Azure Application Insights for Service Fabric - azure

I have multiple services running on Service Fabric. I would like to add Application Insight for logging. I'm just wondering whether I have to add an Application Insight resource for each microservice or only one is common for all. What is the best practice?

There is no such thing a the best practice for this. It really depends. Some considerations:
Pricing: depending on the level (basic or enterprise) you will get an amount of data for free / included in the base price. See the docs. So in some cases, depending on the amount of traffic you can reduce costs by having a dedicated AI resource per service. AI resources for services that send data below the threshold of the AI pricing plan are then (almost) free.
Querying: if you split up services per AI resource getting an overview of the whole system is difficult since at the moment you cannot create queries spanning multiple AI resources.
Responsibility: If you have multiple teams working on multiple services it might be an option to have an AI resource per team so they have a good insight in only the parts they are responsible for.
If you do decide to use a shared AI resource there are options like custom telemetry initializers to include custom data that further identify which ASF application or service is sending the data if it is not included by default.
See also Add Application Insight to a existing Azure Service Fabric cluster for more info about how to integrate AI.
Now, when it comes to bring data together you do have some additional options that may or may not need additional services or configuration. For example:
PowerBi: You can visualize data of AI resources using dashboards, see
OMS: Operation Management Suite, See As Jesse mentions you can link multiple AI Resources
Custom dashboards: Using the rest api you can create your own solution that displays data for one or more AI resources.


Should Azure Log Analytics and Application Insights be used per app or per environment?

We have a Azure based system which is growing in complexity, and we need to monitor chains of events and ensure they arrive where we expect them to arrive.
We have a on-prem Java application, which sends events to an IoT Hub. The IoT hub routes to service bus queues. We have functions that update a cosmos database, trigger other functions or route to additional queues. Some functions are also callable through an API Management instance.
Our functions are already connected to Application Insights, and here the Application Insights instance is named the same as the Function App (IIRC this naming was suggested through the form that created the AI resource)
The application map in Application Insights make me lean toward one AI per environment, to have a complete map of the system. Log Analytics also seems logical to use one per environment to be able to potentially correlate data if needed.
What is the correct path for Log Analytics and Application Insights, respectively?
If it is not as clear-cut as stated in my title, what factors do I need to consider when I start to use these services?
The correct number of instances is the one that works best for you, whether that exactly follows recommended practices or not.
The recommendation is to use one workspace per environment and make sure the cloud_RoleName in App Insights to distinguish parts of the system. Log Analytics has similar considerations.
Functions defaults to spinning up an App Insights instance along with the app because if you don't use App Insights you loose most of the logging ability- it's important to connect it to App Insights, but overriding the default behavior and connecting to a centralized workspace is common in larger systems.
There are certainly reasons you might want to split the workspaces, and you can union data across workspaces as needed to pull data together from both Log Analytics and App Insights instances.
Data access control or geographic locations. If you need to keep a portion of the data within certain geographic boundaries or limit access to certain people, then split that portion off.
Similar to the security concern is a billing one. If for whatever reason, billing for different portions of the application needs to be split, then you would also want to split the logging portion.
Different portions of the system rarely interact, or are maintained by different teams, and organizing the data into separate workspaces will provide more benefits over the hassle of cross-
You are going to surpass the limitations on a single resource. Very few applications actually hit these limits, but they are there.

How to get hollistic view of Azure environment

There's an awful lot of disjointed documentation on monitoring network/resources in Azure. What I'm looking for is which pieces are needed to get information from VMs, NVA firewalls, azure load balancers, and other network resources and network connectivity into a single pain of glass in Azure. Only concerned about Azure, not on-prem for now.
I've come across azure monitor, log analytics work spaces, event hub, vm extensions, network watcher, insights, etc...but I'm not sure which are required and which are not. One doc leads to the next and I end up with 30 tabs open. I'll also need to be able to push logs to other security devices such as a SIEM.
Does anyone know of a deployment guide that wraps this all up in a more logical fashion? Does anyone have any feedback on which pieces from azure (not 3rd parties) are required at a minimum to accomplish a single pane of glass to view my Azure environment holistically?
General overview of observability in Azure
Likely, the thing you're looking for is Azure Monitor. It's an umbrella term for everything observability related inside Azure.
To store Metrics and Logs you need Log Analytics: it can query data with kusto query language, visualize results, define Alerts on queries.
Alerts is quite a complex beast, as it is spread across the entire cloud. Two types that I use the most:
log-analytics alert (which I mentioned above)
Alerts tab, which is available at every Azure component view. for example, open resource group, and scroll down to Monitoring section
Each component also has a subset of built-in metrics. Likely, you noticed that many azure components on the Overview view display some charts. For example, Azure Storage Account displays Total egress, Total ingress, and other line-charts. When you click on these charts you can customize them. These metrics and charts are free to use.
Microsoft also has all-in-one observability solution for Azure Functions and Web Apps: Application Insights
Dashboards allows to join multiple charts into a single view and share it with others.
If you care about security, Azure proposes Azure Security Center
Deployment/management strategy
I suggest to start with:
Create Log Analytics Workspace, which is the storage for metrics and logs. The azure docs article explains how to design it: how many instances to use, how to rate-limit ingestion (it might be expensive if goes out of control), how to access it and so on.
To get Azure components logs, look for Diagnostic Settings tab at a component page at Azure portal, but not all components has it (sic!). I suggest
sending the most critical data to Log Analytics workspace to store them in a queryable format for 30 days (it's in free tier). This is needed for investigating current issues with your infrastructure
if you might need logs later than 30 days - send them to Storage Account
you mentioned SIEM integration - route required events to Event Hub and then process the stream according to your requirements
So, if you need long-term storage - you need to create Azure Storage Account.
If you need real-time analysis - you need to build a pipeline based on Azure Event Hub.
If you have Azure Functions and Web Apps - add Application Insights. According to my experience, I would suggest starting with a separate instance per each Azure Function resource or Service.
Create Alerts for each component separately. If you do it through UI - open component page at the portal and look for Alerts tab there. If you're automating the process (please do so as soon as possible), do not expect easy trip: I used ARM templates and terraform - in both cases, there are dozens of barely documented features.
Join related components core-metrics into Dashboards and share it with the team. This guide is a good starting point. Note, when you share the dashboard, it's also persisted as an azure resource in the subscription.

Application insights usage

Is there any easy way to find out which applications are using a particular application insights from azure portal?
I have checked the various options in the portals but don't find any easy to understand interface where I can find the list of applications which are sending data to that particular application insights.
The application map should provide you with a good view of various resources using the app insights resource
The application map is good. You can also go to Performance, then choose Roles. Roles is in the same tab group as Operations and Dependencies. This will give you a listing of all services that use that Application Insights instance. This has the added benefit of allowing you to expand a particular node and see the actual instances.
This same approach also works for the Failures tab. You can see the number of calls and failures rolled up per service, and also see the breakout metrics per instance.

Allow customer to only see logging information

We run a software application on azure for one of our customers. The customer want to see the performance of the systems. This consist of two parts. One is the metric information of the servers and they also want to see some information I want to provide by custom logging.
My plan is to give the customer access to the portal and only allow him access to the metric information and the custom tables.
It seems to me that by assigning a role to the customer I should be able to block all the other possibilities.
Does someone can me tell which actions I have to allow/forbid to achieve this? Or were I can find the information for this?
Solution #1
Instead of giving Read access to the virtual machine which may breaks security policy, I'd recommend to go with Azure Log Analytics (ref:
) workspace. That said, you will need to create a workspace which collects and stores server metrics (ref: and other custom metrics.
Your customer will be given access to the workspace only which he can see all metrics in a dashboard. If there is a need for log filtering, you can use Log Analytics query language (ref:
Log Analytics is a paid service. You are given free up to 10 workspaces per subscription. The workspace is considered an Azure resource so the limit follows by subscription limit, which means you can create up to 800 workspaces per a resource group. A subscription can allow 800 * 800 (for reference if you would like to do capacity planning for your workspace-based solution). For Log Analytics pricing, read here (
Log Analytics is a good choice as its value proportion is to offer your customer intuitive dashboard to monitor their virtual machine performance, and to offer Near Real Time monitoring. And this solution is a cloud native compatibility.
There is a management solution which offers a bundle of VM capacity and performance monitoring which you can try now
Solution #2
Log Analytics might not be your choice because it might add more Azure service and operational cost. If you need a cheaper cost, you would need to collect your virtual machine by Performance Counter which is a built-in feature in Windows OS. With Performance Counter you can export to Excel file, or visualize into Power BI or some custom chart.
Other Solutions
You can utilize Azure Monitor and API to get data, For example, this API You would certainly need to visualize or format in some intuitive way to satisfy your customer. It can be a custom front-end web, or Power BI or even Excel with chart.
You can just query to Azure Blob Storage and use Stream Analytics combining with Power BI to visualize your data (
There is not a single solution. This really depends on your existing resource capacity, financial stuff or so on.

Logging and tracing on Azure

We are looking a solution for logging and tracing for our multi-tenant application with distributed architecture, that will be hosted on Azure.
We have already gone through these two articles – Troubleshooting Best Practices for Developing Windows Azure Applications and Enabling Diagnostics in Windows Azure. Is there anything other better solution?
We would like to know
• what are the best practices and approach for it?
o Storage strategy?
• Any third party / open source tool that helps us for the same?
We are looking for two things:
Best practice for storage strategy, where should we store log data? Since it's multi-tenant multi-tier application, should we keep data separate for each tier per tenant, combine them or any better solution? How do we store the data so that we can trace single request individually that spanned across multiple tiers?
A tool that helps us to view trace data, analyse them, filter, sort, etc. Since size of trace data will be comparatively huge, trace a flow of single task that spanned across multiple tiers.
I have used System.Diagnostic with XML listener, in on-premise application - with multiple tiers (web app, service layer 1, service layer 2, etc). I then, used Microsoft Service Trace Viewer to view the log data. SVCTraceViewer supports many features including combining log files of many tier, graphical representation, tracing individual request, etc.
So, some thing similar third party / open source tool for Azure. That also helps support engineer to drill down the issue and resolve it.
I would recommend looking into an open source library like log4net. It provides a pluggable/fully configurable and super flexible way to log messages with a lot of custom data and to a lot of sources. Configuration for it can be retrieved from external sources/xml, code, config files, etc.
You can create your own appender for Table Storage or find someone else's
