Liferay module (OSGi bundle) stays in "Stopping" - liferay

Sometimes when I stop my Liferay module (for instance when I put a new version of its JAR in deploy/) the module refuses to stop.
While the module should go to "Resolved" state, it stays in the "Stopping" state forever:
Usually it is due to a thread not terminated somewhere, or a network connection not properly closed, and it is often a pain to investigate.
My question: How to find out more efficiently what this Liferay module's problem is?
What I tried:
In Gogo Shell diag <module id> does not seem to provide any valuable information about why the module refuses to leave the "Stopping" state.
jstack outputs thousands of lines, the vast majority of which is outside of the Liferay module in question. If there was a way to show jstack information for only my module that would be wonderful.

First, find the PID of your webapp server:
ps aux | grep tomcat
Adapt the command if you are running another server than tomcat, or if you have several instances running.
Then, dump all threads of that server to a file:
jstack 12345 > jstack.txt
Where 12345 is the PID you found in the first step.
Then, look at the source code of your bundle, and find the service activator. It typically looks like this:
[import section]
public class ServiceActivator implements BundleActivator {
private ServiceRegistration registration;
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
registration = context.registerService(
MyService.class.getName(), new MyServiceImpl(), null);
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
Take note of:
the namespace,
the class name,
the stopping method name.
For instance in the example above they are, ServiceActivator and stop, and from these three get the full name
Now open jstack.txt and search for the full name. Even though the file is thousands of lines long, there will most probably only be one hit, and that is the problematic thread:
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistrationImpl.unregister(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$
at Method)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl.stop(
In this file, go up to the beginning of the paragraph, which will be something like this:
"fileinstall-/home/nico/p/liferay/osgi/modules" #37 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f39480e3000 nid=0x384f waiting on condition [0x00007f395d169000]
java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x00000000eb8defb8> (a java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(
With this information in hand, you will known what kind of threading problem is going on, and you will be able to solve it with usual Java thread debugging techniques (1 2).

The Activator you shared should never block on the stop method. So I doubt it can cause the behavior you described.


How to make a Thread pause in Spring mvc project?

I am using a Thread in Spring mvc project to do some background working.
What I have done is
I write a class which extends Thread. and I added init() method to start this class.
Whole is Below.
package org.owls.thread.vo;
public class ThreadTest extends Thread {
public void init(){
public void pause(){
public void run() {
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
System.out.println("Thread is running : " + i);
} catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
edit root-context.xml intent to start this Thread as soon as possible when the server started.
<bean id="threadTest" class="org.owls.thread.vo.ThreadTest" init-method="init"/>
Now is the problem. I want to make a toggle button(pause/resume) in my home.jsp and When I click the button it works. But I do not know how can I access to the Thread, which already registered and run.
please, show me the way~>0<
additional question about java Thread.
What method exactly means pause and resume. I thought stop is the one similar to pause, but it is deprecated.
And start() is somehow feels like 'new()' not resume.
I figured out how to control a thread.
if I want to pause(not stop), code should be like below.
And want to resume this from where it paused, like below.
even though those methods are both deprecated.
(if somebody knows some replacement of these, reply please)
If you do not want to yellow warning in your spring project,
you can remove warning by simply add an annotation on that method.
annotation is #SuppressWarnings("deprecated").
From here, additional solutions based on my experience.
To make automatic executing Spring mvc Thread,
I did following steps.
make a simple Class which extends Thread class.
inside that class, make a method. this will be calles by
config files. in this method. I wrote code like "this.start();".
Let Spring knows we have a Thread class that should run independently
with Web activities. To do this, we have to edit root-context.xml.
Add a bean like this.
<bean id="threadTest" class="org.owls.thread.vo.ThreadTest" init-method="init"/>
init is the method name which generated by user in step 2.
Now we run this project Automatically Thread runs.
Controlling Thread is not relavent with Spring, I guess.
It is basically belongs to java rules.
I hope this TIP(?) will be helpful to people who just entered world of programming :-)

How to run one function in another thread

I'm standing in front of a small (maybe not) problem. I have one function which parses XML file (very big xml ~1Gb) so it takes many time (5-6 mins to finish the func). I don't want to use it in GUI-thread because of known issues (mainwindow freezes and nothing happened, so user thinks everything goes wrong). I've tried to solve this problem by using
But one more problem appeared: if user press X (close button in top right corner) main GUI-thread goes down, but child-thread which was generated my QtConcurrent::run continue his work and I can kill him only by task manager.
I've decided to use QThread instead of QtConcurrent::run6 but I don't understand how can I run MainWindow class function:
void MainWindow::parseXML()
I've tried to create smth like this:
class pThread : public QThread
void run();
void pThread::run(){
But when I'm trying to compile it error appears:
cannot call member function 'void MainWindow::parseXML()' without object
Moreover, I don't know if it possible to update GUI-thread through this method (parseXML function changes statusBar)
What should I do?
The recommended ways to work with threads in Qt is not to inherit from QThread class, see the documentation here and you should be able to do it after that.
And yes it is possible to update the mainwindow from the thread, just code the signals and slots for that functionality, into mainwindow class code a slot that updates the progress and into the class that does the work (the xml parsing you need - there is no reason that functionality should be into the mainwindow class anyway) you code the signal that emit the progress and connect it with mainwindow's slot with Qt::QueuedConnection (note that the default auto-connection will become queued if the objects are in separate threads).
Another option is to use start a QRunnable with QThreadPool. you may want to check documentation. Be ware to wait the spawned threads with QThreadPool::waitForDone().

