Listener for IBM MQ - multithreading

I am trying to create a listener for IBM MQ queue , to read message when its put to the queue using native API.
Is it better to use Thread/TimerTask to perform the GET every second.
I need to use the CCDT , username and password for the authentication purpose.
Is there any default listener available?
Reading from using below code
MQMessage theMessage = new MQMessage();
MQGetMessageOptions mqGetMessageOptions = new MQGetMessageOptions();
mqGetMessageOptions.options=MQC.MQGMO_WAIT | MQC.MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST;
//read the message from queue
mqGetMessageOptions.options = MQC.MQGMO_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR;
queue.get(theMessage, mqGetMessageOptions);

Your code is browse the messages and not consuming them (big difference).
Second, you should always use the MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING option.
Third, do not use polling to access a queue - your thread/timer idea. It is a waste of resources. You already have a 5 second wait interval defined for the MQGET, if it is not long enough, then increase it to something more reasonable.
Finally, why did you tag this question with 'JMS'. There is nothing in your question related to JMS.


how to cleanly shutdown high-concurrency Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter?

When I try to shutdown my spring-integration process, the flow using an inbound Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter throws the following error message:
"org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer - Rejecting received message because of the listener container been stopeed in the meantime"
my inbound adapter is defined as follows:
Jms.container(jmsConnectionFactory, destinationName)
I believe that my problem is that the default "receiveTimeout" on my jms container is too small and that I need to increase that value to cater for my "high-concurrency" (right ?), as "receiveTimeout" seems to be the only value the container "doShutdown" method cares about.
Now, the sourceCode for the receiveTimeout property says "this value needs to be smaller than the transaction timeout". Also the spring-integration doco regarding inbound jms adapters says "if you want the entire flow to be transactional [...] consider using a jms-message-driven-channel-adapter with acknowledge set to transacted (the default)", which seems to imply that the jms adapter is transactional by default.
Hence, my main question is: even though I'm not using any explicit transaction manager, do I need to not only explicitely set "receiveTimeout" on my container but also "transactionTimeout" with transactionTimeout > receiveTimeout ?
Thanks a lot in advance for your expertise and your time.
Best Regards
That is not "throws". That is just warn:
protected void doExecuteListener(Session session, Message message) throws JMSException {
if (!isAcceptMessagesWhileStopping() && !isRunning()) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Rejecting received message because of the listener container " +
"having been stopped in the meantime: " + message);
throw new MessageRejectedWhileStoppingException();
And pay attention to that rollbackIfNecessary(session);. So, even if the received message slips somehow into this listener function, the whole environment makes it sure that the state is not broken and the data is not lost - the session is rolled back.
The transactionTimeout does not make sense if you don't use a transactionManager. Spring Integration makes it transacted exactly for the use-case we see around that warn log.

a request-method in java that implements long-polling

I have already written a request-method in java that sends a request to a simple Server. I have written this simple server and the Connection is based on sockets. When the server has the answer for the request, it will send it automatically to client. Now I want to write a new method that can behave as following:
if the server does not answer after a fixed period of time, then I send a new Request to the server using my request-method
My problem is to implement this idea. I am thinking in launching a thread, whenever the request-method is executed. If this thread does not hear something for fixed period of time, then the request method should be executed again. But how can I hear from the same socket used between that client and server?
I am also asking,if there is a simpler method that does not use threads
curently I am working on this idea
I am working on this idea:
1)send a request using my request-method
2)launch a thread for hearing from socket
3)If(no answer){ go to (1)}
I have some difficulties in step 3. How I can go to (1)
You may be able to accomplish this with a single thread using a SocketChannel and a Selector, see also these tutorials on SocketChannel and Selector. The gist of it is that you'll use long-polling on the Selector to let you know when your SocketChannel(s) are ready to read/write/etc using Selector#select(long timeout). (SocketChannel supports non-blocking, but from your problem description it sounds like things would be simpler using blocking)
SocketChannel socketChannel =;
socketChannel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 80));
Selector selector =;
SelectionKey key = socketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
// returns the number of channels ready after 5000ms; if you have
// multiple channels attached to the selector then you may prefer
// to iterate through the SelectionKeys
if( > 0) {
SocketChannel keyedChannel = (SocketChannel);
// read/write the SocketChannel
} else {
// I think your best bet here is to close and reopen the Socket
// or to reinstantiate a new socket - depends on your Request method
I am working on this idea:
1)send a request using my request-method
2)launch a thread for hearing from socket
3)If(no answer) then go to (1)

Can the Azure Service Bus be delayed before retrying a message?

