configuring a custom domain name for an azure vm and godaddy - azure

Recently I have started to configure my VM at azure I deployed 4 projects with nginx but I have a problem to configure my VM with godaddy. To configure a domain name in Godaddy, I need to set minimum 2 DNS address, but my VM has only one DNS address. Can someone show me how to allow more than one DNS address in my VM or at least how to bypass this issue and make my VM work fine with Godaddy.


My website domain keeps switching hosting ip address

I had bought my domain name through namecheap. Recently I set up MS Azure and created a VM machine which runs apache and wordpress. The VM has an IP address which is pointing to my domain name. A few days ago I removed namecheap hosting and transferred everything to azure. BUT for some reason, my domain keeps switching from the old namecheap IP address to the new azure IP address. This can be seen when doing a DNS look up on I can't figure out what i'm doing wrong. Could anyone help? Thanks
You have 8 Name Servers listed for your domain.
4 are reporting one IP address and the other 4 are reporting another IP address.
The solution is to first correctly configure the correct DNS servers at your Domain Registrar. Then correctly configure the correct DNS servers pointed to by the Name Servers.
Typically you only configure one set of Name Servers. For your domain you have two sets of Name Servers. The first is provided by Microsoft Online (Office 365) and the second is provided by Azure DNS. Pick one or the other and correctly configure your DNS Registrar. If you decide to keep both sets, then you must configure both sets to be identical except for the SOA record.

Azure DNS ( Virtual Machine Template

I'm using a template to deploy an elastic cluster and am having issues with the nodes setting up/deploying correctly when I choose my own subnet. It seems this is due to how the Virtual machines by default seem to have a DNS record for their private IP address. But In my case this isn't happening.
Azure DNS (
What is this DNS server?
Where is it hosted?
Is it automatically deployed to every VPN?
Why do some machines automatically get a record entry and others not?
How can I ensure that machines get an entry?
I am currently trying to use a template to deploy Elasticsearch. If I deploy elasticsearch by creating a subnet during deployment then I get host entries on each ubuntu VM in /etc/hosts and also an A-Record for each VM in this DNS server. The deployment is successful.
If however I choose for the template to deploy in my own subnet I find that the machines don't have each other in /etc/hosts and the DNS server doesn't contain an A-Record and therefore can't resolve each other via name. Deployment therefore fails.
The template I am deploying via the Azure portal UI:
Elastic Stack - (Elasticsearch, Kibana, X-Pack)
Any help appreciated,
Thank you
based on the IP and the dns search suffix, that a custom DNS server. The would be configured as part of the virtual network properties or as part of the dns settings on the individual NIC.

Can an Azure NIC be pointed to records one created in an Azure DNS zone?

Is there a way to point an Azure NIC to the records one created in an Azure DNS zone?
At present Azure DNS doesn't support private DNS zones, i.e. those only available to your vnet. Also, the DNS servers specified in the "Add DNS server" box needs to be a recursive resolver, Azure DNS is an Authoritative DNS service, i.e. it will only serve answers for the zones it hosts.
We can't add Azure DNS zone to NIC custom DNS. The custom DNS required IP address, we can add the DNS server IP address to it.
For example, we can add to it, also we can add local DNS server IP address to it(need VPN). Or create a Azure windows VM and install DNS role on it, and add this VM ip address to it.
If you want to use Azure DNS zone to manage your records, we can map your own domain name to DNS zone, and add name servers to your domain name(add this by domain name registrar manage webpage).
The following image shows an example DNS query about Azure DNS zone:
If you want to add record to DNS zone, and you want to map your 3rd party domain name map to Azure DNS zone, we can follow those steps in that answer.
Keep in mind Azure DNS is not the domain registrar, we should buy domain name from domain registrar(like godaddy,
If you just want to use domain name in your virtual network, there is no need to buy a domain, we can use AAD DS in our virtual network. Or we can deploy a VM and install DC on it, work as on-prem.
By the way, in the same virtual network, we can ping VM's name by default.

Azure Dns Zone not Resolving on Virtual Machine

On Azure (through portal)
Created Virtual Machine with a Static IP, data disk, and opened ports
Then remote desktop - Install IIS and FTP, ports opened in firewall
(can successfully connect via ftp client)
Created a Public Load Balancer with a Static IP with Probes and Rules
(can connect with ftp client through load balancer ip address fine)
(if I enter ip address of load balancer in browser I can view the default iis website fine) (at moment there is only one vm in virtual machine set)
Added a couple of websites in IIS, one a .net app, and the other with just some hello world .html files to test connectivity via domain name. I set bindings to host name for websites with and without www. and IP address set to all (*). restarted websites.
Created a couple of Azure DNZ Zones with A Records pointing to the Load Balancer IP address. Changed name servers on domain register to point to the azure dns servers.
However, this is where it stops. A browser cannot get to either website and I get a '500' error. dns propogation check tools verify that the nameservers are reaching azure for domain names.
There must be something really basic I am missing (???) It is as if DNS resolution is stopping at the virtual machines. Any suggestions.
If you are Configuring multiple websites in a IIS of VM and also you want to map them for different domain name, then you need to Configure Host Header for all websites in IIS (Please find below links for this) and also need to update same A Record for all your websites at you Domain provider setting.
This will work if you have separate Domain Names registered else it will not work.
Without domain name you can deploy websites on different ports in IIS and then configure custom domain in Azure Load Balancer NAT rules.
Links for Host Header config in IIS
This was my fault in some missing hyphens in the zone record. The other .net website was throwing 500 errors sometimes instead of error-name-not_resolved from incomplete nameserver propogation and incomplete .net configuration for the website on VM
The host headers were set correctly including and variants for both port 80 and port 443, and I did have the 'A' records with both # and www variants in the zone set to the IP of the load balancer correctly.
For anyone else with these issues, when checking for localhost connectivity test on your virtual machine (assuming you are hosting multiple sites), remember to add a virtual directory in IIS manager pointing to the file location along with an alias.
While a learning curve, the whole infrastructure of Azure is quite amazing! Impressed.

exposing Azure DNS servers

I have an Azure virtual machine with multiple web sites on it that I would like to expose to the Internet. The VM has Active Directory and DNS installed on it. I created the forward zone ( on my server, and added the two web site names to the zone. On the Networks in the Management Portal, I added a DNS server( and gave it the public IP for my server.
So when I try a nslookup from outside of the VM, the names will not resolve. I set the server in nslookup to either the public IP or the name, and it does not resolve. I have logging turned on in the DNS server, but it does not seem to show any requests from my computer.
I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions? This server is for a demo next week, and worst case, I can buy a couple of domain names.
Try the instance level public-ip address, you will get an ip address per virtual server:
