Oracle PLSQL : How to remove duplicate data in string - string
Step 01 : I have a column A in table tab_T contains that strings :
I want to get :
Step 02 : Then i will replace '+' by 'AND' and '*' by 'OR' and delete the number '1' from my string
this is my query (it works good and i share it with you if you need a help)
,'OR1',''),'AND1',''),'1OR',''),'1AND',''),'ANDAND','AND'),'OROR','OR'),'AND'),'OR') AS logic
FROM tab_T
Result :
so when i apply step 01 and step 2 i will have this result
I need a help or an idea for the step 01 please?
This will preserve the plus signs in-between the bracketed numbers:
select A original, regexp_replace(A, '(<\d+>)(\+?\1){1,}', '\1') fixed
from tab_T;
The regex can be read as: Remember a group of one or more digits inside of brackets when followed by a group of one or more of the SAME group of remembered numbers preceded by an optional plus sign. When this group is encountered, replace it with the first remembered group.
EDIT: For the sake of completeness, here's the whole thing done with successive CTE's breaking the replaces into logical groupings. This way it's a complete answer and I believe reduced the number of REPLACE() calls. You could do it as a bunch of nested REPLACE's, but I think this is arguably cleaner and easier to understand and maintain down the road.
with tab_T(A) as (
select '((<123>+<123>+<123>)(*<213>+<213>+<213>+<354>+<354>+<354>+1)(*<985>))(+<654>+<654>+1)' from dual union all
select '(<599>*<592>*<591>)' from dual union all
select '(<10945>)' from dual union all
select '(<736>+<736>+1)' from dual union all
select '(<216>*<518>)' from dual union all
select '(<598>*<593>)(*<594>+<594>+<594>+<597>+<595>+<595>+<595>)' from dual
-- Remove dups and '+1'
pass_1(original, fixed) as (
select A original, replace(regexp_replace(A, '(<\d+>)(\+?\1){1,}', '\1'), '+1') fixed
from tab_T
replace_ors(original, fixed) as (
select original, replace(replace(fixed, '(*', 'OR('), '*', 'OR')
from pass_1
replace_ands(original, fixed) as (
select original, replace(replace(fixed, '(+', 'AND('), '+', 'AND')
from replace_ors
select original, fixed
from replace_ands
I know this is not full answer for your question. But maybe it can help you:
with t as (select '((<123>+<123>+<123>)(*<213>+<213>+<213>+<354>+<354>+<354>+1)(*<985>))(+<654>+<654>+1)' as exp from dual)
, t1 as ( select distinct regexp_substr(exp, '[^+]+', 1, level) names
from t
connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(exp, '[^*+]'))+1
RTrim(listagg(t1.names,'+') WITHIN GROUP (order by names desc)) string
from t1
I found it :)
'\1') as logic
FROM tab_T
Thank you anyway ;)
Get the 3rd part of the string in Postgres
I have data like, ab-volt-ssn-dev ab-volt-lnid-dev ab-volt-ssn-hamp-dev ab-volt-cf-apnt-test I need output to be like, ssn lnid ssn cf
You can use split_part() select split_part('ab-volt-ssn-hamp-dev', '-', 3); If you need to access multiple parts, then converting it to an array might be easier: select elements[1], elements[2], elements[3], elements[4] from ( select string_to_array(the_column, '-') as elements from the_table ) t;
Find Specific number from list
I have millions records like this but im sharing here few records what i need is just take 8 charchers from this recodrs so many have (.) and some have (/) so remove (.) abd (/) please see the sample output Records in Table GBR.FCL.AT.245448C.A GBR.FCL.AT.225405L.A at286623da EASA UK/AT/311969F/A AT/332092H/A AT238691G/A Output should be like this 245448CA 225405LA 286623da 311969FA 332092HA
Assuming we can rely on the sample as complete and representative (not always a safe assumption in SO) the desired output is the last eight characters of the string, ignoring . and \. So the simplest thing that could possibly work would be to strip out the unwanted characters using translate() then return the last eight characters: select substr(translate(str, 'a.\', 'a'), -8) as extracted_str from your_table A slightly more engineered solution would apply regex to fine a string of the format 999999AA: select regexp_replace(translate(str, 'a.\', 'a'), '^(.*)([[:digit:]]{6}[[:alpha:]]{2})(.*)$', '\2' ) as extracted_str from your_table
Assuming that you need to get 8 characters, excluding / and ., starting from the string AT ( no matter the case) and that there is exactly one occurrence of AT (in any case combination) in the input string, this should be what you need: with input(x) as ( select 'GBR.FCL.AT.245448C.A' from dual union all select 'GBR.FCL.AT.225405L.A' from dual union all select 'at286623da' from dual union all select 'EASA UK/AT/311969F/A' from dual union all select 'AT/332092H/A' from dual union all select 'AT238691G/A' from dual ) select x as yourString, substr(translate(x, 'x/.', 'x'), instr(translate(upper(x), '/.x', 'x'), 'AT')+2, 8) as result from input Which gives: YOURSTRING RESULT -------------------- -------------------------------- GBR.FCL.AT.245448C.A 245448CA GBR.FCL.AT.225405L.A 225405LA at286623da 286623da EASA UK/AT/311969F/A 11969FA AT/332092H/A 332092HA AT238691G/A 238691GA
Very strange column string "single-quote-comment-brace-time-char"-bug substitutions in postgres selects - maybe related to JDBC only
If you ever had something similar and ripped your hair out to find the problem - in short: --' select '{t'::text text ----- TIME ???