The Azure Service Bus supports a built-in retry mechanism which makes an abandoned message immediately visible for another read attempt. I'm trying to use this mechanism to handle some transient errors, but the message is made available immediately after being abandoned.
What I would like to do is make the message invisible for a period of time after it is abandoned, preferably based on an exponentially incrementing policy.
I've tried to set the ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc property when abandoning the message, but it doesn't seem to have an effect:
var messagingFactory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString(...);
var receiver = messagingFactory.CreateMessageReceiver("test-queue");
receiver.OnMessageAsync(async brokeredMessage =>
await brokeredMessage.AbandonAsync(
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc", DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(30) }
I've considered not abandoning the message at all and just letting the lock expire, but this would require having some way to influence how the MessageReceiver specifies the lock duration on a message, and I can't find anything in the API to let me change this value. In addition, it wouldn't be possible to read the delivery count of the message (and therefore make a decision for how long to wait for the next retry) until after the lock is already required.
Can the retry policy in the Message Bus be influenced in some way, or can a delay be artificially introduced in some other way?
Careful here because I think you are confusing the retry feature with the automatic Complete/Abandon mechanism for the OnMessage event-driven message handling. The built in retry mechanism comes into play when a call to the Service Bus fails. For example, if you call to set a message as complete and that fails, then the retry mechanism would kick in. If you are processing a message an exception occurs in your own code that will NOT trigger a retry through the retry feature. Your question doesn't get explicit on if the error is from your code or when attempting to contact the service bus.
If you are indeed after modifying the retry policy that occurs when an error occurs attempting to communicate with the service bus you can modify the RetryPolicy that is set on the MessageReciver itself. There is an RetryExponitial which is used by default, as well as an abstract RetryPolicy you can create your own from.
What I think you are after is more control over what happens when you get an exception doing your processing, and you want to push off working on that message. There are a few options:
When you create your message handler you can set up OnMessageOptions. One of the properties is "AutoComplete". By default this is set to true, which means as soon as processing for the message is completed the Complete method is called automatically. If an exception occurs then abandon is automatically called, which is what you are seeing. By setting the AutoComplete to false you required to call Complete on your own from within the message handler. Failing to do so will cause the message lock to eventually run out, which is one of the behaviors you are looking for.
So, you could write your handler so that if an exception occurs during your processing you simply do not call Complete. The message would then remain on the queue until it's lock runs out and then would become available again. The standard dead lettering mechanism applies and after x number of tries it will be put into the deadletter queue automatically.
A caution of handling this way is that any type of exception will be treated this way. You really need to think about what types of exceptions are doing this and if you really want to push off processing or not. For example, if you are calling a third party system during your processing and it gives you an exception you know is transient, great. If, however, it gives you an error that you know will be a big problem then you may decide to do something else in the system besides just bailing on the message.
You could also look at the "Defer" method. This method actually will then not allow that message to be processed off the queue unless it is specifically pulled by its sequence number. You're code would have to remember the sequence number value and pull it. This isn't quite what you described though.
Another option is you can move away from the OnMessage, Event-driven style of processing messages. While this is very helpful you don't get a lot of control over things. Instead hook up your own processing loop and handle the abandon/complete on your own. You'll also need to deal some of the threading/concurrent call management that the OnMessage pattern gives you. This can be more work but you have the ultimate in flexibility.
Finally, I believe the reason the call you made to AbandonAsync passing the properties you wanted to modify didn't work is that those properties are referring to Metadata properties on the method, not standard properties on BrokeredMessage.
I actually asked this same question last year (implementation aside) with the three approaches I could think of looking at the API. #ClemensVasters, who works on the SB team, responded that using Defer with some kind of re-receive is really the only way to control this precisely.
You can read my comment to his answer for a specific approach to doing it where I suggest using a secondary queue to store messages that indicate which primary messages have been deferred and need to be re-received from the main queue. Then you can control how long you wait by setting the ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc on those secondary messages to control exactly how long you wait before you retry.
I ran into a similar issue where our order picking system is legacy and goes into maintenance mode each night.
Using the ideas in this article( I created a custom property to track how many times a message has been resubmitted and manually dead lettering the message after 10 tries. If the message is under 10 retries it clones the message increments the custom property and sets the en queue of the new message.
using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus;
public PickQueue()
queueClient = new QueueClient(QUEUE_CONN_STRING, QUEUE_NAME);
public async Task QueueMessageAsync(int OrderId)
string body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(OrderId);
var message = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body));
await queueClient.SendAsync(message);
public async Task ReQueueMessageAsync(Message message, DateTime utcEnqueueTime)
int resubmitCount = (int)(message.UserProperties["ResubmitCount"] ?? 0) + 1;
if (resubmitCount > 10)
await queueClient.DeadLetterAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken);
Message clone = message.Clone();
clone.UserProperties["ResubmitCount"] = ++resubmitCount;
await queueClient.ScheduleMessageAsync(message, utcEnqueueTime);
This question asks how to implement exponential backoff in Azure Functions. If you do not want to use the built-in RetryPolicy (only available when autoComplete = false), here's the solution I've been using:
public static async Task ExceptionHandler(IMessageSession MessageSession, string LockToken, int DeliveryCount)
if (DeliveryCount < Globals.MaxDeliveryCount)
var DelaySeconds = Math.Pow(Globals.ExponentialBackoff, DeliveryCount);
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(DelaySeconds));
await MessageSession.AbandonAsync(LockToken);
await MessageSession.DeadLetterAsync(LockToken);

What is the best architecture we can use for a Netty Client Application?

I need to develop a netty based Client, that accepts messages from a Notification Server, and places these messages as Http Requests to another Server in real time.
I have already coded a working application which does this, but I need to add multi-threading to this.
At this point, I am getting confused on how to handle Netty Channels inside a multi-threaded program, as I am all loaded with the conventional approach of sockets and threads.
When I tried to separate the Netty requesting part into a method, It complains about the Channels not being closed.
Can anyone guide me how to handle this?
I would like to use ExecutionHandler and OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor, but I am really new into this.
Help with some examples would be a real favour at this time.
Thanks in advance.
Just add an ExecutionHandler to the ChannelPipeline. This will make sure that every ChannelUpstreamHandler which is added behind the ExecutionHandler will get executed in an extra thread and so does not block the worker-thread.
Have you looked at the example code on the Netty site? The TelnetServer looks to do what you are talking about. The factory creates new handlers whenever it gets a connection. Threads from the Executors will be used whenever there is a new connection. You could use any thread pool and executor there I suspect:
// Configure the server.
ServerBootstrap bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(
new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(
Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), << change
Executors.newCachedThreadPool())); << change
// Configure the pipeline factory.
bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new TelnetServerPipelineFactory());
// Bind and start to accept incoming connections.
bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(8080));
The TelnetServerHandler then handles the individual results.
public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) {
// Cast to a String first.
// We know it is a String because we put some codec in TelnetPipelineFactory.
String request = (String) e.getMessage();
// Generate and write a response.
String response;
boolean close = false;
if (request.length() == 0) {
response = "Please type something.\r\n";
When the telnet is ready to close the connection it does this:
ChannelFuture future = e.getChannel().write(response);
if (close) {

How do you use CouchDB Change Notifications Continuous Changes from Java?

I am trying to use the couchdb (continuous) changes API from Java and find that after exhausting the list of current changes the stream seems to be closed, not stay open forever as it is supposed to.
The code I am using is below. I would expect to never drop out of the while loop, but do as soon as the currently existing changes are finished being streamed. I am relatively new to both couchdb and Java so may be missing something obvious. Can anyone show me how to write this correctly?
URL url = new URL("[path to database here]/_changes?feed=continuous";);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
String line;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
// do something with the line here
// Should never get here under normal circumstances
There's actually a default timeout of 60000ms (60 seconds) unless a different timeout value or a heartbeat is provided. I updated the _changes wiki page back in October and included any defaults I came across in the code.
Setting the heartbeat basically means that you'll be watching for a timeout in the client, i.e. no newline for the heartbeat period means you've definitely lost your connection. I believe CouchDB disables its timeout check if there's a heartbeat.
In any case, you should probably expect the connection to be closed at some point and code for that condition.
You can use &heartbeat=1000 to get couchdb sending new lines over the wire every second. That will keep your connection open until you disconnect and/or CouchDB gets shut down.
But you are right, I would also have expected that the connection won't close - seems as if also conn.setReadTimeout(0); doesn't help anything.
This is just a guess since I dont know enough about the couchdb continuousfeed implementation or the HttpUrlConnection implementation. But it seems barring any bugs in the code of the two that if your java connection client has a timeout set lower than the default heartbeat for couchdb continuous changes then the connection could get terminated by the java client.
Just a thought.
