Firebase cloud function sending multiple notification on instanceId - node.js

Thats my code where i first get the laterrides. It checks that the any ride is schedule and if any ride is scheduled then it goes inside and get the list of drivers and sends them notification. But the issue is it send notification repeatedly again and again.Kindly help.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.testing = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
var newArray = [];
let date = new Date();
var hours = date.getHours() + 5;
var minute = date.getMinutes() ;
var year = date.getFullYear() ;
var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1 ;
var day = date.getDate() ;
var total_date = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
var total_time = hours + ":" + minute;
var ridelater = admin.database().ref("ridelater");
ridelater.orderByValue().on("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(data) {
var str = data.val().time;
const senderUid = data.val().client_key;
if(data.val().date == total_date){
var arr = str.split(":");
var start_minute = arr[0] * 60;
var val = parseInt(arr[1], 10);
var timing = val - 30;
var start = start_minute + timing ;
var end_minute = hours *60;
var end = end_minute + minute;
var diff = end - start;
if (diff <= 30){
var driver = admin.database().ref("user/driver");
driver.orderByValue().on("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(instnaceIds) {
//if(instnaceIds.val().status == "free"){
const promises = [];
const receiverUid = instnaceIds.key;
const getInstanceIdPromise =
const getSenderUidPromise = admin.auth().getUser(senderUid);
Promise.all([getInstanceIdPromise, getSenderUidPromise]).then(results =>
const instanceId = results[0].val();
//const sender = results[1];
console.log('notifying ' + receiverUid +' from ' + senderUid);
var data1={
'users_key': senderUid,
'org_address' : data.val().org_address,
'dest_address' : data.val().dest_address,
'status' : "request",
'Nodekey' : data.key,
'user_name' : data.val().user_name,
'org_lat' : data.val().org_lat,
'org_long' : data.val().org_long,
'dest_lat' : data.val().dest_lat,
'dest_long' : data.val().dest_long,
'payment' : data.val().payment_method,
'category' : data.val().category,
'Nodekey' : data.val().node_key,
var data2 = JSON.stringify(data1);
const payload = {
notification: {
title: "Qandeel Haider",
body: data2
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(instanceId, payload)
.then(function (response) {
console.log("Successfully sent message:" + instanceId);
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("Error sending message:", error);
console.log("Not found" + data.val().time);
console.log("Not found" + data.val().date);


How to get values from an array of promises?

for (var year = year_from; year <= year_to; year++) {
for (var month = month_from; month <= 12; month++) {
for (var day = day_from; day <= 31; day++) {
var url = "something_url" + year + "/" + month + "/" + day + "/";
var current_date = day + "." + month + "." + year;
try {
var options = {
uri: url,
transform: function (body) {
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
$('div[class="post"]').each(function (month, elem) {
var nested = $(this).find('div[class="text"]');
var nested_a = nested.find('a');
var nested_href = nested_a.attr('href');
var nested_text = nested_a.text();
var lc_nested_text = nested_text.toLowerCase();
var s_lc_nested_text = lc_nested_text.toString();
if (s_lc_nested_text.indexOf(query1) > -1) {
post.name1 = s_lc_nested_text;
post.url1 = f_url + nested_href;
post.date1 = current_date;
catch {
console.log('parse error');
.then((result) => {
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
I get the result from the request to the API with request-promise and put it in an array of promises. After I send this result to the browser and there I get the following:

How do I test an agenda job with jest?

I want to test the jobs I'm running with agenda. I have written the following test but then I realized that all the expect()... functions are not getting called before it determines that the test had passed or failed. I put some console.log() by all the expect() functions and they do get called just not before it determines if the tests result. I tried adding expect.assertions(6); at the top of the test but it didn't make the test wait longer, it just failed saying it didn't find all 6.
How do I make jest wait for the whole test to finish?
This is the code I want to test:
const Account = require("./../models/user.account");
const Listing = require("./../models/user.account.listing");
const Message = require("./../models/user.account.listing.message");
const MessageRule = require("./../models/user.account.listing.messageRule");
const Reservation = require("./../models/user.account.listing.reservation");
const Core = require("./../core");
const moment = require("moment-timezone");
module.exports = function(agenda) {
agenda.define("send message", {priority: "highest"}, async (job, done) => {
try {
console.time("send message " + job.attrs._id);
const userID =;
const listingID =;
const reservationID =;
const messageRuleID =;
const sendDate =;
//console.log("Rule Job:".cyan + " send message - listingID: " + listingID);
let messageQuery = {
let message = await Message.findOne(messageQuery);
if (message) {
throw new Error(
"Message has already been sent. userID: " +
userID +
" listingID: " +
listingID +
" reservationID: " +
reservationID +
" messageRuleID: " +
messageRuleID +
" message._id: " +
message._id +
" message.sendDate: " +
message.sendDate +
" message.sentDate: " +
} else {
const isLastMinuteMessage = false;
let listing = await Listing.findById(listingID);
let account = await Account.findById(listing.accountID);
let messageRule = await MessageRule.findById(messageRuleID);
let reservation = await Reservation.findById(reservationID);
// Check that it found all of the required documents
if (!listing || !listing._id) {
throw new Error("Missing the listing document. userID: " + userID + " listingID: " + listingID);
if (!account || !account._id) {
throw new Error(
"Missing the account document. userID: " + userID + " accountID: " + listing.accountID
if (!messageRule || !messageRule._id) {
throw new Error(
"Missing the messageRule document. userID: " + userID + " messageRuleID: " + messageRuleID
if (!reservation || !reservation._id) {
throw new Error(
"Missing the reservation document. userID: " + userID + " reservationID: " + reservationID
// Double check the send date by recalculating it then checking comparing them
if (messageRule.event == "checkin" || messageRule.event == "checkout") {
let sendDateCheck =
reservation.startDate + " " + messageRule.time,
if (messageRule.event == "checkout") {
sendDateCheck = sendDateCheck.add(reservation.nights, "day");
sendDateCheck = sendDateCheck.add(messageRule.days, "day");
if (!sendDateCheck.isSame(sendDate)) {
throw new Error(
"Message send date and calculated send date don't match. userID: " +
userID +
" listingID: " +
listingID +
" reservationID: " +
reservationID +
" messageRuleID: " +
messageRuleID +
" sendDate: " +
moment(sendDate).format() +
" sendDateCheck: " +
await Core.buildMessage(account, listing, messageRule, reservation, isLastMinuteMessage);
console.timeEnd("send message " + job.attrs._id);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Rule Job: send message", error);
return done(error);
And here is my test:
const Account = require("./../models/user.account");
const Listing = require("./../models/user.account.listing");
const Message = require("./../models/user.account.listing.message");
const MessageRule = require("./../models/user.account.listing.messageRule");
const Reservation = require("./../models/user.account.listing.reservation");
const Core = require("./../core");
const Rules = require("./rules");
const Docs = require("./../tests/docs");
describe("Tests for rules.js", () => {
// Mock moment() = jest.fn(() => 1538794832371); //October 5th 2018 8pm PST
beforeEach(() => {
describe("rules()", () => {
it("should send a message, message exists but is enabled", async () => {
// Mock Message
// Message.findOne()
const MessageFindOneMock = jest.spyOn(Message, "findOne");
const MessageFindOneResult = Docs.messageReviewReminderDisabledThenEnabled;
const MessageFindOne = jest.fn(() => MessageFindOneResult);
const userID = Docs.userID;
const reservation = Docs.reservationInTheFuture;
const messageRule = Docs.messageRuleCheckUp;
const accountID = Docs.listing.accountID;
const listingID = Docs.listing._id;
const reservationID = reservation._id;
const messageRuleID = messageRule._id;
// Mock Listing
// Listing.findById()
const ListingFindByIdMock = jest.spyOn(Listing, "findById");
const ListingFindByIdResult = Docs.listing;
const ListingFindById = jest.fn(() => ListingFindByIdResult);
// Mock Account
// Account.findById()
const AccountFindByIdMock = jest.spyOn(Account, "findById");
const AccountFindByIdResult = {_id: accountID};
const AccountFindById = jest.fn(() => AccountFindByIdResult);
// Mock MessageRule
// MessageRule.findById()
const MessageRuleFindByIdMock = jest.spyOn(MessageRule, "findById");
const MessageRuleFindByIdResult = messageRule;
const MessageRuleFindById = jest.fn(() => MessageRuleFindByIdResult);
// Mock Reservation
// Reservation.findById()
const ReservationFindByIdMock = jest.spyOn(Reservation, "findById");
const ReservationFindByIdResult = reservation;
const ReservationFindById = jest.fn(() => ReservationFindByIdResult);
// Mock Core
// Core.buildMessage()
const CoreBuildMessageMock = jest.spyOn(Core, "buildMessage");
const CoreBuildMessage = jest.fn((account, listing, messageRule, reservation, isLastMinuteMessage) => {
// Run test
const sendDate = "2018-11-08T10:00:00-06:00";
const done = jest.fn(error => {
const job = {
attrs: {
data: {
let agenda = {
define: jest.fn((name, options, callback) => {
if (name == "send message") {
callback(job, done);
In your rules.js you have defined your callback as an async function:
agenda.define("send message", {priority: "highest"}, async (job, done) // <--- this
However you are calling it with:
define: jest.fn((name, options, callback) => {
if (name == "send message") {
callback(job, done);
So there is no await there ...
