Does Hyperledger Fabric support possibility to create a cryptocurrency like well know Bitcoin/Ethereum?
I don't mean tokens which I can implement by chaincode.
You can implement any business logic by using Hyperledger Fabric chaincode, which essentially a simple program. Chaincode manages ledger state by operation on transactions submitted by application and ensure to have it consistent across network peers.
Hyperledger Fabric currently supports chaincodes written in Go, while in a future will be added support for nodeJS and Java. Chaincode interface defined as following:
// Chaincode interface must be implemented by all chaincodes. The fabric runs
// the transactions by calling these functions as specified.
type Chaincode interface {
// Init is called during Instantiate transaction after the chaincode container
// has been established for the first time, allowing the chaincode to
// initialize its internal data
Init(stub ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response
// Invoke is called to update or query the ledger in a proposal transaction.
// Updated state variables are not committed to the ledger until the
// transaction is committed.
Invoke(stub ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response
So you can implement your cryptocurrency into chaincode. To get an inspiration on how you can implement it, you might want to take a look on following demo application of balance-transfer.
There is a Token feature in the alpha release of 2.0, you can check it out:
Also check here for
Can we create non-fungible tokens with Hyperledger?
The platform-neutral Token Taxonomy Initiative overseen by the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) has announced the publication of the Token Taxonomy Framework (TTF) V 1.0, which enables businesses and developers to universally understand and define what a token is in non-technical terms, regardless of how it is implemented.
i have a current channel of hyperledger fabric with chaincode that does CRUD operations my question is that is there any way to make a method in a chaincode that registers the new user when certain condition match.
You can use one of several methods to get the identity of the user:
They are part of the Client Identity Chaincode Library, documented here:
The Hyperledger Fabric docs provide some help for access control also if you're interested in that:
I am trying to implement a smart contract where a member of an organization can submit a proposal document (this is a simple text that will be recorded in the state), other orgs can vote on it (approve/reject), and if the majority have approved, the proposal gets accepted.
The documentation about transaction flow and the accepted answer here suggest that endorsement of transactions should not encode "business logic", i.e. a transaction that "plays by the rules" should get endorsed.
Therefore, I want to implement this approval/rejection process on the smart contract level. In this model the proposal, as well as each vote is a separate transaction. Then, the proposer can submit another transaction to count the votes and finalize the proposal.
For this, I need to get the list of organizations that are member of the channel. How can this be done within a smart contract's functions?
You would need to be able the chaincode smart contract to retrieve the latest configuration block from the peer/orderer and then parse that block to get the list of organizations.
This means you'll need a way to send the private key of a client into the chaincode invocation.
To send the private key of a client, it's better to have a dedicated MSP only for that client, so the MSP will be not included in any endorsement policies, or other channel config policies for security reasons.
Then, to parse the config block you can follow the code here.
Note that you cannot use a QSCC query inside a chaincode, although it is tempting to do so, because chaincode-to-chaincode invocations with QSCC are fobidden.
In Hyperledger ledger, how could I list endorsing peers of a specific chaincode?
I have a channel with 5 peers but I need that only three of them endorse a transaction while the other two need only to access to same ledger.
You can use the discovery service to get the endorsing peer. Here you can find some information:
Hyperledger fabric has a CLI tool to query the discovery service:
For node.js applications, you can follow the tutorial here:
With the latest Fabric Client SDKs (personally using GO client), you don't need to deal with endorsement policies. Client SDK already does this dirty work for you. It extracts:
Which organizations' endorsements are required for this chaincode, key (key level endorsement policy can be defined as well), etc.
Which peers currently exist in the system and what are their MSPs (from discovery service).
According to these information, client SDK builds a set of necessary peers then sends your transaction request to all. It waits response from requested endorsers. Once it collects all responses, it sends to orderer and so on.
If you have a special case which you need to manually set endorsing peers of your choice (I had one use case about private collections so I had to use this approach) check out discovery service API of your client SDK.
I am new to the area of DLTs or "blockchain" and I am trying to create an application on top of Hyperledger Fabric. Before I describe my use case, I need to mention that due to my use case's nature I need a private & permissioned "blockchain" which justifies the choice of Fabric (I am aware of other platforms e.g. Corda, private Ethereum, but Fabric seems to match my use case better).
Use Case
My use case consists of two different types of participants. A number of organizations (which upload and share information about individuals on the distributed ledger) and a client who can query information about an individual.
The client should not be able to see the transactions uploaded by the organizations and will not have write rights on the DL. He has read-only rights. Moreover, the organizations trust each other and there is also a level of trust between them and the client.
Design thoughts
Based on what I've read, I was thinking of creating a DL network that includes all of these parties and use channels which, based on the documentation, can be used to create a grouping among a number of participants (the organizations in my case) thus "hiding" the transactions from the parties which are not included in this group (the client in my case).
However, later I read about chaincode (a.k.a. smart contracts) which:
can be invoked by an application external to the blockchain when that
application needs to interact with the ledger
which confused me since if the "blockchain" can be queried from an external entity, that probably means that the client should not be included in the trusted network.
Am I headed in the wrong direction (design-wise)?
Based on your description, Hyperledger Fabric channels sound like a good solution. You should also familiarise yourself with private data collections, as this is another way of hiding some of the data from some peers. Which option is best for your scenario will depend on how your datasets are structured, and whether you also need to keep the data private from the orderer.
Clients are not part of the network. They query the blockchain by connecting to a peer and then requesting data from that peer. They can then only access the data visible to that peer (which is stored locally by that peer). So, it is not possible for a client to access more data than is available to the peer the client is connected to.
In your example, you would have a "client" organisation, with at least one peer. This peer would be part of the network, and your client application would then connect to it for access to data on the ledger (typically using the Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK).
There are two types of chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric.
User Chaincode (often just referred to as "chaincode") is used to update the ledger for a channel, and is only installed on those peers which require it (i.e. endorsing peers). Since your "client" peer would not be an endorsing peer, it would not have access to the user chaincode for the channel.
System Chaincode which all peers have access to, provides (among other things) an interface to allow queries to be run against the ledger.
With Ethereum, gas is an anti-denial of service measure. What is the equivalent in Hyperledger Fabric to avoid abuse of chaincode invocation transactions (INVOKE)? Is the NVP expected to check this abuse?
From what I understood, there is no need for such a gas system in Hyperledger Fabric.
The blockchain is supposed to work in a "private" mode, meaning that you know the other peers in the network. It would be easy to detect a malicious peer and revoke its access. Also, there is no "mining" process, only consensus rules triggered for each incoming transaction. This results in a lighter block generation process compared to Bitcoin or Ethereum for example.
However, you can still implement your own custom gas system with a chaincode that add some kind of "transaction fee" before validating any Invoke transaction, but I don't think it would be possible to "mine" gas in the current state of the project.