Is DB a reserved word in Node.js - node.js

I am building some tests with mocha and chai(expect).
Keeping it simple as I am learning about testing methodology as I go along.
I have a mysql db layer in a config file.
Testing the db parameters, I ran into a weird issue.
These db parameters test fine:
host= 'localhost',
The tests:
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var db = require('../db/config.ini');
describe('Database Access', function() {
it('HOST parameter should be a string', function() {
it('USER parameter should be a string', function() {
it('PASSWORD parameter should be a string', function() {
it('DB parameter should be a string', function() {
it('HOST parameter should equal localhost', function() {
it('USER parameter should equal foo', function() {
it('PASSWORD parameter should equal bar', function() {
it('DB parameter should equal thatone', function() {
When I add the database to choose,
The test fails the parameter because it reads it as an object.
1) Database Access DB parameter should be a string:
AssertionError: expected {} to be a string
at Context.<anonymous> (test/db_tests.js:21:20)
If I change the variable name to "context" the test passes as expected.
I'm wondering if there is something obvious I am missing about using "db" as a variable.
Really stupid, novice level mistake.
So focused on learning testing methodology I didn't realize I had created the
'db' var as a require to the 'ini' and then referenced it later as though it was unique.
Really dumb. Rushing through this recklessly to get to a destination, and failing to follow some good methodology.

The result of executing this is not a string:
var db = require('../db/config.ini');
It seems you are trying to get a file in some INI dialect to be meaningfully interpreted by Node. Node does not support this by default. If you do not get an error while loading it, the most likely reason is that the text you have in there happens to also be valid JavaScript but since INI files do not contain proper code to export something (i.e. the file does not contain exports.db = "something" or module.exports = { ... } or something similar), then the module has the value {}.
You need to add one of the multiple npm packages that will automatically interpret an INI file and provide a meaningful value. I cannot recommend one as I don't use INI files in my software but you can search npm for a package that will perform the translation for you.


Knex migration not working when using migration API

I am new to knex migrations and for the past 2 days I have been struggling to get it working but nothing happen. I am trying to run my migrations programmatically using the knex.migration object.
First using the cli, I create a migration file in the migrations directory. Here is its content:
exports.up = function(knex, Promise) {
return Promise.all([
knex.schema.createTable('users', function (table) {
exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
Then from my code I initialize the Knex object:
var knex = Knex({
filename: './knex.sqlite'
Then I execute the migration:
// console.log()
}).catch(err =>{
But absolutely nothing happens. My migration file is never executed and there is no error or warning message. So I don't know where to look at to start searching for the problem. When I look at my sqlite database, I can see that tables knex_migrations, knex_migrations_lock and sqlite_sequence have been created.
So what I am doing wrong here? Is there something I am missing?
Thanks for any suggestion
There's no requirement to use the CLI tools. Sometimes it's not possible to use it due to its limitations and in this case it's indeed possible to use the migration API directly, like so:
const knex = require('knex')({
// Here goes the Knex config
const migrationConfig = {
directory: __dirname + './migrations',
}'Running migrations in: ' +;
knex.migrate.latest(migrationConfig).then(([batchNo, log]) => {
if (!log.length) {'Database is already up to date');
} else {'Ran migrations: ' + log.join(', '));
// Important to destroy the database, otherwise Node script won't exit
// because Knex keeps open handles.
There was two issues in the original question:
The migration directory was not specified - in this case Knex is not smart and will simply not do anything instead of throwing an error. Most likely the default used by Knex is not right so it's best to specify it.
knex.destroy() was missing. In this case, the script will never exit because Knex keeps open handles on the database, so it just looks like it's stuck doing nothing.
The above script also outputs more log info to see what's exactly happening.
Knex migrations are supposed to run by Knex CLI,FYI:
As your code described, I found a strange issue:
knex.migrate is actually undefined, it's not a property of knex.

Mocha assertion error: expected {} to be a string

I've been beating my head all morning on this and I'm pretty sure I'm just missing something simple. It appears I'm getting a new object ({}) for a return value when I'm expecting a string, but even if I hard code a string for a return value I get the same error.
I've worked through the examples found here with no trouble. My package.json is set to test properly (or at least I don't think that's the problem, but I can post it as well if it'll help troubleshoot my problem). I'm new-ish to Node.js (but well experienced with JS) & just learning Mocho & Chai.
What am I missing? Why am I getting what appears to be an empty object when I should be getting a string? What's causing the test to fail?
I've written a simple API to get the username from a host PC:
const username = require('username');
exports.getUserName = function() {
return username.sync();
And I've written a test using Mocha & Chai:
var expect = require("chai").expect;
var getUserName = require('./username.js');
describe("User name API", function () {
it("Returns a string with the user's name", function () {
Here's the error that's returned when I run the test with npm test:
> sbserialwidget#0.0.1 test C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget
> mocha --reporter spec
User name API
1) Returns a string with the user's name
0 passing (13ms)
1 failing
1) User name API Returns a string with the user's name:
AssertionError: expected {} to be a string
at Context.<anonymous> (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\test\username.js:6:29)
at callFn (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:334:21)
at (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:327:7)
at Runner.runTest (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:429:10)
at C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:535:12
at next (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:349:14)
at C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:359:7
at next (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:285:14)
at Immediate._onImmediate (C:\deg\node_modules\sbSerialWidget\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:327:5)
If I change the test to expect an object, the test works: expect(getUserName)'object');.
However if I do a console.log(typeof username.sync()); it says it's a string.
What do I need to do to fix this?
Edit for solution:
Here's the code that I eventually got to work. I think part of the problem was a path issue (I'm in a Windows environment), partly me simply not quite understanding what needed to be done, and finally me not understanding how to call the function properly in the test (see below).
Here's the modified username.js code:
const username = require('username');
exports.getUserName = function() {
return username.sync();
Here's the modified usernametest.js:
var expect = require("chai").expect;
//here's where one point of confusion was, I was trying to call the original getUserName()
//function, but it's been turned into a variable called username
var username = require('..\\js\\username.js').getUserName;
describe("User name API", function () {
it("returns a string with the user's name", function () {
//so here, instead of calling username.getUserName(), I call username()
//instead. Voila, it works...
you are not executing the function
I din't figure out that your are exporting an object
exports.getUsername = function(){...}
should be
thanks to #robertklep

