Alter hostname in Express request - node.js

Is there a way to alter the hostname for a request on an express web server? Lets say i have web server that can be hit via the following urls:
is there a way to route all requests that use "https://servername/login" to "" ? I know this can be done via apache with the RewriteRule and .htaccess file.

You can use res.redirect to forward your traffic on to the new location. You can access the current path from the request object in order to append the path:
// purely an example, implementation is up to you
app.get('/login', function (req, res) {
res.redirect('' + req.path);


Https createServer, load cookie and load clients index.html

I am trying to setup a login system on a website.
In order to do that, I have to load http only cookies.
In order to load them, I have to send them back to the client via the response object in the createServer function when https starts up.
I have successfully done that via here:
setting up https cookie in nodejs
The problem is twofold.
The https server cookie only loads if I include the port number in the url.
How do I get it to load without including the port number?
When the server kicks in and loads the cookie, the static index.html that was always supposed to load on the client, doesn't load and instead all i get is what was written into the response object on the server. How do I get to load the cookie, and just load that static html file?
I have tried sending in the entire html file as a respnose from the server side. But I'm not sure about that, plus i get MIME type problems in the browser.
I am not sure for the first part but for 2nd one,
you have to properly mention about response data type in response header.
so your should be something like this one:
var app = express(); app.get('/test', function(req, res) { res.sendFile('views/test.html', {root:__dirname}) });
For your first part of the question "How do I get it to load without including the port number?" You can try creating virtual host e.g for localhost:3000 will be
And for your second part you need to serve index.html with render method as follow
server.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.render('index', { greeting: 'Welcome' });
Where index is you static file inside view directory.
I've created a small demo, that might get you on the right track:
This example includes:
https web server
websocket server
logic to get the cookies
serving a temp.html file without express
example of javascript class
example of dependency injection in nodejs

Disable default domain https://[project-id] of Node JS on Google App Engine

I have deployed my Node JS app onto Google Cloud App Engine, and I can successfully add my custom domain for my app.
Let say my custom domain is
Now I can browse my app via &, it works as expected. But I find that I can still browse my app through the default domain.
I want to disable the default domain, is it possible to do that?
You cannot disable that default domain. You would have to write a redirect script. You can test for "appspot" in the request's HTTP_HOST, and test for "AppEngine-Google" in the request's HTTP_USER_AGENT, to determine if it is an internal request.
Also, internal functions, like cron jobs and task queues, run on that domain, so be careful what you do. Task queues will fail given a 301.
After considering GAEfan suggestion, I have made some change on the router logic. If the host name is ended with "" and the user agent is included "AppEngine-Google", it will redirect to my custom domain.
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
if(req.get("host").endsWith(GOOGLE_APP_SPOT) &&
var redirectURL = url.format({
protocol: req.protocol,
pathname: req.originalUrl
res.render('templateName', viewModel);
You can do it just using the dispatch.yaml file from App Engine, list all your domains there, but not the * one. Google will show a 404 route when you try to access that.
EDIT: Not possible anymore, check comments.
Checkout the official reference.

Appending to url path in express

I am building freeboard using I am running it on a node server using express. I use
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/index.html'));
to send the freeboard html file when the base route is hit. However, in order for freeboard to load my saved dashboard I need to append #source=dashboard.json to the url. So the final url would look like
is there some way I can do this using express? Pretty much when I hit localhost:8080/ I want to append to the url path #source=dashboard.json and respond with the index.html file. Thanks!
The fragment section of the URL is never sent to the server by the browser. See here for more info. Therefore for the server the fragment will always be missing even if the user has entered it on the URL field. In this case redirecting the browser back with the same URL inclusing the fragment may be the wrong thing.

Is it possible to render another express application from express?

Basically what happened was we have an app server that is running express and routes to a bunch of SPAs. This was great but then we wanted to have an app that runs its own node/express script (ghost). I can't figure out how to set the route /ghost to go to ./webapps/ghost/index.js
Is this just not possible?
You need to redirect incoming requests to the ghost express instance. I have done so in my personal site by adding a /blog route to my primary express instance and forwarding any request to it to the ghost expresss instance. Check it out here:
The basic gist is that you do the following:
app.use('/blog', function(req, res, next) {
// Forward this request on...
return next();
}, ghostServer.rootApp); //...but we forward it to a different express instance
If you're running both as separate processes then you could use Apache or nginx to just redirect the requests. If you absolutely must use an express application to forward requests then try the node-http-proxy module.
If you need to proxy from express you could do this using the http-proxy module by Nodejitsu:
var proxy = require('http-proxy').createProxyServer({});
app.use('/blog', function (req, res) {
// You may need to edit req.url (or similar) to strip the /blog part of the url or ghost might not recognise it
proxy.web(req, res, {
target: ''+GHOST_PORT

Node - Tell origin of request

Is it possible to tell the difference between a request coming directly from a URL in a browser vs. a resource being called from a remote web page?
For example, I would like to serve a web page when someone visits my URL directly (types in in a web browser, but when a user calls a resource on my app via a url from a seperate domain (like <img src='' />) then I'd like to serve different content.
I've looked in the request and in the headers but it looks the same regardless of
I think you are looking for the referer string in the request.header.
So the simple version would look like this:
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var ref = req.headers.referer;
if(ref) {
// serve special content
else {
// serve regular homepage
}).listen(1337, '');
edited the answer to reflect the input from anu below - it should be referer
In middleware you have to use this way "req.headers.origin"
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
//var origin=req.headers.origin
