I can't update my components when I change the state of selectOneButton component - jsf

I'm using primefaces to implement my web site and I'm facing an issue.
I've used selectOneButton component and depending on which button is selected I want to show a specific datatable. So when I click the button1 I want to show table1, and table2 when I click the button2.
This is the code I am using:
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.dataTableTypes}"
itemValue="#{type}" />
<p:ajax update="table1 table2"/>
With this code, I'm unable to reach what I want :(

I think you can very well look at the following example and keep a render flag for your tables in the listener invoked in the bean.
Hope it helps!!

You should declare an attribute process for ajax with value #this. This attribute say to selectOneButton to set value into bean when will happen some event for selectOneButtton. And you will have an actual value for datatable type.
Now you don't have it. And if you have a condition for example:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{myBean.dataTableType eq FirstTable}">
<p:datatable id="first_table">
Condition return false..


How to reset input components on change of <p:selectOneMenu> after certain validations are violated

I'm populating <p:selectOneMenu> from a database which contains a list of zones, when a JSF page loaded.
When a zone in this menu is selected, a set of <p:inputText> is displayed in which a user can insert charge that corresponds to product weight which is to be transferred by a transporter to the selected zone in the menu. This can be shown in the following snap shot.
As can be seen, when non numeric values are entered by a user, validation violations occurs, when the given save button <p:commandButton> is pressed (the numbers displayed on top of each text field correspond to weight).
If a user now change the zone in the menu - the first panel without pressing the reset button, the data corresponds to that newly selected zone is loaded in these text fields only when the reset button is pressed as follows (because of validation violation)..
So, how to load data after previous validation violation, if an item (zone) is changed in the menu?
The change event of <p:selectOneMenu>, in this case should do the function something like which is done by <p:resetInput>.
Hope you will be able to understand what I mean :).
Basically, you need the functionality provided by <p:resetInput> inside <p:ajax> of a <p:selectOneMenu>. This is indeed not possible as <p:resetInput> requires being placed in a component implementing ActionSource such as UICommand components.
Your best bet is to let <p:remoteCommand> take over the <p:ajax> change listener job. Therein you can put a <p:resetInput>.
Imagine that you currently have a:
<p:selectOneMenu id="zone">
<f:selectItems ... />
<p:ajax listener="#{bean.changeZone}" update="data" />
<p:panel id="data">
Then this change should do:
<p:selectOneMenu id="zone" onchange="changeZone()">
<f:selectItems ... />
<p:remoteCommand name="changeZone" process="#this zone" action="#{bean.changeZone}" update="data">
<p:resetInput target="data" />
<p:panel id="data">
Don't forget to remove the AjaxBehaviorEvent argument from the listener method. It's useless in this particular case anyway.

Is there a way how to trigger an event / make a commandbutton hide when selectCheckboxMenu in primefaces unselected all items

i wanted to know if theres a way how to hide a commandbutton to the end users when he deselects all items in the selectCheckboxMenu.
thanks for every comments and suggestions.
Just let the rendered attribute of the command button check if the very same property behind the value attribute of select checkbox menu does not represent an empty collection. You can re-execute this check by updating a persistent parent component of the button using <p:ajax> on change of the select checkbox menu.
So, in a nutshell:
<p:selectCheckboxMenu value="#{bean.selectedItems}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.availableItems}" />
<p:ajax update="button" />
<h:panelGroup id="button">
<p:commandButton value="Submit" rendered="#{not empty bean.selectedItems}" />
No need for unnecessary code such as additional bean properties or listener methods specifically for value change and rendered attribute or ugly hacks such as valueChangeListener as mentioned by the other answer whose answerer is apparently having JSF 1.x in mind.
For command button set rendered attribute for ex
In managed bean create a boolean variable allCheckBoxNotSelected with getters and setters
For checkboxes in valueChangeListener attribute call a managed bean method which will check current values for all check box. If it is not selected then put false to allCheckBoxNotSelected variable and then upadate command button through its id.

