I have a df with let's say 4 cols A,B,C,D(in real 50+ cols). I wish to add values of the cols to each other. For ex:- df['A'][0]=df['A'][0]+df['A'][1] and so on df['B'][0]... .
col1 col2 col3
A 1 222 abc
B 2 433 dfg
C 3 111 tyu
D 4 222 iop
Should become like :-
**col1** col2 col3
A 3 222 abc
B 5 433 dfg
C 7 111 tyu
D 4 222 iop
I have created a for loop to do so and after modification i am assigning back the result to the respective cols.
for k,g in colIndividual.iteritems():
However, being new to python world i don't know is it the correct and beautiful way to code this logic. This would impact the performance as in future this df might get increased to more than 50 columns. Could you please help me here?
Thanks for your kind help.
col1 col2 col3
A 3.0 222 abc
B 5.0 433 dfg
C 7.0 111 tyu
D 4.0 222 iop
I am trying to groupby columns value in pandas but I'm not getting.
Col1 Col2 Col3
A 1 2
B 5 6
A 3 4
C 7 8
A 11 12
B 9 10
result needed grouping by Col1
Col1 Col2 Col3
A 1,3,11 2,4,12
B 5,9 6,10
c 7 8
but I getting this ouput
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x0000025BEB4D6E50>
I am getting using excel power query with function group by and count all rows, but I canĀ“t get the same with python and pandas. Any help?
Try this
.agg(lambda x: ','.join(x.astype(str)))
it outputs
Col1 Col2 Col3
0 A 1,3,11 2,4,12
1 B 5,9 6,10
2 C 7 8
Very good I created solution between 0 and 0:
df[df['A'] != 0].groupby((df['A'] == 0).cumsum()).sub()
It will group column between 0 and 0 and sum it
I have a situation where I need to drop a lot of my dataframe columns where there are high missing values. I have created a new dataframe that gives me the missing values and the ratio of missing values from my original data set.
My original data set - data_merge2 looks like this :
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC NaN NaN
245 ABC NaN NaN
345 ABC NaN NaN
The count data set looks like this that gives me the missing count and ratio:
missing_count missing_ratio
C 4 0.10
D 4 0.66
The code that I used to create the count dataset looks like :
#Only check those columns where there are missing values as we have got a lot of columns
new_df = (data_merge2.isna()
.assign(missing_ratio = lambda x: x['missing_count']/len(data_merge2)*100)
.loc[data_merge2.isna().any()] )
Now I want to drop the columns from the original dataframe whose missing ratio is >50%
How should I achieve this?
or DataFrame.drop using new_df DataFrame
data_merge2.drop(columns = new_df.index[new_df['missing_ratio'].gt(50)])
0 123.0 ABC
1 123.0 ABC
3 123.0 ABC
4 245.0 ABC
5 345.0 ABC
Adding another way with query and XOR:
data_merge2[data_merge2.columns ^ new_df.query('missing_ratio>50').index]
Or pandas way using Index.difference
0 123.0 ABC
1 123.0 ABC
3 123.0 ABC
4 245.0 ABC
5 345.0 ABC
I've got a pandas dataframe like this:
id foo
0 A col1
1 A col2
2 B col1
3 B col3
4 D col4
5 C col2
I'd like to create four additional columns based on unique values in foo column. col1,col2, col3, col4
id foo col1 col2 col3 col4
0 A col1 75 20 5 0
1 A col2 20 80 0 0
2 B col1 82 10 8 0
3 B col3 5 4 80 11
4 D col4 0 5 10 85
5 C col2 12 78 5 5
The logic for creating the columns is as follows:
if foo = col1 then col1 contains a random number between 75-100 and the other columns (col2, col3, col4) contains random numbers, such that the total for each row is 100
I can manually create a new column and assign a random number, but I'm unsure how to include the logic of sum for each row of 100.
Appreciate any help!
