How to prevent autoimplementation of Sync - multithreading

I have a struct containing unsafe code with the following method:
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
struct Foo<T> {
items: Vec<Box<(T, String)>>,
impl<T> Foo<T> {
pub fn add_element(&self, element: T, key: String) {
if !(self.items.iter().any( |i| i.1 == key)) {
let mut items = unsafe {change_mut(&(self.items))};
unsafe fn change_mut<T>(x: &T) -> &mut T { // changes &self to &mut self
&mut *(x as *const T as *mut T)
fn main() {
let foo = Arc::new(Foo { items: vec!() });
let clone = foo.clone();
// This should not be possible, as it might lead to UB
thread::spawn(move || clone.add_element(1, String::from("one")));
println!("{:?}", *foo);
This struct is completely safe until someone starts using this method while multithreading. However, due to the fact the struct only contains a Vec<Box<T,String>>, Syncis implemented by default, which I would like to prevent.
I have found two ways to do this, both of which are not that great...
Add a struct field which does not implement Sync for example *const u8, this is obviously rather bad, as it ends up resulting in unnecessary and unclear code and does not clearly show my intent.
impl !Sync for Struct {} is not available on stable and will be removed according to this issue.
The corresponding error is telling me to use marker types instead, but the documention does not present a way to solve my problem either.
error: negative trait bounds are not yet fully implemented; use marker types for
now (see issue #13231)
--> src\
44 | impl !Sync for Struct {}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Interior mutability in Rust requires1 the use of UnsafeCell as a hint to the compiler that the normal rules do not apply.
Your structure should therefore look such:
struct Foo<T> {
items: UnsafeCell<Vec<Box<(T, String)>>>,
And then, the implementation of add_element is adjusted to:
impl<T> Foo<T> {
pub fn add_element(&self, element: T, key: String) {
if !(self.items.iter().any( |i| i.1 == key)) {
let mut items = unsafe { &mut *self.items.get() };
// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The use of UnsafeCell makes change_mut completely unnecessary: it is the purpose of UnsafeCell, after all, to allow interior mutability. Note how its get method returns a raw pointer, which cannot be dereferenced without an unsafe block.
Since UnsafeCell does not implement Sync, Foo<T> will not implement Sync either, and therefore it becomes unnecessary to use negative implementations or any marker.
1 If you do not use it directly, chances are the abstractions you do use are built on it. It is as special as it could be: it is a lang item, as denoted by its attribute #[lang = "unsafe_cell"].


How to create a vector based on an `&[Box<dyn CustomTrait>]`?

I have a custom trait that I use as the element type in a slice:
pub trait IConstraint {
// members here
pub struct Scenario<'a> {
pub constraints: &'a [Box<dyn IConstraint>]
I would like to offer an add_constraint method that does a copy-on-write of the slice. Something like this:
impl<'a> Scenario<'a> {
pub fn add_constraint(&mut self, constraint: Box<dyn IConstraint<TNodeState>>) {
let mut constraints: Vec<Box<dyn IConstraint<TNodeState>>> = Vec::new();
self.constraints = &constraints;
The problem is I get this error:
the trait bound Box<dyn IConstraint<TNodeState>>: std::marker::Copy is not satisfied
the trait std::marker::Copy is not implemented for Box<dyn IConstraint<TNodeState>>
Ok, so the Box<T> doesn't implement the Copy trait. Fair enough. But how do I address that? Ideally, I'd reuse the boxes or at least the constraints because they are immutable. But if I can't do that due to rust ownership rules, how can I implement the Copy trait on a box type? I've tried various ways and they all produce errors.
This attempt produces "Copy not allowed on types with destructors":
impl<TNodeState> Copy for Box<dyn IConstraint<TNodeState>> {
What about Clone? I can switch to constraints.clone_from_slice(self.constraints);, but then implementing the Clone trait on IConstraint produces a bunch of "IConstraint cannot be made into an object" errors.
Even if I could get box to be cloneable, then of course I get the anticipated borrow lifetime flaw from my add_constraint method:
borrowed value does not live long enough
So do I have to throw out my add_constraint function idea altogether and force the owner of my struct to manually copy it? Given my actual struct contains 3 fields, that gets tedious as the owner now has to deconstruct the fields into locals in order to drop the immutable borrow, allowing the original vector to be mutated:
fn add_remove_constraint() {
let mut scenario = Scenario::<&str, bool, 3_usize>::new(&["A", "B", "C"]);
let mut constraints: Vec<Box<dyn IConstraint<bool>>> = Vec::new();
constraints.push(Box::new(SelectionCountConstraint {
nodes: [1, 2],
min: 1,
max: 2,
scenario = Scenario {
constraints: &constraints,
assert_eq!(1, scenario.get_constraints().len());
let nodes = scenario.nodes;
let selection_state = scenario.selection_state;
scenario = Scenario {
constraints: &constraints,
assert_eq!(0, scenario.get_constraints().len());
I think you got it all wrong. As said in the comments, your add_constraint will never work, because you are referencing something you create in the same function in the first place (which will be dropped after the function scope expires).
You should own a container over those IConstraint trait, but inside you should have an &dyn IConstraint or Box<dyn IConstraint>.
Adding an item to them is trivial in that case:
pub trait IConstraint {
// members here
pub struct Scenario<'a> {
pub constraints: Vec<&'a dyn IConstraint>
impl<'a> Scenario<'a> {
pub fn add_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &'a dyn IConstraint) {
This should solve your problem since references are Copy.

How do I return an Iterator over a collection encapsulated by a RefCell/RwLock Ref/Guard using unsafe code?

Multiple questions were already asked regarding this topic:
Returning iterator of a Vec in a RefCell
How do I return an iterator that has a reference to something inside a RefCell?
How can I return an iterator over a locked struct member in Rust?
The answers are more or less: It's not possible (without unsafe).
I tried the unsafe variant myself and want to ask if this way is safe.
The idea is that I wrap the guard in a struct that implements Iterator. Besides the guard, an iterator is stored which will be created from the stored guard:
struct MapIter<'a> {
guard: RwLockReadGuard<'a, HashMap<i32, i32>>,
iter: Iter<'a, i32, i32>,
It's created with these lines:
impl<'a> MapIter<'a> {
fn new(map: &'a RwLock<HashMap<i32, i32>>) -> Box<Self> {
// create a `box Self`
// the iterator remains uninitialized.
let mut boxed = Box::new(Self {
iter: unsafe { mem::uninitialized() },
// create the iterator from `box Self`.
boxed.iter = unsafe {
(*(&boxed.guard as *const RwLockReadGuard<'a, HashMap<i32, i32>>)).iter()
Now it can implement Iterator:
impl<'a> Iterator for MapIter<'a> {
type Item = (&'a i32, &'a i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
Is this code safe?
See this code in action at the playground.
Additionally I get a trivial cast warning
warning: trivial cast: warning: trivial cast: `&std::sync::RwLockReadGuard<'_, std::collections::HashMap<i32, i32>>` as `*const std::sync::RwLockReadGuard<'a, std::collections::HashMap<i32, i32>>`. Cast can be replaced by coercion, this might require type ascription or a temporary variable
| unsafe { (*(&boxed.guard as *const RwLockReadGuard<'a, HashMap<i32, i32>>)).iter() };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
How to get around this?
No, it's not safe. I can use Container to create a dangling reference in safe code:
let container = Container::new(); // create a container
let r = {
let mut it = container.iter(); // obtain a reference to part of it
};; // empty the container
println!("{:?}", r); // oh dear.
In the playground this compiles, which isn't good, because r contains references to data that are invalidated when the HashMap is cleared.
Vladimir Matveev's answer to a similar question explains in more detail why this is unsound, and contains the following concise summary:
You cannot do this because it would allow you to circumvent runtime checks for uniqueness violations.

Interior mutability vs data hiding to hold fixed the referant of a mutable borrow

If we run this then we correctly get the error "cannot assign to immutable field a.x".
If we remove the two // comments, and comment out this bad line, then we get the error "cannot assign to data in a & reference". This makes sense because &mut does not provide interior mutability. We can reborrow an &A freely, so this must not give mutable access, ala &&mut is &&.
If we remove both the // comments and the /* */ comments, then the whole thing compiles, permitting the bad line that violates our invariant that a.x must never be pointed to anything else.
pub struct A<'a> {
pub x: &'a mut [u8; 3],
fn main() {
let y = &mut [7u8; 3];
let /*mut*/ a = A { x: &mut [0u8; 3] };
a.x[0] = 3;
a.x = y; //// This must be prevented!
// let b = &/*mut*/ a;
// b.x[1] = 2;
println!("{:?}", a.x);
How should one maintain this invariant that x must not be changed? We could make the field private while providing public dereferencing methods, except writing constructors for A in unacceptable.
We can avoid the obnoxious constructor by making a A a private member of a wrapper struct AA(A) which itself hosts the public dereferencing methods. Now AA needs a trivial constructor, but it does not need arguments for all fields of A, does not impact order of execution, etc. This becomes painful if we need some traits implemented for both A and AA though.
Yet, another approach would be to use interior mutability by working with Cell<A>, accessing it with Cell::replace, and putting it back later. This sounds highly problematic, but shows that more solutions exist.
Any cleaner approaches?
Rather than use a Cell<A> you could make the array inside the A contain Cell<u8>s:
use std::cell::Cell;
pub struct A<'a> {
x: &'a [Cell<u8>; 3],
fn main() {
// let y = &mut [7u8; 3];
let a = A { x: &[Cell::new(0u8), Cell::new(0u8), Cell::new(0u8)] };
// a.x = y;
let b = &a;
println!("{:?}", a.x);
This will still behave how you want, with the same performance, but now the a variable is immutable, so you can't change a.x. You also don't need to make the array reference mutable either.
The slight downside with your example is that you can't use the array repetition syntax, since Cell<T> does not implement Copy. This seems like an omission, but there is some explanation as to why that is here.
Another approach is to define
pub struct A<'a> { pub x: HideMut<'a,[u8; 3]> }
use std::ops::{Deref,DerefMut};
struct HideMut<'a,T>(&'a mut T) where T: ?Sized + 'a;
impl<'a,T> HideMut<'a,T> where T: ?Sized {
pub fn new(m: &'a mut T) -> HideMut<'a,T> { HideMut(m) }
impl<'a,T> Deref for HideMut<'a,T> where T: ?Sized {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T { self.0 }
impl<'a,T> DerefMut for HideMut<'a,T> where T: ?Sized {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { self.0 }
As written, this does not prevent the problem per se, but it requires you call the HideMut::new() constructor to violate it.
Now if we define HideMut in the same module as A, and maybe do not even export it, then we actually do achieve the desired hiding without any interior mutability.
This second form fails my original requirements because now you cannot use the constructor A { }, but depending upon your reasons for not wanting to write a constructor for A it may work out.
In either form, this avoids borrowing the whole of A as a method would do.

How do I pass Rc<RefCell<Box<MyStruct>>> to a function accepting Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MyTrait>>>?

