Azure Relay Hybrid Connection Scale Out - azure

Given the standard hybrid OnPrem/Cloud scenario where we have multiple OnPrem clients connecting to a service in the cloud, how can we service them all from a scaled out service (i.e. multiple listeners servicing multiple clients)?
Say we have a cloud service that implements the Hybrid Relay listener, and to service all of our clients we scale it out to N instances(up to 25). Clients get assigned to each instance via the documented load balancing feature so that each listener services a portion of the clients. What if we need to broadcast messages to all of the clients (like a chat application)? As far as I can tell, any single listener never has access to all of the client connections. Am I missing something?
I've used as an example to play around with this scenario by standing up multiple servers (listeners) with multiple clients (connections) connecting to each server, but there doesn't seem to be a way to broadcast or lookup ALL of the connections to the namespace, only the connections in the current listener scope.

but there doesn't seem to be a way to broadcast or lookup ALL of the connections to the namespace, only the connections in the current listener scope.
Message transfer of Azure Relay Hybrid is based on the connection. If a client is not connected to a server, we can't send message to the client from the server.
For the broadcast scenario, I suggest you use Azure Service Bus topics. After created a topic, you could subscribe this topic for all the clients. When we send a message to the topic, all the subscriptions will receive the message.
For how to use Azure Service Bus topics, link below is for your reference.
Get started with Service Bus topics(.NET)


SignalR and High Availability -- Can Hub Clients recover if the Server-Goes-Away?

Given an Azure hosted Web Role with a highly-available WebAPI (say 99.95%, as per application that has ~1000 clients. Client is a ReactJS application. The WebAPI application will push notifications tailored to specific client groups (e.g. not all client users are interested in all events, but >1 user may be interested in the same event).
From reading the SignalR documentation and playing with some samples it feels like SignalR Groups will help us flow the right events to the right ReactJS application instances. Additionally we would use one of the SignalR scale out providers to make sure that the we push to the clients from the right WebAPI server instance.
Question: How do applications recover when the "right WebAPI" instance becomes unavailable?
I can imagine a server-side active/passive scheme with some complexity around making sure there is at least one 'server' for each Hub Client...but can a Server connect (in an unsolicited way) to a Hub Client? Would we have each Hub Client connect (when registering for a Group) to >1 Server?
How have applications solved this issue with SignalR?
I think I missed the obvious point that the scale-out providers and the back plane provide the very protection that clients need against servers that go-away. Clients don't connect to a specific server, but to a load-balanced name.

Azure SignalR and backplanes for inter role communication

I am currently using signalR on Azure Websites with a single instance to push data to clients. No problems.
We're splitting our project into separate web/worker and wcf roles so we can scale them independently.
The site will work like this.
Scenario A
User submits some data to web role and it gets put in a service bus queue ready for worker A, sends a message to worker A that a new item has been added in case it's idle (to save polling). When worker A has processed it, sends a message back to web roles which pushes out to particular clients.
scenario B
receive data in wcf role and it gets put in a different service bus queue ready for worker B, wcf role sends message to worker B that a new item has been added in case it's idle. When worker B has processed it, sends a message to web roles and pushes it out to particular clients.
illustrated badly below:
I am going to enable signalR service bus backplane for the web roles to users. What i'm not sure about is how to get my roles communicating between each other.
I'll need:
web role => worker A
worker A => web role
wcf role => worker B
worker B => web role
Am I creating hubs on web, worker A and worker B all with service bus topics? And then connecting somehow with the signalr .net clients? How do I make sure it goes to all instances of the web role without exposing it publicly?
For some reason it seems simple for hundreds of clients to connect via JavaScript to my web role hub but try and connect some internal ones and I can't quite figure it out.
If anyones interested... What I ended up doing is this:
I created hubs on both the Web and Wcf role. The web role has a connection that allows javascript proxies at /signalr and the web and wcf role had one that didn't at /signalr-internal.
I used the Azure Service Bus as a backplane and let it handle both the web and wcf hubs automatically with no extra tinkering.
In the signalR authentication I probed to see where the connection was coming from (i.e an internal endpoint or the external ssl endpoing and denied / allowed access to particular hubs based on this. This allowed me to use the .net signalr clients on my workers that automatically connect / reconnect etc.
This ended up working nicely with no issues as of yet and it was simple to implement. I'll update if I run into any problems.
EDIT #1:
DO NOT USE THIS METHOD! Everything works splendidly until you actually deploy it into a live environment and then you get a host of issues that made me want to tear my hair out.
What I actually ended up doing (which work perfectly in live) was to use service bus Topics and create subscriptions to them for the listeners. This creates TCP connections and allows your communication to stay 100% internally without any crazy transport or boundary problems.
EDIT #2:
Since this post, Event Hubs were release and we switched over and never looked back. see last comment
Peter, realistically to get this approach to work you would need to switch to Web Roles or IIS hosted on an IaaS VM.
Currently Websites don't support Azure Virtual Networks which is the only way to enable private network inter-connectivity between instances on Azure.
You can add VMs, Web and Worker Roles to a Virual Network which should provide you with the access you're looking for without needing to expose everything via public endpoints.

Is it possible to have a webservice over an Azure Servicebus?

