How to send multiple timeframe data from MQL4 to a Node.js? - node.js

I am trying to get multiple time-frame data of different trading instrument ( _Symbol ) from MetaTrader4 Terminal to a node.
How can I do it?
Can we do it from the same EA inside a MetaTrader4 Terminal?

A.1: Yes, we can.
A.2: No, that initial idea is not a good one.
While the intention is clear, the idea to use a single EA to send live-data for multiple trading instruments is not working for the said interest well.
MQL4 code-execution environment has some fixed, hard-wired internal logic and due to these + plus due to the reality, how Capital Markets and Broker-type Market access mediators work, the solo-EA will never fit these requirements.
A simple call to
iOpen( aTradingInstrumentSymbolNAME, // iHigh, iLow, iClose, iVolume, iTime
is by far not enough.
Professional solution will require a lot of care for a real-time handling capabilities, for unmasking the actual flow of mutually hiding events, for achieving minimalistic processing latencies, so a quite high engineering expertise will be needed.
Start with learning the basics about Scripts, benchmark all your critical code-sections with recording their actual durations in [us] and assure, your code will remain non-blocking under all circumstances. This will decide, whether more than one code-execution thread(s) will be necessary in prime-time / for peak-hour.
Having managed that, your way just started to lead in a direction towards your expected result.
Next one has to decide about a feasible inter-process / distributed-computing data-flow and signalling, needed for inter-platform integration.
Last, but not least, important point is the legal-side of such undertaking. It depends both on your local juri§$§$§diction and Broker's Terms & Conditions as no one would enjoy to celebrate a technically well mastered Project from inside of jail.
All that, quite an interesting Project.

iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,1) - is the way to get data from M1 ( last bar ), if you need another timeframe - replace PERIOD_M1 with another ENUM_TIMEFRAMES. So what is the problem? Usually StackOverflow requires to see your MCVE-based example to help you.


No depot VRP - roadside assistance

I am researching a problem that is pretty unique.
Imagine a roadside assistance company that wants to dynamically route its vehicles. Hence for each packet of new incidents wants to create routes that will satisfy them, according to some constraints (time constraints, road accessibility, vehicle - incident matching).
The company has an heterogeneous fleet of vehicle (motorbikes for easy cases, up to tow trucks for the hard cases) and each incident states it's uniqueness (we know if it wants just fuel, or needs towing).
There is no depot, only the vehicles roaming on the streets.
The objective is to dynamically create routes on the way, having in mind the minimization of time and the total traveled distance.
Have you ever met such a problem? Do you have any idea in which VRP variant it belongs?
I have seen two previous questions but unfortunately they don't fit with my problem.
The respected optaplanner - VRP but with no depot and Does optaplanner out of box support VRP with multiple trips and no depot, which are both open VRPs.
Unfortunately I don't have code right now, as I am still modelling the way I will approach this problem.
I am really sorry for creating a suggestion question and not a real one.
Thank you so much in advance.
It's a rich dynamic/realtime vehicle routing problem. You won't find an exact name for your problem, as when VRPs get too complex they don't fit inside any of the standard categories.
It's clearly a dynamic/realtime problem (the terms are used interchangeably) as you would typically only find out about roadside breakdowns at short notice.
Sometimes you're servicing a broken down car, which would be a single stop (so a vehicle routing problem). Sometimes you're towing a car, which would be a pick-up delivery problem. So you have a mix of both together.
You would want to get to the broken down vehicles ASAP and some would need fixing sooner than others (think a car broken down in a dangerous position on a motorway). You would therefore need soft time windows so you can penalise lateness instead of the standard hard time windows supported in most VRP formulations.
Also for you to be able to scale to larger problems, you need an incremental optimiser that can restart from the previous (possibly now infeasible) solution when new jobs are added, vehicle positions are changed etc. This isn't supported out of the box in the open source solvers I know of.
We developed a commercial engine which does the above. We started off using the jsprit library, which supports mixing single stop and pickup delivery problems together. We later had to replace jsprit due to the amount of code we had to override to get it running happily for realtime problems, however jsprit may still prove a useful starting point for you. We discuss some of the early technical obstacles we had to overcome in getting jsprit to handle realtime problems in this white paper.

Meaning of Leaky Abstraction?

What does the term "Leaky Abstraction" mean? (Please explain with examples. I often have a hard time grokking a mere theory.)
Here's a meatspace example:
Automobiles have abstractions for drivers. In its purest form, there's a steering wheel, accelerator and brake. This abstraction hides a lot of detail about what's under the hood: engine, cams, timing belt, spark plugs, radiator, etc.
