here for the available choice of colors.
The cursor isn't jumping. The color scheme probably has defined bad colors for the MatchParen highlight group which makes it look like the cursor is jumping.
Running default gVim (v7.4.461) without any configuration (i.e. no .vim files) in openSUSE 13.2 Legacy 32 Bit, :set showmatch? reveals that showmatch is on at start, which is not Vim's stated default behaviour. We can account for this by adding :set noshowmatch in our .vimrc.
my setting for command mode completion is:
set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest,list,full
currently when i type
:set fdm=
in command mode, then press tab, manual appended, if i Press tab again , character ^I appended, what i want is manual changed to another foldmethod options such as syntax, indent and so on.
does anyone know is that possible or if there is any plugin could do that ?
thanks !
As you say, when you press <Tab> after :set fdm=, you get manualinserted.
That could seem the usual autocomplete behaviour we are used to in many places, manual being just the first of all possible values. So, you expect that repeating <Tab> will give you more possibilites.
But that's not indeed the case. What you get when pressing <Tab> in such a situation is not the first autocompletion alternative, but the current option value. So, you're getting manual because that's in fact the default value for that option. Successive <Tab>s get inserted literally, as this behaviour is only fired right after =.
From Vim's help:
The old value of an option can be obtained by hitting 'wildchar' just after
the '='. For example, typing 'wildchar' after ":set dir=" will insert the
current value of 'dir'. This overrules file name completion for the options
that take a file name.
So, what you described is expected behaviour. See :help cmdline-completion for the whole story.
I don't know about any plugin capable of changing this to what you want.
I'm trying to configure Vim so that it always wraps at x-number of columns automatically, at all times such as in this other editor that I provided a screenshot of-
Use :set wrap and :set textwidth=N . For permanent effect add the wrap settings to the vim start-up file .vimrc
set wrap
set textwidth=X
To apply the wrapping to an existing file, move to the start of the file (you can use gg to do this). Then type gqG to apply the re-formatting to the entire file.
Also setting a margin may be useful:
set wrapmargin=0
If you want hard wrapping, i.e. real reformatting of the text by inserting newline characters, the 'textwidth' setting (as outlined in suspectus's answer) is the key. You need to reformat existing text, e.g. via the gq command.
For soft wrapping, i.e. where long lines just appear to be broken in the editor window, :set wrap will always fill the entire available window space; you cannot restrict that to take less. Either resize the Vim window, or add a padding buffer to the right that restricts the available space to the current window. For the latter, my LimitWindowSize plugin may be helpful.
Judging from the second screenshot, you seemed to want soft-wrap. This answer suggests a way to achieve a soft-wrap effect .
I'm generalizing the solution a bit compared to the one I referred to, but basically
use :set nuw to see how many columns the line numbers are occupying, let's call this nuw.
then use :set columns=x where x = (the number of columns you want + nuw).
Note that the columns is automatically reset to window width once you resize the window, so this manual setting is not persistent.
Is it possible to not display a ~ for blank lines in Vim?
This confuses Mac Vim's scrollbar, and I quite don't like these tildes.
:hi NonText guifg=bg
That command should set the color of non text characters to be the same as the background color.
Vim 8.x:
You can now change the color just for the end of the buffer ~:
highlight EndOfBuffer ctermfg=black ctermbg=black
See changelog for Vim 8.x.
As jamessan said, you can’t disable them. The scrolling behavior isn’t specific to MacVim, either — it works the same way in the terminal and in gvim:
Instead of seeing this as a problem, what you should do is learn to see this as part of Vim’s flexibility. For example, you can use the zt command to scroll the current line to the top of the screen, regardless of where in the file it is. This can make it easier to write macros that do some work and then scroll back to where you were. The commands <C-E> and <C-Y> are made simpler because of this, as is the 'scrolloffset' option.
If you must, retrain your brain to think of Vim’s scrollbar as mapping to which line is on top, instead of which screenful is visible.
For NeoVim, you can set the fillchars value for eob to a space character and that will effectively hide it. (This might not work for plain Vim).
In Lua (Nvim 0.5+):
vim.wo.fillchars='eob: '
In VimScript:
set fillchars=eob:\
Note: Calling the above will override your fillchars value for other items as well (if set), so use this as a reference to set multiple values together:
set fillchars=eob:\ ,fold:\ ,vert:\│
Or use set fillchars+=... to append it your existing values.
You can't disable them, but you can change your colorscheme such that the NonText highlight group is colored the same as the Normal highlight group. However, this affects more than just the end of document tildes.
I doubt that it's actually "confusing" MacVim's scrollbar and if it is, then that's a bug in the patching that MacVim does.
The tilde ~ characters are meant to remind the user that those lines are not part of buffer content.
The above highlight trick will hide the ~ character, but it is still there. For some terminals, this may not even work. If you happen to be a Neovim user, you can use fillchars option to change the end of buffer symbol like this:
set fillchars=fold:\ ,vert:\│,eob:\ ,msgsep:‾
This will use space instead of ~ for end of buffer, effectively hiding the annoying ~.
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