I'm trying to subscribe an application to a Sharepoint list. The notifications will be sent to the app via webhooks. To do this, you have to make an HTTP POST request to:
"resource": "{{ URL of the resource Id }}",
"notificationUrl" : "{{ URL of the endpoint that will process the webhooks }}",
"expirationDateTime" : "2017-09-27T00:00:00+00"
The call requires an access token. I obtained the token with curl this way:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "client_id={{ Id of the application registered on Azure Active Directory }}&client_secret={{ Key added on Azure for the app }}&grant_type=client_credentials&resource=https%3A%2F%2F{{ My account }}.sharepoint.com" "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{ Azure account tenant id}}/oauth2/token"
This returns a token that is included as a header in the POST request. Unfortunately, this request failed with error code 401. Body:
"error_description" : "The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs."
I think the problem is not the token, we tried too many times before it stopped throwing errors related to invalid token data.
Is there a way to debug this error? Any suggestions?
Finally, the problem was the access token, and we were able to get a correct access token. There are two ways to do it, and these methods work for single-tenant application.
Method 1: Two steps without sending the Azure credentials (only app credentials)
Step 1: Request a verification code.
Access this URL. It will redirect you to the redirect_uri passed in the query string, and the query string of the redirect will include a code that will be used to request the token.
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{ Tenant id }}/oauth2/authorize?client_id={{ Application id }}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={{ URI of the application }}&response_mode=query&resource={{ Resource that you want to access}}&state=12345
Resource example: https%3A%2F%2Fyouraccount.sharepoint.com
Step 2: Request a token
curl -X POST -H "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={{ Application code }}&code={{ The code received in the last request }}&redirect_uri={{ Same redirect URI }}&resource={{ Same resource}}&client_secret={{ Application key }}" https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{ Tenant id }}/oauth2/token
Method 2: One step, sending the Azure credentials
curl -i -X POST -d "grant_type=password&resource={{ Resource id }}&client_id={{ App id }}&username={{ Azure username }}&password={{ Azure password }}" "https://login.windows.net/{{ Tenant id }}/oauth2/token"
I am trying to grant access to IoT Hub based on Azure AD. But when I try to get token, it is throwing this error in Postman
####### Update ######
I have already created the Application in Azure AD
The resource field should be the static ID of all IoT Hub service principals. Try this instead of the hostname:
Here is another approach:
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results successfully like below:
I created an Azure AD application like below:
To generate token via Postman, I used the below parameters:
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/TenantID/oauth2/token
When I decoded the above token, I can see the aud as https://iothubs.azure.net like below:
The 400 Bad request error usually occurs if you have passed any invalid URL while generating the token. Make sure to pass the valid parameters.
Try sending the request again in Postman and check if the access token is generated or not.
Alternatively, you can also replace the resource by 89d10474-74af-4874-99a7-c23c2f643083 as suggested by Matthijs van der Veer like below:
Decoded token Response:
I am able to fetch the data from Bigquery using gcs-connector and spark-bigquery-in Spark application. But getting below error while trying to load data into Bigquery in GCP by using spark application.
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Error getting access token from metadata server at:
df_bigquery.write.format("bigquery").option("credentialsFile", "D://input/absolute-vertex-321015-a78e81ae77a0.json").option("parentProject", "absolute-vertex-321015").option("temporaryGcsBucket","emp_demo_1").save("absolute-vertex-321015.org.employee_loaded")
Any help is deeply appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
May I help you with this?
This Metadata endpoint /computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token Returns the auth token that can be used to authenticate your application to other Google Cloud APIs.
As the error is: Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Error getting access token from metadata server at:
Use curl to request an access token and send a request to an API:
On the instance where your application runs, query the metadata server for an access token by running the following command:
$ curl "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token" \
-H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
The request returns a response similar to:
Copy the value of the access_token property from the response and use it to send requests to the API. For example, the following request prints a list of instances in your project from a certain zone:
$ curl https://compute.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/[PROJECT_ID]/zones/[ZONE]/instances \
-H "Authorization":"Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]"
[PROJECT_ID] is the project ID for this request.
[ZONE] is the zone to list instances from.
[ACCESS_TOKEN] is the access token value you got from step 1.
You can use the access token only for scopes that you specified when you created the instance. For example, if the instance has been granted only the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/storage-full scope for Cloud Storage, then it can't use the access token to make a request to BigQuery.
For information about the parameters that you can set in your request, see the parameters documentation.
If you want to Authenticating applications with a client library use this reference.
I am happy to help, let me know if these steps resolve your issue.
