What prevents development of a non-spoofable VOIP-like protocol? - security

I am receiving 20-30 calls a week with spoofed caller IDs, which is tremendously annoying. I'm certain many of you have received those calls as well. Apparently VOIP makes it easy to spoof caller IDs, which helps spammers and scammers annoy and defraud us with impunity.
Thus the question: what makes it difficult to develop a secure non-spoofable VOIP-like protocol that would reliably identify the caller to the callee? I imagine that quite soon after such protocol, let's call it VOIPS, is developed it would replace VOIP: as soon as people can they would change their phone settings to accept VOIPS and reject VIOP. I know I would.
So, if VOIPS is possible, why nobody is developing it? And if there are technical difficulties for that, what are they?

The dominant protocol in the VoIP world at this time is SIP, Session Initiation Protocol.
The problem you highlight is recognised and there have been a number of proposals for dealing with it - the two most recognised, I think, are:
P-Header extension (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3325.txt) - this is aimed at private networks which limits it wider applicability
'Enhancements for Authenticated Identity Management in the
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)' (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4474) - this is more widely applicable and better matches what you are looking for.
The approach in RFC 4474 is similar to the approach a browser uses to verify a valid website - SIP addresses are cryptographically signed by a trusted signing authority and hence can be verified before progressing a call.
It does requires the industry in general to embrace the approach to be effective and your particular provider to support the mechanism. Unfortunately, many SIP proxies today seem to modify SIP headers as they process them which means the receiver can no longer verify the signature, so the mechanism is not well adopted.
There is a group within the IETF which is actively looking at the whole issue right now - their name is Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (stir) and you can see the latest status here:
So in summary, no silver bullet yet, sadly, but the problem you describe is recognise and being worked on.


Is there a way to get a client's browser and os name such that client cannot modify it?

So i have to get a client's browser and os name. But the thing is that we don't want the user to be able to manipulate information about os or browser. But some websites show that there is only one way to do it that is by using request header userAgent.
Below are the links I've been through:
Retrieving Browser, OS and Device Type By Parsing User Agent
How to prevent user-agent to be changed by user
How do I prevent websites from detecting my OS? Which browser should I use?
so according to these we can only do it with the help of userAgent And it is not a difficult thing for a client to change it and also there is no way that we can detect that if a client has modified it. And it turns out that even mnc's like amazon and facebook rely on userAgent.
So on learning about Device fingerprint i got to know about a javascript library called FingerprintJs and it seems that they don't rely on userAgent for finding out the clients os name as i tried using it and turns out that on manipulating userAgent i got the original result. I am still trying to figure out how they exactly work for getting the os and browser name. And even if client can manipulate this too is there still a way that we can atleast make it difficult for a client to fake about browser and os ?
You are not able to restrict values that are sent with a request to your server. A user will always be able to use e.g. curl to send some arbitrary headers, cookies, etc. You can make it more difficult to tamper with the values through some obscurity, but that is not making such a solution secure.
Device fingerprinting might help, but you will most probably get blocked by ad blockers as they target fingerprinting as well. Still, even if you do implement device fingerprinting and get more accurate data about the user's browser, the user still can tamper with requests and change that data.
I don't know what are your requirements, but normally, you shouldn't be that much concerned with the user's browser or OS.
As there's no guaranteed way of knowing the user's OS/browser (since the user is able to send anything with their request), the more important question to ask may be:
Why do you want to know the user's OS/browser?
This can help us find a better answer for your actual requirements.
For example, this might help: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Browser_detection_using_the_user_agent#considerations_before_using_browser_detection
One method I can think of, is through a custom browser extension/plugin. You may even be able to use a browser API, depending on the target browser.
You would then craft a payload, which would compute/calculate the "client signature" out-of-band, not within the browsers standard request cycles and compute a signed, self validating hash, stored as a cookie.
This would require some knowledge of the related layers involved.
You are essentially talking about device fingerprinting.
While there are a vast number of approaches, you may not really want to maintain the overhead required, as it is generally done using multiple approaches, many of which are accomplished by exploiting bugs in browsers, http protocals, network routing analysis and even the clever targeting of numerous OS bugs and or quirks.
A much simpler approach is to feed your user a hashed cookie, with a scheme to detect if it's been modified. That cookie, along with other authentication and verification mechanisms would be far simpler and may be enough for your purposes.
There are 3rd party APIs which provide such a service, if it's really mission critical.
Of course philosophically speaking, if weather or not should you be fingerprinting your users? Is really up to you and the expectations of your users.
But there you go, I hope that provides a broader view of what's involved.

What are the ways man in the middle attacks can be initiated?

