Setting up domain with WAMP / XAMPP - security

I was wondering about security with setting up a domain for WAMP / XAMPP.
Lets say that I want to publish website hosted on my PC with WAMP or XAMPP.
So, I have to register a domain.. and set it in WAMP / XAMPP. But, what would happen, if I set some already used domain in WAMP? For example if I set, which is already registered. What would happen? I guess that people will not see my website, but this one (stackoverflow), but how does WAMP or XAMPP recongnise that it is my website?
I am begginer with this matter, so please, dont be angry if its something obious :)

I think you are forgetting about DNS Servers and what they do.
When your browser see's any domain name you enter in the address bar, it goes to a DNS Server and asks, "Please give me the IP address for this domain name". Domain names are only there for us humans as its easier to remember than it is to remember an ip address, and that gets even more difficult for us to remember if it is on the IPV6 network.
So unless you can get all the DNS Servers in the universe changed to point the domain name to your routers external IP you wont effect anything by setting WAMP or XAMPP to use any existing domain name.
But lets say you do set WAMP/XAMPP to use an existing domain name. You would amend your HOSTS file to tell the Browser where to find that domain like this localhost
::1 localhost
This has the effect of seeding the local machines DNS Cache with these addresses. Now the browser will always check the DNS Cache before committing to the expence of asking a DNS Server to get the ip address, so your browser thinks that lives on your PC i.e. for IPV4 or for IPV6 ::1
All this will do is stop you getting to the real because the browser will attempt to connect to every time you use as a domain name in the browser address bar instead of going to the real ip address for SO.
Reply to your comment
When you register a domain, you normally get access to an admin panel of some sort, where you set the ip address to use for this domain. This will set the DNS Server of who you purchased the domain from and this is then automatically propergated to all top level DNS Servers.
At that point you would set this to the External IP/WAN IP address of your router.
But be aware, if your ISP allocates IP addresses to you dynamically i.e. not a Static IP address you cannot do this, as your ISP Allocated IP Address is liable to change over time.
As a final note
WAMPServer and XAMPP are designed to be single seat developer tools and not LIVE Servers. That is not to say that the Apache in them is somehow less capable but that there is so much more to securing a web site than first meats the eye.
Also, you may not realise, but a Windows desktop OS is not a good target to run a live web server on. They are configured to be clients and as such have various limitations, mainly that a desptop OS can only manage around 20-30 external connections MAX. So if your site actually takes off, you are going to have a lot of complaints about the speed and accessibility of your site.
This destop limitation cannot be reconfigured.


Why cant i access websites via proxied Cloudflare?

I Live in Estonia.
The second day I observe some kind of problem with the opening of some of my sites.
Example: - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - this is the same site, but via IP - always opens properly
If the site is down and i enable the VPN, then it starts working.
In all other countries, the site opens without problems
This problem have all of my friends (5 men) who live in Estonia.
Perhaps the problem is somehow related to the fact that has NS servers in the zone, but not all sites connected to Cloudflare have the problem.
I observe the problem only for those sites that are connected to Cloudflare and their A-record leads to ip
If IP,, are specified, then sites open without problems.
For your information,
all IPs listed are for VPS owned by hosting, the server is located in Germany.
The problematic IP is from one VPS on Contabo, and all the other IPs I listed are from another VPS on Contabo.
And if i turn of status Proxied at and set DNS ONLY - then website works well!
Here is such an incomprehensible problem ...

Linux/Oracle db: how to access website in same subnet using local IP address?

