Below is a simple Haskell program which computes equalities on trees:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
data Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Tree
eqTree :: Tree -> Tree -> Maybe ()
eqTree Leaf Leaf = return ()
eqTree (Node l1 r1) (Node l2 r2) = eqTree l1 l2 >> eqTree r1 r2
eqTree _ _ = empty
Suppose you have an association list of trees [(Tree, a)], and you'd like to find the entry for a given tree. (One can think of this as a simplified version of the type class instance lookup problem.) Naively, we would have to do O(n*s) work, where n is the number of trees, and s is the size of each tree.
We can do better if we use a trie map to represent our association list:
(>.>) = flip (.)
data TreeMap a
= TreeMap {
tm_leaf :: Maybe a,
tm_node :: TreeMap (TreeMap a)
lookupTreeMap :: Tree -> TreeMap a -> Maybe a
lookupTreeMap Leaf = tm_leaf
lookupTreeMap (Node l r) = tm_node >.> lookupTreeMap l >=> lookupTreeMap r
Our lookup now only takes O(s). This algorithm is a strict generalization of the previous one, since we can test for equality by creating a singleton TreeMap () and then seeing if we get back Just (). But for practical reasons, we'd prefer not to do this, since it involves building up a TreeMap and then immediately tearing it down.
Is there a way to generalize the two pieces of code above into a new function that can operate on both Tree and TreeMap? There seems to be some similarity in how the code is structured, but it is not obvious how to abstract the differences away.
Edit: I remembered a very helpful fact about logarithms and derivatives which I discovered whilst disgustingly hung over on a friend's sofa. Sadly, that friend (the late great Kostas Tourlas) is no longer with us, but I commemorate him by being disgustingly hung over on a different friend's sofa.
Let's remind ourselves about tries. (Lots of my mates were working on these structures in the early noughties: Ralf Hinze, Thorsten Altenkirch and Peter Hancock spring instantly to mind in that regard.) What's really going on is that we're computing the exponential of a type t, remembering that t -> x is a way of writing x ^ t.
That is, we expect to equip a type t with a functor Expo t such that Expo t x represents t -> x. We should further expect Expo t to be applicative (zippily). Edit: Hancock calls such functors "Naperian", because they have logarithms, and they're applicative in the same way as functions, with pure being the K combinator and <*> being S. It is immediate that Expo t () must be isomorphic with (), with const (pure ()) and const () doing the (not much) work.
class Applicative (Expo t) => EXPO t where
type Expo t :: * -> *
appl :: Expo t x -> (t -> x) -- trie lookup
abst :: (t -> x) -> Expo t x -- trie construction
Another way of putting it is that t is the logarithm of Expo t.
(I nearly forgot: fans of calculus should check that t is isomorphic to ∂ (Expo t) (). This isomorphism might actually be rather useful. Edit: it's extremely useful, and we shall add it to EXPO later.)
We'll need some functor kit stuff. The identity functor is zippiy applicative...
data I :: (* -> *) where
I :: x -> I x
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Applicative I where
pure x = I x
I f <*> I s = I (f s)
...and its logarithm is the unit type
instance EXPO () where
type Expo () = I
appl (I x) () = x
abst f = I (f ())
Products of zippy applicatives are zippily applicative...
data (:*:) :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) where
(:*:) :: f x -> g x -> (f :*: g) x
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (Applicative p, Applicative q) => Applicative (p :*: q) where
pure x = pure x :*: pure x
(pf :*: qf) <*> (ps :*: qs) = (pf <*> ps) :*: (qf <*> qs)
...and their logarithms are sums.
instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (Either s t) where
type Expo (Either s t) = Expo s :*: Expo t
appl (sf :*: tf) (Left s) = appl sf s
appl (sf :*: tf) (Right t) = appl tf t
abst f = abst (f . Left) :*: abst (f . Right)
Compositions of zippy applicatives are zippily applicative...
data (:<:) :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) where
C :: f (g x) -> (f :<: g) x
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (Applicative p, Applicative q) => Applicative (p :<: q) where
pure x = C (pure (pure x))
C pqf <*> C pqs = C (pure (<*>) <*> pqf <*> pqs)
and their logarithms are products.
instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (s, t) where
type Expo (s, t) = Expo s :<: Expo t
appl (C stf) (s, t) = appl (appl stf s) t
abst f = C (abst $ \ s -> abst $ \ t -> f (s, t))
If we switch on enough stuff, we may now write
newtype Tree = Tree (Either () (Tree, Tree))
deriving (Show, Eq)
pattern Leaf = Tree (Left ())
pattern Node l r = Tree (Right (l, r))
newtype ExpoTree x = ExpoTree (Expo (Either () (Tree, Tree)) x)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Applicative)
instance EXPO Tree where
type Expo Tree = ExpoTree
appl (ExpoTree f) (Tree t) = appl f t
abst f = ExpoTree (abst (f . Tree))
The TreeMap a type in the question, being
data TreeMap a
= TreeMap {
tm_leaf :: Maybe a,
tm_node :: TreeMap (TreeMap a)
is exactly Expo Tree (Maybe a), with lookupTreeMap being flip appl.
Now, given that Tree and Tree -> x are rather different things, it strikes me as odd to want code to work "on both". The tree equality test is a special case of the lookup only in that the tree equality test is any old function which acts on a tree. There is a coincidence coincidence, however: to test equality, we must turn each tree into own self-recognizer. Edit: that's exactly what the log-diff iso
The structure which gives rise to an equality test is some notion of matching. Like this:
class Matching a b where
type Matched a b :: *
matched :: Matched a b -> (a, b)
match :: a -> b -> Maybe (Matched a b)
That is, we expect Matched a b to represent somehow a pair of an a and a b which match. We should be able to extract the pair (forgetting that they match), and we should be able to take any pair and try to match them.