I am creating a chat service program that follows the server/client paradigm. That chat program exists as both a chat server and a chat client, and a user can either host the chatroom(and it will connect his client to that server), or he can join an existing one.
Clients connect via a direct IP address that the other user will tell them, such as gained from whatismyip.com, and a specified port number.
During any time in this chat program, one user can send a file to another user. This is initiated by asking the server to set up a handshake between the two users, with user A passing his IP through the server to user B, and user B calling the new service that user A created for file transfer. This eliminates the original chat server, and the users are connected via a direct IP using nettcp protocol.
Over this file transfer, the files are encrypted with AES after initially sending the AES private key via RSA encryption.
I want to know what kind of ways somebody can initiate a man in the middle attack here. Obviously I see the flaw I have in passing the IP address through the server to the other user, but right now I don't see any other way as I cannot have the server retrieve the IPV4 of the sender.
Is the way a man in the middle attack works, is that he can see that these two users are transferring files, and somehow pull the data stream to himself from both ends? Can he do this on an already ongoing file transfer session?
I'm trying to understand the way MITM attacks work so I can see if I can protect my program from such attacks... but if the only way to reliably do so is to use a certificate authority(of which I'm still learning about), please go ahead and tell me that.
After doing more searching, I found this great link explaining the different types of MITM attacks and how they work and are executed in great detail.
There are a total of four parts.
Is the way a man in the middle attack works, is that he can see that
these two users are transferring files, and somehow pull the data
stream to himself from both ends? Can he do this on an already ongoing
file transfer session?
You need to define a threat model. The usual suspects are message insertion, deletion, tampering and reordering. Sometimes the attacker only needs to tamper with a message so you do the wrong thing. For example, he/she may need to flip a bit so "transfer $100 from A to B" changes to "transfer $900 from A to B". In this case, the attacker did not need to be in the middle or decrypt the message.
I'm trying to understand the way MITM attacks work so I can see if I
can protect my program from such attacks... but if the only way to
reliably do so is to use a certificate authority(of which I'm still
learning about), please go ahead and tell me that.
Rather than attempting to design a hardened protocol, perhaps you could use a protocol that already exists that addresses your concerns.
That protocol would be Z-Real-time Transport Protocol (ZRTP). The protocol is specified in RFC 6189, ZRTP: Media Path Key Agreement for Unicast Secure RTP.
ZRTP is a key exchange protocol that includes Short Authentication Strings (SAS) to keep out the MitM. Essentially, the SAS is a voice authentication that only needs to be performed once. You can omit the SAS check, though its not recommended. If you omit the check and the bad guy is not attacking, then everything is OK for current and future sessions.
Once you establish your first secure channel without adversarial tampering, all future sessions will be secure because of the way key agreement for the current session depends on earlier sessions. And the earliest session (first session) is known to be secure.
ZRTP also provides forward secrecy, so a compromise of the current session does not affect security of past sessions.
ZRTP does not require certification authorities or other (un)trusted third parties.
Dr. Matthew Green has a blog about ZRTP on his Cryptography Engineering site at Let's talk about ZRTP.
To answer your question about MitM, there's too much for a Stack Overflow answer. A great free book is Peter Guttman's Engineering Security. MitM is sometimes a goal of an attacker, but it not his/her only vector. Guttman's book looks at a number of threats, how humans act and react, why the attackers succeed, and how to design around many of the problems.

Penetration Testing HTML Posting Issue

We are planning to go for a security testing certificate. For that reason we are using Paros tool to test our system.
The system is written in GWT on front end and database connectivity is happening through Hibernate.
When we use this tool to test our application following behaviour is happening which needs to be restricted.
The tool is able to see the data which is passed to server. This is fine but when we make any changes in the data through tool it gets updated in the system on database end. This is a big security issue.
Can someone guide me in this?
If you're still looking for a solution to this problem, you could use request signing. The reason I didn't mention it earlier was because the only time I had seen request signing, there were certificates involved, and it was mostly using the Web Services Security Standard. The other time I recommended implementation of request signing was for a mobile application - its relatively easier to do there also, since you can use certificates that are on the device to perform the signing, and the server can verify this signature (essentially, a public key encryption mechanism).
As you mention in the comments, there are multiple aspects to it - one is to prevent XSRF, which is essentially including a nonce to ensure that an attacker cannot replay requests, or craft requests that might harm an authenticated user. This nonce will have to come from the server, since anything that you create using Javascript, the attacker can create also. This nonce will make sure that your request is time specific, and that it cannot be replayed at a later point of time.
However, a nonce isn't going to stop attacks where a user is in a hostile network, and an attacker is performing a MitM attack on all traffic. The attacker can still modify a request, and since the server has never seen that nonce before, it will accept the request as valid. To prevent this, you need to countermeasures in place - one, all traffic should go via SSL, and two, all requests must be signed so as to prevent tampering. The signature part is particularly hard, especially if you have to ensure that an attacker cannot perform the same signing. The examples I have seen of it involve certificate level authentication for the webapp, and using these certificates to then perform the signing - which might be too stringent a requirement for the application that you seem to be developing. Other methodologies involve using something that the user has/knows - maybe a token, password, secret answer, etc. - that cannot be replicated by an attacker, and using that information to sign requests.
Here's an example on how you can do this via PHP. I don't know if this mechanism can be adapted to do it for your purposes, though. OAuth might be another possible method, but since I've never seen an application do it that way, I am not very sure.
Sorry I don't have a specific methodology or examples of code for you to look at, but most implementations I've seen are only from a design standpoint, versus an actual code standpoint.