My two cents
for x in 100-s:
a=np.random.randint(100, size=3)
b=np.random.multinomial(x, a /a.sum())
s=[np.random.choice(x,4,replace= False) for x in np.column_stack((s,np.array(d))) ]
id foo 0 1 2 3
0 A col1 16 1 7 76
1 A col2 4 2 91 3
2 B col1 4 4 1 91
3 B col3 78 8 8 6
4 D col4 8 87 3 2
5 C col2 2 0 11 87
df['col1'] = df.apply(lambda x: np.where(x['foo'] == 'col1', np.random.randint(75,100), np.random.randint(0,100)), axis=1)
df['col2'] = df.apply(lambda x: np.random.randint(0,100-x['col1'],1)[0], axis=1)
df['col3'] = df.apply(lambda x: np.random.randint(0,100-x[['col1','col2']].sum(),1)[0], axis=1)
df['col4'] = 100 - df[['col1','col2','col3']].sum(1).astype(int)
id foo col1 col2 col3 col4
0 A col1 92 2 5 1
1 A col2 60 30 0 10
2 B col1 89 7 3 1
3 B col3 72 12 0 16
4 D col4 41 52 3 4
5 C col2 72 2 22 4
My Approach
import numpy as np
def weird(lower, upper, k, col, cols):
first_num = np.random.randint(lower, upper)
delta = upper - first_num
the_rest = np.random.rand(k - 1)
the_rest = the_rest / the_rest.sum() * (delta)
the_rest = the_rest.astype(int)
the_rest[-1] = delta - the_rest[:-1].sum()
key = lambda x: x != col
return dict(zip(sorted(cols, key=key), [first_num, *the_rest]))
def f(c): return weird(75, 100, 4, c, ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'])
df.join(pd.DataFrame([*map(f, df.foo)]))
id foo col1 col2 col3 col4
0 A col1 76 2 21 1
1 A col2 11 76 11 2
2 B col1 75 4 10 11
3 B col3 0 1 97 2
4 D col4 5 4 13 78
5 C col2 9 77 6 8
If we subtract the numbers between 75-100 by 75, the problem become generating a table of random number between 0-25 whose each row sums to 25. That can be solve by reverse cumsum:
num_cols = 4
# generate random number and sort them in each row
a = np.sort(np.random.randint(0,25, (len(df), num_cols)), axis=1)
# create a dataframe and attach a last column with values 25
new_df = pd.DataFrame(a)
new_df[num_cols] = 25
# compute the difference, which are our numbers and add to the dummies:
dummies = pd.get_dummies(df.foo) * 75
dummies += new_df.diff(axis=1).fillna(new_df[0]).values
And dummies is
col1 col2 col3 col4
0 76.0 13.0 2.0 9.0
1 1.0 79.0 2.0 4.0
2 76.0 5.0 8.0 9.0
3 1.0 3.0 79.0 10.0
4 1.0 2.0 1.0 88.0
5 1.0 82.0 1.0 7.0
which can be concatenated to the original dataframe.
I have a Pandas dataframe column which has data in rows such as below:
I need to create 2 more columns col 2 and col 3 as such below:
col2 col3
abc 2345
ab23 8980
I have used str.isnumeric(), but thats not helping me in a dataframe column. can someone kindly help?
Use str.isnumeric or to_numeric with check non NaNs for boolean mask and filter by boolean indexing:
m = df['col1'].str.isnumeric()
#m = pd.to_numeric(df['col1'], errors='coerce').notnull()
df = pd.concat([df.loc[~m, 'col1'].reset_index(drop=True),
df.loc[m, 'col1'].reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1, keys=('col2','col3'))
print (df)
col2 col3
0 abc 2345
1 ab23 8980
2 fgh67# NaN
If want add new columns to existed DataFrame with align by indices:
df['col2'] = df.loc[~m, 'col1']
df['col3'] = df.loc[m, 'col1']
print (df)
col1 col2 col3
0 abc abc NaN
1 ab23 ab23 NaN
2 2345 NaN 2345
3 fgh67# fgh67# NaN
4 8980 NaN 8980
Or without align:
df['col2'] = df.loc[~m, 'col1'].reset_index(drop=True)
df['col3'] = df.loc[m, 'col1'].reset_index(drop=True)
print (df)
col1 col2 col3
0 abc abc 2345
1 ab23 ab23 8980
2 2345 fgh67# NaN
3 fgh67# NaN NaN
4 8980 NaN NaN
Given the following data frame:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'COL1': ['A', 'A','A','A','B','B'],
'COL2' : ['AA','AA','BB','BB','BB','BB'],
'COL3' : [2,3,4,5,4,2],
'COL4' : [0,1,2,3,4,2]})
0 A AA 2 0
1 A AA 3 1
2 A BB 4 2
3 A BB 5 3
4 B BB 4 4
5 B BB 2 2
I would like, as efficiently as possible (i.e. via groupby and lambda x or better), to find the median of columns 3 and 4 for each distinct group of columns 1 and 2.
The desired result is as follows:
0 A AA 2 0 1.5
1 A AA 3 1 1.5
2 A BB 4 2 3.5
3 A BB 5 3 3.5
4 B BB 4 4 3
5 B BB 2 2 3
Thanks in advance!
You already had the idea -- groupby COL1 and COL2 and calculate median.
m = df.groupby(['COL1', 'COL2'])[['COL3','COL4']].apply(np.median)
m.name = 'MEDIAN'
print df.join(m, on=['COL1', 'COL2'])
0 A AA 2 0 1.5
1 A AA 3 1 1.5
2 A BB 4 2 3.5
3 A BB 5 3 3.5
4 B BB 4 4 3.0
5 B BB 2 2 3.0
df.groupby(['COL1', 'COL2']).median()[['COL3','COL4']]