PCF Autoscaler - Configure as Part of Deployment - autoscaling

I can bind an application to PCF Autoscaler on deployment by using the manifest.yml. The application shows up in the Autoscaler UI, but now has to be manually enabled and configured.
How can we set up our deployment so that the application is automatically enabled and configured in PCF Autoscaler? Can we set some values in the manifest.yml to control this? Or is there a way to configure this through the PCF command line?

Install the autoscaling-cli-plugin on your build machine.
And you can then use a scripting thru your pipeline to apply settings, post deploy of the app.
Note: Just checked the plugin page. The prebuilt release only supports autoscaling by cpu. It needs to be updated to allow autoscaling by http requests etc.


Using terraform to deploy a Spring boot azurerm_app_service with upload of jar

I have been attempting this for a good chunk of today but still have not found a solution.
I have a built spring boot application in the form of a jar.
I push this to a storage account container as a blob with azurerm_storage_blob
I reference this from a azurerm_app_service in app_settings.WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE using a data.azurerm_storage_account_sas
I see that it has pulled the blob from storage in the app-service but it has exploded it under D:\home\site\wwwroot
I have set site_config.java* (java_version, java_container and java_container_version) but it makes no attempt to start the application
I see there is a site_config.app_command_line but none of the examples I have found set this.
Has anybody gotten a spring boot application in a windows app service running using terraform?
Is there a better way to get the application jar to azure using terraform?
There are various ways to deploy your application to Azure App Service. For your scenario, I recommend not to set WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE and make sure your executable jar is called app.jar and it is dropped to the root of your Web App's content folder (/site/wwwroot).
App Service will automatically take care of setting the appropriate SERVER_PORT environment variable behind the scenes, so that when your Spring Boot application starts, it will start listening to the correct port.
If you need to set parameters, you can always set JAVA_OPTS in the App Service Settings section in the Azure portal and those will travel as environment variables and ultimately used by java.exe upon start.
If you hit any rough edge, feel free to open a ticket in Azure portal and we will be able to assist you better to make sure your app runs well in Azure App Service.
Other popular mechanism to deploy is using Maven:

Azure App Services Deployment Slot Transformations

I would like to start using the deployment slots in my Azure App Services for a staging to production task. The problem that I am running into is I can't seem to find a way to do transformations on the web.config outside of the appsetting and connectionstrings. I seem to be missing something, but I need to be able to adjust other configurations, from logging levels, to other integrated config sections.
We currently have been using direct deployments from our build server with msdeploy and Parameters.xml file to do much of this work, however that won't work with deployment slots.
When you create the additional deployment slot, you can clone all settings from the existing instance, or dont copy anything. As per documentation:
"You can clone configuration from any existing slot. Settings that can
be cloned include app settings, connection strings, language framework
versions, web sockets, HTTP version, and platform bitness."
In the new deployment slot, under Settings > Configuration, you can specify any settings here to be specific to the new deployment slot by selecting "Deployment slot setting".

Azure: How to reload the Environment Variables without rebooting the App Service

What I’m trying to achieve:
In an ASP.NET Core Web App, I want to listen for the configuration change event, and reload the new configuration value at run time. I'm changing the configuration setting by using the following CLI operation:
For Example:
az webapp config appsettings set --name $WebAppName --slot $SlotName --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --settings A_Setting_To_Monitor=$NewSettingValue
How can I detect this change event and load the new configuration value without resetting the App Service?
I'm using C# and .NET Core 2.1.
Have a look at Azure App Configuration.
Azure App Configuration provides a service to centrally manage application settings. Modern programs, especially programs running in a cloud, generally have many components that are distributed in nature. Spreading configuration settings across these components can lead to hard-to-troubleshoot errors during an application deployment. Use App Configuration to store all the settings for your application and secure their accesses in one place.
App Configuration makes it easier to implement the following scenarios:
Centralized management and distribution of hierarchical configuration data for different environments and geographies
Dynamic configuration changes without the need to redeploy or restart an application
Feature management

Azure Devops (VSTS) Different between Agent Pool and Deployment pool

I'm in the process of setting out Azure Devops for our organisation and although I have got things working to an extent, I still dont understand a couple of concepts that I think I should.
I have set up a Deployment Pool (Organization settings > Deployment Pools) and used the script to install and configure the Agents on my Dev, Test and Prod servers, and have been successfully able to deploy code to them
I have been able to build my projects using the Azure Hosted option for now, but I would really like to use the locally hosted option, but when looking at the Agent Pools(Organization settings > Agent Pools) I can only see my Production server and it wont let me use that build with. I clicked the button to "Download Agent" but it downloads the agent I already set up in the Deployment Pool stage using the same powershell command .config.cmd command
So as far as I can tell, there is no difference between an agent in an "Agent pool" vs a "Deployment pool", but I'm obviously missing something here as I cannot see the agent in the Agent pool.
Can anyone help me to understand what I might have missed, and why there are two totally different ways of downloading the same agent?
Many thanks!
Deployment pool are for deployment groups are a special agent configuration that are used specifically in release pipelines. They give some additional options for your release pipelines beyond the regular agents.
Deployment groups:
Specify the security context and runtime targets for the agents. As you create a deployment group, you add users and give them appropriate permissions to administer, manage, view, and use the group.
Let you view live logs for each server as a deployment takes place, and download logs for all servers to track your deployments down to individual machines.
Enable you to use machine tags to limit deployment to specific sets of target servers
It leverages the same pipeline agent but you are just specifying different configuration for the initialization. If you navigate to the Agent Pool page, there is a download link there with the configuration for setting up an agent that you can leverage in a build pipeline or in a release pipeline when you use an Agent Phase instead of a Deployment Group phase.

How to create startup tasks (or install dependencies) in Azure Web App?

There is a Cloud Service in Azure classic deployment model. In the Cloud Service you can add web role and set up a startup tasks. If your application has any dependencies that require installation on the destination VM or controll over IIS-related settings, you can use a startup tasks to provide an unattended deployment for this configuration. For example, if you need installed software on the backend side, you can run MSI in startup task to install it.
Unfortunately, I can't find this functionality in new Azure Resource Manager model. My Web App need some installed software on backend side, but I can't figure out how to install it. Could you help me with this?
You can't. Web App (or App Service) doesn't give you control over the underlying OS. You should consider containerizing your app and run it through using e. g. ACI or AKS.
A Cloud Service was nothing more than a VM with extended support in Visual Studio. Cloud Services are deprecated but you can still create a VM in Azure and install your dependencies.
