Move a SQL Azure Server between subscriptions - azure

I’m trying to move a SQL Azure Server that has 2 databases from one subscription to another. The databases’ sizes are 10G and 1G. I’m using the azure portal to do it and I’m getting the following error
There was an error moving resources.
Resources '/subscriptions/f4b0ab63/resourceGroups/rg_asisa/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlasisatools' could not be moved.
The tracking Id is xxx (Code: ResourceMoveFailed) Subscription 'f4b0ab63' does not have the server 'sqlasisatools'. (Code: SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer)

I contacted engineers at SQL Azure team. In this case, they recommend you to open a support case in Azure.
Hope this helps.

Previously I had submit a ticket for migrate Azure SQL from one subscription to another, and from one sql server to another.
End up, I need to redeploy everything, because these 2 sql server are located in different AD.
Hope this info help you. :)


How to monitor onprem sql server in azure

I would like to monitor the databases that are active and high availability status of my on-prem SQL server which is in azure VM.
In addition to Arun's comment / suggestion i.e., to go for Azure Monitor, SQL Server Assessment solution, Alerts; I would recommend you to go for Azure SQL Analytics solution and SQL Health Check solutions as well for even better monitoring. For more information w.r.t it, please refer this and this documents. Hope this helps!

How to Automate On-Premises to Azure SQL Database Data Export?

I have 5 SQL Servers where there is an average of 200 Databases on each of them, how can I go about exporting all of these databases to azure and create the SQL Databases with the same name in azure as well.
This Can be done using azure automation account feature the DSC Configurations?
Can someone tell me or point me in the right direction for this??
Azure Database Migration Service can really help you in this case. Locate the service on Azure portal and create a "Migration Service" for each database server. It will ask you for subscription, resource group, VNET, location and pricing tier. For the pricing tier choose Basic if you intend to migrate small and medium tier sizes. In your case, use "General Purpose". Take advantage that SKU choices of database migration service are currently in preview.
Once you have created the project you can click on it and the following Migration Wizard will appear. Provide the name of the on-premise database server on step #1. On Step #2 select all 200 databases on the server, On Step #3 select the target. On Step #4 you will have to provide a SMB network share that Migration service will use to take backups of the on-premises database.
Once you finished the wizard you can follow the progress on the migration project as shown below.

Azure Service Fabric backups (non-persistent data)

I have 3 applications deployed to Azure Service Fabric via ARM template. The only items that have been identified as needing to be backed up are some resources. They include a central blob storage, about 5 SQL databases, and the key vault. The cluster and apps can be redeployed right away via the template.
Searching for backup solutions, I'm seeing a lot of info on backups for services, but not for specific resources like I have here. Can anyone point me to the right direction/sample code on how to do this or is it even an option?
Ok so, storage cannot be backed up using Azure services. You have to créate a program\script that will do that for you.
For the keyvault you can use this powershell cmdlet.
For the SQL there are a bunch of ways to do that, but perhaps you can settle with the built-in backup, which happens automatically and goes 7-35 days back (depending on your tier)

Is it possible to restore a deleted Sql Server instance in Azure?

I recently deleted a SQL server instance (with 2 sql databases) on my azure portal. I would like to know if there is a way for me to restore the deleted SQL server and the corresponding Sql databases.
I would appreciate any help/direction in this regard.
When you delete SQL Server from portal, you will get a warning : Warning! Deleting xxx is irreversible. So the best solution to this is to open a support ticket.
You could also refer to Can we recover a deleted server for Azure SQL Database? for more information.
Microsoft might be able recover the databases under these conditions:
Another SQL Server with the same name was NOT created
Less than 7 days passed since the deletion
The Region, SQL Server and Resource Group name must be known
You need to log a support ticket. If the server can be recovered, it will be restored. The databases were not restored in my case, but could be recovered using the normal method for recovering a deleted SQL Database within a SQL server.
I was able to restore an sql server by contacting MS support through a support ticket in the Azure portal.
Key things that must be available:
The name of the Sql server and database
The resource group name and time of deletion.
You should not have created another sql server resource with the same name in an attempt to recover the sql server.
I had an ARM template of the resource group that I exported from the portal. Without this I would not have remembered the names of the resources above.
Key takeaways:
Ensure that users that is not the subscription holder cannot delete resources.
Export ARM templates for all RG's - this saved my b**.
Thanks to the MS team for helping me out so quickly! They helped me out within an hour! Great service!

How to Backup Windows Azure Server

I have a workgroup server on Windows Azure. I have used Rackspace before and simply image the server to back it up BUT thats not so easy on Azure as imaging the server deletes it!
My Azure server is used to run an application that uses an SQL Database. I backup the DB off site BUT need ensure I have a strategy for downtime of the server. I have looked into roles and instances but am fuzzy on it and getting lost in the many articles. See below what I have so far BUT I don't want the cost of two servers running for one application so **DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO ENSURE AVAILABILITY OF AN AZURE SERVER AND BACKUP THE CONTENTS IN THE EVENT OF A CRASH WITHOUT ftping EVERYTHING OFF SITE?
Azure is georedundant BUT you have to set up your server to avail of this feature
Current Azure setup is that we set up Workgroup servers and license them BUT I am fuzzy on where to go from here.
This is where it gets tricky
The number of per-role instances in a Windows Azure application is controlled by the Instances setting in the configuration (cscfg) file.
Windows Azure Service Configuration Schema
How to Configure the Roles for a Windows Azure Application with Visual Studio
Change the Number of Instances
To improve the performance of your application, you can change the number of instances of a role that are running, based on the number of users or the load expected for a particular role. A separate virtual machine is created for each instance of a role when the application runs in Windows Azure. This will affect the billing for the deployment of this application. For more information about billing, see Windows Azure Billing Basics.
• I will continue to research but if any of you know the answer (how can I easily backup my Azure server docs and data without ftping offsite) please feel free to weigh in!
If all you want is to back up the server, then you could use Recovery Services Vaults. This feature allows you to backup any Azure VM. The backup is a snapshot of the entire server.
You can test your contingency plan by restoring the backup to a new VM.
It depends on what you are trying to backup and scale. A proper cloud architecture should not store or persist data on local Azure servers, since that does not scale. You should be persisiting data to azure table storage, blob storage, SQL db and backup the data from there. Then you can use the APIs to backup anything from a central location.
if you are running something like SQL Server or SharePoint then there are some files peristed on the local VMs that you will need to backup. Luckily, those vhd drives are stored on BLOB storage and can be backed up as well in addition to geo redundant backup.