The neat thing about this abstraction is that we can replace parts of the implementation with improved parts without retraining the user. Let's say we replace the distributor cap with electronic ignition, and we replace the fixed cam with a variable cam. These changes improve performance but the user still steers with the wheel and uses the pedals to start and stop.
It's actually quite remarkable... a 16 year old or an 80 year old can operate this complicated piece of machinery without really knowing much about how it works inside!
But there are leaks. The transmission is a small leak. In an automatic transmission you can feel the car lose power for a moment as it switches gears, whereas in CVT you feel smooth torque all the way up.
There are bigger leaks, too. If you rev the engine too fast, you may do damage to it. If the engine block is too cold, the car may not start or it may have poor performance. And if you crank the radio, headlights, and AC all at the same time, you'll see your gas mileage go down.
It simply means that your abstraction exposes some of the implementation details, or that you need to be aware of the implementation details when using the abstraction. The term is attributed to Joel Spolsky, circa 2002. See the wikipedia article for more information.
A classic example are network libraries that allow you to treat remote files as local. The developer using this abstraction must be aware that network problems may cause this to fail in ways that local files do not. You then need to develop code to handle specifically errors outside the abstraction that the network library provides.
Wikipedia has a pretty good definition for this
A leaky abstraction refers to any implemented abstraction, intended to reduce (or hide) complexity, where the underlying details are not completely hidden
Or in other words for software it's when you can observe implementation details of a feature via limitations or side effects in the program.
A quick example would be C# / VB.Net closures and their inability to capture ref / out parameters. The reason they cannot be captured is due to an implementation detail of how the lifting process occurs. This is not to say though that there is a better way of doing this.
Here's an example familiar to .NET developers: ASP.NET's Page class attempts to hide the details of HTTP operations, particularly the management of form data, so that developers don't have to deal with posted values (because it automatically maps form values to server controls).
But if you wander beyond the most basic usage scenarios the Page abstraction begins to leak and it becomes hard to work with pages unless you understand the class' implementation details.
One common example is dynamically adding controls to a page - the value of dynamically-added controls won't be mapped for you unless you add them at just the right time: before the underlying engine maps the incoming form values to the appropriate controls. When you have to learn that, the abstraction has leaked.
Well, in a way it is a purely theoretical thing, though not unimportant.
We use abstractions to make things easier to comprehend. I may operate on a string class in some language to hide the fact that I'm dealing with an ordered set of characters that are individual items. I deal with an ordered set of characters to hide the fact that I'm dealing with numbers. I deal with numbers to hide the fact that I'm dealing with 1s and 0s.
A leaky abstraction is one that doesn't hide the details its meant to hide. If call string.Length on a 5-character string in Java or .NET I could get any answer from 5 to 10, because of implementation details where what those languages call characters are really UTF-16 data-points which can represent either 1 or .5 of a character. The abstraction has leaked. Not leaking it though means that finding the length would either require more storage space (to store the real length) or change from being O(1) to O(n) (to work out what the real length is). If I care about the real answer (often you don't really) you need to work on the knowledge of what is really going on.
More debatable cases happen with cases like where a method or property lets you get in at the inner workings, whether they are abstraction leaks, or well-defined ways to move to a lower level of abstraction, can sometimes be a matter people disagree on.
I'll continue in the vein of giving examples by using RPC.
In the ideal world of RPC, a remote procedure call should look like a local procedure call (or so the story goes). It should be completely transparent to the programmer such that when they call SomeObject.someFunction() they have no idea if SomeObject (or just someFunction for that matter) are locally stored and executed or remotely stored and executed. The theory goes that this makes programming simpler.
The reality is different because there's a HUGE difference between making a local function call (even if you're using the world's slowest interpreted language) and:
calling through a proxy object
serializing your parameters
making a network connection (if not already established)
transmitting the data to the remote proxy
having the remote proxy restore the data and call the remote function on your behalf
serializing the return value(s)
transmitting the return values to the local proxy
reassembling the serialized data
returning the response from the remote function
In time alone that's about three orders (or more!) of magnitude difference. Those three+ orders of magnitude are going to make a huge difference in performance that will make your abstraction of a procedure call leak rather obviously the first time you mistakenly treat an RPC as a real function call. Further a real function call, barring serious problems in your code, will have very few failure points outside of implementation bugs. An RPC call has all of the following possible problems that will get slathered on as failure cases over and above what you'd expect from a regular local call:
you might not be able to instantiate your local proxy
you might not be able to instantiate your remote proxy
the proxies may not be able to connect
the parameters you send may not make it intact or at all
the return value the remote sends may not make it intact or at all
So now your RPC call which is "just like a local function call" has a whole buttload of extra failure conditions you don't have to contend with when doing local function calls. The abstraction has leaked again, even harder.
