I am working on the Project Budget Screen of acumatica, the screen uses the table PMProjectStatusEx which is a Projection table of PMProjectStatus. So I extended the PMProjectStatus table and added a field in there, I also extended the PMProjectStatusEx to add the same field and added it to the screen. But unlike the standard fields that updates the physical table PMProjectStatus my added field does not update the physical table. What could be the reason for this? Below is my code
public class PMProjectStatusExt :
#region UsrMarkupPct
public abstract class usrMarkupPct : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected Decimal? _UsrMarkupPct;
[PXDBDecimal(6, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1000)]
//[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Markup %")]
public virtual Decimal? UsrMarkupPct
return this._UsrMarkupPct;
this._UsrMarkupPct = value;
public class PMProjectStatusExExt :
#region UsrMarkupPct
public abstract class usrMarkupPct : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected Decimal? _UsrMarkupPct;
[PXDBDecimal(6, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 1000, BqlField = typeof(PMProjectStatusExt.usrMarkupPct))]
[PXDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Markup %")]
public virtual Decimal? UsrMarkupPct
return this._UsrMarkupPct;
this._UsrMarkupPct = value;
When you add fields using the DATA ACCESS section of the Project Editor it will generate DB Scripts to update the table behind the scene:
When you add fields using a DAC extension in CODE section, it will not generate the DB Scripts.
In that case you need to manually add the scripts in DB Scripts section.
One way to manually add DB field in DB Scripts is:
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sys.Columns WHERE Name = N'UsrMarkupPct' and
Object_ID = Object_ID(N'PMProjectStatus'))
ALTER TABLE PMProjectStatus ADD UsrMarkupPct DECIMAL(19,6)
I am currently trying to add the customer account class to the viewing area of the GL404000 screen with the by extending the GLTran DAC.
The AccountID, AccountCD and Account name are already available so I thought it would be an easy task.
In GLTranR, I saw where they were pulling in the account data:
public new abstract class referenceID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<referenceID> { }
[PXDimensionSelector("BIZACCT", typeof(Search<BAccountR.bAccountID>), typeof(BAccountR.acctCD), DescriptionField = typeof(BAccountR.acctName), DirtyRead = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = CR.Messages.BAccountCD, Enabled = false, Visible = false)]
public override Int32? ReferenceID
return this._ReferenceID;
this._ReferenceID = value;
The line that I attempted to change to my need was the [PXDimensionSelector()] however I cannot get this to pull in the class data. Even when I dont change the code at all it will not populate the column.
public new abstract class usrBusinessAccountClass : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<usrBusinessAccountClass> { }
protected Int32? _UsrBusinessAccountClass;
[PXDimensionSelector("BIZACCT", typeof(Search<BAccountR.bAccountID>), typeof(BAccountR.acctCD), DescriptionField = typeof(BAccountR.acctClass), DirtyRead = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Business Account Class", Enabled = false, Visible = false)]
public virtual Int32? UsrBusinessAccountClass
get {return _UsrBusinessAccountClass;}
set{ _UsrBusinessAccountClass = value;} // set does work but value does not???
just for a test I changed the setter to:
set { _UsrBusinessAccountClass = 1234; }
And that populated the column with the value 1234, so that is why I think my issue is just with selecting the class.
I would show this but I need 10 rep to post images.
You are on the proper track. The following code shows how to retrieve additional data to display within the screen.
Non-Database backed field on the DAC you wish to display data on :
public sealed class GLTranRExtension : PXCacheExtension<GLTranR>
public abstract class usrClassID : BqlString.Field<usrClassID>
[PXString(10, IsUnicode = true, InputMask = ">aaaaaaaaaa")]
[PXSelector(typeof(CRCustomerClass.cRCustomerClassID), DescriptionField = typeof(CRCustomerClass.description))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Business Account Class")]
public string UsrClassID { get; set; }
Graph extension in which the extension field is then populated with data :
public class AccountByPeriodEnqExtension : PXGraphExtension<AccountByPeriodEnq>
protected virtual void __(Events.RowSelecting<GLTranR> e)
if(e.Row is GLTranR row)
GLTranRExtension rowExt = row.GetExtension<GLTranRExtension>();
using(new PXConnectionScope())
BAccount bAccount = PXSelectReadonly<BAccount, Where<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<Required<BAccount.bAccountID>>>>.Select(this.Base, row.ReferenceID);
if(bAccount != null)
rowExt.UsrClassID = bAccount.ClassID;
You will also need to add within the GL404000 the UI elements for your new extension fields. The result will look as follows :
There is master-child table and master record has composite key on OrderNbr and RevisionNbr,
On UI we want to present the Selector for both the fields
OrderNbr with Max Revision number for Order number selector
Revision Number selector based on order Number selected ON UI.
also on UI we have function to create New revision, How we can create revision by Code, I am getting error of MUlti part query, when I defined IsKey= true for both the fields and tried to Save the data By
Note the MAster table has Identity column in the SQL server has Key
Parent Table DAC -
#region TestSuiteID
public abstract class testSuiteID:PX.Data.IBqlField {
protected int? _TestSuiteID;
public virtual int? TestSuiteID {
get {
return this._TestSuiteID;
set {
this._TestSuiteID = value;
#region TestSuiteCD
public abstract class testSuiteCD:PX.Data.IBqlField {
protected string _TestSuiteCD;
[PXDBString(50, IsKey = true, IsUnicode = true, InputMask = ">CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Test Group ID")]
[PXSelector(typeof(EWQCTestSuite.testSuiteCD), typeof(EWQCTestSuite.testSuiteCD), typeof(EWQCTestSuite.revisionNo), typeof(EWQCTestSuite.name))]
public virtual string TestSuiteCD {
get {
return this._TestSuiteCD;
set {
this._TestSuiteCD = value;
#region RevisionNo
public abstract class revisionNo:PX.Data.IBqlField {
protected int? _RevisionNo;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Revision No")]
public virtual int? RevisionNo {
get {
return this._RevisionNo;
set {
this._RevisionNo = value;
Child Table Dac -
#region TestSuiteVariableID
public abstract class testSuiteVariableID:PX.Data.IBqlField {
protected int? _TestSuiteVariableID;
[PXDBIdentity(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? TestSuiteVariableID {
get {
return this._TestSuiteVariableID;
set {
this._TestSuiteVariableID = value;
#region TestSuiteID
public abstract class testSuiteID:PX.Data.IBqlField {
protected int? _TestSuiteID;
[PXParent(typeof(Select<EWQCTestSuite, Where<EWQCTestSuite.testSuiteID, Equal<Current<EWQCTestSuite.testSuiteID>>>>))]
public virtual int? TestSuiteID {
get {
return this._TestSuiteID;
set {
this._TestSuiteID = value;
Note - Child table does not have MAster tab CD and revision number column as I added Identity column fr reference and have PXParent with Identity column.
Both Dac has other fields that I have not added here.
Other issue that I am facing is When I am Deleting the record I am getting some Primarykey reference error (Delete by default acumatica delete button on Primary DataView)
The multi-part query error is usually related to a master-detail (parent-child) query that resolves to more than one parent when executed. The child DAC should have a PXParent attribute that includes where clause on all the key fields.
Where<Master.key1, Equal<Current<Child.key1>>,
And<Master.key2, Equal<Current<Child.key2>>>>>>))]
You should make sure all BQL queries in the DAC and the Graph that have such a relationship include a where filter or on join clause on all keys. Also make sure all key fields in DAC have IsKey=true and that the matching database fields where created as key fields in the database.
For composite key ..Instead of using PXGraph use PXRevisionableGraph.
This graph is part of manufactoring module and supports composite key..
All your key should be decorated with attribute inherited by AcctSubAttribute
I want to show which user created Invoice, for this i have added default Acumatica field, but the label is showing as Created By, how can i change that label name to "Invoice Created By". Please have a look at below screenshot for field am referring to.
