I could not find any documentation for accessing instagram collections. Is there a way to query user's collections? If not, how can I learn if it is a planned feature for future?
I am successful of fetching my own data using Instagram Graph Api but unable to find a way to get other person's data.
Official document clearly state that metadata of basic data for other Instagram businesses and creators are obtainable but not been able to find any code or document about it.
If anybody know how to do it I would love to know.
Even providing me a link to document or web page that have said information is hugely appriciated.
official document
This is described in the Business Discovery documentation. See also the API reference.
The tricky part is that you need to provide your account ID in the URL. (Basically, your account's node is used to access the business_discovery edge.)
You provide the target account's username in the field parameter, for example:
Where bluebottle is the username of the account you want data for.
Mind that this really works with business and creators accounts, so you won't obtain data for any random account this way.
I am working on an app, which does the below:
A user logins using instagram User creates content and shares it with a subset of her instagram followers ( say 3 out of 200)
Those 3 users get a message in their insta inbox and can click on a link
and sign up on our app.
I am trying to find Insta API documentation, but I am unable to. Can someone experienced with Insta API's please guide to me to specific parts of the Instagram API documentation which can do What I am imagining?
The thing that you are trying to create is not possible by using official Instagram APIs. None of the APIs returns the list of followers for given user. It is also not possible to send a Direct message via Instagram API.
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api here is the introduction to Instagram Graph API. Right on the top of that page you will find possible use-case scenarios.
There is also more limited Basic Display API which documentation and possible use-cases you can find here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api
I searched into the Instagram API docs and I discovered that posting images and tagging products through API requests is not (yet?) possible.
Is it true?
Depends from type of account that you use:
Personal account. Not possible to post via API
Business account. Posible via API Graph for Instagram. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/overview
While reviewing the foursquare API documentation, I noticed that we can get stats on the number of checkins that were shared on Twitter and Facebook during a certain time period, thanks to the Venue Stats for our venue.
We'd like to get that information for each checkin, however. Is this currently possible with the API? The checkin object doesn't seem to include that information, but I might be looking at the wrong place.
Foursquare doesn't support retrieving that information at the single check-in level (neither in the merchant console, nor the API).
Is it possible to crawl check-in data from foursquare in a greedy way? (even if I don't have friendship with all the users) Just like crawling publicly available twitter messages. If you have any experience or suggestions, please share. Thanks.
If you have publicly available tweets containing links to foursquare, you can resolve the foursquare short links (4sq.com/XXXXXX) by making a HEAD request. The head request will return a URL with a check-in ID and a signature. You can use those two values to retrieve a check-in object via the foursquare API /checkins/ endpoint. You're only allowed to access 500 of these per hour.
You must abide by both the Twitter and foursquare terms of service -- in fourquare's case, you may not display this information to anyone, nor may you retain any user information for more than 3 hours (since the user has not authorized your application).
You can only get the check-in data for a location if the manager of the location gives you OAuth access to your application. If you have that, you can use the real-time API defined here: https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/realtime.html
No, it is not possible to crawl check-in data similar to Twitter. This information is considered personal data and is not public.
You can crawl twitter data for foursquare data =)