Download files from fileshare [duplicate] - inno-setup

Is it possible to create the Inno Setup script to copy files from a UNC path on the network rather than statically adding them to the setup file?
If so, can it still be done if I need to authenticate to the path first? Is there a mechanism to provide authentication info in the Inno Setup script?
Essentially, I am wanting setup to just copy files from various sources over the intranet from a UNC path to put into the setup destination directory.

Yes, specify the UNC path in the Source parameter of the [Files] section entry and use the external flag.
Source: \\UNC\path\file.txt; DestDir: {app}; Flags: external
To authenticate, you would have to call the WNetUseConnection or similar WinAPI.
See How to execute "net use" command from Inno Setup installer on Windows 7?


How to recursivelly include folder/files using a wildcard in Inno Setup

I want to include language resource files from our build into our installers. The language resource files all have the same name, but reside in different sub-folders (one per locale), like this:
In my [Files] section, I thought perhaps I might be able to do this (note the position of the asterisk):
Source: "..\\source\\Libraries\\Localization\\bin\\Release\\*\\Localization.resources.dll"; \
DestDir: "{app}\\MyApp"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
Unfortunately, Inno Setup blows up, complaining that it can't find any files:
Compiler Error!
Line 129: No files found matching "C:\Development\HT\Installers\..\source\Libraries\Localization\bin\Release\*\Localization.resources.dll"
I would like Inno Setup to look for any sub-folder (hence the *) containing a file named Localization.resources.dll and upon installation, create a language directory with the same name (based on what is found via the wildcard) and copy the file to that folder, doing so for each folder that matches the criteria.
Essentially, I want to end up with this:
In case it isn't obvious, I would prefer not to explicitly add the source and destination folder names, because we will be adding more languages/locales in the future, and I would like Inno Setup to automatically pick up any new language folders/files we create without having to change the installer source.
Is this possible?
Just use the recursesubdirs flag with a root path to a tree and the Localization.resources.dll filename. It will automatically do what you want: find all Localization.resources.dll files in the tree and install them to their respective subfolders:
Source: "..\source\Libraries\Localization\bin\Release\Localization.resources.dll"; \
DestDir: "{app}\MyApp"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
As documented (emphasis mine):
Instructs the compiler or Setup to also search for the Source filename/wildcard in subdirectories under the Source directory.
Other possible approaches:
Generate the Files section using a preprocessor.
For a similar tasks, see:
Inno Setup - Recurse sub directories without creating those same sub directories
Generating Inno Setup file flags programmatically
Inno Setup: Dynamically add a component for all files in a folder and its subfolders
Generate the Files section using an external scripting language (with better functionality then Inno Setup preprocessor) and invoke it using the Exec preprocessor function. E.g. using PowerShell.

Extract multiple files from installer before installation begins in Inno Setup

I have few SQL script files which have to run before installation begin. The reason is if SQL scripts run successfully only, I want to do the installation.
If the SQL scripts need to run after the installation, I can copy the files to {app} path and run the files from there. But the requirement is run the files before installation begins. I am confused. What is the best way of doing it?
Say for example if it is a single file I can put it under Files section and can use ExtractTemporaryFile('FileName');
But as I mentioned, I have many files (in SQLSCRIPTS folder). What is the better way? (One solution is I can make it as a single file by zipping it and then unzip it)
Source: "C:\\SQLSCRIPTS\\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: dontcopy
To extract multiple files from installer, use the ExtractTemporaryFiles, like:

Inno Setup copy OutputBaseFileName in PostCompile section

I want copy OutputBaseFileName to archive after Inno Setup Studio script compiling is finished.
I prepared this script but it doesn't work.
Name: CopyFile({#OutputBaseFilename}, '\\Bckserver\Source\'{#OutputBaseFilename});
I will guess that you want to have the compiler copy the generated installer to yet another directory (\\Bckserver\Source).
This works:
Name: "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; Parameters: "/c copy C:\path\setup.exe \\Bckserver\Source"
I do not think there's better solution, as Inno Setup Studio does not support preprocessor in the PostCompile section, so you cannot refer to OutputBaseFilename or system directory other than by hard-coding them.

Path to store Inno Setup output files to (Setup-*.bin)

How to change names, extensions and locations of setup-*.bin (Inno Setup internal compression archive file)
Default archive location: {src}
Location where I want: {src}\Data (Data is a folder.)
There are many way to change the output folder and base file name here are a few:
In inno setup
OutputDir={userdocs}\Data({userdocs}means my document,change this if you want another folder)
To change Output Base File name that is setup-*.bin in your case
OutputBaseFilename=setup(change setup to any name)
To change the size of setup-*.binyou can use
DiskSliceSize=2000000000(as your preference).
{src} is nothing but a directory constants which mean
"The directory in which the Setup files are located".
PS: If you want to create script for inno setup you can use ISTool instead then use the script in inno setup.
Thanks if you like my answer then accepted it.
By the setup-*.bin, I assume you refer to output files resulting from disk spanning. I do not know what "Inno Setup internal compression archive file" is.
Default location for Inno Setup output files is not {src} (it wouldn't make sense) but subfolder "Output" under the directory containing the script."
You can change this using OutputDir directive.
Quoting Inno Setup documentation:
Specifies the "output" directory for the script, which is where the Setup Compiler will place the resulting SETUP.* files. By default, it creates a directory named "Output" under the directory containing the script for this.

InnoSetup - Erroneous "File in use by another process..." message while compiling

Although I really like InnoSetup, I have been suffering with this erroneous message for some time, but my frustration has reached new heights. There are numerous posts complaining about this problem, which is most certainly an InnoSetup bug, but no useful work-arounds that I can find.
I have a very simple (signed) setup that merely copies some files and creates a shortcut. It does not even include an executable. When I try to compile the setup, I am getting this "the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" message - repeatedly (normally I always get the setup to compile within 3 tries), but now it seems futile after many. many tries. The file that is "in-use" is not clear from the InnoSetup output or error dialog. There are most definitely no competing processes running. (I have rebooted the machine and still get this message).
Any ideas on how to resolve this are much appreciated.
Here is the complete setup code - it is signed, but that is not a problem with other setups I have created with the same signature.
#define MyAppName "Easy-IAP for IronKey"
#define MyAppVersion "4.0"
#define MyAppPublisher "Command Post Solutions"
#define MyAppURL ""
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
;AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}
SignTool=Standard /d $qEasy-IAP Installer$q $f
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Source: "C:\Users\ron\Dropbox\Easy-IAP for IronKey\AccessDatabaseEngine.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: onlyifdoesntexist
Source: "C:\Users\ron\Dropbox\Easy-IAP for IronKey\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: onlyifdoesntexist
Source: "C:\Users\ron\Dropbox\Easy-IAP for IronKey\Easy-IAP for IronKey\bin\Release\Easy-IAP for IronKey.exe"; DestDir: "{app}";
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system les
Name: "{drive:{app}}\Easy-IAP"; Filename: "{app}\Easy-IAP for IronKey.exe";
I had the same problem.
It was due to McAfee antivirus running the realtime scanning on the exe file being compiled...
As it doesn't seem possible to exclude a directory from realtime scanning, I shut it down in McAfee SecurityCenter, and now it's good.
Hope this help
The problem is often an explorer window being open viewing the folder where the output files will reside.
Explorer continually opens the executable as it is built trying to fetch its icon and other metadata. Close any open explorer windows which are viewing the output folder and try again.
For this reason you are best running your inno setup file from the command line or part of a visual studio or other automated build process.
This is not a bug, this is only bad design of application (or bad documentation) :)
Use the OutputDir directive in your [Setup] section to avoid this wrong behaviour.
OutputDir specifies the "output" directory for the script, which is where the Setup Compiler will place the resulting SETUP.* files. By default, it creates a directory named Output under the directory containing the script for this.
You ask why?
If you do not use OutputDir in your script file (and many people do not use it) Inno Setup tries to create resulting setup in the "userdocs:" folder which causes a lot of troubles on all Windows systems.
Always use this parameter, even if you want to have resulting setup in current folder, in that case use:
I have OutputDir = x:]setup but the error still occurs. If I reboot my machine and then build as the 1st task then the build works.
Win 7 Pro/64, InnoSetup 5.5.5(a): I had axactly the same InnoSetup compilling problems. After changing folders properties used in projects and output by revoking sharing them all works fine. Conclusion - it is better not to use InnoSetup within shared folders.
I had this when OutputDir="." (meaning, put the output in the same directory as the source files). It would fail every second build.
I fixed it by adding modifying my powershell build script to delete that entire output directory, then build my app (which auto-created that directory), then run iscc to create the setup.exe
The error could be caused because you are trying to copy a folder that is linked with a Windows Service.
To solve this problem, use a [Code] section instead of putting the folder in [Files]. That allows you to check if the folder exist, close the associated windows service and finally copy the folder.
I had the same problem with that the solution is already stated above
and the other reason with this error comes up when the output file of the .exe you compiling has already have the same name in the directory where you put the output directory from inno setup.
In order words when compiling you need some special character like '-' or '_' in creating the file name and to avoid this error message.
I tried various folders on my work machine and nothing resolved the issue. I finally had success by using:
(Replace "userid" with your particular account)
I tried all advices from above. I could not make it.
Then I switched back from version 6.2 to 6.0.2 and it fixed the problem.