In the end RPC is a bad abstraction because it leaks like a sieve at every level -- when successful and when failing both.
What is abstraction?
Abstraction is a way of simplifying the world.
It means you don't have to worry about what is actually happening under the hood.
Example: Flying a 737/747 is "abstracted" away
Planes are complicated systems: it involves: jet engines, oxygen systems, electrical systems, landing gear systems etc.
...but the pilot doesn't have to worry about it... all of that is "abstracted away". The only thing a pilot needs to focus on is yoke (i.e. steering wheel of the plane).
He pushes the yoke left to go left, and right to go right etc.
....that is in an ideal world. In reality, flying a plane is much more complicated. Because many details ARE NOT "abstracted away".
Leaky Abstractions in 737 Example
Pilots in reality have to worry about a LOT of things: wind speed, thrust, angles of attack, fuel, altitude, weather problems, angles of descent. Computers can help the pilot in these tasks, but not everything is automated / simplified......not everything is "abstracted away".
e.g. If the pilot pulls up too hard on the column - the plane will obey, but then the plane might stall, and that's really bad.
In other words, it is not enough for the pilot to simply control the steering wheel without knowing anything else.........nooooo.......the pilot must know about the underlying risks and limitations of the plane before the pilot flies one.......the pilot must know how the plane works, and how the plane flies; the pilot must know implementation details..... that pulling up too hard will lead to a stall, or that landing too steeply will destroy the plane etc.
Those things are not abstracted away. A lot of things are abstracted, but not everything. The abstraction is "leaky".
Leaky Abstractions in Code's the same thing in your code. If you don't know the underlying implementation details, then you're gonna have problems.
ORMs abstract a lot of the hassle in dealing with database queries, but if you've ever done something like:
User.all.each do |user|
puts # let's print each user's name
Then you will realise that's a nice way to kill your app. You need to know that calling User.allwith 25 million users is going to spike your memory usage, and is going to cause problems. You need to know some underlying details. The abstraction is leaky.
An example in the django ORM many-to-many example:
Notice in the Sample API Usage that you need to .save() the base Article object a1 before you can add Publication objects to the many-to-many attribute. And notice that updating the many-to-many attribute saves to the underlying database immediately, whereas updating a singular attribute is not reflected in the db until the .save() is called.
The abstraction is that we are working with an object graph, where single-value attributes and mult-value attributes are just attributes. But the implementation as a relational database backed data store leaks... as the integrity system of the RDBS appears through the thin veneer of an object interface.
The fact that at some point, which will guided by your scale and execution, you will be needed to get familiar with the implementation details of your abstraction framework in order to understand why it behave that way it behave.
For example, consider this SQL query:
SELECT id, first_name, last_name, age, subject FROM student_details;
And its alternative:
SELECT * FROM student_details;
Now, they do look like a logically equivalent solutions, but the performance of the first one is better due the individual column names specification.
It's a trivial example but eventually it comes back to Joel Spolsky quote:
All non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky.
At some point, when you will reach a certain scale in your operation, you will want to optimize the way your DB (SQL) works. To do it, you will need to know the way relational databases works. It was abstracted to you in the beginning, but it's leaky. You need to learn it at some point.
Assume, we have the following code in a library:
Object[] fetchDeviceColorAndModel(String serialNumberOfDevice)
//fetch Device Color and Device Model from DB.
//create new Object[] and set 0th field with color and 1st field with model value.
When the consumer calls the API, they get an Object[]. The consumer has to understand that the first field of the object array has color value and second field is the model value. Here the abstraction has leaked from library to the consumer code.
One of the solutions is to return an object which encapsulates Model and Color of the Device. The consumer can call that object to get the model and color value.
DeviceColorAndModel fetchDeviceColorAndModel(String serialNumberOfTheDevice)
//fetch Device Color and Device Model from DB.
return new DeviceColorAndModel(color, model);
Leaky abstraction is all about encapsulating state. very simple example of leaky abstraction:
$currentTime = new DateTime();
class BankAccount {
// ...
public function setLastRefresh(DateTimeImmutable $lastRefresh)
$this->lastRefresh = $lastRefresh;
} }
and the right way(not leaky abstraction):
class BankAccount
// ...
public function setLastRefresh(DateTime $lastRefresh)
$this->lastRefresh = clone $lastRefresh;
more description here.

Giving up Agile, Switching to waterfall - Is this right? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am working in an Agile environment and things have gone to the state where the client feels that they would prefer Waterfall due to the failures (that's what they think) of the current Agile scenario. The reason that made them think like this would be the immense amount of design level changes that happened during the end stages of the sprints which we (developers) could not complete within the time they specified.