Which explains why you get stuff running but not awaiting for it to finish.
Should be something like:
define: await jest.fn((name, options, callback) => {
if (name == "send message") {
await callback(job, done);

Getting Transaction Failed Error: No valid responses from any peer

The error I got:
enrollSTudent Transaction Failed: text error trying invoke business
network.Error: No valid responses from any peers.
Response from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: transaction returned
with failure: ReferenceError: NS is not defined.
I also got an other error saying there is a memory leak but fixed it. However, i cant fix NS_ is undefined error. Here is the code i used below:
use strict;
* Write your transction processor functions here
var NS_COLLEGE = '';
var NS_STUDENT = 'org.gryphon.casestudy.student';
* create a new certificate entry
* #param {} args - student
* #transaction
function issueCertificate(args) {
var certificateId = 'CertificateID-' +;
var certificate;
var _assetRegistry;
return getAssetRegistry(NS_UNIVERSITY + '.Certificate')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
certificate = factory.newResource(NS_UNIVERSITY, 'Certificate',
certificate.issuedTo = args.studentName;
certificate.programName = args.programName;
certificate.issuedDate = new Date();
certificate.certificateId = certificateId;
return assetRegistry.add(certificate)
.then(function (_res) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_STUDENT + '.Student');
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
_assetRegistry = assetRegistry;
return assetRegistry.get(args.studentID)
.then(function (certifiedStudent) {
certifiedStudent.certificateId = certificateId;
var event = factory.newEvent(NS_UNIVERSITY,
event.certificateId = certificateId;
return _assetRegistry.update(certifiedStudent)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* approve affiliation of college
* #param {} args - id of
* #transaction
function approveAffiliation(args) {
var registry;
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_COLLEGE + '.College')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
registry = assetRegistry;
return assetRegistry.get(args.memberId)
.then(function (college) {
college.isApproved = 1;
return registry.update(college)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* Enroll Program to the college
* #param {} args - id of college
* #transaction
function enrollProgram(args) {
var registry;
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_COLLEGE + '.College')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
registry = assetRegistry;
return assetRegistry.get(args.collegeId)
.then(function (college) {
if (college.isApproved == 1) {
return registry.update(college)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* Student can enroll them to a College and Program
* #param {org.gryphon.casestudy.student.enrollStudent} args - student
* #transaction
function enrollStudent(args) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_STUDENT + '.Student')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
var studentId = 'Student-' +;
var student = factory.newResource(NS_STUDENT, 'Student', studentId); =;
student.dob = args.dob;
student.memberId = studentId;
student.programName = args.programName;
student.collegeName = args.collegeName;
return assetRegistry.add(student)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
* College can request Affiliation to the University
* #param {} args - name of
* #transaction
function requestAffiliation(args) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_COLLEGE + '.College')
.then(function (assetRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
var collegeId = 'College-' +;
var college = factory.newResource(NS_COLLEGE, 'College', collegeId); =;
college.memberId = collegeId;
college.isApproved = 0;
college.programs = [];
return assetRegistry.add(college)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
events.js file:
function requestAffiliation() {
// Show Progress untill the task is complete
document.getElementById('college_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
// Get the attributes from the UI i.e College Name
let college_name = document.getElementById('college_name').value;
// Set the Payload for the Post restapi call
let options = { 'college_name': college_name };
// Use Async ajax call to post a request to the Client App
$.when($.post('/composer/client/requestAffiliation', options)).done(function (_res) {
// End progress display
document.getElementById('college_progress').innerHTML = '';
// Update the UI with college list
// Close the Modal Dialog
* Display Colleges
function displayCollegeList() {
// Use Async ajax call to get a list of colleges from the Client App
$.when($.get('composer/client/getCollegeList')).done(function (_res) {
// Successful response received, lets check it on browser console
let _str = '';
let _nstr = '';
// We will now build the Table to be displayed in UI
_str += '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>isApproved</th></tr>';
_res.college_list.forEach(function (_row) {
// Check is college is approved or NOT aaproved by university
let td = (_row.is_approved == 0) ? '<td class="red"> NOT APPROVED</td>'
: '<td class="green"> APPROVED</td>';
_str += '<tr><td>' + '<a href="#" onClick=enrollProgram("' + + '")>'
+ + '</a></td>' + td + '</tr>';
if (_row.is_approved == 0) {
_nstr += '<input type="checkbox" name="collegeIds" value="'
+ + '">' + + '</input></br>';
_str += '</table>';
// Display College List
document.getElementById('college_list').innerHTML = _str;
document.getElementById('approve_list').innerHTML = _nstr;
function submitApproveAffiliation() {
let options = {};
let arr = '';
document.getElementById('approval_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$("input:checkbox[name=collegeIds]:checked").each(function () {
let options = {};
options.college_id = $(this).val();
$.when($.post('/composer/client/approveAffiliation', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('approval_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
function submitEnrollProgram() {
document.getElementById('program_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
let options = {};
options.program_name = document.getElementById('program_name').value;
options.college_id = collegeId;
$.when($.post('/composer/client/enrollProgram', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('program_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
function submitGenerateCertificate() {
let options = {};
let arr = '';
document.getElementById('certificate_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$("input:checkbox[name=gen_cer_student]:checked").each(function () {
let options = {};
options.student_id = $(this).val();
$.when($.post('/composer/client/issueCertificate', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('certificate_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
function submitTakeAdmission() {
var selected_program = $("input[name=program]:checked").val();
if (selected_program == null) {
alert('No Program Selected');
let student_name = document.getElementById('student_name').value;
let student_dob = document.getElementById('student_dob').value;
let studentDob = new Date(student_dob);
if (studentDob == null) {
alert('Incorrect Date Format');
let val = selected_program.split('##');
let arr = '';
document.getElementById('admission_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