Thread returning into bad space address

I have a weird problem regarding the use of threads inside a Firebreath plugin (in this case a FB plugin, but could happen anywhere); I will try to explain:
1) My plugin creates a thread (static), and it receives a pointer to "this" every time it gets added to a page.
2) So, now I have a thread with a pointer to the plugin, so I can call it's methods.
3) Very nice so far, BUT, suppose that I have a button (coded in HTML), which when pressed will REMOVE the current plugin, put in place another one and launch another thread.
I have described my scenario, now for the problem, when a plugin gets added it launches a thread; inside the thread there is a pointer to "this". First time, it gets fired...while the thread is executing I press the HTML button (so, the current plugin now is destroyed) and a new one is placed. The thread from the 1st plugin ends, and now returns...but it returns to the 2nd instance of the plugin.
The plugin is an image viewer, the first plugin look for a picture, it gets removed and a new one is placed; BUT the image from the 1st plugin is placed in the 2nd one. I don't know where to start looking, apparently the pointer has an address to the plugin (e.g. 12345), the plugin gets removed and instantiated again with the same memory address (12345).
Is there some way to avoid that behavior?
This is the code I have so far:
unsigned ThreadId;
HANDLE hThread;
unsigned __stdcall myPlugin::Thread(void *data)
myPlugin* this = (myPlugin*) data;
_endthreadex(0); //EDIT: addedd this missing line to end the thread
void myPlugin::onPluginReady(std::string imageUrl)
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, myPlugin::Thread, (void*) **this**, 0, &ThreadId);
void myPlugin::getImage()
//get an image using CURL... //no problem here
You need to stop and join the thread in the shutdown() function of your Plugin class; that will be called before things are actually unloaded and that will help avoid the problem.
I would also recommend using boost::thread, since FireBreath already compiles it all in, and that will help simplify some of this; you can hold a weak_ptr in your thread to the plugin class rather than passing in a void*. Of course, either way you'll need to stop and join the thread during the plugin shutdown (and the thread needs to stop quickly or the browser will get cranky about it taking so long).

how to bind Eclipse RCP Table View to other thread data

I have just started with Eclipse RCP.
I created Eclipse RCP View with TableViewer and WritableList to get data from other thread.
But I cannot see any changes. I need only to show content of List that other thread is managing.
public class View extends ViewPart {
private TableViewer viewer;
private WritableList input;
I also can get error,
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed: Getter called outside realm of observable org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.WritableList
I know what is UI Thread. I just don't know how to write. Please help with example.
UPDATE. Was not solved, because of lack of time, and missing good and focused tutorial.
I received this error message also with my code.
Databinding observables (WritableList, WritableValue...) inherit from ChangeManager, which provides ChangeManager#getRealm and the realm has Realm#exec. Within the runnable provided to exec, the operation runs in the correct thread.
This line caused the error (Getter called outside realm of observable):
WritableValue value = getEditor().getWritableValue();
System.out.println(((RcpEditorModel) value.getValue()).getNumber());
And this prevented the exception:
WritableValue value = getEditor().getWritableValue();
value.getRealm().exec(() -> System.out.println(((RcpEditorModel) value.getValue()).getNumber()));
The same will work with WritableList since it also inherits from ChangeManager.

How to properly kill local threads owned by a webapp running on tomcat instructed to shutdown

A backend webapp is deployed on a Tomcat 6 servlet container. In the webapp, several monitoring threads are started. The problem is with shutdown.
How do I know that the webapp is requested to shutdown?
How should I handle this in my threads?
Currently my thread is implemented as below. When the servlet is instructed to shutdown ( it does complete a clean shutdown and does not hang because of this thread -- Why?
class Updater extends Thread {
volatile boolean interrupted = false;
public void run() {
Integer lastUpdateLogId = CommonBeanFactory.getXXX()
List<UpdateLog> updateLogRecords;
while (!interrupted) {
boolean isConfigurationUpdateRequested = false;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
updateLogRecords = CommonBeanFactory.getXXX()
.getLastFactsUpdateLogRecords(MLConstants.XXXX, lastUpdateLogId);
for(UpdateLog updateLog : updateLogRecords) {
if (updateLog.getTable_name().equals(MLConstants.CONFIG_RELOAD)) {
isConfigurationUpdateRequested = true;
lastUpdateLogId = updateLog.getObjectKey();
if (isConfigurationUpdateRequested) {
public boolean getInterrupted() {
return interrupted;
public void setInterrupted(boolean interrupted) {
this.interrupted = interrupted;
I guess I can't reply to answers yet. Eddie's answer is not quite correct.
I found this question because I'm trying to figure out why my webapp doesn't shut down properly; I have threads that don't get killed when I run shutdown.*. In fact, it stops some threads but ultimately just sits there in some limbo state. My class is almost exactly like this one, actually.
Typing Ctrl+C in the foreground Tomcat window (on Windows) does stop everything, however using the init script that comes with Tomcat does not. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out why yet...
Edit: I figured it out. Most of my monitoring threads are started in a ServletContextListener, but when that context was "destroyed", the child threads weren't notified. I fixed it by simply keeping all child threads in a List and looping through, calling Thread.interrupt() on each within the contextDestroyed() method. It's almost the same as what Eddie said about the servlet destroy() method.
However, it's not correct that the JVM is summarily shut down when you run shutdown.{sh|bat}. It's more like that script sends a shutdown request to the Tomcat components. It's up to you to receive those shutdown messages and pass them along to your own objects.
Servlets receive a lifecycle event when instructed to shut down. You can use this event to stop your monitoring Thread. That is, when a servlet is started, its init() method is called. When it is stopped, its destroy() method is called.
Override the destroy() method in your servlet and stop the thread there.
When you call the whole JVM is shut down. Because the JVM stops, all threads (no matter what their state) are forcibly stopped if still running. It's the logical equivalent of calling System.exit(0);