As usual, we both were blaming each other. From our perspective, the changes said at the end were too many and design/code alterations were too much. Whereas from the client's perspective, they complain that we (developers) are not understanding the requirements fully and coming up with solutions that were 'not' what they intended in the requirement. (like they have asked us to draw a tiger, and we drew a cat).
So, the client felt (not us) that Agile process is not correct and they want to switch to a Waterfall mode which IMHO would be disastrous. The simple reason being their satisfaction levels in a Agile mode itself were not enough, then how are they going to tolerate the output after spending so much time during the design phase of a Waterfall development?
Please give your suggestions.
First off - ask yourself are you really doing Agile? If you are then you should have already delivered a large portion of usable functionality to the client which satisfied their requirements in the earlier sprints. In theory, the "damage" should be limited to the final sprint where you discovered you needed large design changes. That being the case you should have proven your ability to deliver and now need a dialogue with the client to plan the changes now required.
However given your description I suspect you have fallen into the trap of just developing on a two week cycle without actually delivering into production each time and have a fixed end date in mind for the first proper release. If this is the case then you're really doing iterative waterfall without the requirements analysis/design up front - a bad place to be usually.
Full waterfall is not necessarily the answer (there's enough evidence to show what the problems are with it), but some amount of upfront planning and design is generally far preferable in practice to the "pure" Agile ethos of emergent architecture (which fits with a Lean approach actually). Big projects simply cannot hope to achieve a sensible stable architectural foundation if they just start hacking at code and hope it'll all come good some number of sprints down the line.
In addition to the above another common problem with "pure" Agile is client expectation management. Agile is sold as this wonderful thing that means the client can defer decisions, change their mind and add new requirements as they see fit. HOWEVER that doesn't mean the end date / budget / effort required remains fixed, but people always seem to miss that part.
The agile development methodologies are particularly appropriate when you have unclear requirements and when you may need to make design changes at later stages in your project. Waterfall is a less appropriate approach in this case. The waterfall approach is appropriate for projects which are well understood and when the requirements are unlikely to change during the project's lifetime. It doesn't sound like that is the case here.
How long are your sprints? An alternative approach might be to decrease the sprint length - at least at the start of the project. Deliver new versions to the customer more often and discuss the changes with the customer. If you aren't doing what they want this will become apparent more quickly so less time will be wasted on implementing solutions that don't meet the customer's requirements.
I'm not sure what kind of shop you run, so it's hard for me to come up with good recommendations. I can offer two guiding principles though:
If you have bad communication with the customer, no development methodology will save you.
It's none of the diner's business how a chef organizes the kitchen, as long as the meal is tasty.
It sounds like you have serious project management and architecture/design issues, and it sounds like your communications have also broken down. Fundamentally I don't think changing your dev methodology is going to fix any of that, and is therefore the wrong thing to be doing (though it may restore some client confidence).
I would be especially concerned about moving towards waterfall since you are now choosing to essentially capture the requirements just once (which we know you have a problem with) with no capacity for input. That rigidity is good for inflexible delivery targets, but it's completely inappropriate here where you have changes all the time - that's agile!
Short term I'd step back and double check your requirements at this stage with them. Renegotiate and confirm your current state in relation to those.
Medium term, I'd open up more communications with the client - try and get them involved in a daily scrum for a while (until you restore confidence, then you can be more flexible).
Long term, you have to be worried about how your PM's and senior devs have managed to get you into this position. If the client is being unreasoanable that's one thing (but it's still up to the PM to manage that, so you're not absolved). It's not reasonable to complain about having too many changes, that just means you screwed up in determining requirements (which is a dialogue, not a monologue) or that you have to have more numerous, but probably shorter sprints.
Above all, I can't see moving towards waterfall is possibly correct. It doesn't fix anything directly and I can only see it exacerbating the problems you've already highlighted.
Caveat: I'm not really capable of a balanced view on waterfall since I've never seen it work effectively and imho it's just completely outdated for enterprise projects.
Agile development does not save you from the burden of actually coming up with a design which both you and the customer understand similarily. Agile just makes it possible to come up with the design in smaller increments and not all at once. And, in the case of a difficult customer, coming up with a proper design takes time.
So, I would spend more effort in sitting down with the customer, with a whiteboard, going over what is it that they actually want. I don't think it really matters in this case if the development process is agile or waterfall.
Agile or waterfall are just words. There are only things that work, and things that don't.
Software development seems virtual to many people and they don't understand why it's hard to change a small thing they request.
Your customers should understand that building a software is just like building a house : when you have built all the foundations and walls, it's hard to change all the house final plan, and room design.