let options = {};
options.student_name = student_name;
options.student_dob = studentDob;
options.college_name = val[0];
options.program_name = val[1];
$.when($.post('/composer/client/takeAdmission', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('admission_progress').innerHTML = '';
let val = _res.result;
* get History
function getHistorian() {
$.when($.get('fabric/getHistory')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '<h4> HyperLedger Transaction Blocks: ' + _res.result + '</h4>';
if (_res.result === 'success') {
_str += '<h3>Total Blocks: ' + _res.history.length + '</h3>';
_str += '<table id="tt"><tr><th>Transaction Hash</th><th>Transaction Type</th><th>TimeStamp</th></tr>';
_res.history.sort(function (a, b) { return (b.transactionTimestamp > a.transactionTimestamp) ? -1 : 1; });
for (let each in _res.history) {
(function (_idx, _arr) {
let _row = _arr[_idx];
_str += '<tr><td>' + _row.transactionId + '</td><td>' + _row.transactionType + '</td><td>' + _row.transactionTimestamp + '</td></tr>';
})(each, _res.history);
_str += '</table>';
else { _str += formatMessage(_res.message); }
document.getElementById('historian').innerHTML = _str;
* Display Students
function displayStudentList() {
$.when($.get('composer/client/getStudentList')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '';
let _nstr = '';
_str += '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Certificate ID</th></tr>';
_res.student_list.forEach(function (_row) {
let cid = (_row.certificateId == null) ? '...' : _row.certificateId;
_str += '<tr><td>' + + '</td><td>' + cid + '</td></tr>';
_str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('student_list').innerHTML = _str;
let collegeId = null;
function enrollProgram(id) {
collegeId = id;
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'enrollProgram').fadeIn($(this).data());
function approveAffiliation() {
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'approveAffiliation').fadeIn($(this).data());
function takeAdmission() {
$.when($.get('composer/client/getCollegeList')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '';
_str += '<table><tr><th>College</th><th>Programs</th></tr>';
_res.college_list.forEach(function (_row) {
if (_row.is_approved == 1) {
let _pro_str = '<table>';
_row.programs.forEach(function (_pro) {
_pro_str += '<tr><td><input type="radio" name="program" value="' + + '##' + _pro + '">' + _pro + '</input></td></tr>';
_str += '<tr class="mark"><td>' + + '</td><td>' + _pro_str + '</table></td>' + '</tr>';
_str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('admission_list').innerHTML = _str;
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'takeAdmission').fadeIn($(this).data());
function generateCertificate() {
$.when($.get('composer/client/getStudentList')).done(function (_res) {
let _str = '';
_str += '<table><tr><th>Select</th><th>Student ID</th><th>Student Name</th></tr>';
_res.student_list.forEach(function (_row) {
if (_row.certificateId == null) {
_str += '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="gen_cer_student" value="' + + '"></input></td><td>' + + '</td><td>' + + '</td></tr>';
_str += '</table>';
document.getElementById('student_cer_list').innerHTML = _str;
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'generateCertificate').fadeIn($(this).data());
function verifyCertificate() {
let public_id = document.getElementById('verify_cer_id').value;
if (public_id == '') {
alert('Please Enter valid Public ID');
let options = { id: public_id };
document.getElementById('verify_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$.when($.get('composer/client/getCertificateById', options)).done(function (_res) {
document.getElementById('verify_progress').innerHTML = '<img src="./icons/progress.gif"/>';
$.when($.get('composer/client/getStudentList')).done(function (_res) {
let list = _res.student_list;
var result = null;
list.forEach(function (v) {
if (v.certificateId == public_id) {
result = v;
if (result == null) {
alert('Certificate Validation Failed - No such certificate found!');
document.getElementById('_student_name_').innerHTML =;
document.getElementById('_program_name_').innerHTML = result.program;
document.getElementById('_date_of_issue').innerHTML = Date().toString().split('2018')[0] + '2018';
document.getElementById('__cer_id__').innerHTML = public_id;
document.getElementById('verify_progress').innerHTML = '';
function displayCertificate() {
var appendthis = ("<div class='modal-overlay js-modal-close'></div>");
$(".modal-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
var modalBox = $(this).attr('data-modal-id');
$('#' + 'certificate').fadeIn($(this).data());
This is mostly the working code for my hyper ledger. As i said the error is NS_ is not defined but i clearly checked all my code and found that i never mistyped NS_
this works for me (ps. should reflect the participant registry naming ('stuRegistry' rather than being an 'assetRegistry' but that still works anyway FYI) - not sure if you provided (judging by the error msg above) an invalid namespace in the transaction class?
FYI my namespaces are defined as :
var NS_COLLEGE = '';
var NS_STUDENT = 'org.gryphon.casestudy.student';
* Student can enroll them to a College and Program
* #param {org.gryphon.casestudy.student.enrollStudent} args - student
* #transaction
function enrollStudent(args) {
return getParticipantRegistry(NS_STUDENT + '.Student')
.then(function (stuRegistry) {
var factory = getFactory();
var studentId = 'Student-' + + Date.parse(args.timestamp); // removed this non deterministic code:;
var student = factory.newResource(NS_STUDENT, 'Student', studentId); =;
student.dob = args.dob;
student.memberId = studentId;
student.programName = args.programName;
student.collegeName = args.collegeName;
return stuRegistry.add(student)
.then(function (_res) {
return (_res);
function (error) {
return (error);
for issueCertificate, here's an example written with async / await as its easier/simpler and use the transaction (args) timestamp field to generate your id deterministically (not new Date()):
* Write your transcation processor functions here etc
var NS_COLLEGE = '';
var NS_STUDENT = 'org.gryphon.casestudy.student';
* create a new certificate entry
* #param {} args - student details
* #transaction
async function issueCertificate(args) {
// `;` is non-deterministic
var certificateId = 'CertificateID-' + Date.parse(args.timestamp);
var factory = getFactory();
const assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry(NS_UNIVERSITY + '.Certificate');
const certificate = factory.newResource(NS_UNIVERSITY, 'Certificate', certificateId);
certificate.issuedTo = args.studentName;
certificate.programName = args.programName;
certificate.issuedDate = new Date();
certificate.certificateId = certificateId;
await assetRegistry.add(certificate) ;
const participantRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry(NS_STUDENT + '.Student');
const certifiedStudent = await participantRegistry.get(args.studentID)
certifiedStudent.certificateId = certificateId;
var event = factory.newEvent(NS_UNIVERSITY, 'certificateIssuedEvent');
event.certificateId = certificateId;

Azure IoT Hub messages late/delay/drop

Azure IoT Hub on server side and Azure IoT Client SDK on Device side, we are found 60-65 seconds delay and
drop between device sent a status message over MQTT and message was received by IoT Hub.
In some cases, we are seeing 1-2 minutes delay when IoT Hub enqueued the message.