I have created a resource for Azure API for FHIR Server. I am able to get see the metadata information using the URL like https://fhir-server-url/metadata. As mentioned in the documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/healthcare-apis/access-fhir-postman-tutorial to access other URLs like https://fhir-server-url/Patient, we need to get the Authorization token first. To get the authorization token we need ClientID which we can get by creating an application in Azure Active Directory. But I don't have access to it.
Is there any way I could access this URL without requiring the authorization token? By making some setup in Azure Portal.
If you are using the first party audience (e.g. https://azurehealthcareapis), which is the default when deploying the Azure API for FHIR, you can actually use a first party client application such as the Azure CLI to get a token. Check https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/healthcare-apis/get-healthcare-apis-access-token-cli for details.
First log in with the Azure CLI (https://learn.microsoft.com/cli/azure/?view=azure-cli-latest) :
az login
Get a token and store it
token=$(az account get-access-token --resource=https://azurehealthcareapis.com | jq -r .accessToken)
Use the token:
curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer $token" https://<FHIR ACCOUNT NAME>.azurehealthcareapis.com/Patient
It looks like from the FHIR Server Doc you can turn this on or off based on the FhirServer:Security:Enabled config setting see https://github.com/microsoft/fhir-server/blob/master/docs/Authentication.md
"FhirServer" : {
"Security": {
"Enabled": true,
"Authentication": {
"Audience": "fhir-api",
"Authority": "https://localhost:44348"
One way is to get your app registration in Azure Active Directory(AAD).
You would need two app registrations in AAD to get client Id & client secret for authorization token retrieval.
I'm trying do develop an application that makes use of the Power BI API.
The problem is, even though I have a valid authentication token, every API endpoint I tried to access so far returns a 403 (Forbidden) Http status with no content on the response body.
I think the token I'm getting is valid because when I try to use the same token the next day it gives me a "Token expired message".
I'm using a corporative Azure Active Directory account where I'm not an administrator. But I have full access to the Power BI workspaces and Reports on it's web interface.
I'm currently authenticating with Azure AD Oatuh2 v1 but I also tryed v2 with no success (I'm still using v1 because on v2 I'm not sure my scope and resource parameters are right).
Here are the requests I'm sending:
client_id=<my client id>
get the authorization code on the redirect at localhost:8080/azureLogin/authorize then
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant}/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&client_id=<my client id>
&code=<the code I just got>
&client_secret=<my client secret>
As "tenant" I tried both "common" and my organization id.
But when I try to access https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/reports with the Authorization: Bearer <token> header. I get a 403 Forbiden response.
On Azure AD I can see my user has given all permissions to this application I registered.
Am I missing something? How can I solve that?
To make the answer visible to others, I'm summarizing the answer shared in comment:
You missed the resource parameter, you are access powerbi, so it should be
resource: https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api
The resource is app ID URI of the target web API (secured resource). It may also be an external resource like https://graph.microsoft.com, https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api etc. This is required in one of either the authorization or token requests.
I need to access a Web API which is secured via Azure Active Directory. I followed this documentation https://msdn.microsoft.com/sv-se/library/azure/dn645542.aspx
The first steps were successful, but at the end I can't access the required resource.
What I did:
First I call this link
and get redirected to the login portal.
After successful login I extract the code from redirected URL, which is something like this
Then I use this code to acquire an access token. The first problem is here. According to the documentation (link above) the resource is optional. But it doesn't work if I omit the resource (error=Resource identifier is not provided.), so I have to provide it. Secondly, if I put the APP ID URI of my application registered in Azure AD to the recourse parameter, I got another error ( The client '3eec...32e5' and resource 'myapp.azurewebsites.net' identify the same application.). Therefore I put the graph.windows.net for resource parameter.
curl -s -X POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/akeliusdev.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/token
-d grant_type=authorization_code -d client_id=3eec...32e5
-d client_secret=F%2BfpjpR............Wi8%3D
-d code=AAABAAAAiL9Kn2Z27........RdzFpearqiAA -d resource=https://graph.windows.net
This way I could get an access token. But then I am not able to access the resource using the access token. I did it this way:
curl https://myapp.azurewebsites.net/data
--header "Authorization:eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ.............4WYr6xn"
Could someone help me on this issue?
To do this as a service to service call, without user interaction, you can follow Service to Service Calls Using Client Credentials
You need to create an AAD application and credentials. i.e. a Service Principal.
then to get the access token you make a POST call to
https://login.windows.net/<tenant ID>/oauth2/token
with the following data
Where $username is your HTTP://localhost/whatever identifier
$password is your service principal password
$resource is https://management.core.windows.net/ (this might be graph, try it and see)
The access token will be in the JSON response as 'access_token'
You then add a header of Authorization: Bearer $AccessToken and hopefully you should get access!