Some practices helps avoid this kind of problem : data modeling, data dictionary, data flow diagrams... the goal being to know every requirement in complete detail. Cutting your product in many independant blocks help starting coding while continuing designing or specifying other parts of your final product.
See Steve McConnell book : "Rapid Software Development : taming wild software schedule" for all the practices that work.
The reason that made them think like this would be the immense amount of design level changes that happened during the end stages of the sprints which we (developers) could not complete within the time they specified.
Scrum is in a way a "short waterfall", and you should be isolated from changing requirements for the sprint duration. It seems that this is not happening! Therefore, don't see you will gain anything from switching to traditional waterfall, but you should stick to freezing requirements for the sprint duration.
Maybe your iterations are too long?
(I assume you follow Scrum, since you mention sprints).
Talk to your clients and agree the following:
- Shorter iterations, up to 3 weeks max.
- No changes in requirements during the iteration.
- Features are planned at the beginning of the iteration
- Every iteration ends with deliverable: fully functional software with all features that are fully operational
- Iteration length does not change. Unfinished features are left for the next iteration (or maybe discarded if client changes his mind).
- Number of "feature points" you can deliver in a single iteration should be based on the team metric, not client insistence. This is your "capacity".
- Client decides what features (but not how many of them) are planned for the iteration
Another thing you should ask yourself is why there are so many "design level changes" in your application. By now, you should have basic architecture and design in place. Maybe you should review the actual design and try to impose some design guidelines and implement some patterns. For example, in a typical enterprise web app, you will probably end up using something like DAO. When you add new features, you create new DAO, but basic architecture and design will not change.
It seems however, that you are not delivering what the client wants. In that case, it is of outermost importance to deliver working product to the client, so he could provide sensible feedback for the next iteration.
"we (developers) could not complete
within the time they specified."
The client should not be the one to specify the iteration time-frame. Iteration length should be always the same. The requirements that enter into the iteration should be obtain as a result of client prioritization, but the amount of requirements that is planned for the iteration should be based on the estimation that team performs and number of "points" you are able to deliver during iteration.
For me it sounds as if there was no "Big Plan[TM]" in the agile project. Using an agile process does not mean that there is no long term plan, it is more about to deal with the increasing uncertainty in the farer future. For example there should be a release plan with the planned features for all releases in the next 2 months (and a lesser detailed plan with features for the releases after that), so it is clear to the customer when to expect a feature, and when there is a possibility change requirements.
Also to me it seems that there was not (enough) customer involvement in the process. I know that this is a very problematic point, but it helps a lot if the current progress can be discussed with the customer at the end of each iteration. As #Mark Byers already wrote, the more feedback you can get from your customer the better you are.
Also try to not assign blame, as this keeps people to block. Try to use the inspect-and-adopt approach to get a better process instead.
It's not clear what sort of design changes you mean. Graphical design? User experience design? Code design?
In any event, the best solution is more, and earlier, discussions with the client. Jointly develop explicit, concrete examples that satisfy the client's requirements. You can turn these examples into regression tests to ensure that you continue to satisfy them.
Also, continue the discussions as you progress. Show your output as it is available--don't wait until near the end of the sprint. And work on the part most likely to generate problems first. Also look at ways to make it easier to change the things you're finding often change.
The point is to get the client more involved, even to the iteration of a design. Perhaps you'll want to have some discussions focused only on the design.
Your client does not know about how to develop software, or how to manage the software development process. Don't expect the client to provide meaningful instruction on these matters. As a special case, the client does not really know what terms such as 'waterfall' and 'agile' mean; don't expect them to provide meaningful input on your development methodology. Moreover, the client will not really care about these details, as long as the requirements are met within the agreed budget and timeframe. Don't expect them to care, and don't confuse them with lots of inadequate builds and irrelevant information on your internal process.
Here is what the client does care about, and is trying to talk to you about (partly using your own technical jargon): their requirements, their disappointed expectations, and the way you communicate with them. On these matters, the client is the absolute authority. Interpret what they are saying as being about your relationship and the product, not as usable commentary on internal process. Don't cloud the water with your internal deadlines and processes, discuss progress and expectations and the relationship. (If they insist on talking about internals you can remap the terms: e.g. what they understand as being 'the next release' may be internally known as 'the next major release', or whatever).
It sounds to me like the client may want a higher threshold before they get asked for feedback or play with a bad build. It's worth verifying if this is true. If so, you should honor that - and still use agile methods internally if that is what your team feels is best. If they say "waterfall," you may be able to interpret that internally as meaning "we set a deadline for requirements, and then we don't allow more features to be added for a while." Discuss with the client whether it will suit them to have a requirements deadline followed by this sort of freeze.