Unsurprisingly, we can do this for the unit type, quite successfully.
instance Matching () () where
type Matched () () = ()
matched () = ((), ())
match () () = Just ()
For products, we work componentwise, with component mismatch being the only danger.
instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') => Matching (s, t) (s', t') where
type Matched (s, t) (s', t') = (Matched s s', Matched t t')
matched (ss', tt') = ((s, t), (s', t')) where
(s, s') = matched ss'
(t, t') = matched tt'
match (s, t) (s', t') = (,) <$> match s s' <*> match t t'
Sums offer some chance of mismatch.
instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') =>
Matching (Either s t) (Either s' t') where
type Matched (Either s t) (Either s' t')
= Either (Matched s s') (Matched t t')
matched (Left ss') = (Left s, Left s') where (s, s') = matched ss'
matched (Right tt') = (Right t, Right t') where (t, t') = matched tt'
match (Left s) (Left s') = Left <$> match s s'
match (Right t) (Right t') = Right <$> match t t'
match _ _ = Nothing
Amusingly, we can obtain an equality test for trees now as easily as
instance Matching Tree Tree where
type Matched Tree Tree = Tree
matched t = (t, t)
match (Tree t1) (Tree t2) = Tree <$> match t1 t2
(Incidentally, the Functor subclass that captures a notion of matching, being
class HalfZippable f where -- "half zip" comes from Roland Backhouse
halfZip :: (f a, f b) -> Maybe (f (a, b))
is sadly neglected. Morally, for each such f, we should have
Matched (f a) (f b) = f (Matched a b)
A fun exercise is to show that if (Traversable f, HalfZippable f), then the free monad on f has a first-order unification algorithm.)
I suppose we can build "singleton association lists" like this:
mapOne :: forall a. (Tree, a) -> Expo Tree (Maybe a)
mapOne (t, a) = abst f where
f :: Tree -> Maybe a
f u = pure a <* match t u
And we could try combining them with this gadget, exploiting the zippiness of all the Expo ts...
instance Monoid x => Monoid (ExpoTree x) where
mempty = pure mempty
mappend t u = mappend <$> t <*> u
...but, yet again, the utter stupidity of the Monoid instance for Maybe x continues to frustrate clean design.
We can at least manage
instance Alternative m => Alternative (ExpoTree :<: m) where
empty = C (pure empty)
C f <|> C g = C ((<|>) <$> f <*> g)
An amusing exercise is to fuse abst with match, and perhaps that's what the question is really driving at. Let's refactor Matching.
class EXPO b => Matching a b where
type Matched a b :: *
matched :: Matched a b -> (a, b)
match' :: a -> Proxy b -> Expo b (Maybe (Matched a b))
data Proxy x = Poxy -- I'm not on GHC 8 yet, and Simon needs a hand here
For (), what's new is
instance Matching () () where
-- skip old stuff
match' () (Poxy :: Proxy ()) = I (Just ())
For sums, we need to tag successful matches, and fill in the unsuccessful parts with a magnificently Glaswegian pure Nothing.
instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') =>
Matching (Either s t) (Either s' t') where
-- skip old stuff
match' (Left s) (Poxy :: Proxy (Either s' t')) =
((Left <$>) <$> match' s (Poxy :: Proxy s')) :*: pure Nothing
match' (Right t) (Poxy :: Proxy (Either s' t')) =
pure Nothing :*: ((Right <$>) <$> match' t (Poxy :: Proxy t'))
For pairs, we need to build matching in sequence, dropping out early if the
first component fails.
instance (Matching s s', Matching t t') => Matching (s, t) (s', t') where
-- skip old stuff
match' (s, t) (Poxy :: Proxy (s', t'))
= C (more <$> match' s (Poxy :: Proxy s')) where
more Nothing = pure Nothing
more (Just s) = ((,) s <$>) <$> match' t (Poxy :: Proxy t')
So we can see that there is a connection between a constructor and the trie for its matcher.
Homework: fuse abst with match', effectively tabulating the entire process.
Edit: writing match', we parked each sub-matcher in the position of the trie corresponding to the sub-structure. And when you think of things in particular positions, you should think of zippers and differential calculus. Let me remind you.
We'll need functorial constants and coproducts to manage choice of "where the hole is".
data K :: * -> (* -> *) where
K :: a -> K a x
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data (:+:) :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) where
Inl :: f x -> (f :+: g) x
Inr :: g x -> (f :+: g) x
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
And now we may define
class (Functor f, Functor (D f)) => Differentiable f where
type D f :: (* -> *)
plug :: (D f :*: I) x -> f x
-- there should be other methods, but plug will do for now
The usual laws of calculus apply, with composition giving a spatial interpretation to the chain rule.
instance Differentiable (K a) where
type D (K a) = K Void
plug (K bad :*: I x) = K (absurd bad)
instance Differentiable I where
type D I = K ()
plug (K () :*: I x) = I x
instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :+: g) where
type D (f :+: g) = D f :+: D g
plug (Inl f' :*: I x) = Inl (plug (f' :*: I x))
plug (Inr g' :*: I x) = Inr (plug (g' :*: I x))
instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :*: g) where
type D (f :*: g) = (D f :*: g) :+: (f :*: D g)
plug (Inl (f' :*: g) :*: I x) = plug (f' :*: I x) :*: g
plug (Inr (f :*: g') :*: I x) = f :*: plug (g' :*: I x)
instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :<: g) where
type D (f :<: g) = (D f :<: g) :*: D g
plug ((C f'g :*: g') :*: I x) = C (plug (f'g :*: I (plug (g' :*: I x))))
It will not harm us to insist that Expo t is differentiable, so let us extend the EXPO class. What's a "trie with a hole"? It's a trie which is missing the output entry for exactly one of the possible inputs. And that's the key.
