Connection Node app with MongoDB hosted in a Droplet - node.js

I am now trying to host my Angular, Node, MongoDB app on DigitalOcean. I have succesfully set up the two Droplets, one for Node Backend and one for MongoDB Database. Until now I was using a local link to connect to local database like the following link mongodb://localhost:27017/creditApp .
How do I connect my Node app hosted in Droplet to the MongoDB hosted in another Droplet? The database has admin password set up, also has allowed the IP address from my backend in the ufw list. I assume it needs a config object with admin name, password, ssh key .pub file etc and attach that object while trying to connect it, but I am not quite sure how to do it. How do I get this done?
Any help will be highly appreciated, thanks in advance.


Hosting and connecting to a google cloud sql databse

I'm currently building a website that I would like to privately host so it can only be used internally. My goal is to store file uploads into a google cloud bucket then document certain things into a cloud sql db for filtering later on.
I've been able to store and pull my files from a bucket and I was also able to set up my database in cloud sql however I'm not totally sure how to send SQL query's to my database from my website. I've tried going through the documentation but I'm a bit lost as to what I need. So if anyone knows what I should be looking at that would be a lot of help. Anything like a guide on the google documentation, because I'm not sure which I need to follow or anything.
Additional information
Currently my website is hosted locally because I haven't decided on a
website hosting service yet any recommendations would be helpful.
I was using a postgres database as practice for creating endpoints and developing my database
I am using a PERN stack so postgres, express, react and node.js
If there's anything else you would like specified I'm more then happy to provide any additional information.
I was able to connect my postgres db to cloudsql. I would explain how but this video does a great job of it.
How to connect psql db to cloud sql
However I'm running into an issue when I try to connect using an SSL connection. I have the files my only issue is I don't know where to store these files.
The general recommendation is to use the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy to connect to your Cloud SQL instance.
Basically you'd run the proxy wherever you're running your webapp and then have your webapp connect to the proxy as if it were a local database.
You'll start the proxy like this:
./cloudsql_auth_proxy -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNCECTION_NAME>=tcp:5432
That will start a listener on 5432 on localhost that you can connect your webapp to.
Alternatively, you could use Authorized Networks to allow-list the IP address of the machine where your app runs.
Check out the docs here:

Can't connect to my own hosted mongoDB server

I have my own home server, where i have nginx configured and some api's and webs there. also set up a mongoDb server there, the thing is I can't connect from vercel or heroku to it, but when I try to connect from different internet connections like in a coffee shop I can connect and work.
this is the error I get
someone can give me a little help? also I don't know why in map is showing my local IP in the URL that I use already configured my public ip.

Can I allow my database to be accessed from anywhere if I have "good" credentials?

I'm deploying a Node/React app to DigitalOcean Apps(similar to Heroku) and a Database to MongoDB Atlas. DigitalOcean do not provide external fixed IP addresses.
I want to secure the connection between the Server and database. Obviously I can't use the whitelist feature, since my server doesn't have a fixed IP.
My questions are:
Can I allow the database to be accessed from anywhere if I put my app to production?
What can I do to fix this problem? -how can I secure the connection in my server-database setup?

Connect MongoDB to NodeJS on GAE

I'm running a NodeJS app on GAE and I want to connect to a mongodb cluster on Atlas.
I have white-listed my IP on atlas and established a connection. All work fine on my local machine.
When deployed my app on GAE it could not connect to Atlas since the IP is not white-listed. When I white-listed all IPs on Atlas I could make a connection and everything worked fine as on my local machine
I cannot assign a static-IP to a standard GAE app, therefore I must allow access from anywhere to my cluster on Atlas, which is probably a bad idea.
What would be best solution to work with mongoDB from a GAE standard app?
Any configuration I can make to Atlas? maybe switching to mLab? or any other ideas?
App Engine applications do not have fixed IP addresses. I'm not very familiar with MongoDB Atlas, but it does look like it offers an option to run on GCP and if that runs on a Compute Engine instance what you might be able to do is use the VPC Connector to enable access between your app and your MongoDB setup.

How to connect Mongodb Admin GUI to Cloud Foundry?

I am looking a way to browse my Cloud Foundry Mongodb services. Look like there are two options:
Tunneling to a Cloud Foundry Service with Caldecott I never tried this but I guess it may work.
My question is this: Is it possible to connect directly into Cloud Foundry from Mongodb Admin GUI such as mViewer or Mongovue? But if so, how do I know the username/password in process.env.VCAP_SERVICES['mongodb-1.8'][0]['credentials']?
By using the GUI client you have to get a tunnel to the service. Once you open it in a CLI console the connection info will be generated and displayed, including the host address, usually, port number, username and password. You cannot connect using the values from VCAP_SERVICES if you try to do that from outside environment because these will be local values behind the CF router.
You need to create a tunnel using Caldecott.
When you open the tunnel, it should provide you with either a command line client, or the credentials to use.
In case it does not, create a piece of code that returns a dump of process.env.VCAP_SERVICES when visit a certain url on your server.
