Node code not blocking? - node.js

I have a constructor which fetches data from a DynamoDB using promisified dynogels to populate part of the object's properties.
So after instantiating an instance of that object, the property is not populated, here is an extract of the code:
export class QueryAuthoriser {
authPerms: [AuthPerms];
constructor (data: string) {
AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
perms.Items.forEach(element => {
this.authPerms[] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
}).catch (err => {
console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)
authFieldAccess (fieldName: string, args?:any): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
console.log ('________________ authFieldAccess called for: ', fieldName)
console.log ('________________ this.authPerms entry: ', this.authPerms[fieldName])
resolve (true)
So when authFieldAccess method is called, the field this.authPerms is undefined. How can I fix this?
Thanks, I'm learning node and typescript the hard way :O

You generally don't want to carry out an asynchronous operation in a constructor because it complicates creating an object and then knowing when the async operation is done or if it had an error because you need to allow the constructor to return the object, not a promise that would tell you when the async operation was done.
There are several possible design options:
Option #1: Don't do any async operation in the constructor. Then, add a new method with an appropriate name that does the async operation and returns a promise.
In your case, you could make the new method be scan() that returns a promise. Then, you'd use your object by creating it and then calling scan and then using the returned promise to know when the data is valid.
I don't know TypeScript myself, so I'll give a modified version of your code, but the concept is the same either way whether it's TypeScript or plain Javascript:
export class QueryAuthoriser {
authPerms: [AuthPerms];
constructor (data: string) {
scan () {
return AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
perms.Items.forEach(element => {
this.authPerms[] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
}).catch (err => {
console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)
// usage
let obj = new QueryAuthoriser(...);
obj.scan(...).then(() => {
// the object is full initialized now and can be used here
}).catch(err => {
// error here
Option #2: Initiate the async operation in the constructor and use a promise in the instance data for the caller to know when everything is done.
export class QueryAuthoriser {
authPerms: [AuthPerms];
constructor (data: string) {
this.initialScan = AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
perms.Items.forEach(element => {
this.authPerms[] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
}).catch (err => {
console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)
// usage
let obj = new QueryAuthoriser(...);
obj.initialScan.then(() => {
// the object is full initialized now and can be used here
}).catch(err => {
// error here
Option #3: Use a factory function that returns a promise that resolves to the object itself.
export createQueryAuthorizer;
function createQueryAuthorizer(...) {
let obj = new QueryAuthorizer(...);
return obj._scan(...).then(() => {
// resolve with the object itself
return obj;
class QueryAuthoriser {
authPerms: [AuthPerms];
constructor (data: string) {
_scan () {
return AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
perms.Items.forEach(element => {
this.authPerms[] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
}).catch (err => {
console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)
// usage
createQueryAuthorizer(...).then(obj => {
// the object is fully initialized now and can be used here
}).catch(err => {
// error here
My preference is for option #3 for several reasons. It captures some shared code in the factory function that every caller has to do in the other schemes. It also prevents access to the object until it is properly initialized. The other two schemes just require documentation and programming discipline and can easily be misused.


How can I am make sure these chain of functions in Node.js are performed in order (using promises)?