class (Differentiable (Expo t), Applicative (Expo t)) => EXPO t where
type Expo t :: * -> *
appl :: Expo t x -> t -> x
abst :: (t -> x) -> Expo t x
hole :: t -> D (Expo t) ()
eloh :: D (Expo t) () -> t
Now, hole and eloh will witness the isomorphism.
instance EXPO () where
type Expo () = I
-- skip old stuff
hole () = K ()
eloh (K ()) = ()
The unit case wasn't very exciting, but the sum case begins to show structure:
instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (Either s t) where
type Expo (Either s t) = Expo s :*: Expo t
hole (Left s) = Inl (hole s :*: pure ())
hole (Right t) = Inr (pure () :*: hole t)
eloh (Inl (f' :*: _)) = Left (eloh f')
eloh (Inr (_ :*: g')) = Right (eloh g')
See? A Left is mapped to a trie with a hole on the left; a Right is mapped to a trie with a hole on the right.
Now for products.
instance (EXPO s, EXPO t) => EXPO (s, t) where
type Expo (s, t) = Expo s :<: Expo t
hole (s, t) = C (const (pure ()) <$> hole s) :*: hole t
eloh (C f' :*: g') = (eloh (const () <$> f'), eloh g')
A trie for a pair is a right trie stuffed inside a left trie, so the hole for a particular pair is found by making a hole for the right element in the particular subtrie for the left element.
For trees, we make another wrapper.
newtype DExpoTree x = DExpoTree (D (Expo (Either () (Tree, Tree))) x)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
So, how do we turn a tree into its trie recognizer? First, we grab its "everyone but me" trie, and we fill in all those outputs with False, then we plug in True for the missing entry.
matchMe :: EXPO t => t -> Expo t Bool
matchMe t = plug ((const False <$> hole t) :*: I True)
Homework hint: D f :*: I is a comonad.
Absent friends!
This is a naïve solution. The class BinaryTree describes how both Trees and TreeMaps are binary trees.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
class BinaryTree t a where
leaf :: MonadPlus m => t a -> m a
node :: MonadPlus m => (forall r. BinaryTree t r => t r -> m r) ->
(forall r. BinaryTree t r => t r -> m r) ->
t a -> m a
The awkward BinaryTree t r constraints and the multi-parameter type class are only necessary because Trees don't hold an a at their leaves to return. If your real Tree is richer this wrinkle will probably disappear.
lookupTreeMap can be written in terms of BinaryTree instead of in terms of Tree or TreeMap
lookupTreeMap' :: BinaryTree t r => Tree -> t r -> Maybe r
lookupTreeMap' Leaf = leaf
lookupTreeMap' (Node l r) = node (lookupTreeMap' l) (lookupTreeMap' r)
TreeMap has a straightforward BinaryTree instance.
instance BinaryTree TreeMap a where
leaf = maybe empty return . tm_leaf
node kl kr = tm_node >.> kl >=> kr
Tree can't have a BinaryTree instance because it has the wrong kind. That's easily fixed with a newtype:
newtype Tree2 a = Tree2 {unTree2 :: Tree}
tree2 :: Tree -> Tree2 ()
tree2 = Tree2
Tree2 can be equiped with a BinaryTree instance.
instance BinaryTree Tree2 () where
leaf (Tree2 Leaf) = return ()
leaf _ = empty
node kl kr (Tree2 (Node l r)) = kl (tree2 l) >> kr (tree2 r)
node _ _ _ = empty
I don't think the above is a particularly elegant solution, or that it will necessarily simplify anything, unless the implementation of lookupTreeMap is non-trivial. As an incremental improvement, I'd recommend refactoring Tree into the base functor
data TreeF a = Leaf | Node a a
data Tree = Tree (TreeF Tree)
We can split the problem into matching the base functor against itself,
-- This looks like a genaralized version of Applicative that can fail
untreeF :: MonadPlus m => TreeF (a -> m b) -> TreeF a -> m (TreeF b)
untreeF Leaf Leaf = return Leaf
untreeF (Node kl kr) (Node l r) = Node <$> kl l <*> kr r
untreeF _ _ = empty
matching the base functor against Trees,
untree :: MonadPlus m => TreeF (Tree -> m ()) -> Tree -> m ()
untree tf (Tree tf2) = untreeF tf tf2 >> return ()
and matching the base functor against TreeMap.
-- A reader for things that read from a TreeMap to avoid impredicative types.
data TMR m = TMR {runtmr :: forall r. TreeMap r -> m r}
-- This work is unavoidable. Something has to say how a TreeMap is related to Trees
untreemap :: MonadPlus m => TreeF (TMR m) -> TMR m
untreemap Leaf = TMR $ maybe empty return . tm_leaf
untreemap (Node kl kr) = TMR $ tm_node >.> runtmr kl >=> runtmr kr
Like in the first example, we define traversing the tree only once.
