Sending order email confirmation using mailchimp - node.js

Fairly new to mailchimp and nodejs. I'm trying to send an email using mailchimp after a user places order in my website entirely using nodejs. However document states there is no real way to send one-to-one email using mailchimp but only possible to send bulk list of emails. How would I achieve this using nodejs? I've installed mailchimp package and ready to go with API key. I need a function that sends email to every user upon completing an order with a template.

I think that MailChimp is a bulk email sender.
If you want to do one-to-one email, then you should try Mailgun from Mailchimp.
A popular alternative is Sendgrid and they have a good, easy-to-use NPM package.


Sendgrid generate personalized content while sending

I need to send an email to my user list in Sendgrid. The emails should include a personalised link to my website. These links can't be pre-generated.
Can Sendgrid call a Cloud Function, or make an API call to generate the personalised links?
I am missing some context to understand exactly what you're trying to do.
It sounds like you are using SendGrid Contact Lists/Segments, and you want to use a single send to email them. Is that accurate?
Using Single Sends, you can use handlebars templating to generate your emails, however, handlebars does not let you make HTTP requests or call Cloud Functions. You can pull data from the SendGrid Contact, so if you need to have a personalized link to your website, that URL will need to be composed of data in the SendGrid Contact.
If the data you need in the URL is not stored in the Contact yet, you can update the contact and store the data in a custom field, then pull the data from the contact in your Handlebars template.
If you aren't using SendGrid Contacts, but instead, you're pulling your contacts from somewhere using node.js, then you can use personalization with either Substitution Tags or Dynamic Email Templates in the SendGrid node.js library.

Is it possible to send a DocuSign template via sms delivery?

As the title suggests, I'm wondering how I can send a template defined within Docusign via SMS delivery. However, I'm only seeing documentation on how to send a document from storage outside of docusign. Am I missing something?
Yes, for the recipients specified in a template, your API program can choose for them to be notified by SMS only, SMS and email, or email only.
This live example via the API Request Builder uses a template to send an SMS-only notification to a recipient.
This live example via the API Request Builder uses a template to send SMS and email notifications to a recipient.
If you want to know how to replace a template's document with a different document when you send the envelope, here's a live example for that.
The API Request Builder can create the examples in C#, Java, PHP, Node.JS, Ruby, or Python.

Does Mailgun provide an email server?

I'm attempting to set up account confirmation and password resets passing through an intermediate email validation step first, but I'm still working through some of the details before implementation as I'm fairly new to back end development. My tech stack is Node, Express, mongoDB, Mongoose, Nodemailer, and potentially Mailgun (as it seems to be free for the purposes of my app).
As I have learned, sending emails from the web server where my app would be hosted on is generally a bad idea given that it has no reputation as an email server, and therefore likely to end up in a spam folder or rejected altogether.
Does Mailgun offer free email servers, or must I look elsewhere?
You can send up to 300 emails/day from your sandbox server to authorized recipients only.
On signup, Mailgun provides a sandbox server to test email delivery, however the sandbox server only allows emails to be sent to authorized recipients (i.e., recipients explicitly added to an authorized list in Mailgun). Of course, this will not do for anything production related.
In order to send emails to recipients without having them on an authorized list, one must provide their own domain.

Sending email to lists via MailChimp API v3.0?

So it's not possible to create campaigns via MailChimp API v3.0 at this moment. But is it possible to send emails to lists/groups/segments via API v3.0? Or should I use API v2.0 for this functionality?
I have seen this one already: MailChimp send email v3.0
It's now possible to create and send a campaign through the V3.0 API.
See the this page
You can send to a saved segment, but as far as I can tell, there's no way to create a saved segment via the API, or to send to any subset of the list members.

Generating invoice email using Webhook in Stripe and Mailchimp

Can anyone please tell me (or point me in the direction) how to generate an invoice email using webhook api in stripe with the mailchimp account?
You actually can't do that directly because you can't create a MailChimp endpoint which receives data through the web. You need an intermediary layer in between Stripe and MailChimp, which receives data from Stripe, validates the data, converts the data according to your needs, and using MailChimp API sends it to MailChimp to be sent out as an email. But an easier approach will be (in my opinion) creating an in-house solution for sending out emails instead of using MailChimp.