You could use PXUIFieldAttribute.SetDisplayName static method to change DAC field’s display name. This change will be applicable only for Sales Invoice Entry Graph (SO303000 screen)
public class SOInvoiceEntryPXDemoExt : PXGraphExtension<SOInvoiceEntry>
public override void Initialize()
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetDisplayName<ARInvoice.createdByID>(Base.Document.Cache, "Invoice Created By");
If you need display name changed for this field in all screens, you need to have DAC Extension as below:
With this, attributes specified in an extension DAC apply to DAC class in every Graph of the application unless a Graph replaces them with other attributes.
public class ARInvoicePXDemoExt : PXCacheExtension<ARInvoice>
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Invoice Created By", Enabled = false, IsReadOnly = true)]
public virtual Guid? CreatedByID { get; set; }
You need to add CreatedByID field on screen SO303000
And set DisplayMode property to Text.
The 'CreatedByID' I believe is an audit field and therefore cannot easily change the ui of the additional data fields available through the control. The resolution I would suggest is a non database backed UI field that is populated during row selecting. Example can be found below :
public class SOOrderEntryExtension : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public virtual void SOOrder_RowSelecting(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectingEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = e.Row as SOOrder;
if(row != null)
SOOrderExtension rowExt = PXCache<SOOrder>.GetExtension<SOOrderExtension>(row);
Users user = PXSelectReadonly<Users, Where<Users.pKID, Equal<Required<Users.pKID>>>>.Select(this.Base, row.CreatedByID);
if(user != null)
rowExt.InvoiceCreatedBy = user.DisplayName;
public class SOOrderExtension : PXCacheExtension<SOOrder>
public abstract class invoiceCreatedBy : PX.Data.IBqlField
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Invoice Created By")]
public virtual string InvoiceCreatedBy { get; set; }
I have extended a APTran DAC for Bills and Adjustments screen (ID - AP301000).
I am trying to populate a value from different table based on the current line item.
The value I need is from CrossReference based on current Inventory on line item and VendorID of current Bill.
Below is the code. Please let me know if I am missing anything.
public class string_VendorType : Constant<string>
public string_VendorType() : base("0VPN")
{ }
protected string _UsrVendorPartNum;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Part Number", Enabled = false, IsReadOnly = true)]
LeftJoin<InventoryItem, On<INItemXRef.inventoryID, Equal<InventoryItem.inventoryID>>,
LeftJoin<APTran, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<APTran.inventoryID>>,
LeftJoin<APInvoice, On<APInvoice.refNbr, Equal<APTran.refNbr>,
And<APInvoice.vendorID, Equal<INItemXRef.bAccountID>>>>>>,
Where<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<Current<APTran.inventoryID>>,
And<INItemXRef.alternateType, Equal<string_VendorType>,
And<APInvoice.refNbr, Equal<Current<APTran.refNbr>>>>>>))]
public virtual string UsrVendorPartNum
return _UsrVendorPartNum;
_UsrVendorPartNum = value;
public abstract class usrVendorPartNum : IBqlField { }
However, the value isn't populating. Please advise.
I got the following working (using PXUnboundDefault). The query you have can be simplified to the following working example:
public class APTranExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.AP.APTran>
protected string _UsrVendorPartNum;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Vendor Part Number", Enabled = false, IsReadOnly = true)]
Where<INItemXRef.inventoryID, Equal<Current<APTran.inventoryID>>,
And<INItemXRef.alternateType, Equal<INAlternateType.vPN>,
And<INItemXRef.bAccountID, Equal<Current<APTran.vendorID>>>>>>))]
public virtual string UsrVendorPartNum
return _UsrVendorPartNum;
_UsrVendorPartNum = value;
public abstract class usrVendorPartNum : IBqlField { }
Note that you do not need to create your own constant. You can reuse INAlternateType and the vPN constant.
Simply for reference...
I would say if this was a DB field you could look into using the AlternativeItemAttribute, however it requires a subitem field which oddly APTran does not have in it.
Example usage of AlternativeItemAttribute on POLine.AlternateID:
public abstract class alternateID : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected String _AlternateID;
[AlternativeItem(INPrimaryAlternateType.VPN, typeof(POLine.vendorID), typeof(POLine.inventoryID), typeof(POLine.subItemID))]
public virtual String AlternateID
return this._AlternateID;
this._AlternateID = value;
I have a custom processing page. The main DAC of the data view is ARRegister, but there is the data view delegate. Both the view & delegate join ARCashSale & ARInvoice to the main DAC, The reason for this is...some records are cash sales, and others are invoices, overdue charges, ect. A few grid columns are included, which displays data specific to a cash sale. I invoke a static method in my process graph to assign the process delegate. The method runs with no errors.