-- This looks suspiciously like a traversal / transform
lookupTreeMap' :: (TreeF a -> a) -> Tree -> a
lookupTreeMap' un = go
go (Tree Leaf) = un Leaf
go (Tree (Node l r)) = un $ Node (go l) (go r)
-- If the traversal is trivial these can be replaced by
-- go (Tree tf) = un $ go <$> tf
The operations specialized for Tree and TreeMap can be obtained from the single definition of the traversal.
eqTree :: Tree -> Tree -> Maybe ()
eqTree = lookupTreeMap' untree
lookupTreeMap :: MonadPlus m => Tree -> TreeMap a -> m a
lookupTreeMap = runtmr . lookupTreeMap' untreemap
I'm trying to use paramorphisms and apomorhisms (in haskell):
-- Fixed point of a Functor
newtype Fix f = In (f (Fix f))
deriving instance (Eq (f (Fix f))) => Eq (Fix f)
deriving instance (Ord (f (Fix f))) => Ord (Fix f)
deriving instance (Show (f (Fix f))) => Show (Fix f)
out :: Fix f -> f (Fix f)
out (In f) = f
type RAlgebra f a = f (Fix f, a) -> a
para :: (Functor f) => RAlgebra f a -> Fix f -> a
para rAlg = rAlg . fmap fanout . out
where fanout t = (t, para rAlg t)
-- Apomorphism
type RCoalgebra f a = a -> f (Either (Fix f) a)
apo :: Functor f => RCoalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
apo rCoalg = In . fmap fanin . rCoalg
where fanin = either id (apo rCoalg)
to define the following recursive function:
fun concat3 (v,E,r) = add(r,v)
| concat3 (v,l,E) = add(l,v)
| concat3 (v, l as T(v1,n1,l1,r1), r as T(v2,n2,l2,r2)) =
if weight*n1 < n2 then T’(v2,concat3(v,l,l2),r2)
else if weight*n2 < n1 then T’(v1,l1,concat3(v,r1,r))
else N(v,l,r)
It takes two binary trees and an element that is greater than the values in the left tree and less than the values in the right tree and combines them into one binary tree :: value -> tree1 -> tree2 -> tree3
I have defined the add function (which inserts an element into a binary tree) as a paramorphism like so:
add :: Ord a => a -> RAlgebra (ATreeF a) (ATreeF' a)
add elem EmptyATreeF = In (NodeATreeF elem 1 (In EmptyATreeF) (In EmptyATreeF))
add elem (NodeATreeF cur _ (prevLeft, left) (prevRight, right))
| elem < cur = bATreeConstruct cur left prevRight
| elem > cur = bATreeConstruct cur prevLeft right
| otherwise = nATreeConstruct cur prevLeft prevRight
When I try to write concat3 as an apomorphism:
concat3 :: Ord a => a -> RCoalgebra (ATreeF a) (ATreeF' a, ATreeF' a)
concat3 elem (In EmptyATreeF, In (NodeATreeF cur2 size2 left2 right2)) =
out para (insertATreeFSetPAlg elem) (In (NodeATreeF cur2 size2 (Left left2) (Left right2)))
Because the next level of the apomorphism has not been evaluated yet, I get a type error from the compiler.
Couldn't match type: Fix (ATreeF a)
with: Either (Fix (ATreeF a)) (ATreeF' a, ATreeF' a)
Expected: ATreeF a (Either (Fix (ATreeF a)) (ATreeF' a, ATreeF' a))
Actual: ATreeF a (Fix (ATreeF a))
Is there another approach I can take?
Some missing context to explain the solution is that this is from an implementation of weight-balanced trees, specifically Adams's variant (which happens to be the data structure behind Data.Set and Data.Map.)
A problem when writing concat3 as a coalgebra is that it is not corecursive, strictly speaking, because the recursive calls of concat3 are under a smart constructor T', i.e., a function (which does some non-trivial rebalancing).
A solution is to introduce an intermediate representation which delays the evaluation of that smart constructor.
-- | Tree with delayed rebalancing operations T', or Id when no rebalancing is needed
data TreeF1 a x = E1 | T' a x x | Id (Tree a)
deriving Functor
So we can write a coalgebra of TreeF1:
concatAlg :: Ord a => a -> RCoalgebra (TreeF1 a) (Tree a, Tree a)
concatAlg v (In E, r) = Id (add r v)
concatAlg v (l, In E) = Id (add l v)
concatAlg v (l#(In (T v1 n1 l1 r1)), r#(In (T v2 n2 l2 r2))) =
if balance * n1 < n2 then T' v2 (Right (l, l2)) (Left (In (Id r2)))
else if balance * n2 < n1 then T' v1 (Left (In (Id l1))) (Right (r1, r))
else Id (_N v1 l r)
{- Reference implementation for comparison:
fun concat3 (v,E,r) = add(r,v)
| concat3 (v,l,E) = add(l,v)
| concat3 (v, l as T(v1,n1,l1,r1), r as T(v2,n2,l2,r2)) =
if weight*n1 < n2 then T’(v2,concat3(v,l,l2),r2)
else if weight*n2 < n1 then T’(v1,l1,concat3(v,r1,r))
else N(v,l,r)
And we can convert a Fix (TreeF1 a) to Fix (Tree a) via a catamorphism, finally executing those delayed applications of rebalancing T'.