Someone on your team needs to be the client advocate, and sit on top of the client's issues and fight for them. This advocate must not be sidelined, nor can they take the team's side against the client; they should be the proxy-boss. Then you can separate the internal process communication (team to advocate) from the external communication (advocate to client). The advocate can in some measure insulate the client from the chatter and the builds they don't appreciate, without artificially imposing a certain sort of management or scheduling on your internal process.
To clarify, I do not at all think that you should be secretive or distant with the client, but you should (A) listen to what the client is saying about the relationship and how you are communicating and honor that, (B) keep that separate from internal development process, which should be managed in whatever way will ultimately meet client's expectations.
Fire the client. Even if it is your fault for not understanding what they mean, waterfall would give them 1 chance to give you feedback instead of a chance at the end of each sprint. Some people/clients are literally so stupid that they are not worth working for. Fire them, or tell them that you're using Waterfall without actually switching.
Obvious problem here is communication with customer. If you really want to do agile you have to communicate with customer on daily basics. Only customer should be able to make decision. If you communicate with customer only during mid spring and at the end of the sprint it is natural that later on you will found problems in your application. Also features implemented in sprint has to be accepted and tested by customer. Until that features are not completed.
I'm writing this because I have similar problem on my current project but I know where we failed.
If the communication issue between the Team and the Customer is not fixed, the situation could be worse with waterfall, if the customer only sees the product once it is complete (tunnel effect).
You commented changes from sprints 6-7 started to cause rework of tasks achieved in earlier sprints. Those changes should have been detected earlier - during the Sprint Review.
If there is a misunderstanding in a feature description, and the Team does not implement what the customer is expecting, this should be detected no later than the Sprint where the feature is implemented, and ideally fixed in the current Sprint.
If the customer changed it's mind, the new ideas shall be added to the Product Backlog, prioritized and selected for a Sprint, as any other backlog item. This should not been deemed as rework.
Do you deliver the software to the customer after each sprint, or are you just demoing it ?
The origin of the miscommunication could be at the Sprint Planning: the Team should only commit on Backlog Item that are clearly defined. The definition of the items should comprises the acceptance criteria. Is the customer the Product Owner, and is it the Product Owner ?
Remote debugging of a development process is sufficiently difficult that I would hesitate to offer any opinion about what you should do. It seems to me noone outside your team can plausibly have enough information to make a very useful judgement about that.
A lesser jump to a conclusion would be to make a guess as to what went wrong. From your description, it sounds like early deliverables, which you thought were progress in the bank, ended up being majorly reworked.
One common cause of that is the late discovery/creation of 'all' requirements, things that are supposed to be true about everything in the scope of the project. These can be pretty fatal if taken seriously: something as simple as 'all dialog boxes must be resizable' is, for example, apparently beyond the capability of Microsoft to retrofit to Windows.
A classic account of this kind of failure (albeit in a non-agile project) can be found here
"Once they saw the product of the code we wrote, then they would say, 'Oh, we've got to change this. That isn't what I meant,'" said SAIC's Reynolds. "And that's when we started logging change request after change request after change request."
For example, according to SAIC engineers, after the eight teams had completed about 25 percent of the VCF, the FBI wanted a "page crumb" capability added to all the screens. Also known as "bread crumbs," a name inspired by the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale, this navigation device gives users a list of URLs identifying the path taken through the VCF to arrive at the current screen. This new capability not only added more complexity, the SAIC engineers said, but delayed development because completed threads had to be retrofitted with the new feature.
The key phrase there is 'all the screens'. In the face of changes of that nature, then, unless you have some pre-existing tool support you can just switch on (changing all background colours really should be trivial), you are in trouble. The progress you think you had made up to that point will have retroactively turned out to be illusory.
The only known approach to such issues is to get them right first time. If that fails, live with having them wrong.
A lot of shops add Agile trimmings to make themselves "look Agile" to customers who expect it. Maybe you just need to add some Waterfall trimmings, and show them the product once every 2 sprints.
I believe your client is wrong to move to waterfall. It's curing the symptom, not the disease.
The problem you describe is one of communication - the client wants a tiger, you're giving them a cat.
The waterfall model includes many steps to verify that the requirements as written are being delivered - but it doesn't ensure that the written requirements are what the business meant.
I would look at techniques like impact mapping, behaviour-driven development (BDD) and story mapping to improve communication.

Two questions regarding Scrum [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have two related question regarding Scrum.
Our company is trying to implement it and sure we are jumping over hoops.
Both question are about "done means Done!"
