Android Emulator Appears and suddenly disappear - android-studio

I try every solution that I get from the Internet but my problem is not solving
I install HAXM through SDK and it is not asking for updates
I didn't get any error message :( I am stuck Please help me

The Android Emulator moved out of the SDK Tools Package in 25.3.1, so the solutions below about specifically adding the Android Emulator package in the SDK Manager in Android Studio 2.3 and higher is the right solution.
Ref. link:~


Android Studio [BumbleBee 2021.1.1] Emulator Timeout on Mac M1

I have Android Studio BumbleBee 2021.1.1 downloaded, running on a MacBook Pro M1. When downloading Android Studio, I chose the Apple Chip option (opposed to Intel)
I've created a Virtual Device - Android 12.0 arm64-v8a Pixel 4.
When I attempt to run the emulator it gets stuck here
Then, it times out:
I have searched SO and other blogs and can only find outdated material based on a time in 2020/2021 when Android did not support ARM64. However, it's my understanding that this has now changed so is no longer needed.
What is the correct way to run the Android Emulator on a Mac with an M1 Chip?
I have found the issue so marking this as solved, however, if anyone knows why this solves the problem, please share!
I found an issue opened on Google's anroid-emulator-m1-preview repo with this answer
Turns out, I just needed to uncheck 'Launch in a tool window' but again, not sure why that fixed the issue.

Have adb.exe at specified location but still have "adb.exe is obsolete and has serious performance problems" dialog box

I have the adb.exe at "../AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe" and even checked the virus chest of antivirus everything is fine.
But still get the dialogue box saying
"adb.exe is obsolete and has serious performance problems".
What worked out for me was after
Create Virtual Device
Choose a device
select Q API Level 29 image with target as Android 10.0 (Google APIs)
not just Android 10.0
and proceed as usual.
Hope its useful for you!
Maybe a bit late but the accepted solution didn't work for me. However the following did:
SDK Manager -> SDK Tools
Delete current Android SDK Build-Tools even if it is the latest version. In my case, I observed it also uninstalled a lot of previous versions
Restart Adroid Studio
Install the latest Android SDK Build-Tools
Restart Adroid Studio
I suspect the problem happened due to some sort of error in incremental updates of adb

Uninstalling Android SDK Tools is stuck

I've been having some trouble setting up my laptop for Android development with React Native. Various sources told me that uninstalling and reinstalling my SDK tools will fix the issue (the issue was that the adb.exe was missing thanks to AVAST)
When trying to uninstall my SDK tools the uninstaller is stuck:
It's been saying Stopping ADB for at least 30 mins at the time of posting this and I cannot find other solutions for this.
Why is this happening and how do I fix it? Thanks.
I just need to be able to run my React Native apps in an Android virtual device.
Windows 10
Android Studio version 3.1.3

Android Studio for Mac not opening

I am not able to get Android Studio running on Mac, even after waiting for 15 minutes or so, it's still stuck on this screen:
What could be the problem?
Android Studio v2.2.3
MAC OSX 10.12.1 on MacBook Air
Its just downloading necessary elements and SDK if necessary. So please check your internet connection and give it some time to finish the download.
I faced same problem. Found the solution..
Just delete all files related to AndroidStudio first.. you can refer
Now install AndroidStudio again and if you are behind any proxy then after launch setup the proxy with authentication.. That's it!!!
For me it was a bit different experience, when I tried opening Android studio for the first time in my Mac. It allowed me to create a new Project and then while loading the IDE it got stuck -
The IDE was not getting opened. Apparently it seems like it was downloading something of size around 250 MB. I was stuck there for around 30 mins.
Then after 30 mins when the IDE opened, it threw an error and asked to install missing platform and sync project.
I clicked on the link and a new installation started of Android SDK Platform 26.
After the SDK Platform being installed it threw another error and asked to install the SDK build tools. On clicking the link the installation started:-
Finally after the installation of the SDK build tools, I was able to open the Android studio and access the code error free:
Happy Coding!! :)

Android studio SDK Failure : How to solve this issue?

I tried many times Import-android studio project in my windows-7 pc. But i failed. I searched my problem then another problem comes around. I know IDE problem, but i don't know how to solve this issue.
My Question is who have installed android studio successfully. Please share your knowledge with us.
Android studio SDK Failure : How to solve this issue?
If you are encountering problems with android studio, just uninstall android studio and then reinstall it. To be sure to have a clean install, reinstall the whole program, including the IDE and the sdk. You will then open your existing projects in android studio and retrieve it normally.
Follow this tutorial if you still have problems, it's very detailled :
