Node.js - spawn is cutting off the results - node.js

I'm creating a node program to return the output of linux top command, is working fine the only issue is that the name of command is cutted, instead the full command name like /usr/local/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/apps.plugin 1 returns /usr/local+
My code
const topparser=require("topparser")
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
let proc=null
let startTime=0
startTime=new Date().getTime()
proc = spawn('top', ['-c','-b',"-d","3"])
console.log("started process, pid: "
let top_data=""
proc.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
proc.on('close', function (code) {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);
console.log("stoped process...")
if(proc){proc.kill('SIGINT')}// SIGHUP -linux ,SIGINT -windows
The results
14861 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 [kworker/1+
14864 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.02 [kworker/0+
15120 root 39 19 102488 3344 2656 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.09 /usr/bin/m+
16904 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 [kworker/0+
19031 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 [kworker/u+
21500 root 20 0 0 0 0 Z 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 [dsc] <def+
22571 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 [kworker/0+
Any way to fix it?
Best regards

From a top manpage:
In Batch mode, when used without an argument top will format output using the COLUMNS= and LINES=
environment variables, if set. Otherwise, width will be fixed at the maximum 512 columns. With an
argument, output width can be decreased or increased (up to 512) but the number of rows is considā€
ered unlimited.
Add '-w', '512' to the arguments.

Since you work with node, you can query netdata running on localhost for this.
For localhost netdata:
You can also get systemd services:
If you are not planning to update the screen per second, you can instruct netdata to return the average of a longer duration:
The above returns the average of the last 5 seconds.
Finally, you get the latest values all the metrics netdata monitors, with this:
For completeness, netdata can export all the metrics in BASH format for shell scripts. Check this:


What are llvm_pipe threads?

I'm writing a Rust app that uses a lot of threads. I noticed the CPU usage was high so I did top and then hit H to see the threads:
247759 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 R 32.2 1.0 0:02.98 my_app
247785 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 22.9 1.0 0:01.89 llvmpipe-0
247786 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 21.9 1.0 0:01.71 llvmpipe-1
247792 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 20.9 1.0 0:01.83 llvmpipe-7
247789 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 20.3 1.0 0:01.60 llvmpipe-4
247790 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 20.3 1.0 0:01.64 llvmpipe-5
247787 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 19.9 1.0 0:01.70 llvmpipe-2
247788 root 20 0 3491496 104400 64676 S 19.9 1.0 0:01.61 llvmpipe-3
What are these llvmpipe-n threads? Why my_app launches them? Are them even from my_app for sure?
As HHK links to, the llvmpipe threads are from your OpenGL driver, which is Mesa.
You said you are running this in a VM. VMs usually don't virtualize GPU hardware, so the Mesa OpenGL driver is doing sofware rendering. To achieve better performance, Mesa spawns threads to do parallel computations on the CPU.

Can't explain this Node clustering behavior

I'm learning about threads and how they interact with Node's native cluster module. I saw some behavior I can't explain that I'd like some help understanding.
My code:
process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 1;
const cluster = require('cluster');
if (cluster.isMaster) {
} else {
const crypto = require('crypto');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
crypto.pbkdf2('a', 'b', 100000, 512, 'sha512', () => {
res.send('Hi there');
I benchmarked this code with one request using apache benchmark.
ab -c 1 -n 1 localhost:3000/ yielded these connection times
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 0
Processing: 605 605 0.0 605 605
Waiting: 605 605 0.0 605 605
Total: 605 605 0.0 605 605
So far so good. I then ran ab -c 2 -n 2 localhost:3000/ (doubling the number of calls from the benchmark). I expected the total time to double since I limited the libuv thread pool to one thread per child process and I only started one child process. But nothing really changed. Here's those results.
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.1 0 0
Processing: 608 610 3.2 612 612
Waiting: 607 610 3.2 612 612
Total: 608 610 3.3 612 612
For extra info, when I further increase the number of calls with ab -c 3 -n 3 localhost:3000/, I start to see a slow down.
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 0
Processing: 599 814 352.5 922 1221
Waiting: 599 814 352.5 922 1221
Total: 599 815 352.5 922 1221
I'm running all this on a quadcore mac using Node v14.13.1.
tldr: how did my benchmark not use up all my threads? I forked one child process with one thread in its libuv pool - so the one call in my benchmark should have been all it could handle without taking longer. And yet the second test (the one that doubled the amount of calls) took the same amount of time as the benchmark.