In the data view delegate, I check the doc type for each record returned from the BQL.
If cash sale, then
yield return new PXResult<ARRegister, ARCashSale>(register, cashsale)
yield return new PXResult<ARRegister>(register)
The reason for the delegate is to check some other conditions which cannot be determined using standard BQL. I notice the data in the column specific to a cash sale disappears after the user selects 'Process All'. I am unable to determine the reason. Checking to see if others have experienced this.
public PXProcessingJoin<ARRegister,
LeftJoin<cs.ARCashSale, On<ARRegister.docType, Equal<cs.ARCashSale.docType>, And<ARRegister.refNbr, Equal<cs.ARCashSale.refNbr>>>,
LeftJoin<ARInvoice, On<ARRegister.docType, Equal<ARInvoice.docType>, And<ARRegister.refNbr, Equal<ARInvoice.refNbr>>>,
Where2<Where<ARRegister.released, Equal<True>, And<ARRegister.branchID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.branchID>>>>,
And<Where<Customer.finChargeApply,Equal<True>>>>> Registers;
This is an older question, but I had a similar issue.
You need to add a boolean field named "Selected" to DACs you want to process.
The way I solved it was using a local DAC.
You can make it inherit from ARRegister and just add the required field.
In my case I used PXProjection, inherited from the main DAC and added the fields I needed from the joined DACs. Note that you need to add the BqlField = typeof(DAC.field) property to the type attribute of these fields to map them to the correct DAC.
Then in the PXProcessing view you just use your local DAC.
Also, it is very useful to try the Request Profiler screen (SM205070) when troubleshooting BQL.
Basically in processing screens sub DAC (other than Main DAC in view), filed values will not persist once the process completed.
In this case, the PXProjection will help us to persist the values even after completion of the process for the rows/records in processing screens.
Please find the sample Projection View and DAC below.
[PXProjection(typeof(Select2<SOShipment, InnerJoin<SOOrderShipment,
On<SOOrderShipment.shipmentNbr, Equal<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>,
And<SOShipment.status, Equal<SOShipmentStatus.confirmed>>>,
InnerJoin<SOOrder, On<SOOrderShipment.orderType, Equal<SOOrder.orderType>,
And<SOOrderShipment.orderNbr, Equal<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>>>))]
Projection DAC:
public class ProjectionShipmentDAC : IBqlTable
#region Selected
public abstract class selected : IBqlField
protected bool? _Selected = false;
[PXDefault(false, PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Selected")]
public virtual bool? Selected
return _Selected;
_Selected = value;
#region Status
[PXDBString(1, IsFixed = true, BqlField = typeof(SOShipment.status))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Status")]
public virtual string Status { get; set; }
public abstract class status : IBqlField { }
#region ShipmentNbr
[PXDBString(15, IsKey = true, IsUnicode = true, BqlField = typeof(SOShipment.shipmentNbr))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Shipment Nbr.")]
public virtual string ShipmentNbr { get; set; }
public abstract class shipmentNbr : IBqlField { }
#region ShipDate
[PXDBDate(BqlField = typeof(SOShipment.shipDate))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Shipment Date")]
public virtual DateTime? ShipDate { get; set; }
public abstract class shipDate : IBqlField { }
#region CustomerID
[PXDBInt(BqlField = typeof(SOShipment.customerID))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Customer")]
[PXSelector(typeof(Customer.bAccountID), new Type[] { typeof(Customer.acctCD), typeof(Customer.acctName) },
SubstituteKey = typeof(Customer.acctCD), DescriptionField = typeof(BAccount.acctName))]
public virtual int? CustomerID { get; set; }
public abstract class customerID : IBqlField { }
#region Shipped Quantity
[PXDBDecimal(BqlField = typeof(SOShipment.shipmentQty))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Shipped Quantity")]
public virtual decimal? ShipmentQty { get; set; }
public abstract class shipmentQty : IBqlField { }
Have you played around with MatrixMode and/or SyncPosition on your page grid? You might need SyncPosition="True"
Also, does the issue occur if not using process all? (process 1 or 2 rows)