I have a virtual machine on Azure which will listen to messages over the servicebus of Azure. And another developer needs to connect to this servicebus to send messages to my service. To do so, we need to come up with some protocol for this communication system. And I was thinking about using WSDL to make the server something webservice-like, but instead of listening to the standard HTTP ports it would connect to the service bus and within it a topic with subscription, or whatever. I'm still not sure what would be best.
So, is it possible? Has anyone done something similar before? Are there some examples?
Service Bus provides both Brokered and Relayed messaging models. With using Topics/Queues you are essentially sending and receiving message to/from the broker. So you can use APIs/protocols that the broker supports. As an example you can use the NetMessagingBinding from your service/client to send and receive messages through the queue. There is no contract here other than what you put in the BrokeredMessage body and properties values. The application on either end can decode/decipher that info as needed.
In the case of Relayed messaging however you are making a end-to-end connection between the client and the service with Service Bus serving as the proxy in-between for auth, location-transparency and even load-balancing. So here you can use from a variety of RelayBindings such as NetTcpRelayBinding or webHttpRelayBinding but then both the client and the service need to be available at the same time. Here you need the service and clients to be using the same contract.

Service Bus Brokered VS Relayed Messaging

I have a question that is confusing me what are the differences between the types of service bus, the brokered messaging and the relayed messaging? I am not looking for it from the development perspective but I want to understand more the concept and the differences between them.
Thank you.
Service Bus Relay and Service Bus Brokered Messaging are both mechanisms for developing distributed and hybrid applications. However, they target different development and access patterns.
Service Bus (SB) Relay provides a simple & secure way to do service remoting, i.e., it enables you to securely expose a service hosted on a private cloud to external clients. As is the case with service remoting scenarios, clients explicitly invoke the methods exposed by the "Relayed" service. The primary advantage of SB Relay is that the service can be exposed without requiring any changes to your Firewall settings or any intrusive changes to your corporate network infrastructure.
SB Brokered Messaging on the other hand provides a durable messaging platform with components such as Queues, Topics and Subscriptions. These can be used to implement complex patterns such as publish-subscribe and temporal decoupling between different parts of your application. Since the brokered messaging infrastructure can reliably store the messages, the senders and the receivers do not have to be online at the same time, or do not have to process the messages at the same pace.
Relayed messaging is thus appropriate for scenarios where you have a service that you want to expose to external clients. Clients interact with the "Relayed" service in the same manner that they would if they were on the local network, except that they access it via the SB Relay endpoint. Since this is a service remoting scenario, response is immediate subject to network latency. However, if for whatever reason the service is unavailable at that moment, the client's request will always fail.
In the case of brokered messaging, since the send & receive operations are decoupled, the sender can continue to send messages that are reliably stored on the service regardless of whether the receiver is online or not. However, the tradeoff for this resiliency is that the request will be processed subject to receiver's ability to retrieve and process the message.
I think the main difference is the synchronous vs asynchronous nature of connectivity.
Where relay is mostly a firewall friendly way to expose web services to the public world (even behind firewalls, NAT devices, etc), messaging is more of a way to exchange in an asynchronous way messages over queues and topics. (look at it as the next version MSMQ with cloud support :))
Everything depends on the scenario, but if you are looking for
- Routing (pub/sub)
- Loose coupling sender & receiver
- Load leveling
Then you should definitely go for messaging.
If you want to make your service easily reachable for the outside world, relay service is your friend.
From Azure's site:
The Service Bus Relay service enables you to build hybrid applications
that run in both a Windows Azure datacenter and your own on-premises
enterprise environment. The Service Bus relay facilitates this by
enabling you to securely expose Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
services that reside within a corporate enterprise network to the
public cloud, without having to open up a firewall connection or
requiring intrusive changes to a corporate network infrastructure.
Relay also handle load balancing for you (you can have multiple applications listen at the same endpoint for the majority of the bindings).
Brokered Messaging
The second messaging solution, new in the latest release of the
Service Bus, enables “brokered” messaging capabilities. These can be
thought of as asynchronous, or decoupled messaging features that
support publish-subscribe, temporal decoupling, and load balancing
scenarios using the Service Bus messaging infrastructure. Decoupled
communication has many advantages; for example, clients and servers
can connect as needed and perform their operations in an asynchronous
Brokered messaging includes Queues and Topics / Subscriptions that allow you to send / receive messages asynchronously.
The main difference is that for relay, you have applications listening at an endpoint. When you send a message, the application processes that message when it is received. For brokered messaging, the message is stored when it is received by the client and can be processed at any time.

Using Service Bus to send messages from a Web Role to all other Web Roles

I’m designing a backend that allows users to establish a TCP socket with it and send/receive stuff along this socket (using a pseudo-protocol I’ve made up) in real-time.
It has to be scalable – i.e. architected on a cloud host. Currently I’m evaluating Windows Azure.
To achieve scalability the application will run on several Web Role Instances. Meaning the users’ TCP sockets will be split across several instances (via a load balancer).
This backend is an event-driven application – when a user sends something to it the message should be passed on to all other connected users.
This means there must be a reliable way to send messages from one Web Role Instance to all other Web Role Instances. As far as I understand, this is what inter-role communication refers to.
Using Service Bus, is it possible for all Web Role Instances to subscribe to a Topic and publish messages to it? Thus implementing the event-driven requirements of my distributed application?
(If not then I’ve misunderstood what this article is about:
I wanted to find this out before delving too deep into learning C#, .NET and Windows Azure development.
Thank you for your help.
Yes, using the service bus, all the web roles could send messages to a single topic and each role could have unique individual subscriptions to that topic, such that they all receive the messages sent.
Clemens Vaster has implemented an extension to SignalR using the service bus. It is possible that SignalR + the Service Bus may meet the needs of your project, including the TCP socket implementation.