I have a set of functions in Node.js that I would like to load in a certain order. I will provide some mockup code abstracted and simplified:
function updateMyApp() {
.then(() => useData())
.then(() => saveData())
.then(() => { console.log("updateMyApp done") })
function loadDataToServer() {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) {
...preparing data and save file to cloud...
function handleDataItem(item) {
// Function that fetches data item from database and updates each data item
function saveData() {
// Saves the altered data to some place
useData is a bit more complex. In it I would like to, in order:
console.log('Starting alterData()')
Load data, as json, from the cloud data source
Iterate through every item in the json file and do handleDataItem(item) on it.
When #2 is done -> console.log('alterData() done')
Return a resolved promise back to updateMyApp
Go on with saveData() with all data altered.
I want the logs to show:
Starting useData()
Name: Adam
Name: Ben
Name: Casey
useData() done
my take on this is the following:
function useData() {
console.log('Starting useData()')
return new Promise( function(resolve, reject) {
.then(jsonListFromCloud) => {
jsonListFromCloud.forEach((item) => {
.then(() => {
resolve() // I put resolve here because it is not until everything is finished above that this function is finished
console.log('useData() done')
}).catch((error) => { console.error(error.message) })
which seems to work but, as far as I understand this is not how one is supposed to do it. Also, this seems to do the handleDataItem outside of this chain so the logs look like this:
Starting useData()
useData() done
Name: Adam
Name: Ben
Name: Casey
In other words. It doesn't seem like the handleDataItem() calls are finished when the chain has moved on to the next step (.then()). In other words, I can not be sure all items have been updated when it goes on to the saveData() function?
If this is not a good way to handle it, then how should these functions be written? How do I chain the functions properly to make sure everything is done in the right order (as well as making the log events appear in order)?
Edit: As per request, this is handleDataItem less abstracted.
function handleDataItem(data) {
return new Promise( async function (resolve) {
data['member'] = true
if (data['twitter']) {
const cleanedUsername = twitterApi.cleanUsername(data['twitter']).toLowerCase()
if (!data['twitter_numeric']) {
var twitterId = await twitterApi.getTwitterIdFromUsername(cleanedUsername)
if (twitterId) {
data['twitter_numeric'] = twitterId
if (data['twitter_numeric']) {
if (data['twitter_protected'] != undefined) {
var twitterInfo = await twitterApi.getTwitterGeneralInfoToDb(data['twitter_numeric'])
data['twitter_description'] = twitterInfo.description
data['twitter_protected'] = twitterInfo.protected
data['twitter_profile_pic'] = twitterInfo.profile_image_url.replace("_normal", '_bigger')
data['twitter_status'] = 2
console.log("Tweeter: ", data)
} else {
data['twitter_status'] = 1
}).then( (data) => {
}).catch( (error) => { console.log(error) })
The twitterAPI functions called:
cleanUsername: function (givenUsername) {
return givenUsername.split('/').pop().replace('#', '').replace('#', '').split(" ").join("").split("?")[0].trim().toLowerCase()
getTwitterGeneralInfoToDb: async function (twitter_id) {
var endpointURL = "" + twitter_id
var params = {
"user.fields": "name,description,profile_image_url,protected"
// this is the HTTP header that adds bearer token authentication
return new Promise( (resolve,reject) => {
needle('get', endpointURL, params, {
headers: {
"User-Agent": "v2UserLookupJS",
"authorization": `Bearer ${TWITTER_TOKEN}`
}).then( (res) => {
console.log("result.body", res.body);
if (res.body['errors']) {
if (res.body['errors'][0]['title'] == undefined) {
reject("Twitter API returns undefined error for :'", cleanUsername, "'")
} else {
reject("Twitter API returns error:", res.body['errors'][0]['title'], res.body['errors'][0]['detail'])
} else {
}).catch( (error) => { console.error(error.message) })
// Get unique id from Twitter user
// Twitter API
getTwitterIdFromUsername: async function (cleanUsername) {
const endpointURL = ""
const params = {
usernames: cleanUsername, // Edit usernames to look up
// this is the HTTP header that adds bearer token authentication
const res = await needle('get', endpointURL, params, {
headers: {
"User-Agent": "v2UserLookupJS",
"authorization": `Bearer ${TWITTER_TOKEN}`
if (res.body['errors']) {
if (res.body['errors'][0]) {
if (res.body['errors'][0]['title'] == undefined) {
console.error("Twitter API returns undefined error for :'", cleanUsername, "'")
} else {
console.error("Twitter API returns error:", res.body['errors'][0]['title'], res.body['errors'][0]['detail'])
} else {
console.error("Twitter API special error:", res.body)
} else {
if (res.body['data']) {
return res.body['data'][0].id
} else {
//console.log("??? Could not return ID, despite no error. See: ", res.body)
You have 3 options to deal with your main issue of async methods in a loop.
Instead of forEach, use map and return promises. Then use Promise.all on the returned promises to wait for them to all complete.
Use a for/of loop in combination with async/await.
Use a for await loop.
It sounds like there's a problem in the implementation of handleDataItem() and the promise that it returns. To help you with that, we need to see the code for that function.
You also need to clean up useData() so that it properly returns a promise that propagates both completion and errors.
And, if handleDataItem() returns a promise that is accurate, then you need to change how you do that in a loop here also.
Change from this:
function useData() {
console.log('Starting useData()')
return new Promise( function(resolve, reject) {
.then(jsonListFromCloud) => {
jsonListFromCloud.forEach((item) => {
.then(() => {
resolve() // I put resolve here because it is not until everything is finished above that this function is finished
console.log('useData() done')
}).catch((error) => { console.error(error.message) })
to this:
async function useData() {
try {
console.log('Starting useData()')
const jsonListFromCloud = await readFromCloudFileserver();
for (let item of jsonListFromCloud) {
await handleDataItem(item);
console.log('useData() done');
} catch (error) {
// log error and rethrow so caller gets the error
throw error;
The structural changes here are:
Switch to use async/await to more easily handle the asynchronous items in a loop
Remove the promise anti-pattern that wraps new Promise() around an existing promise - no need for that AND you weren't capturing or propagating rejections from readFromCloudFileServer() which is a common mistake when using that anti-pattern.
rethrow the error inside your catch after logging the error so the error gets propagated back to the caller

Promises seem to not be called in correct order?