My Oracle 11.2 database schema has a scheduled job that queries a webpage on my website every few minutes. The database and web servers are two physical Linux machines that sit next to each other and have local IP addresses (database) and (web server). There is a RJ-45 cable cross-connect that directly links the two servers on the same subnet.
If I enter the web address where is the external IP address, things work fine. Things also work well if I replace with
However, I'm thinking it should be much more efficient if I could re-write as thinking that this would avoid having the request go out on the internet and come back, but rather stay on the same subnet to get to the webpage (thus saving time and resources).
When I try that, I get a 404 error, which makes me think it didn't get to the right webpage.
Can I keep the query on the same subnet by modifying the hosts file or some other way?
My current hosts file already contains an alias for the email server, that is:
If I also include the web address such as
would that keep the database on the same subnet when accessing the website? Or will it still leave the subnet to get there? Also, will it confuse things now that I've got two aliases (e.g. one for the database to send emails and one for the database to access webpages)?
I am not sure I would add "" if that is not the proper IP for the host. That might only make things more confusing.
Assuming that you can ping from the DB server, make sure that your Web Server is listening on the address as well. It could be listening only on the external IP address, in which case, it will return HTTP 404 to every request on the IP/interface.
On Apache, the httpd.conf file would have
which would make it listen on the external IP only.
Please note that if the purpose of your HTTP requests is to test the web server availability, you may be better of leaving things as they are. The external test is much more compreheensive than a local one could ever be.

give local node server a name rather then ip address

This might be a stupid question, but i run a business in a strip mall and internet is included (because of this I have no access to the router). the router assigns dynamic ip address and when I set a static ip I lose connection.
is there a way to change the address to my node app from "http:/ /[my-server-ip]:3000" to something like "http:/ /[business-name]:3000". (/ / should be // but stack wont let me post with dead links)
the main reason for this is I have multiple tablets and devices that use this system however recently after they made some changes to the routers setting my computer will be assigned two or three ip addresses a day (I notified the landlord he says its normal). and everytime my ip address changes I lose connection to my app.
is there a possible fix that doesnt require me to host on a web server or enable port forwarding?
perhaps I should reword the question. How do I go about setting up local dns zones from mac? (I know this can be achieved with most linux distros)
No you can't.
Your server IP will always change as the router gives you a new IP address, so change the hosts will not work unless every time the ip on the server changes, you change your ip as well on the devices.
You may try to create an account on dns sites like They will give you an "external" internet address like and then you will point your programs on tablets and cell phones to this address.
You will then install a program on your server that will tell noip what the new address is maintaining the same on them.

website/webserver outbound ip address

I am hoping there is a simple answer to this! My webserver has a number of IP addresses. one particular website has one of these IP addresses mapped to it. On said website, I have a java applet which is making outbound http requests.
Now, I am wondering what is the IP address that people will see for my server? Will they see the machine's default IP address or the IP address mapped in IIS for this website?
Java applet? So it's client side? It feels like a red herring.
The IP people will "see" (if they go looking) is whatever you set in the DNS, surely...
Perhaps you should specify which "people" you expect to see seeing your IP. If you mean the people owning the server you are making HTTPS requests to, and this is client side, they will see the IP of the website user. They won't see any of your IPs.
If this is server-side logic (ie something like a Java servlet), they will see whichever IP is the default outbound IP on that server. In some situations on some servers, the server will use the mapped IP, but as soon as you layer things out through connectors, it's anybody's guess which network adapter/IP actually gets used.
The java applet will be run by your visitors. So the IP address to be seen will be the visitor one and not one that your server owns.

Making an external DNS server with Windows Server 2008

I have a server (my laptop :P) that is running a web page with Windows Server 2008 and I would like to know if it is possible to make my own domain name instead of paying for a service? I know Windows Server 2k8 has a DNS service, but how easy is it to get this to work externally? Sounds like it would be tough because don't domain names have to connect with an ISP? Please let me know.
It's really quite easy to "running a domain" (a website, e-mail, etc.) on your computer without paying a hosting service:
Have a computer connected to the internet 24/7 that runs DNS.
Buy a domain-name from a domain-registrar. Let's call it
Configure to have an NS record that points users to the computer from step 1. That way, any subdomain queries like and will get sent to that computer.
Add DNS entries on the computer from step 1 to send users to the right computer. Like redirect all to (if that's your webserver's IP.)
Once you've done that, any DNS requests that query for will get sent to your computer's DNS, and it will reply with
It's gets tricker if you don't have a static IP for the computer from step 1, but there are free services to get around that, such as
Of course, seeing how cheap hosting is nowadays, you might be better off just hosting it. It really saves your a lot of extra hassle, at a small cost to customization.
EDIT: After re-reading the question, I realize you may have meant just setting up a DNS domain within your LAN or some other private network. I think the "external" threw me off...