I need resources for API security basics. Any suggestions?

I've done a little googling but have been a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information. Until now, I've been considering asking for a valid md5 hash for every API call but I realized that it wouldn't be a difficult task to hijack such a system. Would you guys be kind enough to provide me with a few links that might help me in my search? Thanks.
First, consider OAuth. It's somewhat of a standard for web-based APIs nowadays.
Second, some other potential resources -
A couple of decent blog entries:
A previous question:
Good approach for a web API token scheme?
I'd like to add some clarifying information to this question. The "use OAuth" answer is correct, but also loaded (given the spec is quite long and people who aren't familiar with it typically want to kill themselves after seeing it).
I wrote up a story-style tutorial on how to go from no security to HMAC-based security when designing a secure REST API here:
This ends up being basically what is known as "2-legged OAuth"; because OAuth was originally intended to verifying client applications, the flow is 3-parts involving the authenticating service, the user staring at the screen and the service that wants to use the client's credentials.
2-legged OAuth (and what I outline in depth in that article) is intended for service APIs to authenticate between each other. For example, this is the approach Amazon Web Services uses for all their API calls.
The gist is that with any request over HTTP you have to consider the attack vector where some malicious man-in-the-middle is recording and replaying or changing your requests.
For example, you issue a POST to /user/create with name 'bob', well the man-in-the-middle can issue a POST to /user/delete with name 'bob' just to be nasty.
The client and server need some way to trust each other and the only way that can happen is via public/private keys.
You can't just pass the public/private keys back and forth NOR can you simply provide a unique token signed with the private key (which is typically what most people do and think that makes them safe), while that will identify the original request coming from the real client, it still leaves the arguments to the comment open to change.
For example, if I send:
where the key is my public key signed by my private key only a man-in-the-middle can intercept this call, and re-submit it to the server with an "amt" value of "10000.00" instead.
The key is that you have to include ALL the parameters you send in the hash calculation, so when the server gets it, it re-vets all the values by recalculating the same hash on its side.
REMINDER: Only the client and server know the private key.
This style of verification is called an "HMAC"; it is a checksum verifying the contents of the request.
Because hash generation is SO touchy and must be done EXACTLY the same on both the client and server in order to get the same hash, there are super-strict rules on exactly how all the values should be combined.
For example, these two lines provides VERY different hashes when you try and sign them with SHA-1:
A lot of the OAuth spec is spent describing that exact method of combination in excruciating detail, using terminology like "natural byte ordering" and other non-human-readable garbage.
It is important though, because if you get that combination of values wrong, the client and server cannot correctly vet each other's requests.
You also can't take shortcuts and just concatonate everything into a huge String, Amazon tried this with AWS Signature Version 1 and it turned out wrong.
I hope all of that helps, feel free to ask questions if you are stuck.

How important is a secure certificate for internal credit card processing?

Where I work we have an ecommerce system on an intranet set up to process customer's credit cards. Currently when we charge a customer's credit card using Authorize.net we are not sending the credit card info to Authorize.net over a secure connection. Instead it goes over regular http. I'd like to get other opinions of how serious/negligent this is. Thanks.
EDIT: It looks like I'm wrong. I snooped around in the code and it looks like it's processing the credit card at https://secure.authorize.net. However, the web page where the credit card is entered is not secure. This is a different situation than I originally described. Sorry about that.
This seems very negligent. There have been too many leaks of credit card information to allow this sort of behavior.
Even if the processing was handled internal to your intranet, and not being sent up to a 3rd party, I would recommend using secured connections. You don't want this to be accessible by anybody, even internal, non-authorized employees.
I'm confused. How are you sending plain HTTP requests to Authorize.net? Their transaction endpoints don't have HTTP versions - they'd be criminally negligent to permit that.
Now that you've edited, things are a bit clearer. Yes, it's still a security risk to have the intranet page be HTTP instead of HTTPS, but far less than what your question originally indicated (unencrypted transit of the public Internet).
As it's internal, you don't need a paid SSL certificate (if cost is the reason for avoiding HTTPS - I can't think of any other good reasons) - you should be able to use a self-signed one.
It's very important and what you do can cause some serious problems.
Also it's against PCI standards and every company who process credit card information has to follow PCI standards, therefore you might go into some legal trouble to do so.
It's an absolute, unmitigated disaster. You should immediately (and I mean immediately) use at least transport level security (SSL/TLS) and if Authorize.net can set up for it, message level security as well.
I would recommend reading the OWASP guide:
http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_Guide_Project (Free download)
Page 53 and onwards .. Got some great information.
I would say, what you're doing is terrible negligent and needs to be sorted ASAP ..
