How to ssh into another machine immediately after logging into a machine - linux

Problem: The location I'm working from cannot ssh into the master node for my application, say which is hosted by another country. To solve this, I have a jump box which I can ssh from my location say
And after logging into the jump box, I again run the command ssh
Is there any way to save me a step of first logging into the jump box and then ssh into master node, because that's the only thing I use the jump box for.
Can I configure the jump box to directly run that ssh command the moment I log in?
Are there any commands which allow me to login directly to master via the jump box in a single command or putty / MOBA XTerm configuration?

Put the following lines into your ~/.ssh/config:
Host target-host
ProxyJump jump-host
This assumes both the server and the client running OpenSSH >= 7.3. For older versions you can use ProxyCommand and netcat instead of ProxyJump. netcat must be installed on the jump host:
Host target-host
ProxyCommand ssh jump-host netcat -w 120 %h %p

Say you first execute ssh server1, then on server1, you execute ssh server2. The thing you want is when you execute ssh server1 on your local computer, you can automatically login to server2.
The way to do this is add a script that runs automatically when you login to server1. You can do this by just adding the code ssh server2 into your ~/.bashrc file (if you are using Ubuntu. Or in other OS, the file name is similar to ~/.bashxxx).
But after doing so, you still need to type password for server2 every time you login into server1. If you don't want to type server2's password by hand, you can use a password-free ssh connection from server1 to server2. See this page to find out how.


Run command multiple linux server

One of my tasks at work is to check the health/status of multiple Linux servers everyday. I'm thinking of a way to automate this task (without having to login to each server everyday). I'm a newbie system admin by the way. Initially, my idea was to setup a cron job that would run scripts and email the output. Unfortunately, it's not possible to send mail from the servers as of the moment.
I was thinking of running the command in parallel, but I don't know how. For example, how can I see output of df -h without logging in to servers one by one.
You can run ssh with the -t flag to open a ssh session, run a command and then close the session. But to get this fully automated you should automate the login process to every server so that you don't need to type the password for every server.
So to run df -hon a remote server and then close the session you would run ssh -t "df -h". Then you can process that output however you want.
One way of automating this could be to write a bash script that runs this command for every server and process the output to check the health of the server.
For further information about the -t flag or how you can automate the login process for ssh.
You can use ssh tunnels or just simply ssh for this purpose. With ssh tunnel you can redirect the outputs to your machine, or as an alternative, you can run the ssh with the remote commands on your machine then get the ouput on your machine too.
Please check the following pages for further reading:
If you want to avoid manual login, use ssh keys.
Create a file /etc/sxx/hosts
populate like so:
share ssh key on all machines.
Install sxx from package:
Then run command like so:
sxx username#grp_ips "whatever bash command"

Using local system as ssh client and server

I am using local system to learn ssh and what I am trying to do is execute a command on the remote server.
I have ssh server running on terminal1 and client on terminal2.
I used the following command on terminal2:
ssh user1# echo Display this.
but it echoes on terminal2. How would I know if the command actually worked if it's not displaying in terminal1?
Thank you.
It worked correctly. It ssh'd into the server, executed the command, and returned the stdout of that command back to you.
SSH gains access to the server, but not necessarily any TTY's active on it. You would have to jump through some hoops to send text to a specific TTY, such as your Terminal1.
A better test would be:
ssh user1# 'touch ~/testfile'
Then you can check on your server (which is localhost) to see if testfile was created in your user1 home folder. If it did, then the connection and the command succeeded.

How to scp back to local when I've already sshed into remote machine?

