PySpark with scikit-learn - scikit-learn

I have seen around that we could use scikit-learn libraries with pyspark for working on a partition on a single worker.
But what if we want to work on training dataset that is distributed and say the regression algorithm should concern with entire dataset. Since scikit learn is not integrated with RDD I assume it doesn't allow to run the algorithm on the entire dataset but only on that particular partition. Please correct me if I'm wrong..
And how good is spark-sklearn in solving this problem

As described in the documentation, spark-sklearn does answer your requirements
train and evaluate multiple scikit-learn models in parallel. It is a distributed analog to the multicore implementation included by default
in scikit-learn.
convert Spark's Dataframes seamlessly into numpy ndarrays or sparse matrices.
so, to specifically answer your questions:
But what if we want to work on training dataset that is distributed
and say the regression algorithm should concern with entire dataset.
Since scikit learn is not integrated with RDD I assume it doesn't allow to run the algorithm on the entire dataset on that particular partition
In spark-sklearn, spark is used as the replacement to the joblib library as a multithreading framework. So, going from an execution on a single machine to an excution on mutliple machines is seamlessly handled by spark for you. In other terms, as stated in the Auto scaling scikit-learn with spark article:
no change is required in the code between the single-machine case and the cluster case.


How to run non-spark model training task (using fasttext) efficiently on a databricks cluster?

I want to train some models using fasttext and since it doesn't use spark, it will be running on my driver. The number of training jobs that will be running simultaneously is very large and so is the size of the data. Is there a way to make it run it on different workers or distribute it across workers?
Is this the best approach or am I better off using a large single node cluster?
FYI, I am using Databricks. So solutions specific to that are also okay.
You can use Databricks multi-node clusters to run training even for the libraries that are effectively single-node, such as scikit-learn, etc. This is typically done using the HyperOpt library that is bundled together with ML runtimes. You will need to define an objective function, but it's implementation depends on the differences of models. Look into this example that shows how to run different algorithms from scikit-learn.

Can Spark and the ScalaNLP library Breeze be used together?

I'm developing a Scala-based extreme learning machine, in Apache Spark. My model has to be a Spark Estimator and use the Spark framework in order to fit into the machine learning pipeline. Does anyone know if Breeze can be used in tandem with Spark? All of my data is in Spark data frames and conceivably I could import it using Breeze, use Breeze DenseVectors as the data structure then convert to a DataFrame for the Estimator part. The advantage of Breeze is that it has a function pinv for the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse, which is an inverse for a non-square matrix. There is no equivalent function in the Spark MLlib, as far as I can see. I have no idea whether it's possible to convert Breeze tensors to Spark DataFrames so if anyone has experience of this it would be really useful. Thanks!
Breeze can be used with Spark. In fact is used internally for many MLLib functions, but required conversions are not exposed as public. You can add your own conversions and use Breeze to process individual records.
For example for Vectors you can find conversion code:
For Matrices please see asBreeze / fromBreeze in Matrices.scala
It cannot however, be used on distributed data structures. Breeze objects use low level libraries, which cannot be used for distributed processing. Therefore DataFrame - Breeze objects conversions are possible only if you collect data to the driver and are limited to the scenarios where data can be stored in the driver memory.
There exist other libraries, like SysteML, which integrate with Spark and provide more comprehensive linear algebra routines on distributed objects.

General principles behind Spark MLlib parallelism

I'm new to Spark (and to cluster computing framework) and I'm wondering about the general principles followed by the parallel algorithms used for machine learning (MLlib). Are they essentially faster because Spark distributes training data over multiple nodes? If yes, I suppose that all nodes share the same set of parameters right? And that they have to combine (ex: summing) the intermediate calculations (ex: the gradients) on a regular basis, am I wrong?
Secondly, suppose I want to fit my data with an ensemble of models (ex: 10). Wouldn't it be simpler in this particular context to run my good old machine-learning program independently on 10 machines instead of having to write complicated code (for me at least!) for training in a Spark cluster?
Corollary question: is Spark (or other cluster computing framework) useful only for big data applications for which we could not afford training more than one model and for which training time would be too much long on a single machine?
You correct about the general principle. Typical MLlib algorithm is a an iterative procedure with local phase and data exchange.
MLlib algorithms are not necessarily faster. They try to solve two problems:
disk latency.
memory limitations on a single machine.
If you can process data on a single node this can be orders of magnitude faster than using ML / MLlib.
The last question is hard to answer but:
It is not complicated to train ensembles:
def train_model(iter):
items = np.array(list(iter))
model = ...
return model
There are projects which already do that (

Scalable invocation of Spark MLlib 1.6 predictive model w/a single data record

I have a predictive model (Logistic Regression) built in Spark 1.6 that has been saved to disk for later reuse with new data records. I want to invoke it with multiple clients with each client passing in single data record. It seems that using a Spark job to run single records through would have way too much overhead and would not be very scalable (each invocation will only pass in a single set of 18 values). The MLlib API to load a saved model requires the Spark Context though so am looking for suggestions of how to do this in a scalable way. Spark Streaming with Kafka input comes to mind (each client request would be written to a Kafka topic). Any thoughts on this idea or alternative suggestions ?
Non-distributed (in practice it is majority) models from o.a.s.mllib don't require an active SparkContext for single item predictions. If you check API docs you'll see that LogisticRegressionModel provides predict method with signature Vector => Double. It means you can serialize model using standard Java tools, read it later and perform prediction on local o.a.s.mllib.Vector object.
Spark also provides a limited PMML support (not for logistic regression) so you share your models with any other library which supports this format.
Finally non-distributed models are usually not so complex. For linear models all you need is intercept, coefficients and some basic math functions and linear algebra library (if you want a decent performance). models are slightly harder to handle but there are some external tools which try to address that. You can check related discussion on the developers list, (Deploying ML Pipeline Model) for details.
For distributed models there is really no good workaround. You'll have to start a full job on distributed dataset one way or another.

Optimization Routine for Logistic Regression in ML (Spark 1.6.2)

Dear Apache Spark Comunity:
I've been reading Spark's documentation several weeks. I read Logistic Regression in MLlib and I realized that Spark uses two kinds of optimizations routines (SGD and L-BFGS).
But, currently I'm reading the documentation of LogistReg in ML. I couldn't see explicitly what kind of optimization routine devlopers used. How can I request this information?
With many thanks.
The great point is about the API that they are using.
The MlLib is focus in RDD API. The core of Spark, but some of the process like Sums, Avgs and other kind of simple functions take more time thatn the DataFrame process.
The ML is a library that works with dataframe. That dataFrame has the query optimization for basic functions like sums and some kind close of that.
You can check this blog post and this is one of the reasons that ML should be faster than MlLib.
