Switch between panes in VIM for codepen.io? - vim

When using vim mode in codepen.io, how do you switch between panes as ctrl+w+w doesn't work as it closes the window tab. What other codepen.io specific key bindings are there?

It'd probably be better to ask the project maintainers, but it does not seem like it's possible. There's a whole page on their blog post that hints as to why. It also has a link to the project providing that functionality.


How to expand an UltiSnips snippet using <c-y> in the YouCompleteMe pop-up menu?

This problem really hit a nerve with me. I have both YouCompleteMe and UltiSnips installed on my vim 8.0 editor. It seems that both of these plugins use the tab key for doing the auto-completion and that has created an incompatibility that has been also addressed by this question. My question is more specific, though. When I write a piece of code like <html, there is a pop-up menu that shows me all related snippets for that code.
I use the tab key to navigate through that menu but when I hit ctrl+y to accept and therefore expand one of these snippets, nothing happens! I think this structure suggests that it's possible to somehow choose one of those snippets from the menu without trying to define a shortcut for UltiSnip. What am I doing wrong? How should I navigate and choose those snippets?
I also would not want to stuff my vim with any new plugins (like supertab, etc.).
The solution was actually a lot simpler than I expected. In the beginning, I felt stupid for not knowing it but when I find a similar question like this one, I thought that probably many were fallen into the same trap.
I don't know whether to name it a bug or not but it's how Ultisnips and YouCompleteMe work together. In order to expand a snippet, you have to write the initializer exactly as it's defined. Of course, this seems obvious, but when you see a pop-up menu of different snippets, you might think they can be chosen but it only works if you already wrote the snippet initializer exactly as it's defined.
So when a snippet is called "html5"---as it's shown in my question---writing an extra opening bracket (<) will cause it to stop working. It cannot be expanded.
Also, don't forget to check out Siegfried Gevatter configuration. It's not possible to use tab key both for navigating into the pop-up menu and expanding the snippets.
P.S. It was nice if navigating through the pop-up menu could change the whole word (including the angle bracket), not just what succeeds it. This feature works this way in most of the other editors I see and that's probably why I wasn't able to spot the problem in the beginning.

Vim popup menu, like the omni autocomplete popup

I'm making a Vim Script. I want to make a popup that offers alternatives. It should work the same as the Omni-popup, but not replace the string or go through the omni functions. Like this:
I've haxxed in the functionality I need by using the completefunc and the auto command event CompleteDone, just to get the popup. But it's really ugly and messy, since I'm not using it for auto completion.
Is there a way to use this popup but with full control, not going through the omni-complete functionality? Like populating it with values and receive the value selected?
I know you can just place the alternatives in an other buffer and just grab the input from there. But it disturbs the work flow, I want a popup.
The insert mode popup menu is only meant for completions, as you've correctly found out. There is not other precedence for popup menus as a general selector in Vim, so such functionality is not there and is difficult to emulate. (In GVIM, one can populate a right mouse button popup menu, but this would need to be triggered by a mouse key press.)
The "Vim way" would be to :echo the list of menu items and query (via getchar() or input()), or just use confirm() or inputlist(). Examples built into Vim are the query in :tselect.
Plugins often use a split scratch buffer to build a more elaborate menu; this can even be combined with 'completefunc', as any text entry into the scratch buffer is discarded, anyway.
The FuzzyFinder - buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer plugin uses this, and even provides an API for custom uses, cp. :help fuf-callbackitem-mode. That's certainly worth a look, though the menu would still be located at the top, not inside the current buffer.
Do either of these do what you want?
:help inputdialog()
:help inputlist()