JSF onclick event on combobox

I don't know how to implement onclick event on a combobox, my boss want me to do is once the user click a value in the combobox it automatically search and display all the value of the selected/click item. First question is it possible to have an onclick event on a JSF page without using any javascript/jquery? Right now I'm using ADF for designing the interface. Second question how can I implements this onclick event on my combobox?
There are a couple of ways to achieve this:
Use a valueChangeListener and execute your query when it fires.
Set autoSubmit="true" and when the bound value changes, execute your query.
Only selecting a value in a dropdown won't submit your form. This is not about JSF but HTML .. so without any JS i think it's not possible.
I do not know anything about ADF in special but in plain JSF you just have to add an ajax-event to your dropdown (e.g. in primefaces)
<h:form id="id1">
<p:selectOneMenu id="id2" value="#{myBean.value}"
immediate="true" editable="true" >
<f:ajax execute="#this" listener="#{myBean.doSomeAction}" />
<f:converter converterId="myConverter" />
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.availableOptions}" />

h:selectOneRadio doesn't work with ajax change event

i have two radio buttons and no one is selected by default, and it's mandatory to select one of them, so here's what i did:
<div id="payment_method">
<h:message for="sel_payment_method" style="Color:red;"/>
<h:selectOneRadio id="sel_payment_method" required="true" requiredMessage="Please select a payment method" value="#{myBean.selectedPaymentMethod}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Debit or Credit Card" itemValue="credit" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Checking Account" itemValue="checking" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="credit_inputs_fragment checking_inputs_fragements" />
the selectedPaymentMethod property is a string and its default value is null
and the credit_inputs_fragment is a ui:fragement that contains a div
ISSUE: when clicking on a radio buttons the two fragments to be changed are not affected.
please advise, thanks.
You're not entirely clear in describing the concrete problem, but I can see at least two potential problems in the code posted so far:
The <f:ajax event="change"> is wrong in case of radiobuttons and checkboxes. It should be event="click". Or, better, just remove it altogether. It defaults to the right one already. See also What values can I pass to the event attribute of the f:ajax tag?
The component referenced in <f:ajax render> must be a fullworthy JSF UI component and always be rendered to the client side. If the component is by itself never rendered to the HTML, then JavaScript simply can't find it to update its content. You basically need the conditionally rendered components in another component which is always rendered. See also Why do I need to nest a component with rendered="#{some}" in another component when I want to ajax-update it?
i followed the example code in the following link, and it solved my issue:
JSF: Dynamically change form

JSF ReRender support with selectBooleanCheckbox

I have a JSF page on which I want to have a checkbox that, when clicked, will add/remove certain other form fields from the page. Here is the (simplified) code I currently have for the checkbox:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox title="showComponentToReRender" value="#{backingBean.showComponentToReRender}">
<a4j:support event="onsubmit" reRender="componentToReRender" />
Here is the code for the component I want to hide:
<h:selectOneMenu id="componentToReRender" value="#{backingBean.value}" rendered="#{valuesList.rowCount>1 && backingBean.showComponentToReRender}">
<s:selectItems value="#{valuesList}" var="value"/>
Currently, clicking the checkbox does nothing; that "selectOneMenu" will not go away. What am I doing wrong?
You need to wrap the componentToReRender in either:
<h:panelGroup id="componentToReRenderWrapper">
<a4j:outputPanel id="componentToReRenderWrapper">
So, effectively you will have:
<h:panelGroup id="componentToReRenderWrapper">
<h:selectOneMenu id="componentToReRender" value="#{backingBean.value}" rendered="#{valuesList.rowCount>1 && backingBean.showComponentToReRender}">
<s:selectItems value="#{valuesList}" var="value"/>
and change the reRender="componentToReRenderWrapper" in case you use panelGroup, or remove that attribute, in case you use outputPanel.
Found the exact explanation in the RichFaces docs:
Most common problem with using reRender is pointing it to the component that has a "rendered" attribute. Note, that JSF does not mark the place in the browser DOM where the outcome of the component should be placed in case the "rendered" condition returns false. Therefore, after the component becomes rendered during the Ajax request, RichFaces delivers the rendered code to the client, but does not update a page, because the place for update is unknown. You need to point to one of the parent components that has no "rendered" attribute. As an alternative, you can wrap the component with layout="none" .
Don't forget to set ajaxRendered="true" on the a4j:outputPanel