Below is the code for communication with device to device
//'use strict';
//DeviceToCloudMessages libraries
var EventHubClient = require('azure-event-hubs').Client;
//var base64 = require('base-64');
//*NK+1 19-02-18 CloudToDeviceMessage Libraries
var Registry = require('azure-iothub').Registry;
//CloudToDeviceMessage libraries
var Client = require('azure-iothub').Client;
var Message = require('azure-iot-common').Message;
//*NK+1 13-03-18 Get constant values stored in GlobalConstants js
var constant = require('./GlobalConstants');
var connectionString = constant.connectionString;
var serviceClient = Client.fromConnectionString(connectionString);
//*NK+ 16-03-18 Open service cline (err) {
if (err) {
console.error('Could not connect: ' + err.message);
} else {
console.log('Open connection: ');
//*NK+1 19-02-18 Create registry for connection string
var registry = Registry.fromConnectionString(connectionString);
//To prevent memory leak
require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = Infinity;
//To check device connection state
var request = require('request');
auth = constant.authorization;
//Datetime library
date = require('date-and-time');
var moment = require("moment");
//For log
const fs = require('fs');
var datetime = require('node-datetime');
//For database connection
var sql = require('mssql');
var config =
user: constant.sUsername, // update me
password: constant.sPassword, // update me
server: constant.sServer, // update me
database: constant.sDatabase,
options: {
encrypt: true
//*start 30-01-18 set resource request timeout
connectionTimeout: 0,
requestTimeout: 0,
pool: {
max: 100,
min: 1,
idleTimeoutMillis: 30000
//*end 30-01-18 set resource request timeout
//*NK+1 23-03-18 declare flag false
//var isLog = false;
// sql.close();
//SQL starts
sql.connect(config).then(function (err) {
if (err) {
//console.log('sql CONNECTION ERROR');
console.log('Opening connection');
var printError = function (err) {
logmsg('Error from event hub:', err.message);
function logmsg(msg)
try {
var dt = datetime.create();
var formatted = dt.format('Y-m-d H:M:S');
var date = dt.format('Y-m-d');
var checkhr = dt.format('H');
var filepath = 'D:/home/site/wwwroot/WebJobLogs/SendD2DMsgLog_' +date +'_' +checkhr + '-00-00' +'.txt';
fs.appendFile(filepath, formatted + " " + msg + "\n");
} catch(error) {
function printResultFor(op) {
try {
return function printResult(err, res) {
if (err)
logmsg(op + ' error: ' + err.toString());
if (res)
logmsg(op + ' status: ' +;
} catch (exception) {
logmsg("Print result function " + exception)
function receiveFeedback(err, receiver) {
receiver.on('message', function (msg) {
logmsg('IOT Feedback message:')
//*NK+start 19-02-18 for firmware update
function queryTwinFWUpdateReported(deviceToUpdate) {
logmsg('deviceToUpdate : ' + deviceToUpdate);
logmsg('deviceToUpdate : ' + deviceToUpdate);
registry.getTwin(deviceToUpdate, function(err, twin){
if (err) {
//console.error('Could not query twins: ' + + ': ' + err.message);
logmsg('Could not query twins: ' + + ': ' + err.message);
} else {
//console.log('queryTwinFWUpdateReported: ' + (JSON.stringify( + "\n");
//logmsg((JSON.stringify( + "\n");
function startFirmwareUpdateDevice (linkString, deviceToUpdate) {
//console.log('linkString: ' + linkString);
var params = {
FwPackageUri: linkString
var methodName1 = "FirmwareUpdate";
var payloadData = JSON.stringify(params);
var payloadData1 = JSON.parse(payloadData);
logmsg('payloadData : ' + payloadData1);
var methodParams = {
methodName: methodName1,
payload: payloadData1,
timeoutInSeconds: 3600//,
//responseTimeoutInSeconds: 3600
//var methodParamsTest = JSON.stringify(methodParams);
//var objmethodParams = JSON.parse(methodParamsTest);
logmsg('methodParams : ' + JSON.stringify(methodParams));
//console.log('methodParams : ' + JSON.stringify(methodParams));
serviceClient.invokeDeviceMethod(deviceToUpdate, methodParams, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
//console.log('Could not start the firmware update on the device: ' + err.message);
//console.log('Device: ' + err.stack);
logmsg('Could not start the firmware update on the device: ' + err.message);
logmsg('success result : ' + JSON.stringify(result));
//console.log('success result : ' + JSON.stringify(result));
//*NK+end 19-02-18 for firmware update
var printMessage = function (message) {
logmsg('Message received: ');
try {
var chunk_msg = JSON.stringify(message.body);
var obj = JSON.parse(chunk_msg);
//*NK+start 19-02-18 firmware update code
var firmwaretype= obj.controllerName;
var firmwaremodel= obj.modelNumber;
var firmwareDeviceId = obj.firmwareUpdate;
var appDeviceId = obj.appDeviceId;
new sql.Request()
.query("SELECT f.fw_version, f.[loc] FROM <<table>> f WHERE f.[Type] = '" + firmwaretype + "' ").then(function (recordset) {
var statusLocation = JSON.stringify(recordset);
var obj = JSON.parse(statusLocation);
var result = obj.recordset;
logmsg('result: ' + result);
console.log('result: ' + result);
if(result.length > 0){
console.log('fw_version: ' + result[0].fw_version);
console.log('loc: ' + result[0].loc);
console.log('obj.firmwareUpdate : ' + firmwareDeviceId);
console.log('obj.appDeviceId : ' + appDeviceId);
new sql.Request()
.query("select TOP 1 * from <<table>> where Id = '" + firmwareDeviceId + "' order by id desc ").then(function (recordset) {
var status = JSON.stringify(recordset);
var objstatus = JSON.parse(status);
var resultstatus = objstatus.recordset;
var datastatus = resultstatus[0];
var chunkstatus = JSON.stringify(datastatus);
var objnewstatus = JSON.parse(chunkstatus);
var endDate = objnewstatus.last_update;
logmsg('controller last status date ' + endDate);
console.log('controller last status date ' + endDate);
now = new Date();
var currentDate = date.format(now, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
logmsg('server current date ' + currentDate);
console.log('server current date ' + currentDate);
var start_date = moment(currentDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var end_date = moment(endDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var duration = moment.duration(start_date.diff(end_date));
var hours = duration.asHours();
//var seconds = Math.abs(hours * 3600);
var seconds = Math.abs(hours * 3600);
logmsg('difference in seconds ' + seconds);
console.log('difference in seconds ' + seconds);
if (seconds < 40)
logmsg('fw_version: ' + result[0].fw_version);
logmsg('loc: ' + result[0].loc);
console.log('fw_version: ' + result[0].fw_version);
console.log('loc: ' + result[0].loc);
startFirmwareUpdateDevice(result[0].loc, firmwareDeviceId);
setInterval(function() {queryTwinFWUpdateReported(firmwareDeviceId);}, 1000);
//format failure msg to send to app
var result = '{"response_status":"true","device_id":"' + firmwareDeviceId + '"}';
logmsg('Sending message to app:' + result);
console.log('Sending message to app:' + result);
var message = new Message(result);
serviceClient.send(appDeviceId, message, printResultFor('send'));
logmsg('Feedback Message for firmware upgrade failure sent to app ' + appDeviceId);
console.log('Feedback Message for firmware upgrade failure sent to app ' + appDeviceId);
}).catch(function (err) {
logmsg('firmware upgrade: ' + err);
}).catch(function (err) {
//*NK+end 19-02-18
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('command'))
logmsg('command exist');
console.log('command exist');
//Send Msg to device
// (err) {
//if (err) {
// console.error('Could not connect: ' + err.message);
//} else {
// logmsg('Service client connected');
//*NK+1 23-03-18 Commented feedback receiver
message.ack = 'full';
//message.messageId = "My Message ID";
//*NK+1 20-02-18 Update messageId
console.log('obj.messageId : ' + obj.messageId);