What is exports.install in node js?

Hi I found a framework where they use a lot this pattern.
exports.install = function(){
but usually you see this pattern in nodejs
module.exports = {
Is this the same thing or is this something else ?
exports is the object corresponding to module.exports before you do anything to it. I think it's due to some legacy code, but basically folks use module.exports if they want to replace the whole object with their own object or a function, while they use exports if they just want to hang functions off the module. It's a little confusing at first, but essentially exports.install just means that calling code would do something like:
const mod = require('that-module');
mod.install(params, callback); // call that function
The framework you're looking at is probably using it as part of a bootstrapping process, afaik it doesn't have significance to the node engine itself.
Yes, it is the same thing. You can use one of 2 ways to setup your code.
The different thing is memory. They point to same memory. You can think exports like a variable and you can not use this way to export your module:
Given this module:
// test.js
exports = {
// you can not use this way to export module.
// because at this time, `exports` points to another memory region
// and it did not lie on same memory with `module.exports`
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hello !");
The following code will get the error: TypeError: test.sayHello is not a function
// app.js
var test = require("./test");
// You will get TypeError: test.sayHello is not a function
The correct way you must use module.exports to export your module:
// test.js
module.exports = {
// you can not use this way to export module.
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hello !");
// app.js
var test = require("./test");
// Console prints: Hello !
So, it just is style of developer.

Understanding ExpressJS application start-up

I am struggling with how application start-up works in Express. I am going to explain my use-case:
I have a configuration-Manager module which is used by all other application modules to load required configuration. I am setting configuration in app.listen:
app.listen(9000, function () {
In another module of the same application I call the Configuration-Manager function to load config, but it returns empty. Code is something like this:
var config_manager = require('configuration-manager');
console.log(config_manager.loadConfig()); // returns empty object {}
I am running the application using node app.js. The empty object gets printed first then ('settings..!!!'). Does Express compile the script before calling app.listen()? How do I make sure that my configuration is set before compilation/loading other files?
Express indeed first processes all statements in a file, basically anything that isn't in a function on startup.
In your case var config_manager = require('configuration-manager');
console.log(config_manager.loadConfig()); // returns empty object {} is executed before your app.listen because you are requering the config before the app.listen.
You're best off processing your configuration right after the first time it is required (if app.js is your main file, this means the first time it comes across a require statement pointing to configuration-manager in any file).
This should make your code work:
var config_manager = require('configuration-manager');
try {
} catch(err) {
console.log(config_manager.loadConfig()); // returns empty object {}
and then
app.listen(9000, function () {
console.log('settings..!!!', config_manager.loadConfig()) // Should correctly print your config
If this doesn't work the problem does not lay in the order of execution.

Un-requiring node ShouldJS

My node app has a fairly large test suite that depends on ShouldJS module. The problem is that the library blocks assigning .should properties on objects, but my test suite needs to spin up a server that needs to be mockable (i.e. run in the same process as my test suite) and dynamically build ElasticSearch queries, that need to set .should property on Objects.
I tried to un-require ShouldJS using an approach described here. But that didn't help - see example script below. Is there a workaround or an alternative approach?
var objBefore = {};
objBefore.should = 'should1'; // doesn't get assigned!
objBefore['should'] = 'should2'; // doesn't get assigned!
console.log('Before:', objBefore);
Object.keys(require.cache).forEach(function(path) {
if (path.indexOf('/node_modules/should/') === -1) return;
console.log('Un-requiring path', path);
delete require.cache[path];
var objAfter = {};
objAfter.should = 'should1'; // doesn't get assigned!
objAfter['should'] = 'should2'; // doesn't get assigned!
console.log('After:', objAfter);
// still has shouldJS stuff
console.log('objAfter.should:', objAfter.should);
which gives this:
Before: {}
Un-requiring path /my/path/node_modules/should/index.js
Un-requiring path /my/path/node_modules/should/lib/should.js
Un-requiring path /my/path/node_modules/should/lib/ext/contain.js
Un-requiring path /my/path/node_modules/should/lib/ext/promise.js
After: {}
objAfter.should: Assertion { obj: {}, anyOne: false, negate: false, params: { actual: {} } }
None of the .should properties are getting assigned.
There's a way to turn ShouldJS should getter on and off:
// turn off ShouldJS should getter
// and use should as a function
var should = require('should').noConflict();
// turn on ShouldJS should getter
Here's what the official Readme says:
It is also possible to use should.js without getter (it will not even try to extend Object.prototype), just require('should/as-function'). Or if you already use version that auto add getter, you can call .noConflict function.
Results of (something).should getter and should(something) in most situations are the same
