Toolbar not showing in Eclipse Neon in Ubuntu 17.04 - linux

I am using Eclipse Neon IDE (for Java EE developers) in Ubuntu 17.04.
I tried other versions of eclipse also, but I am not able to see tool bar in the eclipse.
Please help me on this.
Thanks in advance

This seems to be Eclipse bug 516408. Maybe it is already fixed in Eclipse Oxygen. If not, please add a comment in the Eclipse bug and try following workaround:
Workaround: Use Ubuntu 16.04 (gtk-3.18.9), or set SWT_GTK3=0


Refresh/repaint issue with Eclipse ide 2018 under linux

I have repaint/refresh issues with my Eclipse IDE 2018 (under Linux Mint 18.3).
Indeed, stuff like this happen all the time:
and I have to scroll or save to get the correct display:
Before that, eclipse was very laggy/slow. I had to switch from GTK3 to GTK2. But this bug remains (still usable but annoying).
In my eclipse.ini
and in my eclipse configuration:
Any idea?

eclipse javafx variables unresolved

When I create a new javaFX project the javaFX variables are unresolved. I use java 8 (121) and eclipse Neon on which I installed e(fx)clipse. OS is Linux Mint 18.1. What I did:
I uninstalled and installed e(fx)clipse again, that didn't help
In another post I read that someone had solved the problem by adding
jfxrt.jar to the build path. I searched for this file but it is not present on my file system
Anybody any idea what is wrong in my setup?
James_D suggested adding openjfx. I read documentation of openjfx and it says that only a subset is implemented. I decided to install the oracle JDK and adjust the building path with a reference to the oracle version of jfxrt. That worked. I wonder whether it wouldn't be better to switch to the oracle version of JDK?

RedHawk IDE main menu bar

I am running RedHawk 1.10.2 on Ubuntu14.04. I built RedHawk from sources following the instructions in Appendix F of the manual. But when I start the the ide the window is missing the top menu bar "File Edit Source Refactor Navigate ..." When I run 1.10.0 on CentOS it is there. Has 1.10.2 changed something or did my build miss something? I am not familiar with customizing Eclipse, so I have no idea where these menus are configured into Eclipse (or any of the other menus that ARE appearing fine).
Has anyone seen this? Can you point me to what might have gone wrong or where in the source this was setup?
Its an issue with Eclipse and newer versions of Ubuntu.
See this related Stackoverflow post:
Eclipse menus don't show up after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10
I found it easiest if you put the following in your bashrc

Is it possible to install Cobos in Eclipse Indigo, running on Linux?

I have Ubuntu 12 installed on my laptop and I want to have an IDE that allows me to develop both in Java and COBOL. The only version of eclipse available in the Ubuntu Software Center is Indigo.
The problem is that, until now, what I read about COBOS, the open source COBOL IDE perfect for the job, is supposed to run only in Eclipse Helios, and Windows.
My question is if anyone has come across this problem and how did you solve it. Is there anyway I could install COBOS in Eclipse?
I've downloaded COBOS 2.3.2.
Thank you in advance!

How to install Maven 2 plugin for Eclipse on 64-bit linux?

I have Fedora 11 (x86 64) installed with Eclipse. I need a Maven plugin, preferrably m2eclipse, but I cannot find out how to install it. I've tried going through yum, but to no avail (I can't even find any maven plugins).
On my other laptop, I've tried installing the plugin using yum on a 32 bit install of Fedora 11, and while the package shows as being installed, I still don't see it in Eclipse. I've even tried starting eclipse with the clean flag.
Could anyone provide me with help? I've got maven 2.0.4 installed. Thanks in advance!
I was able to install the core components of the m2eclipse plugin after I first installed the ganymede packages from their update site:
Apparently "Fedora Eclipse" is not a flavor of the ganymede build.
Use the following update site:
It's typically under Help -> Software Updates… and then you can add a new update site. Use the one above and you should have the option to install the plugin.
Goto Eclipse->Help->Install New Software...
Add the following update site in Eclipse
and enable the repository for your release of eclipse under "Available Software Sites" as well (which is disabled in Fedora by default).
Afterwards the installation in Eclipse should work without any missing dependencies.
I was hitting the same problem; evlipse installs it but the plugin isn't visible in the list nor are any of the features it should offer (such as a maven import wizard).
java 6, ubuntu, eclipse downloaded from the official site.
I removed ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_1020258342
Started eclipse again
added the EMF update site
added the IAM site
installed eclipse IAM core, said no to resarting the workspace, quit eclipse
started eclipse
and its working.