message.messageId = obj.messageId;
//Check the status of controller before sending message and return message to user in case of failure
var targetDevice = obj.deviceId;
new sql.Request()
.query("select TOP 1 * from <<table>> where Id = '" + targetDevice + "' order by id desc ").then(function (recordset) {
var status = JSON.stringify(recordset);
var objstatus = JSON.parse(status);
var resultstatus = objstatus.recordset;
var datastatus = resultstatus[0];
var chunkstatus = JSON.stringify(datastatus);
var objnewstatus = JSON.parse(chunkstatus);
var endDate = objnewstatus.last_update;
logmsg('controller last status date ' + endDate);
console.log('controller last status date ' + endDate);
now = new Date();
var currentDate = date.format(now, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
logmsg('server current date ' + currentDate);
console.log('server current date ' + currentDate);
var start_date = moment(currentDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var end_date = moment(endDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
var duration = moment.duration(start_date.diff(end_date));
var hours = duration.asHours();
//var seconds = Math.abs(hours * 3600);
var seconds = Math.abs(hours * 3600);
logmsg('difference in seconds ' + seconds);
console.log('difference in seconds ' + seconds);
if (seconds <= 65)
var data = obj.command;
//format msg to send to controller
var str1 = '{"Name":"Play","Parameters":{"Data":"';
var res = str1.concat(data);
var str2 = '"}}';
var result = res.concat(str2);
var message = new Message(result);
logmsg('Sending message to controller: ' + message.getData());
console.log('Sending message to controller: ' + message.getData());
serviceClient.send(targetDevice, message, printResultFor('send'));
logmsg('Message sent to controller ' + targetDevice);
console.log('Message sent to controller ' + targetDevice);
//*NK+start 29-03-18 Check reset command and send to the server
var data_command = obj.command;
if(data_command == "<<RESETDEVICECOMMAD>>"){
//format msg to send to controller
var str1 = '{"Name":"Play","Parameters":{"Data":"';
var res = str1.concat(data_command);
var str2 = '"}}';
var result = res.concat(str2);
var message = new Message(result);
logmsg('Reset message is: ' + message.getData());
console.log('Reset message is: ' + message.getData());
serviceClient.send(targetDevice, message, printResultFor('send'));
logmsg('Reset message sent to controller ' + targetDevice);
console.log('Reset message sent to controller ' + targetDevice);
//*NK+start 29-03-18 Check reset command and send to the server
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('appDeviceId'))
//Get app device id
var AppDeviceId = obj.appDeviceId;
//format failure msg to send to app
var result = '{"response_status":"false","device_id":"' + targetDevice + '"}';
logmsg('Sending message to app:' + result);
console.log('Sending message to app:' + result);
var message = new Message(result);
serviceClient.send(AppDeviceId, message, printResultFor('send'));
logmsg('Feedback Message for command failure sent to app ' + AppDeviceId);
console.log('Feedback Message for command failure sent to app ' + AppDeviceId);
}).catch(function (err) {
// }
else if (obj.hasOwnProperty('u32SH'))
// console.log('json exist');
var deviceId = obj.deviceId;
var data = chunk_msg;
var datetime = new Date();
//SQL to get list of device ids
new sql.Request()
.query("select * from <<table>> where id in (select id from <<table>> where id in (select id from <<table>> where Id = '" + deviceId + "')) and connectionState = 'Connected' ").then(function (recordset) {
var chunk = JSON.stringify(recordset);
var obj = JSON.parse(chunk);
var result = obj.recordset;
var message = new Message(chunk_msg);
message.ack = 'full';
message.messageId = "My Message ID";
logmsg('Sending message: ' + message.getData());
for (var i = 0, len = result.length; i < len; i++)
var data = result[i];
var chunk1 = JSON.stringify(data);
var obj1 = JSON.parse(chunk1);
//Get device id of user
var targetDevice = obj1.device_id;
serviceClient.send(targetDevice, message, printResultFor('send'));
logmsg('Message sent to user ' + targetDevice);
} //for loop ends
}).catch(function (err) {
}); //1st sql ends
} //else if for json object check ends
//*NK++ 06-03-18 update controller table
var macId = obj.deviceId;
} catch (exception) {
logmsg("Handling exception....");
}; //printMessage function ends
//*NK+start 05-03-18 update controller firmware version
function updateControllerFirmwareVersion(deviceId){
registry.getTwin(deviceId, function(err, twin){
if (err) {
//console.log('Could not query twins: ' + + ': ' + err.message);
console.error('Could not query twins: ' + + ': ' + err.message);
} else {
logmsg((JSON.stringify( + "\n");
//console.log((JSON.stringify( + "\n");
//var azureFwVersion ='Azure_Sns_DM V','');
var azureFwVersion =;
var s = azureFwVersion.lastIndexOf(".");
var res = azureFwVersion.substring(s+1, azureFwVersion.length);
//console.log('azureFwVersion: ' + res);
var firmwareV = Number(res).toString(16).toUpperCase() + '00';
//console.log('hex : ' + firmwareV);
logmsg('hex : ' + firmwareV);
new sql.Request()
.query("select fw_version from <<table>> where Id = '" + deviceId + "'").then(function (recordset) {
logmsg('Get current controller table firmware version');
var currentData = JSON.stringify(recordset);
var obj = JSON.parse(currentData);
var resultstatus = obj.recordset;
var datastatus = resultstatus[0];
var chunkstatus = JSON.stringify(datastatus);
var objnewstatus = JSON.parse(chunkstatus);
if(objnewstatus.fw_version != firmwareV){
console.log('Available firmware is ' + firmwareV);
logmsg('Available firmware is ' + firmwareV);
new sql.Request()
.query("UPDATE <<table>> SET fw_version = '" + firmwareV + "' where Id = '" + deviceId + "'").then(function (recordset) {
logmsg('Updated Controller table for firmware');
//console.log('Updated Controller table for firmware');
}).catch(function (err) {
logmsg('Qry to update Controller table for firmware' + err);
//console.log('Qry to update Controller table for firmware' + err);
}).catch(function (err) {
logmsg('Qry to update Controller table for firmware' + err);
//console.log('Qry to update Controller table for firmware' + err);
//*NK+end 05-03-18 update controller firmware version
var startReceiver = function () {
try {
logmsg('Receiver on');
var client = EventHubClient.fromConnectionString(connectionString);
.then(function (partitionIds) {
return (partitionId) {
return client.createReceiver('$Default', partitionId, {'startAfterTime':}).then(function (receiver) {
logmsg('Created partition receiver: ' + partitionId)
// receiver.on('errorReceived', printError);
// receiver.on('message', printMessage);
receiver.on('errorReceived', function callback() {
// console.log('Error Received in receiver');
receiver.on('message', printMessage);
// .catch(printError);
.catch(function callback() {
logmsg('Error Received in catch');
} catch (exception) {
logmsg("startReceiver function " + exception)
}); //sql connection ends
1. What is the reason for this late/delay/drop in message reaching to IoT Hub?
2. Is there any issue on node js code?
I am using following node js packages :
"name": "Haven",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "AppToServerToDevice.js",
"dependencies": {
"azure-event-hubs": "0.0.8",
"azure-iot-device": "^1.2.1",
"azure-iot-device-mqtt": "^1.2.2",
"azure-iothub": "^1.2.3",
"base-64": "^0.1.0",
"date-and-time": "^0.6.2",
"heapdump": "^0.3.9",
"moment": "^2.20.1",
"mssql": "^4.1.0",
"tedious": "^2.1.1"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
IOT Hub details :
IoT Hub details:
Pricing tier: S2 standard
IoT Hub units: 1
SQL database Pricing tier is Standard: S3
Please suggest.