_T :: a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
_T = error "todo: rebalance"
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
-- do the rebalancing on T' v l r nodes
rebalanceAlg :: Algebra (TreeF1 a) (Tree a)
rebalanceAlg E1 = In E
rebalanceAlg (T' v l r) = _T v l r
rebalanceAlg (Id t) = t
So concat3 is a composition of cata and apo using the above algebras:
concat3 :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
concat3 v l r = (cata rebalanceAlg . apo (concatAlg v)) (l, r)
You can fuse cata and apo so that, after some elementary compiler optimizations, the intermediate tree does not get allocated:
-- fusion of (cata _ . apo _)
cataApo :: Functor f => Algebra f b -> RCoalgebra f a -> a -> b
cataApo alg coalg = go
go x = alg (either (cata alg) go <$> coalg x)
concat3' :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
concat3' v l r = cataApo rebalanceAlg (concatAlg v) (l, r)
Full gist:
I've got the following code. As you can see the last function is undefined.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveFunctor, DeriveTraversable #-}
module Example where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Functor.Foldable
data PathComponent d a = Directions d | Alt [a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
makePrisms ''PathComponent
newtype Path d a = Path [PathComponent d a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
directions :: Traversal (Path a p) (Path b p) a b
directions a2fb (Path l) = Path <$> traverse f l where
f (Directions d) = Directions <$> a2fb d
f (Alt p) = (pure . Alt) p
directions' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions' = undefined
What I ultimately want to do is map every a to a b recursively in the structure. I was hoping I could do this by lifting directions but I seem to be held back by a) the fact the function declares p in the s and t positions and also b) the fact that _Wrapping is an Iso' not a Iso. Is there an elegant way to fix this?
In directions we need to traverse the p with a2fb too. Since p is a parameter, we can take its traversal as a parameter. In addition, the f you've defined is really a traversal of PathComponent, that we can pull out as well.
First, the traversal of PathComponent a p, which is parameterized by a traversal of p (and generalized so the source and target types can vary):
data PathComponent d a = Directions d | Alt [a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
{- Morally
traversePC ::
Traversal pa pb a b ->
Traversal (PathComponent a pa) (PathComponent b pb) a b
But the following type is both simpler (rank 1) and more general.
traversePC ::
Applicative m =>
LensLike m pa pb a b ->
LensLike m (PathComponent a pa) (PathComponent b pb) a b
traversePC _tp f (Directions d) = Directions <$> f d
traversePC tp f (Alt pas) = Alt <$> (traverse . tp) f pas
In the Directions case, we transform the a to a b directly.
In the Alt case, we have a list of pa, so we compose a traversal of that list (traverse) with the parameter traversal (tp).
The traversal of Path passes tp to traversePC.
newtype Path d a = Path [PathComponent d a] deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
{- Same idea about the types.
directions :: Traversal pa pb a b -> Traversal (Path a pa) (Path b pb) a b
directions ::
Applicative m =>
LensLike m pa pb a b ->
LensLike m (Path a pa) (Path b pb) a b
directions tp f (Path l) = Path <$> (traverse . traversePC tp) f l
And finally, to traverse Fix (Path a), this unpacks to h :: Path a (Fix (Path a)), and we pass down the toplevel traversal for Fix (Path a) recursively.
directions' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions' f (Fix h) = Fix <$> directions directions' f h
In fact, there is a general pattern here for any Fix. If you have a functor f (here Path a), and there is a traversal of f x parameterized by a traversal of x, then you can tie a knot to get a traversal traverseFix' of Fix f, applying the parameterized traversal to traverseFix' itself.
traverseFix ::
(forall x y. Traversal x y a b -> Traversal (f x) (g y) a b) ->
Traversal (Fix f) (Fix g) a b
traverseFix ::
Functor m =>
(forall x y. LensLike m x y a b -> LensLike m (f x) (g y) a b) ->
LensLike m (Fix f) (Fix g) a b
traverseFix traverseF = traverseFix' where
traverseFix' f (Fix h) = Fix <$> traverseF traverseFix' f h
So we can redefine directions' as follows:
directions'' :: Traversal (Fix (Path a)) (Fix (Path b)) a b
directions'' = traverseFix directions
Full gist
Recently there was a question about the relation between DList <-> [] versus Codensity <-> Free.
This made me think whether there is such a thing for MonadPlus. The Codensity monad improves the asymptotic performance only for the monadic operations, not for mplus.
Moreover, while there used to be Control.MonadPlus.Free, it has been removed in favor of FreeT f []. And since there is no explicit free MonadPlus, I'm not sure how one would express a corresponding improve variant. Perhaps something like
improvePlus :: Functor f => (forall m. (MonadFree f m, MonadPlus m) => m a) -> FreeT f [] a
Update: I attempted to create such a monad using the backtracking LogicT monad, which seems to be defined in a way similar to Codensity:
newtype LogicT r m a = LogicT { unLogicT :: forall r. (a -> m r -> m r) -> m r -> m r }
and is suited for backtracking computations, that is, MonadPlus.
Then I defined lowerLogic, similar to lowerCodensity as followd:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses,
UndecidableInstances, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Logic
lowerLogic :: (MonadPlus m) => LogicT m a -> m a
lowerLogic k = runLogicT k (\x k -> mplus (return x) k) mzero
Then, after supplementing the corresponding MonadFree instance
instance (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => MonadFree f (LogicT m) where
wrap t = LogicT (\h z -> wrap (fmap (\p -> runLogicT p h z) t))
one can define
improvePlus :: (Functor f, MonadPlus mr)
=> (forall m. (MonadFree f m, MonadPlus m) => m a)
-> FreeT f mr a
improvePlus k = lowerLogic k
However, something isn't right with it, as it seems from my initial experiments that for some examples k is distinct from improvePlus k. I'm not sure, if this is a fundamental limitation of LogicT and a different, more complex monad is needed, or just if I defined lowerLogic (or something else) wrongly.
The following is all based on my (mis)understanding of this very
interesting paper posted by Matthew Pickering in his
comment: From monoids to near-semirings: the essence of MonadPlus and
Alternative (E. Rivas, M. Jaskelioff, T. Schrijvers). All results are theirs; all mistakes are mine.