Change buffers in FakeVim

Does anyone know some shortcuts for FakeVim to change between files?
Is it possible to use buffers in Fake Vim? I accidentally found out that Ctrl+w,w gets you the next window. Does anyone know other? For example getting to the left, right, top, bottom windows?(vim's Ctrl+w,l and others)? Is there any documentation on FakeVim? Is it possible to configure FakeVim's vimrc file to create shortcuts for changing between buffers and the Projects view?
Recently I've been doing most of the changes on FakeVim plugin.
You can find list of Vim commands supported by FakeVim at https://github.com/hluk/FakeVim (recent version from Git master branch).
I'm still not sure how to document the features in Qt Creator. I'll probably implement something like :help <command> in near future.
The FakeVim documentation is severely lacking. This paragraph, for example, is so fuzzy it's borderline irresponsible:
In the FakeVim mode, most keystrokes in the main editor will be intercepted and interpreted in a way that resembles Vim. Documentation for Vim is not included in Qt Creator. For more information on using Vim, see Documentation on the Vim web site.
Basically, without a proper documentation or a look at the editor's source code it's impossible to know what should work, what shouldn't and in which way the behavior of what works deviates from Vim's behavior. And that's what passes for a modern IDE, these days.
I think that your best bet is simply trial and error: since you appear to know how to use Vim you'll have a lot of commands and shortcuts to try.

Sublime Text 2 split active screen like dreamweaver

At work, I have to jump into old mysql_query procedural website build higgledy-piggledy (some var are camelCased AND underscored, no indent code, page are build in table ...)
Anyway, usually I m using ST2, but here I can't. So to search my line code, I use dreamweaver to click on the screen preview and the cursor drop on the code line I want.
I do not like and I don't know dreamweaver. But as code is UNREADABLE, that is the only way I have to work.(My boss doesn't want rebuild theses sites).
Here is my question, does anybody know for ST2 a way (or a plugin) to split screen and click on screen preview to go right to the code line just like dreamweaver preview does ?
Answer is simple, you will never find something like that.
Try here - http://webdesign.about.com/od/windowshtmleditors/tp/windows-wysiwyg-editors.htm
WYSWIG html editors.
Try Sublime CodeIntel, as well says this page:
...This plugin brings a little of IDE functionality into ST2. This plugin reads all your code and is able to code-complete, jump into
definitions and function call tooltips. Although sometimes looks a
little buggy, it’s still worth having it around. It’s a huge time
saver, especially when you are dealing with other’s people code.
If is suitable for that project you can remove the package later.

Vim: How to set up an efficient autocomplete configuration?

I've been using Vim for a while now and love it, but one thing I've noticed when I use other editors is that I've never really got autocomplete working with much efficiency. I have supertab & snipmate working, I have tags for whatever language I'm using set up, but somehow it seems a little too cumbersome to use all that much, and apart from long method names I typically just avoid autocomplete.
Does anyone have fast, comprehensive autocomplete funcitonality set up in vim? Specifically:
At the moment, I hit "tab" to autocomplete class/method/variable names & generate snippets, but Ctrl+X+O for inbuilt langauge commands. I'd rather press tab for everything.
The ordering doesn't seem to be too intelligent. Very common stuff is often hidden in the middle of a bunch of rarely-used commands.
I've set up autocomplpop to show potential autocompletes as I'm typing, but I have to hit tab twice to accept the first entry. One much rather single-tab it.
So, any tips on setting up an efficient, comprehensive autocomplete configuration in vim? I know this question is a little vague - but if anyone has an overview of how they autocomplete well, and/or a link to a guide, it would be much appreciated.
Just thought I'd come back and mention that I finally found something I like: A customised version of NeoComplCache. Nice auto popup, everything integrated pleasantly into 'tab', and with a bit of customisation plays nice with snippets.
This is very dependant on your working domain. Vim is a text editor with the ability to interface with intelligent text-aware mechanisms.
If you are using java there is eclim, which is the eclipse backend together with a vim plugin for the frontend.
For C or C++ there is the plugin OmniCppComplete
It works by scanning the headers in the paths you have set up in vim (see :h path), and works very well imo.
If you have to press Ctrl-X_Ctrl-O for omnicompleteion, then your supertab config seems a bit broken. It should try omni or filename completion first, and then fall back to word completion.
YouCompleteMe plugin by Valloric is a very decent plugins for autocomplete and suggestion.
It contains support for all the major languages and you can extend the feature with setting up different engine .
it also comes with syntax checker so u don't have to use Syntastic separately
For setup details visit this link
