String starts again after every variable [Bash] - linux

I'm trying to use multiple variables in a string but after each variable the string starts again and overrides the beginning:
echo "${var1} ${var2}"
echo "$var1 $var2"
It should output
But both echos output
Also if I only use one variable and put text after the variable it still overrides...
There is also an example here:
echo "${bla}ohai${laber}bye"
This should output:
But it outputs:
I'm starting the .sh with
sudo bash path/
But with sudo sh it does not work as well...
I use Ubuntu 16.04 (as a virtual machine)

It might be a carriage return character in your input string(s).
You can pipe your echo to a tr command to remove it from output string:
echo "${var1} ${var2}" | tr -d '\r'


Find and replace inside a string variable using sed command - shell scripting

lets say I have a string variable variable
var="This line is with OldText"
I want to find and replace the text inside this variable
The method that I tried is,
echo $var | sed -i "s/OldText/NewText/g" >> result.log
in this case this gives an error saying "no input files".
The expected output is ,
"This line is with NewText"
what is the correct method to do this using sed, awk or any other method.
Using sed
$ var=$(sed "s/OldText/NewText/" <<< $var)
$ echo $var
This line is with NewText
You don't use -i, as that's for changing a file in place. If you want to replace the value in the variable, you need to reassign to it.
If you are using Bash shell, you could:
$ echo ${var/OldText/NewText}
This line is with NewText
$ var=${var/OldText/NewText}
See this for more.

Bash: New line in echo string fails when output is piped to crontab [duplicate]

How do I print a newline? This merely prints \n:
$ echo -e "Hello,\nWorld!"
Use printf instead:
printf "hello\nworld\n"
printf behaves more consistently across different environments than echo.
Make sure you are in Bash.
$ echo $0
All these four ways work for me:
echo -e "Hello\nworld"
echo -e 'Hello\nworld'
echo Hello$'\n'world
echo Hello ; echo world
echo $'hello\nworld'
$'' strings use ANSI C Quoting:
Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard.
You could always do echo "".
For example,
echo "Hello,"
echo ""
echo "World!"
On the off chance that someone finds themselves beating their head against the wall trying to figure out why a coworker's script won't print newlines, look out for this:
function GET_RECORDS()
echo -e "starting\n the process";
echo $(GET_RECORDS);
As in the above, the actual running of the method may itself be wrapped in an echo which supersedes any echos that may be in the method itself. Obviously, I watered this down for brevity. It was not so easy to spot!
You can then inform your comrades that a better way to execute functions would be like so:
function GET_RECORDS()
echo -e "starting\n the process";
Simply type
to get a new line
POSIX 7 on echo
-e is not defined and backslashes are implementation defined:
If the first operand is -n, or if any of the operands contain a <backslash> character, the results are implementation-defined.
unless you have an optional XSI extension.
So I recommend that you should use printf instead, which is well specified:
format operand shall be used as the format string described in XBD File Format Notation [...]
the File Format Notation:
\n <newline> Move the printing position to the start of the next line.
Also keep in mind that Ubuntu 15.10 and most distros implement echo both as:
a Bash built-in: help echo
a standalone executable: which echo
which can lead to some confusion.
$ echo | sed "i$str"
You can also do:
echo "hello
This works both inside a script and from the command line.
On the command line, press Shift+Enter to do the line break inside the string.
This works for me on my macOS and my Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) system.
For only the question asked (not special characters etc) changing only double quotes to single quotes.
echo -e 'Hello,\nWorld!'
Results in:
There is a new parameter expansion added in Bash 4.4 that interprets escape sequences:
${parameter#operator} - E operator
The expansion is a string that is the value of parameter with
backslash escape sequences expanded as with the $'…' quoting
$ foo='hello\nworld'
$ echo "${foo#E}"
I just use echo without any arguments:
echo "Hello"
echo "World"
To print a new line with echo, use:
echo -e '\n'
This could better be done as
echo -ne $x
-e option will interpret backslahes for the escape sequence
-n option will remove the trailing newline in the output
PS: the command echo has an effect of always including a trailing newline in the output so -n is required to turn that thing off (and make it less confusing)
My script:
echo "WARNINGS: $warningsFound WARNINGS FOUND:\n$warningStrings
WARNING : 2 WARNINGS FOUND:\nWarning, found the following local orphaned signature file:
On my Bash script I was getting mad as you until I've just tried:
echo "WARNING : $warningsFound WARNINGS FOUND:
Just hit Enter where you want to insert that jump. The output now is:
Warning, found the following local orphaned signature file:
If you're writing scripts and will be echoing newlines as part of other messages several times, a nice cross-platform solution is to put a literal newline in a variable like so:
echo "first line${newline}second line"
echo "Error: example error message n${newline}${usage}" >&2 #requires usage to be defined
If the previous answers don't work, and there is a need to get a return value from their function:
function foo()
local v="Dimi";
local s="";
s+="Some message here $v $1\n"
echo $s
r=$(foo "my message");
echo -e $r;
Only this trick worked on a Linux system I was working on with this Bash version:
GNU bash, version 2.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
You could also use echo with braces,
$ (echo hello; echo world)
This got me there....
printf $outstuff
Sometimes you can pass multiple strings separated by a space and it will be interpreted as \n.
For example when using a shell script for multi-line notifcations:
notify-send 'notification success' 'another line' 'time now '`date +"%s"`
With jq:
$ jq -nr '"Hello,\nWorld"'
Additional solution:
In cases, you have to echo a multiline of the long contents (such as code/ configurations)
For example:
A Bash script to generate codes/ configurations
echo -e,
printf might have some limitation
You can use some special char as a placeholder as a line break (such as ~) and replace it after the file was created using tr:
echo ${content} | tr '~' '\n' > $targetFile
It needs to invoke another program (tr) which should be fine, IMO.