From free monoids to DList
To build up the intuition, first consider the free monoid [] over
the category of Haskell types Hask. One problem with [] is that if
you have
(xs `mappend` ys) `mappend` zs = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
then evaluating that requires traversing and re-traversing xs for
each left-nested application of mappend.
The solution is to use CPS in the form of difference
newtype DList a = DL { unDL :: [a] -> [a] }
The paper considers the generic form of this (called the Cayley
representation) where we're not tied to the free monoid:
newtype Cayley m = Cayley{ unCayley :: Endo m }
with conversions
toCayley :: (Monoid m) => m -> Cayley m
toCayley m = Cayley $ Endo $ \m' -> m `mappend` m'
fromCayley :: (Monoid m) => Cayley m -> m
fromCayley (Cayley k) = appEndo k mempty
Two directions of generalization
We can generalize the above construction in two ways: first, by
considering monoids not over Hask, but over endofunctors of Hask;
monads; and second, by enriching the algebraic structure into
Free monads to Codensity
For any Haskell (endo)functor f, we can construct the free
monad Free f, and
it will have the analogous performance problem with left-nested binds,
with the analogous solution of using the Cayley representation
Near-semirings instead of just monoids
This is where the paper stops reviewing concepts that are well-known
by the working Haskell programmer, and starts homing in on its goal. A
near-semiring is like a ring, except simpler, since both addition and
multiplication are just required to be monoids. The connection between
the two operations is what you expect:
zero |*| a = zero
(a |+| b) |*| c = (a |*| c) |+| (b |*| c)
where (zero, |+|) and (one, |*|) are the two monoids over some
shared base:
class NearSemiring a where
zero :: a
(|+|) :: a -> a -> a
one :: a
(|*|) :: a -> a -> a
The free near-semiring (over Hask) turns out to be the following
Forest type:
newtype Forest a = Forest [Tree a]
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Forest a)
instance NearSemiring (Forest a) where
zero = Forest []
one = Forest [Leaf]
(Forest xs) |+| (Forest ys) = Forest (xs ++ ys)
(Forest xs) |*| (Forest ys) = Forest (concatMap g xs)
g Leaf = ys
g (Node a n) = [Node a (n |*| (Forest ys))]
(good thing we don't have commutativity or inverses,
those make free representations far from
Then, the paper applies the Cayley representation twice, to the two
monoidal structures.
However, if we do this naively, we do
not get a good representation: we want to represent a near-semiring,
and therefore the whole near-semiring structure must be taken into
account and not just one chosen monoid structure. [...] [W]e obtain
the semiring of endomorphisms over endomorphisms DC(N):
newtype DC n = DC{ unDC :: Endo (Endo n) }
instance (Monoid n) => NearSemiring (DC n) where
f |*| g = DC $ unDC f `mappend` unDC g
one = DC mempty
f |+| g = DC $ Endo $ \h -> appEndo (unDC f) h `mappend` h
zero = DC $ Endo $ const mempty
(I've changed the implementation here slightly from the paper to
emphasize that we are using the Endo structure twice). When we'll
generalize this, the two layers will not be the same. The paper then
goes on to say:
Note that rep is not a near-semiring homomorphism from N into DC(N)
as it does not preserve the unit [...] Nevertheless, [...] the
semantics of a computation over a near-semiring will be preserved if
we lift values to the representation, do the near-semiring computation
there, and then go back to the original near-semiring.
MonadPlus is almost a near-semiring
The paper then goes on to reformulate the MonadPlus typeclass so
that it corresponds to the near-semiring rules: (mzero, mplus) is monoidal:
m `mplus` mzero = m
mzero `mplus` m = m
m1 `mplus` (m2 `mplus` m3) = (m1 `mplus` m2) `mplus` m3
and it interacts with the monad-monoid as expected:
join mzero = mzero
join (m1 `mplus` m2) = join m1 `mplus` join m2
Or, using binds:
mzero >>= _ = mzero
(m1 `mplus` m2) >>= k = (m1 >>= k) `mplus` (m2 >>= k)
However, these are not the rules of the existing MonadPlus
typeclass from
which are listed as:
mzero >>= _ = mzero
_ >> mzero = mzero
The paper calls MonadPlus instances that satisfy the
near-semiring-like laws "nondeterminism monads", and
cites Maybe as an example that is a MonadPlus but not a
nondeterminism monad, since setting m1 = Just Nothing and m2 = Just
(Just False) is a counter-example to join (m1 `mplus` m2) = join m1
`mplus` join m2.
Free and Cayley representation of nondeterminism monads
Putting everything together, on one hand we have the Forest-like
free nondeterminism monad:
newtype FreeP f x = FreeP { unFreeP :: [FFreeP f x] }
data FFreeP f x = PureP x | ConP (f (FreeP f x))
instance (Functor f) => Functor (FreeP f) where
fmap f x = x >>= return . f
instance (Functor f) => Monad (FreeP f) where
return x = FreeP $ return $ PureP x
(FreeP xs) >>= f = FreeP (xs >>= g)
g (PureP x) = unFreeP (f x)
g (ConP x) = return $ ConP (fmap (>>= f) x)
instance (Functor f) => MonadPlus (FreeP f) where
mzero = FreeP mzero
FreeP xs `mplus` FreeP ys = FreeP (xs `mplus` ys)
and on the other, the double-Cayley representation of the two monoidal
newtype (:^=>) f g x = Ran{ unRan :: forall y. (x -> f y) -> g y }
newtype (:*=>) f g x = Exp{ unExp :: forall y. (x -> y) -> (f y -> g y) }
instance Functor (g :^=> h) where
fmap f m = Ran $ \k -> unRan m (k . f)
instance Functor (f :*=> g) where
fmap f m = Exp $ \k -> unExp m (k . f)
newtype DCM f x = DCM {unDCM :: ((f :*=> f) :^=> (f :*=> f)) x}
instance Monad (DCM f) where
return x = DCM $ Ran ($x)
DCM (Ran m) >>= f = DCM $ Ran $ \g -> m $ \a -> unRan (unDCM (f a)) g
instance MonadPlus (DCM f) where
mzero = DCM $ Ran $ \k -> Exp (const id)
mplus m n = DCM $ Ran $ \sk -> Exp $ \f fk -> unExp (a sk) f (unExp (b sk) f fk)
DCM (Ran a) = m
DCM (Ran b) = n
caylize :: (Monad m) => m a -> DCM m a
caylize x = DCM $ Ran $ \g -> Exp $ \h m -> x >>= \a -> unExp (g a) h m
-- I wish I called it DMC earlier...