I am trying to rewrite a module I wrote that seeds a MongoDB database. It was originally working fine with callbacks, but I want to move to Promises. However, the execution and results don't seem to make any sense.
There are three general functions in a Seeder object:
// functions will be renamed
Seeder.prototype.connectPromise = function (url, opts) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
try {
mongoose.connect(url, opts).then(() => {
const connected = mongoose.connection.readyState == 1
this.connected = connected
} catch (error) {
Seeder.prototype.seedDataPromise = function (data) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
if (!this.connected) reject(new Error('Not connected to MongoDB'))
// Stores all promises to be resolved
var promises = []
// Fetch the model via its name string from mongoose
const Model = mongoose.model(data.model)
// For each object in the 'documents' field of the main object
data.documents.forEach((item) => {
// generates a Promise for a single item insertion.
promises.push(promise(Model, item))
// Fulfil each Promise in parallel
Seeder.prototype.disconnect = function () {
this.connected = false
this.listeners.forEach((l) => {
if (l.cause == 'onDisconnect') l.effect()
There is no issue with the main logic of the code. I can get it to seed the data correctly. However, when using Promises, the database is disconnected before anything else is every done, despite the disconnect function being called .finally().
I am running these functions like this:
Seeder.addListener('onConnect', function onConnect () { console.log('Connected') })
Seeder.addListener('onDisconnect', function onDisconnect () {console.log('Disconnected')})
Seeder.connectPromise(mongoURI, options).then(
).catch((error) => { <-- I am catching the error, why is it saying its unhandled?
The output is this:
(node:14688) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Not connected to MongoDB
at Promise (C:\Users\johnn\Documents\Code\node projects\mongoose-seeder\seed.js:83:37)
which frankly doesn't make sense to me, as on the line pointed out in the stack trace I call reject(). And this rejection is handled, because I have a catch statement as shown above. Further, I can't understand why the database never even has a chance to connect, given the finally() block should be called last.
The solution was to return the Promise.all call, in addition to other suggestions.
You are passing the wrong argument to then and finally. First here:
Seeder.connectPromise(mongoURI, options).then(
Instead of passing a callback function to then, you actually execute the function on the spot (so without waiting for the promise to resolve and trigger the then callback -- which is not a callback).
You should do:
Seeder.connectPromise(mongoURI, options).then(
() => Seeder.seedDataPromise(data)
A similar error is made here:
It should be:
finally(() => Seeder.disconnect())
Promise Constructor Anti-Pattern
Not related to your question, but you are implementing an antipattern, by creating new promises with new Promise, when in fact you already get promises from using the mongodb API.
For instance, you do this here:
Seeder.prototype.connectPromise = function (url, opts) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
try {
mongoose.connect(url, opts).then(() => {
const connected = mongoose.connection.readyState == 1
this.connected = connected
} catch (error) {
But the wrapping promise, created with new is just a wrapper that adds nothing useful. Just write:
Seeder.prototype.connectPromise = function (url, opts) {
return mongoose.connect(url, opts).then(() => {
const connected = mongoose.connection.readyState == 1
this.connected = connected
return connected;
The same happens in your next prototype function. I'll leave it to you to apply a similar simplification there, so avoiding the promise constructor antipattern.
In the later edit to your question, you included this change, but you did not return a promise in that function. Add return here:
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
return true
}).catch(() => {