Please see below sample log.
2018-04-02 14:00:18 Message received:
2018-04-02 14:00:23 send status: MessageEnqueued
2018-04-02 14:00:23 send status: MessageEnqueued
2018-04-02 14:00:23 send status: MessageEnqueued
2018-04-02 14:00:23 send status: MessageEnqueued
2018-04-02 14:00:25 {"deviceId":"<<FAKE_ID>>","messageId":54,"u32SH":1094861843,"u32SVN":1215,"u32CVN":645,"u32SRS":2,"u32EVT_ID":9,"u8RSSI":94,"u8C1TID":0,"u8C1ETID":1,"u8C1STId":0,"u8C1ATId":1,"u8C1Rt":3,"u8C1B":36,"u8C1WL":0,"u8C1WB":36,"u8C1SB":68,"u8C1PB":0,"u8C2TID":0,"u8C2ETID":1,"u8C2STId":0,"u8C2ATId":2,"u8C2Rt":11,"u8C2B":99,"u8C2WL":11,"u8C2WB":99,"u8C2SB":99,"u8C2PB":99,"ts":"2018-04-02T14:00:23Z"}
2018-04-02 14:00:25 Message sent to user <<FAKE_ID>>
2018-04-02 14:00:25 Message sent to user <<FAKE_ID>>
2018-04-02 14:00:26 IOT Feedback message:
2018-04-02 14:00:26 [{"originalMessageId":"My Message ID","description":"Success","deviceGenerationId":"636573862820707504","deviceId":"34cebb0dd9eab292","enqueuedTimeUtc":"2018-04-02T14:00:18.6513817Z","statusCode":"Success"},{"originalMessageId":"My Message ID","description":"Success","deviceGenerationId":"636573862820707504","deviceId":"34cebb0dd9eab292","enqueuedTimeUtc":"2018-04-02T14:00:22.9953077Z","statusCode":"Success"}]

How to handle the node server side with react

Im working on react and node project. Im new to both technologies, and i developed a system for my internship. But I feel like, I didn't handle the server side (Node part) properly. This is my server side file. It container almost 700 lines. Do I have to break this page in to several pages? If so, how exactly I should do it? Can someone give me a suggestion please. The application is working as expected. I just want to clean the code in the server side. I used express framework with node.
var express = require('express');
var mysql = require('mysql');
var _ = require('underscore');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var app = express();
var connections = [];
var title = 'Fishery Logistics';
var flds = [];
var currentFld = '';
var fldDetails = [];
var lfrSaved = false;
var userSiteInfoSaved = false;
var userList = [];
var userTypes = [];
var validUserName = false;
var fldNumbers = [];
var productCodes = [];
var containerTypes = [];
var areaCodes = [];
var fldRows = 0;
var fldInfo = {};
var productInfo = {};
var weighInList = {};
var weighInSaved = false;
var weighInNumbers = [];
var weighInWeights = [];
var fldHeaderInfo = [];
var weighInHeaderInfo = [];
var fldWeights = [];
var userDeleted = false;
// From where express should access our files
var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
// Creating a socket server which is also listeing to localhost:<port>
var io = require('').listen(server);
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: '',
database: 'fish_landing'
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
// Load fld list relevant to a LFR
socket.on('lfrFldListLoad', function(payload) {
var lfr_id = payload.lfrId;
var sql_lfr_fld_list = 'SELECT F.fld_id, F.fld_number, DATE_FORMAT(F.landed_date, "%Y-%m-%d") AS "landed_date", F.vessel_name, F.port_name, F.transport_company_name, F.driver_name, truck_number, FS.status ' +
'FROM fld F, fld_status FS, lfr L ' +
'WHERE F.status_id = FS.status_id ' +
'AND F.lfr_id = L.lfr_id ' +
'AND L.lfr_id = ' + lfr_id +
' ORDER BY F.fld_id DESC';
connection.query(sql_lfr_fld_list, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
if (result.length !== 0) {
flds = result;
io.sockets.emit('lfrFldListLoaded', flds);
} else {
console.log('No Records Found')
// Load fld with all the details
socket.on('fldViewLoad', function(payload) {
var fld_id = payload.fldId;
var sql_fld_by_id =
'SELECT F.fld_id, F.fld_number, DATE_FORMAT(F.landed_date, "%Y-%m-%d") AS "landed_date", DATE_FORMAT(F.landed_date, "%T") AS "landed_time", ' +
'F.port_name, F.vessel_name, F.skipper_name, F.transport_company_name, F.truck_number, F.driver_name, F.driver_license, F.vehicle_clean, ' +
'F.vehicle_refrigerated, F.containers_clean, F.containers_iced, F.skipper_signature, F.supervisor_signature, F.lfr_staff_signature, ' +
'F.skipper_signature_time, F.supervisor_signature_time, F.lfr_staff_signature_time, F.comment, FS.status, CONCAT(U.first_name, " ", U.last_name) AS "full_name", ' +
'DATE_FORMAT(F.fld_created_time, "%Y-%m-%d") AS "fld_created_date", DATE_FORMAT(F.fld_created_time, "%T") AS "fld_created_time" ' +
'FROM fld F, fld_status FS, user_personal_info U ' +
'WHERE F.status_id = FS.status_id ' +
'AND F.fld_created_user_id = U.user_id ' +
'AND F.fld_id = "' + fld_id + '"';
var sql_fld_detail_list =
'SELECT FD.fld_detail_id, SP.species, PS.state, C.container, FD.no_of_containers, FD.fld_id ' +
'FROM fld_details FD, species SP, processed_state PS, container C, fld F ' +
'WHERE F.fld_id = FD.fld_id ' +
'AND SP.species_id = FD.species_id ' +
'AND PS.state_id = FD.state_id ' +
'AND C.container_id = FD.container_id ' +
'AND F.fld_id = "' + fld_id + '"';
connection.query(sql_fld_by_id, function(errorFld, resultFld) {
if (errorFld) {
if (resultFld.length !== 0) {
currentFld = resultFld;
connection.query(sql_fld_detail_list, function(errorFldDetails, resultFldDetails) {
if (errorFldDetails) {
} else {
fldDetails = resultFldDetails;
io.sockets.emit('fldViewLoaded', currentFld, fldDetails);
} else {
console.log('Fld Length Error')
// Save company info
socket.on('saveCompanyInfo', function(payload) {
var companyName = payload.companyName;
var registrationNo = payload.registrationNo;
var landlineNo = payload.landlineNo;
var mobileNo = payload.mobileNo;
var emailAddress = payload.emailAddress;
var companyLogo = payload.companyLogo;
var jsonFile = payload.jsonFile;
var sql_save_company_info =
`INSERT INTO lfr (lfr_name, registration_number, landline_number, mobile_number, email_address, lfr_logo, json_file)
VALUES ('${companyName}', '${registrationNo}', '${landlineNo}', '${mobileNo}', '${emailAddress}', '${companyLogo}', '${jsonFile}')`;
connection.query(sql_save_company_info, function(errorLfrInfo, resultLfrInfo) {
if (errorLfrInfo) {
lfrSaved = false;
if (resultLfrInfo) {
lfrSaved = true;
} else {
lfrSaved = false;
io.sockets.emit('companyInfoSaved', lfrSaved);
// Load user list for lfr
socket.on('userListLoad', function(payload) {
var lfrId = payload.lfrId;
var load_user_list =
`SELECT USI.user_id, USI.user_name, UT.user_type, USI.email_address, USI.passcord, US.status_type
FROM user_site_info USI, user_types UT, user_status US