write error: No space left on device in embedded linux

I have a embedded board, run linux OS. and I use yaffs2 as rootfs.
I run a program on it, but after some times, it got a error "error No space left on device.". but I checked the flash, there still have a lot free space.
I just write some config file. the config file is rarely update. the program will write some log to flash. log size is limited to 2M.
I don't know why, and how to solve.
Help me please!(my first language is not English,sorry. hope you understand what I say)
some debug info:
# ./write_test
version 1.0
close file :: No space left on device
return errno 28
# cat /proc/yaffs
YAFFS built:Nov 23 2015 16:57:34
Device 0 "rootfs"
start_block........... 0
end_block............. 511
total_bytes_per_chunk. 2048
use_nand_ecc.......... 1
no_tags_ecc........... 1
is_yaffs2............. 1
inband_tags........... 0
empty_lost_n_found.... 0
disable_lazy_load..... 0
refresh_period........ 500
n_caches.............. 10
n_reserved_blocks..... 5
always_check_erased... 0
data_bytes_per_chunk.. 2048
chunk_grp_bits........ 0
chunk_grp_size........ 1
n_erased_blocks....... 366
blocks_in_checkpt..... 0
n_tnodes.............. 749
n_obj................. 477
n_free_chunks......... 23579
n_page_writes......... 6092
n_page_reads.......... 11524
n_erasures............ 96
n_gc_copies........... 5490
all_gcs............... 1136
passive_gc_count...... 1136
oldest_dirty_gc_count. 95
n_gc_blocks........... 96
bg_gcs................ 96
n_retired_writes...... 0
n_retired_blocks...... 0
n_ecc_fixed........... 0
n_ecc_unfixed......... 0
n_tags_ecc_fixed...... 0
n_tags_ecc_unfixed.... 0
cache_hits............ 0
n_deleted_files....... 0
n_unlinked_files...... 289
refresh_count......... 1
n_bg_deletions........ 0
Device 2 "data"
start_block........... 0
end_block............. 927
total_bytes_per_chunk. 2048
use_nand_ecc.......... 1
no_tags_ecc........... 1
is_yaffs2............. 1
inband_tags........... 0
empty_lost_n_found.... 0
disable_lazy_load..... 0
refresh_period........ 500
n_caches.............. 10
n_reserved_blocks..... 5
always_check_erased... 0
data_bytes_per_chunk.. 2048
chunk_grp_bits........ 0
chunk_grp_size........ 1
n_erased_blocks....... 10
blocks_in_checkpt..... 0
n_tnodes.............. 4211
n_obj................. 24
n_free_chunks......... 658
n_page_writes......... 430
n_page_reads.......... 467
n_erasures............ 7
n_gc_copies........... 421
all_gcs............... 20
passive_gc_count...... 13
oldest_dirty_gc_count. 3
n_gc_blocks........... 6
bg_gcs................ 4
n_retired_writes...... 0
n_retired_blocks...... 0
n_ecc_fixed........... 0
n_ecc_unfixed......... 0
n_tags_ecc_fixed...... 0
n_tags_ecc_unfixed.... 0
cache_hits............ 0
n_deleted_files....... 0
n_unlinked_files...... 2
refresh_count......... 1
n_bg_deletions........ 0
log and config file stored in "data".
In General this could be your disk space (here Flash), first of all check your flash space with with df -h (or other commands you have.. df is present in BusyBox). But if your flash space (specially on your program partition) is ok, this could be your "inode" (directory) space problem, you could see your inode usage with df -i command. (a good link for this:
If non of these is the problem cause, I think you have to have a deeper look at your code, specially if you deal with disk I/O!
Also good to mention that be aware of memory & heap space & free all allocated spaces in you functions.