What a nasty bug and interesting how this could lead to really messed up data! It seems to be known since 9.1, may be related to the JDBC driver only and happened with our 9.3 as well!: Here are some more details I found out (for helping to find and fix this ad hoc in your code or eventually by the "source hackers" ;) ) so far with example code below: a single quote must appear somewhere in a single-line or multi-line comment above the select (e.g. --', /*'*/, -- foo's cool) explicitely given strings must contain {t or {d to be substituted by TIME or DATE respectively one of the strings must be explicitely (maybe also implicitely) of type text a closing brace in the same or another string somewhere is necessary to continue this substition (e.g. select 'foo } bar') a closing brace in a comment disables the behaviour again (e.g. --}) . --' select '{t'::text union all select '{ta}' union all select '{tfoo bar' -- these are untouched union all select '{ t}' union all select 'foo { t}' -- there seems to be an opening/closing "{" "}" match behaviour behind -- it since the 2nd row below union all select '{t' union all select '{ta}' union all select '{tfoo bar' -- also "d" seems to be a "trigger" union all select '}{d}' -- a closing brace in a comment seems to disable it completely again union all select '{d' union all select '{d' -- } union all select 'a}{d}' text ------------ TIME {ta TIME foo bar { t foo { t} TIME {ta TIME foo bar DATE DATE {d a}{d}
compare string sets in access
I have a problem where I think you can also use when needed. I wish to compare word sets on separate tables identified by their Item No and Order (ordinality) and the word or value. Here is a snapshot of the table: Then the result I wish to accomplish was like this: The comparison is LIKE rather than equality.
You can do a join and have like in predicate: select * from table1 t1 inner join table2 t2 on t1.ValueA like '%' + t2.ValueB + '%' or t2.ValueB like '%' + t1.ValueA + '%' You may need use * instead of % and & instead of +. I don't remember the correct syntax for Access, but it is along the lines.
Using REGEXP_SUBSTR to get key-value pair data
I have a column with below values, User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^^ I am trying to get each individual value based on a specified key. All value after User_Id= until it encounters ^ All value after User_Input= until it encounters ^ I tried for and so far I have this, SELECT LTRIM(REGEXP_SUBSTR('User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^' ,'[0-9]+',1,1),'^') User_Id from dual How do I get the value for the User_Input?? P.S: User input can have anything, like ',", *,% including a ^ in the middle of the string (that is, not as a delimiter). Any help would be greatly appreciated..
This can be easily solved using boring old INSTR to calculate the offsets of the start and end points for the KEY and VALUE strings. The trick is to use the optional occurrence parameter to identify each the correct instance of =. Because the input can contain carets which aren't intended as delimiters we need to use a negative position to identify the last ^. with cte as ( select kv , instr(kv, '=', 1, 1)+1 as k_st -- first occurrence , instr(kv, '^', 1) as k_end , instr(kv, '=', 1, 2)+1 as v_st -- second occurrence , instr(kv, '^', -1) as v_end -- counting from back from t23 ) select substr(kv, k_st, k_end - k_st) as user_id , substr(kv, v_st, v_end - v_st) as user_input from cte / Here is the requisite SQL Fiddle to prove it works. I think it's much easier to understand than any regex equivalent.
If there is no particular need to use Regex, something like this returns the value. WITH rslt AS ( SELECT 'User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^' val FROM dual ) SELECT LTRIM(SUBSTR(val ,INSTR(val, '=', 1, 2) + 1 ,INSTR(val, '^', 1, 2) - (INSTR(val, '=', 1, 2) + 1))) FROM rslt; Of course, if you can't guarantee that there will not be any carets that are valid text characters, this will possibly return partial results.
Assuming that you will always have 'User_Id=' and 'User_Input=' in your string, I would use a character group approach to parsing Use the starting anchor,^, and ending anchor, $. Look for 'User_Id=' and 'User_Input=' Associate the value you are searching for with a character group. SCOTT#dev> 1 SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^','^User_Id=(.*\^)User_Input=(.*\^)$',1, 1, NULL, 1) User_Id 2* FROM dual SCOTT#dev> / USER ==== 446^ SCOTT#dev> 1 SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^','^User_Id=(.*\^)User_Input=(.*\^)$',1, 1, NULL, 2) User_Input 2* FROM dual SCOTT#dev> / USER_INPUT ================ L307-60#/25" AP^ SCOTT#dev>
Got this answer from a friend of mine.. Looks simple and works great... SELECT regexp_replace('User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^^', '.*User_Id=([^\^]+).*', '\1') User_Id, regexp_replace('User_Id=446^User_Input=L307-60#/25" AP^^', '.*User_Input=(.*)[\^]$', '\1') User_Input FROM dual Posting here just in case any of you find it interesting..