Rxjs in nestjs - Observable subscription error

I am newbie trying out rxjs and nestjs. The use case that I am currently trying to accomplish is for educational purpose. So I wanted to read a json file (throw an observable error in case of the file being empty or cannot be read) using the "fs" module. Now I create an observable by reading the file asynchronously, set the observer in the subject and then subscribe to the subject in the controller. Here is my code in the service
export class NewProviderService {
private serviceSubject: BehaviorSubject<HttpResponseModel[]>;
// this is the variable that should be exposed. make the subject as private
// this allows the service to be the sole propertier to modify the stream and
// not the controller or components
serviceSubject$: Observable<HttpResponseModel[]>;
private serviceErrorSubject: BehaviorSubject<any>;
serviceErrorSubject$: Observable<any>;
filePath: string;
httpResponseObjectArray: HttpResponseModel[];
constructor() {
this.serviceSubject = new BehaviorSubject<HttpResponseModel[]>([]);
this.serviceSubject$ = this.serviceSubject.asObservable();
this.serviceErrorSubject = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
this.serviceErrorSubject$ = this.serviceErrorSubject.asObservable();
this.filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, './../../shared/assets/httpTest.json');
readFileFromJson() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.exists(this.filePath.toString(), exists => {
if (exists) {
fs.readFile(this.filePath.toString(), 'utf-8' , (err, data) => {
if (err) {'error in reading file', err);
return reject('Error in reading the file' + err.message);
}'file read without parsing fg', data.length);
if ((data.length !== 0) && !isNullOrUndefined(data) && data !== null) {
// this.httpResponseObjectArray = JSON.parse(data).HttpTestResponse;
//'array obj is:', this.httpResponseObjectArray);'file read after parsing new', JSON.parse(data));
return resolve(JSON.parse(data).HttpTestResponse);
} else {
return reject(new FileExceptionHandler('no data in file'));
} else {
return reject(new FileExceptionHandler('file cannot be read at the moment'));
getData() {
from(this.readFileFromJson()).pipe(map(data => {'data in obs', data);
this.httpResponseObjectArray = data as HttpResponseModel[];
return this.httpResponseObjectArray;
}), catchError(error => {
return Observable.throw(error);
.subscribe(actualData => {;
}, err => {'err in sub', typeof err, err);;
Now this is the controller class
public async getJsonData(#Req() requestAnimationFrame,#Req() req, #Res() res) {
await this.newService.getData();
this.newService.serviceSubject$.subscribe(data => {'data subscribed', data, _.isEmpty(data));
if (!isNullOrUndefined(data) && !_.isEmpty(data)) {'coming in');
The problem I face is that I can get the file details for the first time and the subscription is getting called once > its working fine. On the subsequent requests
Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
at ServerResponse.setHeader (_http_outgoing.js:470:11)
at ServerResponse.header (C:\personal\Node\test-nest.js\prj-sample\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:767:10)
at Ser
and the endpoint /getJsonData results in an error. Could someone help me out. i believe the subscription is not getting properly after the first call, but not sure how to end that and how to resolve that
The problem is that you're subscribing to your serviceSubject in your controller. Every time a new value is emitted, it will try to send the response. This works the first time, but the second time it will tell you it can't send the same response again; the request has already been handled.
You can use the pipeable first() operator to complete the Observable after the first value:
public async getJsonData() {
await this.newService.getData();
return this.newService.serviceSubject$.pipe(first())
You want your Observable to be shared (hot), so that every subscriber always gets the same, latest value. That's exactly what a BehaviourSubject does. So you should not convert your Subject to an Observable when you expose it publicly because you will lose this desired behavior. Instead, you can just cast your Subject to Observable, so that internally it is still a subject but it will not expose the next() method to emit new values publicly:
private serviceSubject: BehaviorSubject<HttpResponseModel[]>;
get serviceSubject$(): Observable<HttpResponseModel[]> {
return this.serviceSubject;
I think trying to convert the cold observable (the one that I created) to a hot/warm observable might help to plugin to a single source and emit and complete its execution and maintain the last emitted data to any cloned values. So I make the cold observable to a warm observable using the publishLast(), refCount() operators, and I could achieve the single subscription and the execution completion of the observable. Here are the change I made to work.
This is the service class change I made
getData() {
return from(this.readFileFromJson()).pipe(map(data => {'data in obs', data);
this.httpResponseObjectArray = data as HttpResponseModel[];
return this.httpResponseObjectArray;
}), publishLast(), refCount()
, catchError(error => {
return Observable.throw(error);
// .subscribe(actualData => {
// }, err => {
//'err in sub', typeof err, err);
// });
And this is the change I made in the controller
public async getJsonData(#Req() req, #Res() res) {
let jsonData: HttpResponseModel[];
await this.newService.getData().subscribe(data => {'dddd', data);
Any answers that allow the observables to be first subscribed to subjects and then subscribing that subject in the controller is also welcome.
I found a great post on hot vs cold observables and how to make an observable subscribe to a single source and convert a cold, to a hot/warm observable -
I would recommend to return the Promise directly to the controller. Here, you don't need an Observable. For the subscribers, you additionally emit the value of the Promise to your serviceSubject.
async getData() {
try {
const data = await this.readFileFromJson(); as HttpResponseModel[]);
return data;
} catch (error) {
// handle error
In your controller you can just return the Promise:
public async getJsonData() {
return this.newService.getData();

