App server Log process - apache-spark

I have a requirement from my client to process the application(Tomcat) server log file for a back end REST Based App server which is deployed on a cluster. Clint wants to generate "access" and "frequency" report from those data with different parameter.
My initial plan is that get those data from App server log --> push to Spark Streaming using kafka and process the data --> store those data to HIVE --> use zeppelin to get back those processed and centralized log data and generate reports as per client requirement.
But as per my knowledge Kafka does not any feature which can read data from log file and post them in Kafka broker by its own , in that case we have write a scheduler job process which will read the log time to time and send them in Kafka broker , which I do not prefer to do, as in that case it will not be a real time and there can be synchronization issue which we have to bother about as we have 4 instances of application server.
Another option, I think we have in this case is Apache Flume.
Can any one suggest me which one would be better approach in this case or if in Kafka, we have any process to read data from log file by its own and what are the advantage or disadvantages we can have in feature in both the cases?
I guess another option is Flume + kakfa together , but I can not speculate much what will happen as I have almost no knowledge about flume.
Any help will be highly appreciated...... :-)
Thanks a lot ....

You can use Kafka Connect (file source connector) to read/consume Tomcat logs files & push them to Kafka. Spark Streaming can then consume from Kafka topics and churn the data
tomcat -> logs ---> kafka connect -> kafka -> spark -> Hive


Read from multiple sources using Nifi, group topics in Kafka and subscribe with Spark

We use Apache Nifi to get data from multiple sources like Twitter and Reddit in specific interval (for example 30s). Then we would like to send it to Apache Kafka and probably it should somehow group both Twitter and Reddit messages into 1 topic so that Spark would always receive data from both sources for given interval at once.
Is there any way to do that?
#Sebastian What you describe is basic NiFI routing. You would just route both Twitter and Redis to the same downstream Kafka Producer and same Topic. After you get data into NiFi from each service, you should run it to UpdateAttribute and set attribute topicName to what you want for each source. If there are additional steps per Data Source do them after Update Attribute and before PublishKafka.
If you code all the upstream routes as above, you could route all the different Data Sources to PublishKafka processor using ${topicName} dynamically.

Spark streamming task shutdown gracefully when kafka client send message asynchronously

i am building a spark streamming application, read input message from kafka topic, transformation message and output the result message into another kafka topic. Now i am confused how to prevent data loss when application restart, including kafka read and output. Setting the spark configuration "spark.streaming.stopGracefullyOnShutdow" true can help?
You can configure Spark to do checkpoint to HDFS and store the Kafka offsets in Zookeeper (or Hbase, or configure elsewhere for fast, fault tolerant lookups)
Though, if you process some records and write the results before you're able to commit offsets, then you'll end up reprocessing those records on restart. It's claimed that Spark can do exactly once with Kafka, but that is a only with proper offset management, as far as I know, for example, Set to false in the Kafka priorities, then only commit after the you've processed and written the data to its destination
If you're just moving data between Kafka topics, Kafka Streams is the included Kafka library to do that, which doesn't require YARN or a cluster scheduler

Pyspark Streaming - How to set up custom logging?

I have a pyspark streaming application that runs on yarn in a Hadoop cluster. The streaming application reads from a Kafka queue every n seconds and makes a REST call.
I have a logging service in place to provide an easy way to collect and store data, send data to Logstash and visualize data in Kibana. The data needs to conform to a template (JSON with specific keys) provided by this service.
I want to send logs from the streaming application to Logstash using this service. For this, I need to do two things:
- Collect some data while the streaming app is reading from Kafka and making the REST call.
- Format it according to the logging service template.
- Forward the log to logstash host.
Any guidance related to this would be very helpful.

Aggregate separate Flume streams in Spark

I am researching the ability to do some "realtime" logprocessing in our setup and I have a question on how to proceed.
So the current setup (or as we intend to do it) is as follow:
Server A generates logfiles through Rsyslog to a folder per customer.
Server B generates logfiles through Rsyslog to a folder per customer.
Both server A and B generate up to 15 logfiles (1 per customer) in a folder per customer, the structure looks like this:
On server C we have a Flume sink running that listens to Rsyslog tcp messages from server A and server B. Currently for testing we only have 1 flume sink for 1 customer, but I think we will need 1 flume sink per customer.
This Flume sink then forwards these loglines to a Spark application that should aggregate the results per customer.
Now my question is: how can I make sure that Spark (streaming) will aggregate the results per customer? So let's say each customer will have it's own Flume sink, so how can I make sure Spark aggregates each flume stream separately and doesn't mix 2 or more Flume streams together?
Or is Kafka more suitable for this kind of scenario?
Any insights would be appreciated.
You can use Kafka with customer id as partition key. So basic idea in Kafka is that a message can have both key and value. Now kafka guarantees that all the messages for same key go to same partition (Spark streaming understands concept of partitions in Kafka and lets you have have separate node handling every partition), If you want you can use flume's kafka sink to write messages to Kafka.

Using Apache Kafka for log aggregation

I am learning Apache Kafka from their quickstart tutorial: Upto now, I have done the setup as follows. A producer node, where a web server is running at port 8888. A Kafka server(broker), Consumer and Zookeeper instance on another node. And I have tested the default console/file enabled producer and consumer with 3 partitions. The setup is perfect, and I am able to see the messages I sent in the order they created (with in each partition).
Now, I want to send the logs generated from the web server to Kafka Broker. These messages will be processed by consumer later. Currently I am using syslog-ng to capture server logs to a text file. I have come up with 3 rough ideas on how to implement producer to use kafka for log aggregation
Producer Implementations
First Kind:
Listen to tcp port of syslog-ng. Fetch each message and send to kafka server. Here we have two middle processes: Producer and syslog-ng
Second Kind: Using syslog-ng as Producer. Should find a way to send messages to Kafka server instead of writing to a file. Syslog-ng, the producer is the middle process.
Third Kind: Configuring the webserver itself as producer.
Am I correct in my thinking. In the last case we don't have any middle process. But I doubt its implementation will effect server performance. Can anyone let me know the best way of using Apache Kafka(if the above 3 are not good) and guide me through appropriate configuration of server?..
P.S.: I am using node.js for my web server
Since you specify that you wish to send the logs generated to kafka broker, it indeed looks as if executing a process to listen and resend messages mainly creates another point of failure with no additional value (unless you need a specific syslog-ng capability).
Syslog-ng can send messages to external applications using: I don't know if there are other ways to do that.
For the third option, I am not sure if kafka can easily be integrated into Node.js as it requires a c++ producer and when I last looked for one, I was not able to find. However, an easy alternative could be to have kafka read the log file created by the server and send those logs (using the console producer provided with kafka). This is usually a good way, as it completely remove dependencies between kafka and the web server (embedding the producer in would require error handling, configuration, etc). It requires the use of tail --follow and it works for us very well. If you wish more details on that, I can include them as well. Still you would need to supervise kafka execution to make sure messages are not lost (and provide a recovery option to offline send messages that failed). But, the good thing about this method is that there are no dependency between the tools.
Hope it helps...