WHERE USI.user_type_id = UT.user_type_id
AND USI.user_status_id = US.user_status_id
AND lfr_id = ${lfrId}`;
connection.query(load_user_list, function(errorUserList, resultUserList) {
if (errorUserList) {
} else {
userList = resultUserList;
io.sockets.emit('userListLoaded', userList);
// Load organization form
socket.on('loadOrganization', function() {
// Load main form
socket.on('loadMain', function() {
// Delete user
socket.on('deleteUser', function(payload) {
var lfrId = payload.lfrId;
var userId = payload.userId;
var delete_user =
`UPDATE user_site_info
SET user_status_id = '2'
WHERE user_id = ${userId}`;
var load_user_list =
`SELECT USI.user_id, USI.user_name, UT.user_type, USI.email_address, USI.passcord, US.status_type
FROM user_site_info USI, user_types UT, user_status US
WHERE USI.user_type_id = UT.user_type_id
AND USI.user_status_id = US.user_status_id
AND lfr_id = ${lfrId}`;
connection.query(delete_user, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
if (result) {
connection.query(load_user_list, function(errorUserList, resultUserList) {
if (errorUserList) {
} else {
userDeleted = true;
userList = resultUserList;
io.sockets.emit('userDeleted', userDeleted, userList);
} else {
userDeleted = false;
// Delete weigh in
socket.on('deleteWeighIn', function(payload) {
var weighInId = payload.weighInId;
var sql_delete_weigh_in =
`DELETE FROM weigh_in
WHERE weigh_in_id = ${weighInId}`;
var sql_delete_weigh_in_details =
`DELETE FROM weigh_in_details
WHERE weigh_in_id = ${weighInId}`;
connection.query(sql_delete_weigh_in, function(errorDeleteWightIn, resultDeleteWightIn) {
if (errorDeleteWightIn) {
connection.query(sql_delete_weigh_in_details, function(errorDeleteWightInDetails, resultDeleteWightInDetails) {
if (errorDeleteWightInDetails) {
if (resultDeleteWightInDetails) {
} else {
console.log('Weigh-In Deletion Error');
// Reset weigh-in list
socket.on('resetWeighInList', function() {
// Save user site info
socket.on('saveUserSiteInfo', function(payload) {
var userName = payload.userName;
var userTypeId = payload.userType;
var emailAddress = payload.emailAddress;
var passcord = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(payload.passcord).digest("hex");
var userStatusId = 1;
var lfrId = payload.lfrId;
var sql_user_site_info =
`INSERT INTO user_site_info (user_name, user_type_id, email_address, passcord, user_status_id, lfr_id)
VALUES ('${userName}','${userTypeId}', '${emailAddress}', '${(passcord)}','${userStatusId}', '${lfrId}')`;
var load_user_list =
`SELECT USI.user_id, USI.user_name, UT.user_type, USI.email_address, USI.passcord, US.status_type
FROM user_site_info USI, user_types UT, user_status US
WHERE USI.user_type_id = UT.user_type_id
AND USI.user_status_id = US.user_status_id
AND lfr_id = ${lfrId}`;
connection.query(sql_user_site_info, function(errorUserInfo, resultUserInfo) {
if (errorUserInfo) {
userSiteInfoSaved = false;
if (resultUserInfo) {
userSiteInfoSaved = true;
connection.query(load_user_list, function(errorUserList, resultUserList) {
if (errorUserList) {
} else {
userList = resultUserList;
io.sockets.emit('userSiteInfoSaved', userSiteInfoSaved, userList);
} else {
console.log('User Info Saving Error')
// Save weigh in info
socket.on('saveWeighInRecord', function(payload) {
var fldId = payload.fldId;
var weighInId = payload.fldId;
var productId = payload.productId;
var containerId = payload.containerId;
var amount = payload.amount;
var netWeight = payload.netWeight;
var areaId = payload.areaId;
var userId = payload.userId;
// Check if the record is the first of the weigh in id,
var sql_check_weigh_in =
`SELECT * FROM weigh_in
WHERE weigh_in_id = '${weighInId}'`;
connection.query(sql_check_weigh_in, function(errorCheck, resultCheck) {
if (errorCheck) {
// If there is no recrod related to weigh in id, create the weigh in id
if (resultCheck.length === 0) {
var sql_weigh_in_header =
`INSERT INTO weigh_in (weigh_in_id, fld_id, logged_user_id, created_time)
VALUES('${weighInId}', '${fldId}', '${userId}', NOW())`;
connection.query(sql_weigh_in_header, function(errorHeader, resultHeader) {
if (errorHeader) {
var sql_weigh_in_record =
`INSERT INTO weigh_in_details (product_id, container_id, number_of_containers, net_weight, area_id, weigh_in_id)
VALUES ('${productId}', '${containerId}','${amount}','${netWeight}','${areaId}','${weighInId}')`;
var sql_load_records =
`SELECT P.product_code, C.container, WD.number_of_containers, WD.net_weight, S.species_code, PS.state_code, G.grade, A.area_code
FROM product P, container C, species S, processed_state PS, grade G, area A, weigh_in_details WD
WHERE WD.product_id = P.product_id
AND WD.container_id = C.container_id
AND WD.area_id = A.area_id
AND P.species_id = S.species_id
AND P.state_id = PS.state_id
AND P.grade_id = G.grade_id
AND weigh_in_id = '${weighInId}'
ORDER BY weigh_in_detail_id ASC`;
connection.query(sql_weigh_in_record, function(errorRecord, resultRecord) {
if (errorRecord) {
if (resultRecord) {
connection.query(sql_load_records, function(errorList, resultList) {
if (errorList) {
} else {
weighInList = resultList;
io.sockets.emit('weighInRecordSaved', weighInList);
} else {
console.log('Weigh In Saving Error')
// Load user types
socket.on('loadUserTypes', function() {
var sql_user_types =
`SELECT user_type_id, user_type FROM user_types
ORDER BY user_type ASC`;
connection.query(sql_user_types, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
if (result.length !== 0) {
userTypes = result;
io.sockets.emit('userTypesLoaded', userTypes);
} else {
console.log('User Type Error')
// Load weigh-in numbers
socket.on('loadWeighInNumbers', function(payload) {
var lfrId = payload.lfrId
var sql_load_weigh_in =
`SELECT W.weigh_in_id
FROM weigh_in W, fld F
WHERE W.weigh_in_id = F.fld_id
AND F.lfr_id = ${lfrId}`;
connection.query(sql_load_weigh_in, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
if (result.length !== 0) {
weighInNumbers = result;
io.sockets.emit('weighInNumbersLoaded', weighInNumbers);
} else {
console.log('Weigh-In Error')
// Load fld, weigh-in weights
socket.on('loadWeighInWeights', function(payload) {
// weigh_in table weigh_in_id and fld table fld_id are same
var weighInId = payload.weighInId;
var sql_load_fld_weights =
`SELECT S.species, S.species_code, SUM(FD.no_of_containers * C.content_weight) AS 'fld_weight'
FROM fld_details FD, species S, container C
WHERE S.species_id = FD.species_id
AND FD.container_id = C.container_id