Often I face this situation: I sshed into a remote server and ran some programs, and I want to copy their output files back to my local machine. What I do is remember the file path on remote machine, exit the connection, then scp user#remote:filepath .
Obviously this is not optimal. What I'm looking for is a way to let me scp file back to local machine without exiting the connection. I did some searching, almost all results are telling me how to do scp from my local machine, which I already know.
Is this possible? Better still, is it possible without needing to know the IP address of my local machine?
Given that you have an sshd running on your local machine, it's possible and you don't need to know your outgoing IP address. If SSH port forwarding is enabled, you can open a secure tunnel even when you already have an ssh connection opened, and without terminating it.
Assume you have an ssh connection to some server:
local $ ssh
remote $ echo abc > abc.txt # now we have a file here
OK now we need to copy that file back to our local server, and for some reason we don't want to open a new connection. OK, let's get the ssh command line by pressing Enter ~C (Enter, then tilde, then capital C):
ssh> help
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
That's just like the regular -L/R/D options. We'll need -R, so we hit Enter ~C again and type:
ssh> -R
Forwarding port.
Here we forward remote server's port 2222 to local machine's port 22 (and here is where you need the local SSH server to be started on port 22; if it's listening on some other port, use it instead of 22).
Now just run scp on a remote server and copy our file to remote server's port 2222 which is mapped to our local machine's port 22 (where our local sshd is running).
remote $ scp -P2222 abc.txt user#
user#'s password:
abc.txt 100% 4 0.0KB/s 00:00
We are done!
remote $ exit
Connection to closed.
local $ cat abc.txt
Tricky, but if you really cannot just run scp from another terminal, could help.
I found this one-liner solution on SU to be a lot more straightforward than the accepted answer. Since it uses an environmental variable for the local IP address, I think that it also satisfies the OP's request to not know it in advance.
based on that, here's a bash function to "DownLoad" a file (i.e. push from SSH session to a set location on the local machine)
function dl(){
scp "$1" ${SSH_CLIENT%% *}:/home/<USER>/Downloads
Now I can just call dl somefile.txt while SSH'd into the remote and somefile.txt appears in my local Downloads folder.
I use rsa keys (ssh-copy-id) to get around password prompt
I found this trick to prevent the local bashrc from being sourced on the scp call
Note: this requires SSH access to local machine from remote (is this often the case for anyone?)
The other answers are pretty good and most users should be able to work with them. However, I found the accepted answer a tad cumbersome and others not flexible enough. A VPN server in between was also causing trouble for me with figuring out IP addresses.
So, the workaround I use is to generate the required scp command on the remote system using the following function in my .bashrc file:
function getCopyCommand {
echo "scp user#remote:$(pwd)/$1 ."
I find rsync to be more useful if the local system is almost a mirror of the remote server (including the username) and I require to copy the directory structure also.
function getCopyCommand {
echo "rsync -rvPR user#remote:$(pwd)/$1 /"
The generated scp or rsync command is then simply pasted on my local terminal to retrieve the file.
You would need a local ssh server running in your machine, then you can just:
scp [-r] local_content your_local_user#your_local_machine_ip:
Anyway, you don't need to close your remote connection to make a remote copy, just open another terminal and run scp there.
On your local computer:
scp root#remotemachine_name_or_IP:/complete_path_to_file /local_path

SSH and execute any command returns "logname: no login name"

I am trying to SSH from one Unix host to another and execute some commands.
Whenever I run ssh hostname <any command> I get back "logname: no login name".
I can succesfully just ssh hostname and then execute the same command without any issues. SSH is setup to use rsa keys for password-less connections.
Everything works fine using a different user account so I suspect it might be related to bash profile or something along those lines? I would appreciate any pointers.

linux execute command remotely

how do I execute command/script on a remote linux box?
say I want to do service tomcat start on box b from box a.
I guess ssh is the best secured way for this, for example :
ssh -OPTIONS -p SSH_PORT user#remote_server "remote_command1; remote_command2;"
where the OPTIONS have to be deployed according to your specific needs (for example, binding to ipv4 only) and your remote command could be starting your tomcat daemon.
If you do not want to be prompt at every ssh run, please also have a look to ssh-agent, and optionally to keychain if your system allows it. Key is... to understand the ssh keys exchange process. Please take a careful look to ssh_config (i.e. the ssh client config file) and sshd_config (i.e. the ssh server config file). Configuration filenames depend on your system, anyway you'll find them somewhere like /etc/sshd_config. Ideally, pls do not run ssh as root obviously but as a specific user on both sides, servers and client.
Some extra docs over the source project main pages :
ssh and ssh-agent
man ssh
an older tuto in French (by myself :-) but might be useful too :
ssh user#machine 'bash -s' <
or you can just
ssh user#machine "remote command to run"
If you don't want to deal with security and want to make it as exposed (aka "convenient") as possible for short term, and|or don't have ssh/telnet or key generation on all your hosts, you can can hack a one-liner together with netcat. Write a command to your target computer's port over the network and it will run it. Then you can block access to that port to a few "trusted" users or wrap it in a script that only allows certain commands to run. And use a low privilege user.
on the server
mkfifo /tmp/netfifo; nc -lk 4201 0</tmp/netfifo | bash -e &>/tmp/netfifo
This one liner reads whatever string you send into that port and pipes it into bash to be executed. stderr & stdout are dumped back into netfifo and sent back to the connecting host via nc.
on the client
To run a command remotely:
echo "ls" | nc HOST 4201