Running multiple processes doesn't scale

There are two C++ processes, one thread in each process. The thread handles network traffic (Diameter) from 32 incoming TCP connections, parses it and forwards split messages via 32 outgoing TCP connections. Let's call this C++ process a DiameterFE.
If only one DiameterFE process is running, it can handle 70 000 messages/sec.
If two DiameterFE processes are running, they can handle 35 000 messages/sec each, so the same 70 000 messages/sec in total.
Why don't they scale? What is a bottleneck?
There are 32 Clients (seagull) and 32 servers (seagull) for each Diameter Front End process, running on separate hosts.
A dedicated host is given for these two processes - 2 E5-2670 # 2.60GHz CPUs x 8 cores/socket x 2 HW threads/core = 32 threads in total.
10 GBit/sec network.
Average Diameter message size is 700 bytes.
It looks like only the Cpu0 handles network traffic - 58.7%si. Do I have to explicitly configure different network queues to different CPUs?
The first process (PID=7615) takes 89.0 % CPU, it is running on Cpu0.
The second process (PID=59349) takes 70.8 % CPU, it is running on Cpu8.
On the other hand, Cpu0 is loaded at: 95.2% = 9.7%us + 26.8%sy + 58.7%si,
whereas Cpu8 is loaded only at 70.3% = 14.8%us + 55.5%sy
It looks like the Cpu0 is doing the work also for the second process. There is very high softirq and only on the Cpu0 = 58.7%. Why?
Here is the top output with key "1" pressed:
top - 15:31:55 up 3 days, 9:28, 5 users, load average: 0.08, 0.20, 0.47
Tasks: 973 total, 3 running, 970 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu0 : 9.7%us, 26.8%sy, 0.0%ni, 4.8%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 58.7%si, 0.0%st
Cpu8 : 14.8%us, 55.5%sy, 0.0%ni, 29.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Cpu31 : 0.0%us, 0.0%sy, 0.0%ni,100.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 396762772k total, 5471576k used, 391291196k free, 354920k buffers
Swap: 1048568k total, 0k used, 1048568k free, 2164532k cached
7615 test1 20 0 18720 2120 1388 R 89.0 0.0 52:35.76 diameterfe
59349 test1 20 0 18712 2112 1388 R 70.8 0.0 121:02.37 diameterfe
610 root 20 0 36080 1364 1112 S 2.6 0.0 126:45.58 plymouthd
3064 root 20 0 10960 788 432 S 0.3 0.0 2:13.35 irqbalance
16891 root 20 0 15700 2076 1004 R 0.3 0.0 0:01.09 top
1 root 20 0 19364 1540 1232 S 0.0 0.0 0:05.20 init
The fix of this issue was to upgrade the kernel to 2.6.32-431.20.3.el6.x86_64 .
After that network interrupts and message queues are distributed among different CPUs.

How do I change the process name?

Does anyone know how to change the process name in top?
top - 05:02:47 up 182 days, 10:38, 1 user, load average: 14.53, 13.11, 11.95
Tasks: 4 total, 2 running, 2 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 57.2%us, 14.8%sy, 0.0%ni, 26.2%id, 1.3%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.5%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 24736852k total, 22519688k used, 2217164k free, 132268k buffers
Swap: 8386552k total, 741900k used, 7644652k free, 12416224k cached
6230 user 20 0 47540 6856 1164 R 41.5 0.0 0:03.10 perl
6430 user 20 0 14900 1156 936 R 0.3 0.0 0:00.02 top
6227 user 20 0 47276 7552 2088 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.07 perl
14577 user 20 0 11588 1808 1340 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.46 bash
I have figured out how to change the top -c name
$0 = 'new name.';
However this doesn't accomplish my goal.
I found a non standard module, and it looks very promising,
However I can't use any non standard modules.
# instead of "perl"
$0 = "helloworld"
I was hoping someone had some input, or knowledge on changing the title/name of a process.
I feel I have gone through perlvar pretty thoroughly however I may have missed a simple $^0. Hoping it's that simple.
#user2783897, not sure why I didn't think of that, here is the basic example I made.
sub prctl_name {
my $TASK_COMM_LEN = 16;
my $SYS_prctl = 157;
my $SYS_PR_SET_NAME = 15;
my $SYS_PR_GET_NAME = 16;
my ($str) = #_;
if(defined $str) {
my $rv = prctl($SYS_PR_SET_NAME, $str);
if($rv == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
} else {
$str = "\x00" x ($TASK_COMM_LEN + 1); # allocate $str
my $ptr = unpack( 'L', pack( 'P', $str ) );
my $rv = prctl($SYS_PR_GET_NAME, $ptr);
if($rv == 0) {
return substr($str, 0, index($str, "\x00"));
} else {
sub prctl {
my $SYS_prctl = 157;
my ($option, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5) = #_;
syscall($SYS_prctl, $option,
($arg2 or 0), ($arg3 or 0), ($arg4 or 0), ($arg5 or 0));
Why don't you copy Sys/ code inside your own ? It's only a few dozens of lines.
Furthermore, most of the code is dedicated to finding on which kind of kernel the process is running, to select the appropriate SYS_prctl parameter. If you know on what kind of kernel you're running, you can cut the code to its bare bone.