Linux shell script - String trimming for dash

I am attempting to get the mac address from my Raspberry Pi take the last 6 characters of the mac to use as the hostname alongside a fixed string.
here is what I'v managed to get working from other sources so far, but I am now totally stuck trying to trim the string down.
#!/bin/sh -e
MAC="$( sed "s/^.*macaddr=\([0-9A-F:]*\) .*$/\1/;s/://g" /proc/cmdline )"
echo "$MAC1"
the shell being used by the Pi appears to be Dash, so the usual BASH commands that would have this done in no-time don't want to work or seem to generate errors when run within the script.
The full script that I am using in rc.local is below.
any advice on a way to-do this would be greatly received.
MAC="pi""$( sed "s/^.*macaddr=\([0-9A-F:]*\) .*$/\1/;s/://g" /proc/cmdline )"
echo "$MAC" > "/etc/hostname"
CURRENT_HOSTNAME=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)
sed -i "s/*$CURRENT_HOSTNAME/\t$MAC/g" /etc/hosts
hostname $MAC
If you have the cut command on your Pi, you could
MAC1=$( echo $MAC | cut -c 7-12 )
Since you're already using sed to process the string, I'd suggest adding another command:
MAC=$(sed -e 's/^.*macaddr=\([0-9A-F:]*\) .*$/\1/' \
-e 's/://g' \
-e 's/.*\(.\{6\}\)/\1/' /proc/cmdline)
The extra sed command extracts the last 6 characters from each line (I assume that you only have one?). You can combine the commands into a single string if you prefer, though I find this approach to be more readable.