I have originally asked this question here, but it was marked as duplicate, although it duplicates only a part of it in my opinion, so I have created a more specific one:
Consider the following code:
use std::rc::Rc;
trait MyTrait {
fn trait_func(&self);
struct MyStruct1;
impl MyStruct1 {
fn my_fn(&self) {
// do something
impl MyTrait for MyStruct1 {
fn trait_func(&self) {
// do something
fn my_trait_fn(t: Rc<dyn MyTrait>) {
fn main() {
let my_str: Rc<MyStruct1> = Rc::new(MyStruct1);
This code works fine. Now I want to change the definition of trait_func to accept a &mut self, but it won't work as Rc works with immutable data only. The solution I use is to wrap MyTrait into RefCell:
use std::cell::RefCell;
fn my_trait_fn(t: Rc<RefCell<Box<dyn MyTrait>>>) {
fn main() {
let my_str: Rc<RefCell<Box<MyStruct1>>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::new(MyStruct1)));
When I compile it I get an error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
27 | my_trait_fn(my_str.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected trait MyTrait, found struct `MyStruct1`
= note: expected type `std::rc::Rc<std::cell::RefCell<std::boxed::Box<dyn MyTrait + 'static>>>`
found type `std::rc::Rc<std::cell::RefCell<std::boxed::Box<MyStruct1>>>`
= help: here are some functions which might fulfill your needs:
- .into_inner()
What's the best way to go around this problem?
(An older revision of this answer essentially advised to clone the underlying struct and put it in a new Rc<RefCell<Box<MyTrait>> object; this was necessary at the time on stable Rust, but since not long after that time, Rc<RefCell<MyStruct>> will coerce to Rc<RefCell<MyTrait>> without trouble.)
Drop the Box<> wrapping, and you can coerce Rc<RefCell<MyStruct>> to Rc<RefCell<MyTrait>> freely and easily. Recalling that cloning an Rc<T> just produces another Rc<T>, increasing the refcount by one, you can do something like this:
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
trait MyTrait {
fn trait_func(&self);
struct MyStruct1;
impl MyStruct1 {
fn my_fn(&self) {
// do something
impl MyTrait for MyStruct1 {
fn trait_func(&self) {
// do something
fn my_trait_fn(t: Rc<RefCell<MyTrait>>) {
fn main() {
// (The type annotation is not necessary here, but helps explain it.
// If the `my_str.borrow().my_fn()` line was missing, it would actually
// be of type Rc<RefCell<MyTrait>> instead of Rc<RefCell<MyStruct1>>,
// essentially doing the coercion one step earlier.)
let my_str: Rc<RefCell<MyStruct1>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(MyStruct1));
As a general rule, see if you can make things take the contained value by reference, ideally even generically—fn my_trait_fn<T: MyTrait>(t: &T) and similar, which can typically be called as my_str.borrow() with automatic referencing and dereferencing taking care of the rest—rather than the whole Rc<RefCell<MyTrait>> thing.

How to get the v-ptr for a given Trait/Struct combination?

In Rust, a &T where T is a trait is a fat reference, which actually corresponds to raw::TraitObject:
pub struct TraitObject {
pub data: *mut (),
pub vtable: *mut (),
Using TraitObject, one can de-construct and re-construct a &T at leisure.
However, while obtaining the vtable from de-constructing a &T is easy, what if I never have the &T in the first place, but just a T and S; essentially, something along the lines of:
fn make_vptr<T: ?Sized, S>() -> *mut ();
How could I divine the v-ptr from there? Is there any intrinsic I could use?
Note: the naive implementation of creating a S (or conjuring it from thin-air) and then making a &T reference does not work; the compiler complains that T is not necessarily a trait and therefore that &T is either one pointer or two pointers in size.
A possibility is to use a macro to do the magic job:
macro_rules! make_vptr(
($S:ty, $T:ty) => ({
let s: &$S = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() };
let t: &$T = s;
let r: ::std::raw::TraitObject = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(t) };
This code will not compile if T is not a trait (thanks to transmute(..) checking that &T is a fat pointer) or if T is not implemented by S (thanks to the assignment).
Then, it can be used directly:
use std::fmt::Display;
fn main() {
let u32_display_vtable = make_vptr!(u32, Display);
let x = 42u32;
let disp: &Display = unsafe {
::std::mem::transmute(::std::raw::TraitObject {
data: &x as *const _ as *mut _,
vtable: u32_display_vtable,
println!("{}", disp);
I don't believe this is currently possible.
In order for this to work, you'd need to be able to constrain the T generic parameter to only accept traits. You can't do this. As a result, it won't ever let you do anything with &T that depends on it being a trait, such as getting the vtable.