runDCM :: (MonadPlus m) => DCM m a -> m a
runDCM m = unExp (f $ \x -> Exp $ \h m -> return (h x) `mplus` m) id mzero
DCM (Ran f) = m
The paper gives the following example of a computation running in a
nondeterminism monad that will behave poorly for FreeP:
anyOf :: (MonadPlus m) => [a] -> m a
anyOf [] = mzero
anyOf (x:xs) = anyOf xs `mplus` return x
Indeed, while
length $ unFreeP (anyOf [1..100000] :: FreeP Identity Int)
takes ages, the Cayley-transformed version
length $ unFreeP (runDCM $ anyOf [1..100000] :: FreeP Identity Int)
returns instantly.
I have a recursive datatype which has a Functor instance:
data Expr1 a
= Val1 a
| Add1 (Expr1 a) (Expr1 a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
Now, I'm interested in modifying this datatype to support general recursion schemes, as they are described in this tutorial and this Hackage package. I managed to get the catamorphism to work:
newtype Fix f = Fix {unFix :: f (Fix f)}
data ExprF a r
= Val a
| Add r r
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
type Expr2 a = Fix (ExprF a)
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . unFix
eval :: Expr2 Int -> Int
eval = cata $ \case
Val n -> n
Add x y -> x + y
main :: IO ()
main =
print $ eval
(Fix (Add (Fix (Val 1)) (Fix (Val 2))))
But now I can't figure out how to give Expr2 the same functor instance that the original Expr had. It seems there is a kind mismatch when trying to define the functor instance:
instance Functor (Fix (ExprF a)) where
fmap = undefined
Kind mis-match
The first argument of `Functor' should have kind `* -> *',
but `Fix (ExprF a)' has kind `*'
In the instance declaration for `Functor (Fix (ExprF a))'
How do I write a Functor instance for Expr2?
I thought about wrapping Expr2 in a newtype with newtype Expr2 a = Expr2 (Fix (ExprF a)) but then this newtype needs to be unwrapped to be passed to cata, which I don't like very much. I also don't know if it would be possible to automatically derive the Expr2 functor instance like I did with Expr1.
This is an old sore for me. The crucial point is that your ExprF is functorial in both its parameters. So if we had
class Bifunctor b where
bimap :: (x1 -> y1) -> (x2 -> y2) -> b x1 x2 -> b y1 y2
then you could define (or imagine a machine defining for you)
instance Bifunctor ExprF where
bimap k1 k2 (Val a) = Val (k1 a)
bimap k1 k2 (Add x y) = Add (k2 x) (k2 y)
and now you can have
newtype Fix2 b a = MkFix2 (b a (Fix2 b a))
accompanied by
map1cata2 :: Bifunctor b => (a -> a') -> (b a' t -> t) -> Fix2 b a -> t
map1cata2 e f (MkFix2 bar) = f (bimap e (map1cata2 e f) bar)
which in turn gives you that when you take a fixpoint in one of the parameters, what's left is still functorial in the other
instance Bifunctor b => Functor (Fix2 b) where
fmap k = map1cata2 k MkFix2
and you sort of get what you wanted. But your Bifunctor instance isn't going to be built by magic. And it's a bit annoying that you need a different fixpoint operator and a whole new kind of functor. The trouble is that you now have two sorts of substructure: "values" and "subexpressions".
And here's the turn. There is a notion of functor which is closed under fixpoints. Turn on the kitchen sink (especially DataKinds) and
type s :-> t = forall x. s x -> t x
class FunctorIx (f :: (i -> *) -> (o -> *)) where
mapIx :: (s :-> t) -> f s :-> f t
Note that "elements" come in a kind indexed over i and "structures" in a kind indexed over some other o. We take i-preserving functions on elements to o preserving functions on structures. Crucially, i and o can be different.
The magic words are "1, 2, 4, 8, time to exponentiate!". A type of kind * can easily be turned into a trivially indexed GADT of kind () -> *. And two types can be rolled together to make a GADT of kind Either () () -> *. That means we can roll both sorts of substructure together. In general, we have a kind of type level either.
data Case :: (a -> *) -> (b -> *) -> Either a b -> * where
CL :: f a -> Case f g (Left a)
CR :: g b -> Case f g (Right b)
equipped with its notion of "map"
mapCase :: (f :-> f') -> (g :-> g') -> Case f g :-> Case f' g'
mapCase ff gg (CL fx) = CL (ff fx)
mapCase ff gg (CR gx) = CR (gg gx)
So we can refunctor our bifactors as Either-indexed FunctorIx instances.