Promises and condition from async call

I'm implementing my service using Node.js with AWS DynamoDB (aws-sdk).
It's unclear for me how to implement the following scenario with promises:
I get a request to modify an entity with specified attributes
I'm trying to find the entity in the DB (async call find)
If the entity not found then create one with initial state (async call createInitialStateObject)
Modify the entity (which was in the DB before or just created on step 3) according to specific rules (async call applyModifications)
This is my first attempt:
function scenario(params) {
find(params).then((data) => {
let objectExists = checkExistense(data);
if (!objectExists) {
createInitialStateObject(params).then((data) => {
console.log("Object created");
// OK
}).catch((err) => {
console.error("Object not created");
// exit and return error
applyModifications(params).then((data) => {
// OK, return data
}).catch((err) => {
// exit and return error
}).catch((err) => {
// exit and return error
But the flaw here is that creation could happen before the modification, it's not bound to happen one after another.
The other attempt works, but looks a bit weird. I create an empty promise to call in case the object already exists:
function scenario(params) {
find(params).then((data) => {
let conditionalPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
let objectExists = checkExistense(data);
if (!objectExists) {
conditionalPromise = createInitialStateObject(params);
conditionalPromise.then((data) => {
applyModifications(params).then((data) => {
// OK, return data
}).catch((err) => {
// exit and return error
}).catch((err) => {
// exit and return error
}).catch((err) => {
// exit and return error
How it should be implemented in a right way?
Creating 'empty' or sync. Promises isn't unusual. There is even a short way of doing that: Promise.resolve(value) creates and resolves a Promise immediately.
Besides that you should make use of proper chaining and stop nesting things so much. Once you are in a chain, you don't even need to resolve an empty promise as a return value of a non thenable object is interpreted as exactly this.
function scenario(params) {
return find(params)
.then(data => {
let objectExists = checkExistense(data);
if (!objectExists) {
return createInitialStateObject(params);
// if we return nothing (or null in your case) this will be the same as return Promise.resolve()
return null;
.then(data => applyModifications(params))
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// exit and return error

This does not seem to be returning the correct object (Typescript)

I have created a small class, which wrappers around a generic callback function signature, and returns a promise.
however then it calls the handle menthod the _resolve is undefined.
/// <reference path="typings/es6-promise/es6-promise.d.ts" />
import rsvp = require('es6-promise');
var Promise = rsvp.Promise;
/** * wrapper a callback style call into a promise */ class
Promiseify<T> {
private _promise : Promise<T>;
private _resolve : (result?: T) => void;
private _reject : (error: any) => void;
* create wrapper, example: new Promiseify(call).promise
* #param call example (handle) => yourDb.update(document, handle)
constructor(call:(handle:(error: any, result: T) => void) => void){
this._promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) =>{
this._resolve = resolve;
this._reject = reject;
handle(error: any, result: T) {
if(error != null) this._reject(error);
else this._resolve(result);
* get the es6 promise which can then be passed to external callers
* #returns {Promise<T>} the es6 promise which this class creates.
get promise() : Promise<T>{
return this._promise;
//the test rig
new Promiseify<string>((handle)=> {
handle(null, 'hello world');
}).promise.then((greeting: string)=> {
am i missing something, btw the JS under the covers looks ok too
also if it helps I am running this on Node.JS, inside Webstorm 9.03
You are passing this.handle into call(), so when call() calls it, this will be null and that is why your approach isn't working.
I'm not sure what would be most idiomatic in TypeScript, but you can do:
call((error, result) => this.handle(error, result));
Alternatively, you could get rid of the handle method entirely, and do this:
this._promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
call(function (error, result) {
if (error) { reject(error); }
but then that just leaves the question of why you need a class at all, when you could instead use an 8-line function that does the same thing:
function promisify<T>(call:(handle:(error: any, result :T) => void) => void) {
return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
call(function (error, result) {
if (error) { reject(error); }
You have two options here:
The first one is to declare the handle method as a property like so:
handle = (error: any, result: T) => {
if(error != null) this._reject(error);
else this._resolve(result);
Or change your call method so it calls it on the instance like below:
var that = this;
call(function(e, r) { that.handle(e, r); });