1) It's really easy to define "Done" for tasks which are/have
- clear test acceptance criterias
- completely standalone
- tested at the end by testers
What should be done with tasks like:
- architecture design
- refactoring
- some utility classes development
The main issue with it, that it's almost completely internal entity
and there is no way to check/test it from outside.
As example feature implementation is kind of binary - it's done (and
passes all test cases) or it's not done (don't pass some test cases).
The best thing which comes to my head is to ask another developer to review
that task. However, it's any way doesn't provide a clear way to determine
is it completely done or not.
So, the question is how do you define "Done" for such internal tasks?
2) Debug/bugfix task
I know that agile methodology doesn't recommend to have big tasks. At least
if task is big, it should be divided on smaller tasks.
Let say we have some quite large problem - some big module redesign (to
replace new outdate architecture with new one). Sure, this task is divided
on dozens of small tasks. However, I know that at the end we will have
quite long session of debug/fix.
I know that's usually the problem of waterfall model. However, I think
it's hard to get rid of it (especially for quite big changes).
Should I allocate special task for debug/fix/system integrations
and etc?
In the case, if I do so, usually this task is just huge comparing to
everything else and it's kind of hard to divide it on smaller tasks.
I don't like this way, because of this huge monolith task.
There is another way. I can create smaller tasks (associated with bugs),
put them in backlog, prioritize and add them to iterations at the end
of activity, when I will know what are the bugs.
I don't like this way, because in such case the whole estimation will became
fake. We estimate the task, mark it ask complete at any time. And we will
open the new tasks for bugs with new estimates. So, we will end up with
actual time = estimate time, which is definitely not good.
How do you solve this problem?
For the first part " architecture design - refactoring - some utility classes development" These are never "done" because you do them as you go. In pieces.
You want to do just enough architecture to get the first release going. Then, for the next release, a little more architecture.
Refactoring is how you find utility classes (you don't set out to create utility classes -- you discover them during refactoring).
Refactoring is something you do in pieces, as needed, prior to a release. Or as part of a big piece of functionality. Or when you have trouble writing a test. Or when you have trouble getting a test to pass and need to "debug".
Small pieces of these things are done over and over again through the life of the project. They aren't really "release candidates" so they're just sprints (or parts of sprints) that gets done in the process of getting to a release.
"Should I allocate special task for debug/fix/system integrations and etc?"
Not the same way you did with a waterfall methodology where nothing really worked.
Remember, you're building and testing incrementally. Each sprint is tested and debugged separately.
When you get to a release candidate, you might want to do some additional testing on that release. Testing leads to bug discovery which leads to backlog. Usually this is high-priority backlog that needs to be fixed before the release.
Sometimes integration testing reveals bugs that become low-priority backlog that doesn't need to be fixed before the next release.
How big is that release test? Not very. You've already tested each sprint... There shouldn't be too many surprises.
I would argue that if an internal activity has a benefit to the application (which all backlog items within scrum should have), done is the benefit is realized. For instance, "Design architecture" is too generic to identify the benefit of an activity. "Design architecture for user story A" identifies the scope of your activity. When you've created an architecture for story A, you're done with that task.
Refactoring should likewise be done in context of achieving a user story. "Refactor Customer class to enable multiple phone numbers to support Story B" is something that can be identified as done when the Customer class supports multiple phone numbers.
Third Question "some big module redesign (to replace new outdate architecture with new one). Sure, this task is divided on dozens of small tasks. However, I know that at the end we will have quite long session of debug/fix."
Each sprint creates something that can be released. Maybe it won't be, but it could be.
So, when you have major redesign, you have to eat the elephant one small piece at a time. First, look at the highest value -- most important -- biggest return to the users that you can do, get done, and release.
But -- you say -- there is no such small piece; each piece requires massive redesign before anything can be released.
I disagree. I think you can create a conceptual architecture -- what it will be when you're done -- but not implement the entire thing at once. Instead you create temporary interfaces, bridges, glue, connectors that will get one sprint done.
Then you modify the temporary interfaces, bridges and glue so you can finish the next sprint.
Yes, you've added some code. But, you've also created sprints that you can test and release. Sprints which are complete and any one can be a candidate release.
Sounds like you're blurring the definition of user story and task. Simply:
User stories add value. They're
created by a product owner.
Tasks are activities undertaken to create that
value. They're created by the
You nailed key parts of the user story by saying they must have clear acceptance criteria, they're standalone, and they can be tested.
Architecture, design, refactoring, and utility classes development are tasks. They're what's done to complete a user story. It's up to each development shop to set different standards for these, but at our company, at least one other developer must have looked at the code (pair programming, code reading, code review).
If you have user stories which are "refactor class X" and "design feature Y", you're on the wrong track. It may be necessary to refactor X or design Y before you write code, but those could be tasks necessary to accomplish the user story "create new login widget".
We've run into similar issues with "behind-the-scenes" code. By "behind-the-scenes" I mean, has no apparent or testable business value.
In those cases, we've decided to define the developers of that portion of the code were the true "users". By creating sample applications and documentation that developers could use and test we had some "done" code.
Usually with scrum though, you would be looking for a piece of business functionality that used a piece of code to determine "done".
For technical tasks such as refactoring, you can check if the refactoring was really done, e.g. call X does no more have any f() method, or no more foobar() function.
There should be Trust towards the team and inside the team as well. Why do you want to review if the task is actually done ? did you encounter situations where someone claim a task were done ans it wasn't ?
For your second question, you should first really strive to break it into several smaller stories (backlog items). For instance, if you are re-architecturing the system, see if the new and the old architecture can coexist the time to do the portation of all your components from one to the other.
If this is really not possible, then this shall be done separately of the rest of the sprint backlog items, and not integrated before it is "done done". If the sprint ends before the completion of all the tasks of the item, then you have to estimate the remaining amount of work and replan it for the next iteration.
Here are twenty ways to split a story that could help having several smaller backlog items, with really is the recommended and safest way.

How do you measure if an interface change improved or reduced usability?

For an ecommerce website how do you measure if a change to your site actually improved usability? What kind of measurements should you gather and how would you set up a framework for making this testing part of development?
Multivariate testing and reporting is a great way to actually measure these kind of things.
It allows you to test what combination of page elements has the greatest conversion rate, providing continual improvement on your site design and usability.
Google Web Optimiser has support for this.
Similar methods that you used to identify the usability problems to begin with-- usability testing. Typically you identify your use-cases and then have a lab study evaluating how users go about accomplishing certain goals. Lab testing is typically good with 8-10 people.
The more information methodology we have adopted to understand our users is to have anonymous data collection (you may need user permission, make your privacy policys clear, etc.) This is simply evaluating what buttons/navigation menus users click on, how users delete something (i.e. changing quantity - are more users entering 0 and updating quantity or hitting X)? This is a bit more complex to setup; you have to develop an infrastructure to hold this data (which is actually just counters, i.e. "Times clicked x: 138838383, Times entered 0: 390393") and allow data points to be created as needed to plug into the design.
To push the measurement of an improvement of a UI change up the stream from end-user (where the data gathering could take a while) to design or implementation, some simple heuristics can be used:
Is the number of actions it takes to perform a scenario less? (If yes, then it has improved). Measurement: # of steps reduced / added.
Does the change reduce the number of kinds of input devices to use (even if # of steps is the same)? By this, I mean if you take something that relied on both the mouse and keyboard and changed it to rely only on the mouse or only on the keyboard, then you have improved useability. Measurement: Change in # of devices used.
Does the change make different parts of the website consistent? E.g. If one part of the e-Commerce site loses changes made while you are not logged on and another part does not, this is inconsistent. Changing it so that they have the same behavior improves usability (preferably to the more fault tolerant please!). Measurement: Make a graph (flow chart really) mapping the ways a particular action could be done. Improvement is a reduction in the # of edges on the graph.
And so on... find some general UI tips, figure out some metrics like the above, and you can approximate usability improvement.
Once you have these design approximations of user improvement, and then gather longer term data, you can see if there is any predictive ability for the design-level usability improvements to the end-user reaction (like: Over the last 10 projects, we've seen an average of 1% quicker scenarios for each action removed, with a range of 0.25% and standard dev of 0.32%).
The first way can be fully subjective or partly quantified: user complaints and positive feedbacks. The problem with this is that you may have some strong biases when it comes to filter those feedbacks, so you better make as quantitative as possible. Having some ticketing system to file every report from the users and gathering statistics about each version of the interface might be useful. Just get your statistics right.
The second way is to measure the difference in a questionnaire taken about the interface by end-users. Answers to each question should be a set of discrete values and then again you can gather statistics for each version of the interface.
The latter way may be much harder to setup (designing a questionnaire and possibly the controlled environment for it as well as the guidelines to interpret the results is a craft by itself) but the former makes it unpleasantly easy to mess up with the measurements. For example, you have to consider the fact that the number of tickets you get for each version is dependent on the time it is used, and that all time ranges are not equal (e.g. a whole class of critical issues may never be discovered before the third or fourth week of usage, or users might tend not to file tickets the first days of use, even if they find issues, etc.).
Torial stole my answer. Although if there is a measure of how long it takes to do a certain task. If the time is reduced and the task is still completed, then that's a good thing.
Also, if there is a way to record the number of cancels, then that would work too.