AND FD.fld_id = '${weighInId}'
GROUP BY S.species_code, 'fld_weight'
ORDER BY S.species_code`;
var sql_load_weigh_in_weights =
`SELECT S.species, S.species_code, SUM(WD.net_weight) AS 'weigh_in_weight'
FROM weigh_in_details WD, species S, product P, container C
WHERE P.species_id = S.species_id
AND WD.product_id = P.product_id
AND WD.container_id = C.container_id
AND WD.weigh_in_id = '${weighInId}'
GROUP BY S.species_code, 'weigh_in_weight'
ORDER BY S.species_code`;
var sql_load_fld_info =
`SELECT DATE_FORMAT(F.fld_created_time, "%Y-%m-%d") AS "fld_created_date", CONCAT(U.first_name, " ", U.last_name) AS "fld_created_by", COUNT(FD.fld_id) AS "fld_records"
FROM fld F, user_personal_info U, fld_details FD
WHERE F.fld_created_user_id = U.user_id
AND F.fld_id = FD.fld_id
AND F.fld_id = '${weighInId}'`;
var sql_load_weigh_info =
`SELECT DATE_FORMAT(created_time, "%Y-%m-%d") AS "weigh_in_created_date", CONCAT(U.first_name, " ", U.last_name) AS "weigh_in_created_by", COUNT(WD.weigh_in_id) AS "weigh_in_records"
FROM weigh_in W, user_personal_info U, weigh_in_details WD
WHERE W.logged_user_id = U.user_id
AND W.weigh_in_id = WD.weigh_in_id
AND W.weigh_in_id = '${weighInId}'`;
connection.query(sql_load_fld_weights, function(errorFldWeights, resultFldWeights) {
if (errorFldWeights) {
if (resultFldWeights.length !== 0) {
connection.query(sql_load_weigh_in_weights, function(errorweighInWeights, resultWeighInWeights) {
if (errorweighInWeights) {
if (resultWeighInWeights.length !== 0) {
connection.query(sql_load_fld_info, function(errorFldInfo, resultFldInfo) {
connection.query(sql_load_weigh_info, function(errorWeighInInfo, resultWeighInInfo) {
fldWeights = resultFldWeights;
weighInWeights = resultWeighInWeights;
fldHeaderInfo = resultFldInfo;
weighInHeaderInfo = resultWeighInInfo;
io.sockets.emit('weighInWeightsLoaded', fldWeights, weighInWeights, fldHeaderInfo, weighInHeaderInfo);
} else {
console.log('Weigh-In Weights Error')
// Load weigh in combo boxes
socket.on('loadWeighInComboBoxes', function(payload) {
var lfr_id = payload.lfr_id;
var sql_load_fld_numbers = `
SELECT fld_id, fld_number FROM fld WHERE lfr_id = '${lfr_id}'
ORDER BY fld_number DESC `;
var sql_load_product_codes = `
SELECT product_id, product_code FROM product ORDER BY product_code ASC `;
var sql_load_containers = `
SELECT container_id, container FROM container WHERE lfr_id = ${lfr_id} ORDER BY container ASC`;
var sql_load_area_codes = `
SELECT area_id, area_code FROM area ORDER BY area_code ASC `;
connection.query(sql_load_fld_numbers, function(errorFld, resultFld) {
if (errorFld) {
connection.query(sql_load_product_codes, function(errorProducts, resultProducts) {
if (errorProducts) {
connection.query(sql_load_containers, function(errorContainer, resultContainer) {
if (errorContainer) {
connection.query(sql_load_area_codes, function(errorArea, resultArea) {
if (errorArea) {
fldNumbers = resultFld;
productCodes = resultProducts;
containerTypes = resultContainer;
areaCodes = resultArea;
io.sockets.emit('weighInComboBoxesLoaded', fldNumbers, productCodes, containerTypes, areaCodes);
// Get fld info and weigh in records that are relavent to weighInId
socket.on('loadFldWeighInInfo', function(payload) {
var fldId = payload.fldId;
var weighInId = payload.fldId;
var sql_get_fld_count =
`SELECT COUNT( * ) AS 'fld_rows'
FROM fld_details WHERE fld_id = '${fldId}'`;
var sql_get_fld_info =
`SELECT DATE_FORMAT(F.fld_created_time, "%Y-%m-%d") AS "fld_created_date", DATE_FORMAT(F.fld_created_time, "%T") AS "fld_created_time", CONCAT(U.first_name, " ", U.last_name) AS "created_by"
FROM fld F, user_personal_info U
WHERE F.fld_created_user_id = U.user_id
AND F.fld_id = '${fldId}'`;
var sql_load_records =
`SELECT P.product_code, C.container, WD.number_of_containers, WD.net_weight, S.species_code, PS.state_code, G.grade, A.area_code
FROM product P, container C, species S, processed_state PS, grade G, area A, weigh_in_details WD
WHERE WD.product_id = P.product_id
AND WD.container_id = C.container_id
AND WD.area_id = A.area_id
AND P.species_id = S.species_id
AND P.state_id = PS.state_id
AND P.grade_id = G.grade_id
AND weigh_in_id = '${weighInId}'
ORDER BY weigh_in_detail_id ASC `;
connection.query(sql_get_fld_count, function(errorFldCount, resultFldCount) {
if (errorFldCount) {
connection.query(sql_get_fld_info, function(errorFldInfo, resultFldInfo) {
if (errorFldInfo) {
connection.query(sql_load_records, function(errorList, resultList) {
if (errorList) {
} else {
fldRows = resultFldCount;
fldInfo = resultFldInfo;
weighInList = resultList;
io.sockets.emit('fldWeighInInfoLoaded', fldRows, fldInfo, weighInList);
// Get product info
socket.on('loadProductInfo', function(payload) {
var productId = payload.productId;
var sql_get_product_info =
`SELECT P.product_code, S.species_code, PS.state_code, G.grade
FROM product P, species S, processed_state PS, grade G
WHERE P.species_id = S.species_id
AND P.state_id = PS.state_id
AND P.grade_id = G.grade_id
AND P.product_id = '${productId}'`;
connection.query(sql_get_product_info, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
if (result.length !== 0) {
productInfo = result;
io.sockets.emit('productInfoLoaded', productInfo);
} else {
console.log('No Records Found')
// Load user types
socket.on('checkUserName', function(payload) {
var userName = payload.userName;
var sql_check_user_name =
`SELECT * from user_site_info
WHERE user_name = '${userName}'`;
connection.query(sql_check_user_name, function(error, result) {
if (error) {
if (result.length !== 0) {
validUserName = false;
} else {
validUserName = true;
io.sockets.emit('userNameChecked', validUserName);
// socket.emit => emit events that are handled by the client
socket.emit('welcome', {
title: title,
flds: flds,
currentFld: currentFld,
fldDetails: fldDetails,
lfrSaved: lfrSaved,
userSiteInfoSaved: userSiteInfoSaved,
userList: userList,
userTypes: userTypes,
fldNumbers: fldNumbers,
productCodes: productCodes,
containerTypes: containerTypes,
areaCodes: areaCodes,
fldRows: fldRows,
fldInfo: fldInfo,
productInfo: productInfo,
weighInList: weighInList,
weighInNumbers: weighInNumbers,
weighInWeights: weighInWeights,
fldHeaderInfo: fldHeaderInfo,
weighInHeaderInfo: weighInHeaderInfo,
fldWeights: fldWeights,
userDeleted: userDeleted
console.log(`Fishery Logistics is running at port ${ server.address().port }`);
You should definitely break this into several modules. Rule of thumb is to have controller modules and models.