And now we can take the fixpoint of any node structure f which has places for either elements p or subnodes. It's just the same deal we had above.
newtype FixIx (f :: (Either i o -> *) -> (o -> *))
(p :: i -> *)
(b :: o)
= MkFixIx (f (Case p (FixIx f p)) b)
mapCata :: forall f p q t. FunctorIx f =>
(p :-> q) -> (f (Case q t) :-> t) -> FixIx f p :-> t
mapCata e f (MkFixIx node) = f (mapIx (mapCase e (mapCata e f)) node)
But now, we get the fact that FunctorIx is closed under FixIx.
instance FunctorIx f => FunctorIx (FixIx f) where
mapIx f = mapCata f MkFixIx
Functors on indexed sets (with the extra freedom to vary the index) can be very precise and very powerful. They enjoy many more convenient closure properties than Functors do. I don't suppose they'll catch on.
I wonder if you might be better off using the Free type:
data Free f a
= Pure a
| Wrap (f (Free f a))
deriving Functor
data ExprF r
= Add r r
deriving Functor
This has the added benefit that there are quite a few libraries that work on free monads already, so maybe they'll save you some work.
Nothing wrong with pigworker's answer, but maybe you can use a simpler one as a stepping-stone:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding (map)
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
-- This is the catamorphism function you hopefully know and love
-- already. Generalizes 'foldr'.
cata :: Functor f => (f r -> r) -> Fix f -> r
cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . unFix
-- The 'Bifunctor' class. You can find this in Hackage, so if you
-- want to use this just use it from there.
-- Minimal definition: either 'bimap' or both 'first' and 'second'.
class Bifunctor f where
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> f a b -> f c d
bimap f g = first f . second g
first :: (a -> c) -> f a b -> f c b
first f = bimap f id
second :: (b -> d) -> f a b -> f a d
second g = bimap id g
-- The generic map function. I wrote this out with
-- ScopedTypeVariables to make it easier to read...
map :: forall f a b. (Functor (f a), Bifunctor f) =>
(a -> b) -> Fix (f a) -> Fix (f b)
map f = cata phi
where phi :: f a (Fix (f b)) -> Fix (f b)
phi = Fix . first f
Now your expression language works like this:
-- This is the base (bi)functor for your expression type.
data ExprF a r = Val a
| Add r r
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
instance Bifunctor ExprF where
bimap f g (Val a) = Val (f a)
bimap f g (Add l r) = Add (g l) (g r)
newtype Expr a = Expr (Fix (ExprF a))
instance Functor Expr where
fmap f (Expr exprF) = Expr (map f exprF)
EDIT: Here's a link to the bifunctors package in Hackage.
The keyword type is used only as a synonymous of an existing type, maybe this is what you are looking for
newtype Expr2 a r = In { out :: (ExprF a r)} deriving Functor
Sorry for the terrible title. I'm trying to make an instance of Applicative for a Monad wrapping a type that is a Monoid.
instance (Monad m, Monoid o) => Applicative (m o) where
pure x = return mempty
xm <*> ym = do
x <- xm
y <- ym
return $ x `mappend` y
This doesn't work; GCHi complains with:
Kind mis-match
The first argument of `Applicative' should have kind `* -> *',
but `m o' has kind `*'
In the instance declaration for `Applicative (m o)'
I realise that what I've written above may make no sense. Here is the context: I am trying to use the compos abstraction as described in the paper A pattern for almost compositional functions. Taking this tree (using the GADT version of compos; I've simplified it a lot):
data Tree :: * -> * where
Var :: String -> Expr
Abs :: [String] -> Expr -> Expr
App :: Expr -> [Expr] -> Expr
class Compos t where
compos :: Applicative f => (forall a. t a -> f (t a)) -> t c -> f (t c)
instance Compos Tree where
compos f t =
case t of
Abs ps e -> pure Abs <*> pure ps <*> f e
App e es -> pure App <*> f e <*> traverse f es
_ -> pure t
I'm going to write a lot of functions which descend the tree and return a list of say errors or a set of strings whilst also requiring state as it goes down (such as the binding environment), such as:
composFoldM :: (Compos t, Monad m, Monoid o) => (forall a. t a -> m o) -> t c -> m o
composFoldM f = ???
checkNames :: (Tree a) -> State (Set Name) [Error]
checkNames e =
case e of
Var n -> do
env <- get
-- check that n is in the current environment
return $ if Set.member n env then [] else [NameError n]
Abs ps e' -> do
env <- get
-- add the abstractions to the current environment
put $ insertManySet ps env
checkNames e'
_ -> composFoldM checkNames e
data Error = NameError Name
insertManySet xs s = Set.union s (Set.fromList xs)
I think these should all be able to be abstracted away by making composFoldM use compos for the (Monad m, Monoid o) => m o structure. So to use it with the GADT Applicative version of compos found on page 575/576 of the paper. I think I need to make an Applicative instance of this structure. How would I do this? Or am I going down completely the wrong path?
You want the Constant applicative from Data.Functor.Constant in the transformers package, which you can find here.
This Applicative has the following instance:
instance (Monoid a) => Applicative (Constant a) where
pure _ = Constant mempty
Constant x <*> Constant y = Constant (x `mappend` y)
You can then compose Constant with any other applicative using Compose from Data.Functor.Compose (also in the transformers package), which you can find here.
Compose has this Applicative instance:
instance (Applicative f, Applicative g) => Applicative (Compose f g) where
pure x = Compose (pure (pure x))
Compose f <*> Compose x = Compose ((<*>) <$> f <*> x)
You can then Compose your Constant applicative with any other Applicative (like State) to keep both some state and a running Monoid tally.
More generally, you should read the paper The Essence of the Iterator Pattern, which discusses these patterns in more detail.