Using a variable to replace lines in a file with backslashes

I want to add the string %%% to the beginning of some specific lines in a text file.
This is my script:
sed "s/$a/%%%$a/g" <File.txt
And this is my File.txt content:
But nothing changes when I execute it.
I think the 'sed' command is not finding the pattern, possibly due to the \ backslashes in the variable a.
I can find the c:\Temp line if I use grep with -F option (to not interpret strings):
cat File.txt | grep -F "$a"
But sed seems not to implement such '-F` option.
Not working neither:
sed 's/$a/%%%$a/g' <File.txt
sed 's/"$a"/%%%"$a"/g' <File.txt
I have found similar threads about replacing with sed, but they don't refer to variables.
How can I replace the desired lines by using a variable adding them the %%% char string?
EDIT: It would be fine that the $a variable could be entered via parameter when calling the script, so it will be assigned like:
Try it like this:
a='c:\\Temp' # single quotes
sed "s/$a/%%%$a/g" <File.txt # double quotes
Johns-MacBook-Pro:sed jcreasey$ sh
You need the double slash '\' to escape the '\'.
The single quotes won't expand the variables.
So you escape the slash in single quotes and pass it into the double quotes.
Of course you could also just do this:
sed 's/\(.*Temp\)/%%%&/' <File.txt
If you want to get input from the command line you have to allow for the fact that \ is an escape character there too. So the user needs to type 'c:\\' or the interpreter will just wait for another character. Then once you get it, you will need to escape it again. (printf %q).
b=`printf "%q" $1`
sed "s/\($b\)/%%% &/" < File.txt
The issue you are having has to do with substitution of your variable providing a regular expression looking for a literal c:Temp with the \ interpreted as an escape by the shell. There are a number of workarounds. Seeing the comments and having worked through the possibilities, the following will allow the unquoted entry of the search term:
## validate that needed input is given on the command line
[ -n "$1" -a "$2" ] || {
printf "Error: insufficient input. Usage: %s <term> <file>\n" "${0//*\//}" >&2
exit 1
## validate that the filename given is readable
[ -r "$2" ] || {
printf "Error: file not readable '%s'\n" "$2" >&2
exit 1
a="$1" # assign a
filenm="$2" # assign filename
## test and fix the search term entered
[[ "$a" =~ '/' ]] || a="${a/:/:\\}" # test if \ removed by shell, if so replace
a="${a/\\/\\\\}" # add second \
sed -e "s/$a/%%%$a/g" "$filenm" # call sed with output to stdout
$ bash c:\Temp dat/winpath.txt
Note: This allows both single-quoted or unquoted entry of the dos path search term. To edit in place use sed -i. Additionally, the [[ operator and =~ operator are limited to bash.
I could have sworn the original question said replace, but to append, just as you suggest in the comments. I have updated the code with:
sed -e "s/$a/%%%$a/g" "$filenm"
Which provides the new output:
$ bash c:\Temp dat/winpath.txt
Remember: If you want to edit the file in place use sed -i or sed -i.bak which will edit the actual file (and if -i.bak is given create a backup of the original in originalname.bak). Let me know if that is not what you intended and I'm happy to edit again.
Creating your script with a positional parameter of $1
cat <file path>|sed "s/"$1"/%%%"$1"/g" > "temporary file"
Now whenever you want sed to find "c:\Temp" you need to use your script command line as follows
bash <my executing script> c:\\\\Temp
The first backslash will make bash interpret any backslashes that follows therefore what will be save in variable "a" in your executing script is "c:\\Temp". Now substituting this variable in sed will cause sed to interpret 1 backlash since the first backslash in this variable will cause sed to start interpreting the other backlash.
when you Open your temporary file you will see:

removing first letters in a string using bash under cgi

I'm trying to path a web address to a bash script run under cgi. I search a little and found this link. From what I understood, this line should separate the variable from it's value:
USERNAME=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*username=\([^&]*\).*$/\1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"
So, reading about sed, I have concluded that this line should be sufficient for my needs:
url='echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed "s/url=\(.*\)/\1/"'
where the input is
However, the variable get is the string is:
echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed "s/url=(.*)/\1/"
if I tried to remove the apostrophes I get an empty variable. Note that if I simply to the echo command I the desired effect.
How can I separate the url value?
You can use parameter expansion and you won't need sed.
echo "${QUERY_STRING##*=}"
To set a variable to that value:
